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Interferences from blood collection tube components on clinical chemistry

Raffick A.R. Bowen*1, Alan T. Remaley2
1Department of Pathology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA
2Department of Laboratory Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA

*Corresponding author:

Improper design or use of blood collection devices can adversely affect the accuracy of laboratory test results. Vascular access devices, such as cathe-
ters and needles, exert shear forces during blood flow, which creates a predisposition to cell lysis. Components from blood collection tubes, such as
stoppers, lubricants, surfactants, and separator gels, can leach into specimens and/or adsorb analytes from a specimen; special tube additives may
also alter analyte stability. Because of these interactions with blood specimens, blood collection devices are a potential source of pre-analytical error
in laboratory testing. Accurate laboratory testing requires an understanding of the complex interactions between collection devices and blood spe-
cimens. Manufacturers, vendors, and clinical laboratorians must consider the pre-analytical challenges in laboratory testing. Although other authors
have described the effects of endogenous substances on clinical assay results, the effects/impact of blood collection tube additives and components
have not been well systematically described or explained. This review aims to identify and describe blood collection tube additives and their compo-
nents and the strategies used to minimize their effects on clinical chemistry assays.
Key words: blood collection devices; blood collection sample tube; clinical assays; clinical chemistry; interference; pre-analytical; surfactant

Received: October 22, 2013 Accepted: January 03, 2014

Proper blood collection and timely processing are modified the needle tip for a more secure attach-
critical pre-analytical steps required for the integ- ment to the syringe and ensuring a more reliable
rity of laboratory results. Although the influence of and safer drug delivery (1). Glass syringes were ex-
blood collection devices on laboratory tests is of- pensive to manufacture and were susceptible to
ten overlooked, correct pre-analytical handling is breakage (2); nevertheless, what ultimately
essential. However, many laboratorians do not prompted their replacement with sterile disposa-
carefully evaluate the suitability of new devices or ble syringes (1) were the multiple hepatitis out-
monitor ongoing performance. In this review, we breaks that resulted from their use (1). Modern
discuss how blood collection materials and devic- chemical sterilization techniques and radiation al-
es can alter chemistry test results, with an empha- lowed the replacement of glass syringes by plastic
sis on blood collection tube (BCT) additives. syringes.
Since the 1940s, evacuated BCTs have been the
Blood collection device history most commonly used blood collection devices,
Reusable glass syringes with steel hypodermic since they automatically draw a predetermined
needles and a hard rubber hub were the first de- blood volume and switching between tubes for
vices used to collect blood (1). Early modifications additional samples poses a lower risk of spillage
included a refined needle, replacement of the rub- and needle-stick injury (3). Thus, the evolution of
ber hub with glass, and the Luer-Lok syringe, which blood collection tubes have improved specimen Biochemia Medica 2014;24(1):3144

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Bowen RAR, Remaley AT. Interferences from blood collection tube components

quality and workflow efficiency as well as the safe- Stopper

ty of patients and health care workers. Stopper lubricant
Glass evacuated tubes containing anticoagulants
were commonly used from the 1950s to the 1990s
(4). Presently, plastic has replaced glass, and poly-
mer gels and clot activators are common additives
Tube wall
(5). Despite their similarity, evacuated tubes sup-
plied by different manufacturers vary in the mate- Tube surfactant
rials and additives used, which can potentially af- Clot activator particles
fect test performance (6). In the United States, coated with water
soluble polymers/ or
there are two major manufacturers of evacuated anticoagulant/ or
tubes: Becton Dickinson (BD) (Franklin Lakes, NJ, protease inhibitors
USA) and Greiner Bio-One (Monroe, NC, USA).
Because BCTs function properly under most cir-
cumstances, many laboratorians are unaware of
Separator gel
their complexity and limitations. A widespread
surfactant (SF) problem revealed how these devic-
es can adversely affect laboratory test results (7,8)
and emphasized the importance of understanding
device limitations. Figure 1. Components of an evacuated blood collection tube.
Reprinted from Clinical Biochemistry, 43 (1-2), Bowen RAR, Hor-
tin GL, Csako G, Otanez O, Remaley AT. Impact of blood collec-
tion devices on clinical chemistry assays, pages 4-25, 2010, with
Blood collection tubes permission from Elsevier.
BCTs consist of tube walls, rubber stoppers, lubri-
cants, anticoagulants, separator gels, clot activa-
tors, and SFs, all of which can affect the quality of ing to the conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin, thus
the specimens, accuracy and precision of labora- enabling the separation of the non-adherent clot
tory tests (Figure 1). from blood plasma by centrifugation (14). Howev-
er, clot re-suspension into plasma during handling
Tube walls or transport can interfere with assays attributable
Evacuated BCTs are generally cylindrical, measur- to the effects of hemolysis on test results (15,16).
ing 50 mm to 150 mm in length and 10 mm to 20 Plastic tubes recently replaced most glass tubes
mm in diameter (9). Most tubes for adult clinical following the establishment of the Occupational
specimens are 75 mm to 100 mm in length and 13 Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) guide-
mm in diameter, and collect 2 to 10 mL of whole lines to improve safety and reduce exposure to
blood (9,10). Micro-collection tubes for pediatric blood-borne pathogens (15). Plastic tubes are
specimens are 40 to 50 mm in length and 5 to 10 manufactured through injection-molding, using
mm in diameter (11). Evacuated tubes were origi- polyesters (e.g. polyethylene terephthalate (PET)),
nally made from soda-lime or borosilicate glass, polyolefins (e.g. polyethylene and polypropylene
but soda-lime tubes were found to release calcium (PP)), polyacrylic, polytetrafluoroethylene, polysi-
and magnesium into blood specimens (12). Glass loxane, polyvinyl chloride, polyacrylonnitrile, and
evacuated tubes are manufactured to be airtight, polystyrene (9,10). Compared to glass, plastic mini-
waterproof, and thermally resistant, which allows mizes exposure to biohazardous material follow-
for vacuum preservation and long shelf lives (13). ing breakage, has a greater shock resistance, toler-
The contact of blood coagulation factors, such as ates higher centrifugation speeds, weighs less, has
Factor XII (Hagemann Factor), with hydrophilic excellent dimensional precision, and is more easily
glass surfaces activates the clotting cascade lead- disposed of by incineration at a lower cost (4,17).
Biochemia Medica 2014;24(1):3144
Bowen RAR, Remaley AT. Interferences from blood collection tube components

However, plastic has greater gas permeability com- etrated by a needle and self-seal upon needle re-
pared to glass tubes (18). There have been numer- moval (23), maintaining the internal pressure dif-
ous studies comparing glass and plastic tubes for ferential (23). Suitable materials include polychlo-
use in chemistry (4,19), endocrinology (19), molec- roprene, silicone, styrene butadiene, isobutylene-
ular testing (20), serology (21), and coagulation isopropene, chlorinated ethylene-propylene co-
testing (10,19). Despite small statistically significant polymers, and isobutylene-isoprene rubber
differences between plastic and glass tube analyte (23,25,26). Butyl rubber, a copolymer of isobuty-
determinations, none is considered clinically sig- lene and isoprene, and halogenated butyl rubber
nificant. PET, a commonly used plastic in the man- are commonly used materials (23,25,26); butyl rub-
ufacture of BCTs is unbreakable and maintains a ber exhibits superior air and moisture impermea-
vacuum for a prolonged time (22). PP, another bility, superior resistance to chemical attack and
commonly used plastic, has a lower water perme- heat resistance, and good processability (25,26). To
ability, allowing it to retain liquid anticoagulant reduce the potential for splatter from the blood
volume and concentration (22). Thus, PET tubes specimen when the rubber stoppers are removed
have double-walls to minimize evaporation, espe- from the collection tube, a stopper shield is used
cially for coagulation-based tests (22); the internal (e.g. Hemogard). The stopper shield can be made
PP layer protects against citrate solution evapora- from thermoplastic materials, such as polyethyl-
tion, whereas the outer PET layer is more transpar- ene, polypropylene, and polyvinylchloride (8,26).
ent, allowing easier visualization of tube fill levels. Discrepancies in the bioavailability and bioequiva-
The PP plus PET combination improves shelf life lence of tests for blood specimens collected into
and anticoagulant volume retention (22). tubes whose rubber stoppers containing the plas-
Plastic tubes generally have a hydrophobic surface ticizer tris-(2-butoxyethyl)-phosphate (TBEP) have
and do not efficiently activate the coagulation been reported (27). TBEP, which is used to make
process (23); clots formed on the plastic surfaces of stoppers soft, displaces certain drugs from plas-
tubes are gelatinous compared to clots formed in ma-protein binding sites, such as the 1-acid glyc-
glass tubes (23). Further, blood does not flow oprotein (28), resulting in increased drug uptake
smoothly over hydrophobic plastic surfaces, which by red blood cells (RBCs), thus artificially lowering
can result in the adherence of platelets, fibrin, or serum or plasma levels. TBEP has been reported to
clotted blood on the tube walls (23). This can make alter the drug distribution of quinidine, pro-
it difficult to cleanly separate serum from the pranolol, lidocaine, tricyclic antidepressants, and
blood clot by centrifugation, especially for micro- several phenothiazine drugs, including fluphena-
collection tubes or during centrifugation of vacu- zine and chlorpromazine (29). Therefore, tube
um tubes. The hydrophilicity of plastic surfaces manufacturers have decreased or eliminated pro-
can be increased by using plasma-enhanced duction of rubber stoppers containing TBEP (27).
chemical vapor deposition to introduce polar func- Janknegt et al. (30) have demonstrated that rubber
tional groups (24). Alternatively, the interior plastic stoppers made without TBEP do not interfere with
surfaces can be coated with SFs, water-soluble therapeutic drug monitoring. However, other stop-
polymers, or hydrophilic-hydrophobic copolymers per components can also pose problems. Curry et
(23), although SFs may dissolve in blood and inter- al. (31) reviewed how materials from elastomeric
fere with clinical tests (8). There are ongoing ef- closures, including butyl rubber stoppers, can con-
forts to incorporate SFs into plastic tubes to pre- taminate specimens with these container closures.
vent exudation into blood specimens (9,10). Metals such as calcium, aluminum, magnesium,
and zinc are used to manufacture rubber stoppers;
Rubber stoppers it is essential that these metals are not extracted
upon contact with blood (32); specially formulated
Rubber stoppers are routinely color-coded accord- rubber stoppers have been made to limit divalent
ing to anticoagulant type and the presence of a cation leaching (33). Sulfur, sulfur-containing vul-
separator gel. The stopper should be readily pen- canization accelerators, fatty acids, and peroxides Biochemia Medica 2014;24(1):3144

Bowen RAR, Remaley AT. Interferences from blood collection tube components

in stoppers can also potentially affect lab tests; such as alkaline phosphatase) (43). Insufficient
therefore, most stoppers are manufactured with sample volumes produce relatively elevated EDTA
low-extractable rubber or have been modified to levels, which can increase the chelation of magne-
minimize leaching into the blood specimens (29). sium and zinc, and can then affect reagent en-
The complete filling of BCTs dilutes any leached zymes used for signal generation, such as alkaline
material and helps reduce the effects (34). Further, phosphatase (43). Reagent antibodies recognize
specimens in tubes with rubber stoppers should divalent cation complex binding sites on proteins;
be stored at low temperatures (2 C to 8 C) and in thus, decreased calcium and magnesium levels
the upright position to minimize leaching (34). may induce conformational changes that decrease
antibody binding (43).
Stopper lubricants Heparin salts (typically from porcine intestinal mu-
Lubricants, such as silicone oils, fluids, and glycer- cosa) are also extensively used as anticoagulants
ol, facilitate the insertion and removal of stoppers in BCTs (Table 1) (44). Heparin complexes with and
(6,9,10). Lubricants minimize red blood cell and clot induces a conformational change of antithrombin
adherence to stoppers in order to prevent serum III to accelerate the inhibition of thrombin and Fac-
or plasma contamination (6,9,10). However, glycer- tor Xa (35), which prevents thrombin activation
ol should not be used to lubricate stoppers used and the generation of fibrin from fibrinogen. Since
for specimens measuring glycerol or triglyceride heparin binds electrolytes and changes the con-
when a non-glycerol blank assay is used (35). Sili- centration of bound and free ions (45), manufac-
conized stoppers are generally preferred because turers have created electrolyte-balanced formula-
they are less likely to interfere with assays, al- tions (45). However, heparin can interfere with a
though silicone may falsely elevate ionized mag- variety of clinical assays. Specimens assayed with
nesium and total triiodothyronine levels (7) and Dimension Vista 1500 (Siemens Healthcare Diag-
may confound peaks during mass spectrometry nostic, Newark, DE, USA) may produce negative
(MS) analysis and peak interpretation (36). anion gaps due to heparin interference with chlo-
ride electrode membranes (unpublished observa-
Anticoagulants tion). Heparin also slows some antibody-antigen
reaction rates (46), particularly during the precipi-
Although serum is used for most assays, plasma is
tation step in second-antibody systems, although
a useful alternative due to its rapid processing
this problem can be avoided with the use of solid-
time. Plasma, which contains fibrinogen and other
clotting factors, has a higher viscosity and total phase systems (47). Heparin should also be avoid-
protein content than serum (37). Serum has a high- ed in cryoprotein investigations since it precipi-
er concentration of thromboglobulins, potassium, tates cryofibrinogen (43,47). Exogenously adminis-
activation peptides for coagulation factors, plate- tered heparin alters serum thyroid hormone levels
let factor 4, and platelet components released dur- (43,47). Falsely low albumin levels have been ob-
ing platelet activation (37). Anticoagulants used to served when heparinized tubes have been used
preserve analytes may interfere with other analyte on hemodialysis patients (48). It is has been pro-
determinations when using plasma (38). Ethylene- posed that heparin inhibits the binding of bromo-
diaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), heparin, and cit- cresol green to albumin, leading to less colorimet-
rate are the most commonly used anticoagulants ric complex formation (48). Proteomic studies
(39-41). show that heparinized plasma causes non-specific
protein binding, which influences the separation
Potassium EDTA (Table 1), an anticoagulant and
and MS of peptides (49). Recently, Lippi et al. (50)
chelating agent, interferes with calcium assays and
demonstrated that incomplete filling of lithium
clot generation (42), but it is preferred for hematol-
heparin tubes produced significantly higher creat-
ogy testing. EDTA binds the metallic ions euro-
ine kinase and -glutamyltransferase activity on a
pium (immunoassay reagent), zinc, and magnesi-
Unicel DxC 800 analyzer.
um (enzyme cofactors for immunoassay reagents

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Bowen RAR, Remaley AT. Interferences from blood collection tube components

Table 1. Evacuated blood collection tube stopper color and additives.

Stoper color* Amount/

(tube wall material) concentration
Clot activator
Red (glass)
Uncoated interior
Gold (plastic) Clot activator with separator gel
Red/black (plastic) Clot activator with separator gel
Red/gray (plastic) Clot activator with separator gel
10-15 National Institute of Health
Orange (plastic) Thrombin with separator gel
units per tube (10)
Citrate, trisodium (liquid additive)
Light blue (plastic) 0.109 M (3.2%) or 0.129 M (3.8%)
(1 part additive to 9 parts of blood)
Dark green (plastic) Heparin, sodium (dry additive) 1030 USP units/mL blood
Light green (plastic) Heparin, lithium (dry additive) with separator gel 1030 USP units/mL blood
Green/gray Heparin, lithium (dry additive) with separator gel 1030 USP units/mL blood
Lavender (plastic) EDTA, dipotassium (dry additive) 1.52.2 g/L blood
Lavender (plastic) EDTA, tripotassium (liquid additive) 1.52.2 g/L blood
Lavender (plastic) EDTA, disodium (dry additive) 1.42.0 g/L blood
Sodium fluoride: 2.5 g/L blood; potassium
Gray (plastic) Sodium fluoride/potassium Oxalate (dry additive)
oxalate: 2.0 g/L blood

Sodium fluoride: 2.5 g/L blood; sodium

Gray (plastic) Sodium fluoride/sodium EDTA (dry additive)
EDTA: 1.5 g/L blood

Gray (plastic) Lithium iodoacetate Iodoacetate: ~2 g/L blood

Acid Citrate Dextrose (ACD) solution A Citrate, disodium, 22.0 g/L; citric acid, 8.0
Yellow (glass)
(1 part additive to 5.67 parts of blood) g/L; dextrose, 24.5 g/L
Acid Citrate Dextrose (ACD) solution B Citrate, disodium, 13.2 g/L; citric acid, 4.8
Yellow (glass)
(1 part additive to 3 parts of blood) g/L; dextrose, 14.7 g/L
Royal blue (glass)
(with red band on label)
Royal blue (glass) (with
EDTA, dipotassium (dry additive) ~1.8 g/L blood
lavender band on label)
Tan (plastic) EDTA, dipotassium (dry additive) 1.8 g/L blood
Black (glass) Sodium citrate 0.105 M (~3.2%)
Clear (plastic) None
Red/LightGray (plastic) None
*Single or multiple stopper color combinations may vary from different tube manufacturers.
Table modified from the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute: Evacuated Tubes and Additives for Blood Specimen
Collection; Approved standard H3-A4 (40) and information from Young et al. (41) and in the BD website (42). Reprinted from
Clinical Biochemistry, 31 (1-2), Bowen RAR, Hortin GL, Csako G, Otanez O, Remaley AT. Impact of blood collection devices on clinical
chemistry assays, pages 4-25, 2010, with permission from Elsevier.

Trisodium citrate in a 3.2% (109 mmol/L) or 3.8% used in acid citrate dextrose and citrate theophyl-
(129 mmol/L) solution is preferred for coagulation line adenosine dipyrridamole (51), inhibits platelet
testing (Table 1) (51). It can inhibit both aspartate activation and is used to measure plasma levels of
aminotransferase and alkaline phosphatase by the platelet-derived components.
chelation of cations (51). Sodium citrate, which is Biochemia Medica 2014;24(1):3144

Bowen RAR, Remaley AT. Interferences from blood collection tube components

Potassium oxalate, another calcium-chelating anti- mendations should be followed to ensure proper
coagulant (Table 1) often combined with antiglyc- additive to blood ratios and minimize assay inter-
olyitc agents (sodium fluoride and sodium iodoac- ference and resultant laboratory errors, repeat
etate) can actually decrease hematocrits by as testing, and unnecessary troubleshooting.
much as 10% by drawing water from cells into
plasma (51). Oxalate can also inhibit several en- Separator gels
zymes, such an amylase, lactate dehydrogenase,
Separator gels are used to separate serum from
and acid and alkaline phosphatase (51).
clotted whole blood or plasma from cells (55). In
Sodium fluoride (Table 1) inhibits the glycolytic en- this regard, serum separator tubes (SST) are easy
zyme enolase and is used to limit the ex vivo con- to use, require short processing times, yield higher
sumption of glucose by cells in a collected blood serum levels, limit hazardous aerosolization, re-
specimen (51). However, in fluoridated, non-sepa- quire only one centrifugation step, allow primary
rated blood samples, glucose is still metabolized tube sampling, and require a single label (55).
at approximately 5% to 7% per hour at room tem-
During centrifugation, the thixotropic gel used in
perature because upstream enzymes continue to
these tubes lodges between packed cells and the
convert it to glucose-6-phosphate (52). Hence,
top serum layer (56). The position of the gel after
complete inhibition of glycolysis in fluoride-con-
centrifugation is influenced by many tube charac-
taining tubes can take up to 4 hours at room tem- teristics, such as specific gravity, yield stress, vis-
perature with a normal blood cell count (53). Fluor- cosity, density, and tube material. It can also be af-
idated tubes can affect diabetes diagnosis, which fected by temperature, centrifugation speed, ac-
uses fixed plasma glucose levels established using celeration and deceleration, storage, and patient
blood that was iced, centrifuged, and had the plas- factors, such as heparin therapy, low hematocrit,
ma removed (54). In fact, the American Diabetes elevated plasma protein, and serum/plasma spe-
Association no longer recommends using sodium cific gravity (57). Polymeric gels affect viscosity,
fluoride only to inhibit in vitro glycolysis (54). A BCT density, and other physical properties. Separator
with EDTA and fluoride in a citrate buffer (pH < 5.9) gels are typically made from viscous liquids, fillers,
has been proposed to preserve glucose concen- or tackifiers with substances like dibenzylidene
trations due to its immediate inhibition of glycoly- sorbitol as a gelling agent (23). The inner tube sur-
sis (53). Sodium fluoride may be unsuitable for en- face may have a hydrophobic coating to ensure
zymatic immunoassays because of its enzyme in- separator gel adherence and a complete barrier to
hibitory activity (51). Fluoride may also interfere prevent mixing between RBCs and serum/plasma
with electrolyte measurements by altering cell (9,10). Because the serum/plasma specific gravity
membrane permeability (51) and promoting ranges from 1.026 to 1.031 g/cm3, and the clot spe-
hemolysis by red blood cell ATP with subsequent cific gravity ranges from 1.092 to 1.095 g/cm3, the
potassium efflux (51). Iodoacetate preserves glu- separator gel specific gravity should ideally be
cose concentrations by inhibiting glyceraldehyde- within 1.03 to 1.09 g/cm3 (58). If the serum/plasma
3-phosphosphate dehydrogenase, but it can inter- specific gravity is elevated due to hyperproteine-
fere with the measurement of glucose, sodium, mia or radio-contrast dye, the serum may not float
potassium, chloride, and lactate dehydrogenase above the gel (57). Fatas et al. (58) showed that the
measurements and can cause hemolysis (51). specific gravity is a more important factor than vis-
Although anticoagulants and antiglycolytics can cosity affecting improper BCT gel separation. In
be unsuitable for certain assays, assay manufactur- addition, Faught et al. (59) showed differences in
ers do not always specify the plasma sources used separator gel specific gravity in different BCTs and
to validate their tests. Consequently, it is important between some tube lots.
that clinical laboratories assess tube performance Several reports of gels affecting analyte concen-
with their particular assays, instruments, and plat- trations have been published. Hydrophobic drugs,
forms. Tube manufacturers fill-volume recom- such as phenytoin, phenobarbitol, carbamazepine,

Biochemia Medica 2014;24(1):3144

Bowen RAR, Remaley AT. Interferences from blood collection tube components

quinidine, and lidocaine, can adsorb onto hydro- trinsic pathway is surface-dependent and a greater
phobic separator gels and lead to a decrease in se- density of activating surface sites speeds clotting
rum drug concentrations by as much as 20% to time. Siliceous substances (e.g., glass, silica, kaolin,
50% after 24 hours at 4 C (60,61). Organochlorine, bentonite, diatomaceous earth) accelerate clot for-
polychlorinated biphenyl, and progesterone levels mation through contact activation (23), but partic-
may also be significantly reduced (47). A small but ulate clot activators work relatively slowly (30 to 60
statistically significant difference in myoglobin and minutes) (10). The amount of clot activator varies
CK-MB levels has been reported between tubes by manufacturer (23). Clot activators also diminish
with and without separator gels (5). Interestingly, latent fibrin formation in the separated serum (47).
newer separator gels (e.g. polydimethylsiloxane- Clot activation by the extrinsic pathway, coagula-
polyethylene oxide copolymers) that minimize tion initiated by adding substances extrinsic to
drug and analyte adsorption have been developed blood, is biochemical (e.g., ellagic acid, thrombin,
(e.g., the BD SST II tube) (9,10,62). Recently, RBCs snake venoms, thromboplastin) and concentra-
have been observed to surpass the separator gel tion-dependent (10). Although these clot activa-
barrier in plasma and serum tubes increasing the tors produce rapid clotting (10 to 20 minutes), the
plasma/serum potassium levels (63). Separator gels clots formed are gelatinous and do not easily sep-
may also release materials (e.g., gel pieces and sili- arate from serum (10). Clot activators can be added
cone oil) into the specimens and spuriously inter- to tubes by adding small beads or paper coated
fere with assays, sample probes, tubes and cu- discs, or they can be sprayed on interior tube sur-
vettes, solid-phase immunoassay systems, and faces with a carrier (e.g., polyvinylpyrrolidone
electrode surfaces (47,64); the rate of degradation (PVP), carboxymethyl cellulose, polyvinyl alcohol,
and release may be increased by improper storage and polyethylene oxide) (10,23). These carriers al-
or extreme temperatures (47). Recently, Shi et al. low rapid clot activator suspension into blood so
(65) demonstrated that the separator gel compo- that the carriers dissolve into both serum and clots
nents in some types of BCTs (i.e., SST and lithium as the clotting is initiated (23). PVP and water-solu-
heparin plasma separator tubes) from a specific ble SFs also release clot activators into blood spec-
tube manufacturer were the source of interference imens to reduce the need for mixing (23). BD has
in the quantitation of serum testosterone levels recently released a serum tube containing
using liquid chromatography-tandem MS. The in- thrombin (rapid serum tubes (RST TM); Table 1, or-
terference increased according to the length of ange stopper) for rapid clot activation (within 5
storage of serum in the tubes and was more pro- minutes) (42). Dimeski et al. (66) demonstrated that
nounced with specimens containing low testoster- the use of RST tubes would not be appropriate for
one levels (65). Modifications of the assay and liq- patients on high-dose heparin or warfarin therapy
uid chromatography-tandem MS parameters did since latent clot formation in the tube may clog in-
not resolve the tube interference problem with strument probes and produce erroneous test re-
the quantitation of serum testosterone levels (65). sults. Based on these findings, it is clear that addi-
Thus, new technologies applied in the clinical lab- tional studies are needed to ensure that the RST
oratory to determine analyte concentrations can tubes give clinically equivalent results to other
be significantly affected by BCTs components such commercially available serum tubes, especially for
as the separator gel. Ideally, separator gels should partially filled tubes of blood.
maintain uniform chemical and physical proper-
ties for the intended period of use and be inert to Some clot activators are problematic in that they
the specimens collected in BCTs. must be thoroughly mixed to allow complete pel-
leting with the clot. If soluble fibrin clots form, they
Clot activators and water-soluble agents can interfere with pipetting device accuracy or in
solid-phase binding in immunoassays (67). To limit
Plastic tubes require clot activators that use either
these problems, plasma gas may be used to intro-
intrinsic or extrinsic pathways to ensure rapid and
duce heteroatoms (non-carbon and hydrogen at-
dense clot formation (10). Clot activation by the in- Biochemia Medica 2014;24(1):3144

Bowen RAR, Remaley AT. Interferences from blood collection tube components

oms in the backbone of the molecular structure) SFs seems to interact with ion-specific electrode
to the tube wall surface to accelerate clotting with- membranes to increase the measured voltage dur-
out contaminating the serum or clot with binders ing magnesium and lithium determinations (7,68).
or activators (24). In addition, water-soluble silicone polymer coat-
Various studies have revealed the impact of clot ings in separator tubes can physically mask anti-
activators on laboratory test performance. Samp- bodies and alter avidin-biotin binding reactions in
son et al. (68) showed that silica and silicone SF are immunoradiometric assays (74).
associated with elevated lithium concentrations Bowen et al. (7) demonstrated that the nonionic
when using the Lytening 2Z (Lytening West Pea- polydimethylsiloxane-polyethylene oxide and
body, MA, USA) ion-specific electrode analyzer. polypropylene oxide graft copolymer SF, Silwet
The clot activators or silicone SFs can interact with L-720 (Figure 2; OSI Specialities, Danbury, CT, USA;
ion-specific analyzer membranes, which increase 75), in BD SST tubes falsely elevates triiodothyro-
the measured voltage and falsely elevate serum nine in a dose-dependent manner by causing the
lithium ion concentration. Clot activators can also desorption of captured antibodies from the solid
falsely elevate serum testosterone measurements phase used in immunoassays (7,8). Competitive
(69), but changing the ion pair eliminates this prob- immunoassays (e.g., vitamin B12) and non-compet-
lem (69). Proteome analysis by MS may also be al- itive immunoassays (e.g., cancer antigen 15-3) are
tered by clot activators (70). Silica and silicate clot also affected by Silwet L-720, but the mechanism is
activators, when sprayed onto plastic tubes, induc- unclear (7).
es the release of pro-, active, and complexed ma-
trix metalloproteinases (71). Recently, it was shown
that ficolin-1 and ficolin-2 levels, a group of pro- A
teins that can activate the complement pathway, CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3
and their binding capacities were significantly af- CH3 Si O Si O Si O Si CH3
fected, presumably, by the silicate material in SST x y CH3
tubes (72). Thus, it is critical that the optimal
amounts and composition of clot activators and Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)
water-soluble agents be determined and consist- O
Polyethylene oxide (PEO)
ently added to different types and sizes of BCTs in
order for these substances to function properly m
without adversely affecting the quality of the Polypropylene oxide (PPO)
blood specimens and test results. CH3
Z O n
SFs are commonly used to decrease non-specific PDMS
adsorption, but they must be carefully selected
and optimized for immunoassays since, at high
concentrations, they may cause the loss of anti-
bodies passively adsorbed onto the solid support Polyether
(PPO and PEO)
beads used in immunoassays (73). Commercially
available tubes contain a variety of SFs (7,8,10) that (Pendant comb-like structure)
improve blood flow, distribute clot activator, and
prevent proteins, RBCs, and platelets from adsorb- Figure 2. Silwet silicone surfactant. A) general molecular
ing to tube walls (10). structure and B) schematic structure with polyether (polyethyl-
ene oxide and polypropylene oxide) attached (via hydrosilation
Silicone SF-coated tubes have been shown to in- reaction) to the polydimethylsiloxane backbone; x, y, m, n are
terfere with ion-specific electrode measurement integers independently greater than zero; z can be hydrogen or
of ionized magnesium and lithium (7,68). Silicone alkyl radical (75).

Biochemia Medica 2014;24(1):3144

Bowen RAR, Remaley AT. Interferences from blood collection tube components

Due to immunoassay interference, BD reformulat- strated that the initial drawing of blood into potas-
ed their tubes to reduce SF levels (7). Morovat et al. sium-EDTA tubes falsely decreased and increased
(76) have shown statistically significant but clini- the calcium and potassium values, respectively, in
cally insignificant biases in immunoassay results blood collected into subsequent tubes containing
using these reformulated tubes. Yet, in this study, no anticoagulants (80). These findings prompted
the control tubes were coated with the problem- the development of Clinical and Laboratory Stand-
atic SF. Wang et al. (77) reported that the reformu- ards Institute (CLSI) guidelines to standardize tube
lated tubes produced clinically significant biased sequence and syringe use for blood collection to
results for free triiodothyronine and free thyroxine. minimize carryover of tube additives (81). When
Interestingly, Silwet L-720 and other types of Silwet laboratories switched from glass to plastic tubes,
surfactants can be used in separator gel formula- the CLSI order of draw guideline changed because
tions, which may account for the clinically signifi- plastic serum tubes were considered equivalent to
cant biased thyroid hormone test results with the gel separator tubes with clot activators (81). The
reformulated tubes stated above (75). current CLSI guideline for glass and plastic tubes
Further studies have examined whether additives order of draw is as follows: blood culture tubes; so-
supply molecules that may interfere with MS dium citrate tubes; serum tubes with and without
peaks. Drake et al. (36) showed that seven of the clot activator and with or without gel separator;
eleven tubes tested contained various compo- heparin tubes with or without gel separator; EDTA
nents, such as SF and polyvinylpyrrolidone, which tubes; acid citrate dextrose containing tubes; and
produced multiple MS signals in the m/z range of glycolytic inhibitor (fluoride, iodoacetate) tubes
1,000 to 3,000. These tube additive peaks compli- (81). However, the use of order of draw has recently
cate and compromise mass spectra interpretation been questioned and studies by Salvagno et al.
in the low molecular mass range, particularly for (82) have demonstrated negligible effects of the
MALDI or SELDI techniques (36). Tube additives order of draw on sample quality for some routine
may also affect the ionization process during liq- chemistry tests. Nevertheless, an extensive study
uid chromatography-MS analysis, thereby sup- with more analytes is warranted. Tube manufac-
pressing metabolite ionization. Yin et al. (78) re- turers color-code tube closures for easy identifica-
cently reported that five different S-Monovettes tion of tube additives. Laboratorians must under-
(Sarstedt Newton, NC, USA) BCT additives pro- stand associated additives, proper order of draw,
duced chemical noise in the mass spectra that in- and carryover effects of additives on clinical as-
terfered with metabolic profiling. Thus, an initial says.
step in MS investigations should be the examina-
tion of BCTs. Protease inhibitors
SF detergent properties can also alter cell mem- Protease inhibitors are among the most abundant
brane permeability and lipophilic structures. A plasma protein components (83), far outnumber-
study showed that SFs in tubes affected free fatty ing active proteases except where activation oc-
acid concentrations in specimens rather than in- curs by surfaces or other stimuli. Chelating agents,
terfere with their analytical detection (79). Thus, such as EDTA and citrate, do not directly inhibit
producing BCTs with SF that do not contaminate serine proteases, but they do limit the activation
the blood specimens and cause assay interferenc- of proteases in the coagulation system by interfer-
es would be ideal. ing with calcium-mediated surface binding and by
allowing inhibitors to dominate. Direct inhibitors
Order of draw of thrombin or coagulation factor Xa serve as al-
ternative anticoagulants, but they have not
The importance of the order of draw in obtaining achieved widespread use because of cost (84).
accurate laboratory tests has been known for Such products, however, can increase protein sta-
many decades. Calam and Cooper (80) demon- bility and allow chemistry and hematology tests Biochemia Medica 2014;24(1):3144

Bowen RAR, Remaley AT. Interferences from blood collection tube components

on a single specimen. Small bioactive peptides The addition of exogenous protease inhibitors de-
such as parathyroid hormone and insulin are more pends on the intended use of specimens. Because
stable in EDTA-anticoagulated plasma compared there is wide variability in protein and peptide sta-
to citrate-anticoagulated plasma or serum (85). bility, each laboratory should analyze the stability
Aprotinin increases the stability of brain-type of components of interest; where protein or pep-
natriuretic peptides (86); some reference laborato- tide stability problems are identified, protease in-
ries recommend the collection of specimens for hibitors should be considered. Blood collection
bioactive peptide analysis in tubes containing systems (e.g., BD P100) containing a cocktail of
aprotinin or other protease inhibitors. Many pep- protease inhibitors that enable preservation of
tides, such as glucagon-like peptide 1, undergo plasma proteins for proteomic investigation have
rapid cleavage by the exopeptidase dipeptidyl been developed (42).
peptidase IV (87), and thus collection tubes must
contain exopeptidase inhibitors to recover the in-
tact peptide. EDTA-containing tubes are generally
recommended for proteomic analyses to minimize Prevention of pre-analytical errors from BCT addi-
protein component changes (88); small peptide tives remains an ongoing problem for tube and as-
components can also undergo rapid degradation say manufacturers and ultimately affects the abili-
by exopeptidases (89). However, addition of chem- ty of clinical laboratories to produce accurate re-
ically reactive protease inhibitors, such as sulfonyl sults. Any new or modified blood collection prod-
halides, can covalently modify proteins (89). An al- uct should ideally be thoroughly evaluated for any
ternative approach is to inhibit protease activity potential problems inherently caused in the down-
by decreasing pH (89). In general, small peptides stream processing and analysis of specimens. BCT
are frequently less stable than proteins since pro- manufacturers should also consider evaluating
teases sequestered in an 2-macroglobulin inhibi- their products under conditions of reduced speci-
tor retain peptidolytic activity even though they men volumes, extended contact times, and long-
are sterically hindered from cleaving full-size pro- term storage. Because it is not possible for manu-
teins (90); further, peptides lack a globular struc- facturers to assess the impact of their tubes on all
ture and are more accessible to exopeptidase ac- assay platforms, it is important that they establish
tion. Although endogenous protease inhibitors are close working relationships with their customers
quite abundant in plasma, most are mainly against and should consider developing a surveillance
serine dependent endoproteases and exhibit rela- program to quickly identify problems. Similarly,
tively little activity against exopeptidases. There- manufacturers of assays and instrument platforms
fore, the addition of exogenous, low molecular should ideally verify the performance of their as-
weight protein inhibitors or small synthetic com- says with a wide variety of BCTs on the market and
pounds to a blood specimen is often used to sta- on different lots of the same tube type. Reference
bilize samples. interval studies performed on older instruments
Protease activity may be accentuated by the re- or tubes no longer in use should be repeated us-
lease of intracellular proteases from white or RBCs. ing materials and conditions that are consistent
For example, insulin is substantially less stable in with current use.
hemolyzed blood because of the thiol proteases Blood collection device problems may go unno-
from RBCs (91). The use of protease inhibitors has a ticed by laboratorians since routine quality control
limited effect on the recovery of chemokines and (QC) practice typically does not assess all aspects
cytokines from plasma, but the rapid processing of laboratory testing from blood collection, includ-
of blood can limit this problem because most cy- ing specimen processing, analytical testing, and
tokines and chemokines are degraded by intracel- test reporting (7,8). Proficiency testing programs,
lular protease (92). which do not require blood collection, also fail to
detect blood collection device problems (7,8).

Biochemia Medica 2014;24(1):3144

Bowen RAR, Remaley AT. Interferences from blood collection tube components

Hence, QC and proficiency testing specimens in tube manufacturers, in vitro diagnostic manufac-
clinical laboratories are analyzed but not proc- turers, and clinical laboratories for verification and
essed as patient specimens are. Although QC spec- validation of venous and capillary BCTs for chemis-
imens are typically non-commutable with native try, immunochemistry, hematology, and coagula-
patient specimens because the QC matrices are tion (99,100).
usually altered by manufacturing processes from
that of native specimens, the comparison of con-
trol sera results from specimens exposed and non-
exposed to BCTs could potentially reveal the ad- Although current BCTs largely work as designed
verse effects of additives (7,8,93). This could be and are therefore often taken for granted, it is im-
done by clinical laboratories or perhaps by tube portant that laboratorians become aware of the
manufacturers by exposing QC sera to BCTs on a potential problems that they can cause in the anal-
lot-by-lot basis. When laboratorians change the ysis of specimens. BCTs are medical devices and, as
tubes they use, they should also perform a com- such, have inherent limitations. When improperly
parative tube evaluation (94); this tube comparison used or because of problems related to their man-
study should be similar to the one described for ufacturing, BCT-related interferences in test results
method comparison studies, using the CLSI EP9-A can adversely influence patient outcomes, de-
guideline (95). In addition to contacting tube man- crease laboratory efficiency, delay test results, and
ufacturers, tube-related issues should also be re- increase the cost per test due to recollection and
ported to regulatory agencies (i.e., Food and Drug retesting. Thus, optimization and standardization
Administration) via MedWatch in the United States of BCTs are vital for the reliable test analysis. Be-
and the Medicines Healthcare Products Authority cause laboratory test result quality ultimately de-
in the United Kingdom. Finally, the routine evalua- pends on specimen integrity, tube manufacturers,
tion of BCTs by clinical laboratories should be in- in vitro diagnostic companies, and laboratorians
corporated into QC plans based on risk manage- should all remain vigilant in protecting against the
ment to help prevent or detect tube-related errors adverse effects of BCT problems on clinical labora-
and enhance the quality of the test results (96). tory assays.
The BD Diagnostics preanalytical division has de-
veloped a program through an Instrument Com-
pany Liaison to work with assay manufacturers to The authors would like to thank Ms. Krista Tan-
identify and eliminate and/or reduce tube-related quary for editing and reviewing of the manuscript.
assay problems prior to products being commer-
Potential conflict of interest
cialized (97, 98, 99). A CLSI guideline is available for
None declared.

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