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Design of Column type supporting structure and Raft founda

for O H B R
Staging height
DATA : on plain ground
Location of tank
Radial Distance from the sea coast= 50 kM
Located on Hill portion no
Net SBC of the Soil
Depth of foundation up to top of raft df
Tank details
Capacity of tank v
Staging Height change to suit the height of column segment sh
Dia of tank ds

Height of each stage Clear of braces hs

Number of stagings ns
Number of columns nc
Tank Diameter td
Height of dead storage hds
Free Board fb
Top slab thickness tst 0.125 h
Side wall height swh 2.400 swt
Bottom ring beam thickness brd 0.450 brb
Bottom slab thickness bst 0.150 bdh
Brace depth brcd 0.500 brcb
Wind constants ki 0.990 kii10
kii15 1.050 kii20
kii30 1.120 kiii
Basic wind speed 180 Km/hr vb
Size of column wind moment governs cbxcb
Seismic coefficients Zone = 2 Zone
Beeta(from table 3 of IS 1893) sbe 1.00 sbe
i (from table 4 of IS 1893) sei 1.50 sei
Alpha0(from table 2 of IS 1893) a0 0.02 a0

*** Note: Nellore & Vijayawada Zone 3, other dist. are Zone 2 in AP
Design of column
Leeward column
Factored Load on Leeward column factcl
Moment on column 1.15*SQRT(Mx)^2+My^2 cm
Pu/(fck*BD) (+factcl*10*10^3/ lr
Mu/fckBD^2 cm*10*10^6*1.5/(g*cb^3*10^9)

Refering SP 16 P/fck ps
Windward column
safe, tc < 1.5N/sqmm
Load on Windward column (&wt&"/"&nc&")-"&ROUND(rw,2) nfc
Moment on column cm
Tu/fckBD IF(nfc>0,0,ten*10^6*0.015 safe
Mu/fckBD2 IF(nfc>0,0,+cm*10*10^6*1
Refering to SP-16 chart P/fck sp
Dia of main steel sd 20
No of bars nb 4
Area of steel provided Safe clasp

Provide laterals of 8mm dia @ 200 mm c/c

Design of brace
Clear cover ccb
Breadth of brace brcb
Depth of brace brcd
Factored moment 2*cm*1/SIN(2*PI()/nc)*10*1.5 bm
Area of steel required (asb)/100
Dia of main steel dib
Number of bars provided TRUNC(+(asb+asc)/(pi*dib^2)*4) safe ni

Dia of stirrup diib

Spacing of stirrups MIN(sib,0.75*(brcd-ccb- sii

Design of ring Raft beam

Width of beam rb
Overall Depth of beam OK rd
Clear cover to steel ccrb
Factored moment at support tm*1.5
Factored moment at Mid span (Mtb*10+Msp)*1.5
Support section
Bottom steel (tensile) MAX((aair-SQRT(aair^2- asti

Dia of bottom bars dii

Number of bars TRUNC(asti*100/(pi*dii^2/4)) Safe bsb
Mid span section
Steel at Top (Tensile) MAX((aair-SQRT(aair^2- astii

Dia of top bars diii

Number of bars TRUNC(astii*100/(pi*diii^2/4))+1 tsb
Dia of stirrups di
Spacing of stirrups 2-legged MIN(si,sv,0.75*dp*1000,300)
Spacing of stirrups 4-legged
Side face reinforcement IF(rd>0.45,0.1*rb*rd/2*100,0)
on each face
dia of sideface reinforcement sfd
no. of bars on each face TRUNC(G91/(PI()*(sfd/10)^2/4))+1 nsr

Design of ring type raft slab

Safe Safe
Grade of concrete g
Grade of steel Fy
Width of raft required area/(PI()*ds) br
Overall depth of raft slab 2*SQRT(Mmax*10^7/ Safe dr
required (0.138*g*1000))/1000+cr+db/2000
Overal depth of raft at edge de
Clear cover to steel cr

Dia of radial bars in raft db

Spacing of steel @ ring space
beam location
Dia of circumferential reinforcing bars dbi
Spacing of rings spacei
Dia of reinforcement on IF( db<=12,db-2,db-4)
top face
Spacing of bars
Straight portion of raft IF(dr=de,l,0.5) a
Outer dia of ring ds+br
Inner dia of ring ds-br

Qtyof concrete cq
Qty of steel qs
Design calculations
Weight of tank
Top slab / Dome IF(h=0,(pi*(td+2*swt)^2/4*tst*2.5),

Top ring beam pi*(td+trb)*trb*trd*2.5

Side wall pi*(td+swt)*swh*swt*2.5
Middle ring beam pi*(td+mrb)*mrb*mrd*2.5
Inclined wall pi*((td+ist)+ds)/2*ist*SQRT(ish^2+
Bottom ring beam pi*ds*brb*brd*2.5
Bottom slab / Dome IF(bdh=0,pi*(td+2*swt)^2/4*bst*2.5,2*pi*(

Add for ladder railing etc.,

Total weight of tank TRUNC(SUM(G119:G126)) tw

Weight of staging
Weight of brace brl*nc*brcd*brcb*ns*2.5
Weight of columns nc*cb*cb*((hs+brcd)*ns-brd+df)*2.5

Total SUM(G129:G130) wwi

Total weight of tank & tw+wwi wt
Weight of water
Cylindrical portion pi*td^2/4*swh-hds-fb
Vol.of inclined portion 1/3*pi*((td/2)^2+td*ds/4+ (ds/2)^2)*ish
Vol. of bottom dome pi()/6*(3*(ds/2)^2+bdh^2)*bdh
Total ww
Inclination of slant wall IF(ish>0,+ATAN(ish/((td- th
ds)/2))*180/pi,"no need")
Wind analysis
Terrain catregory-2 Probable life of Structure= 50 yrs
Located on Hill portion
basic velocity 50 m/s
Tatal Ht of the Structure sh+h+trd+swh+mrd+ish+brd-hds
Wind constants
above GL Risk factor Terrain Topogra
2nd phy
FACTORS Height k1 k2 k3

Height uoto 10m from GL 10 0.99 1.00 1.00

Height from 10m to 15m 15 0.99 1.05 1.00
Height from 15m to 20m 20 0.99 1.07 1.00
Height from 20m to 30m 30 0.99 1.12 1.00
Height from 30m to 50m 50 0.99 1.17 1.00
above GL Wind Pressure at Z Area Wind
elevation averaging Directio
factor nality
FACTORS Height Pz in N/sqm Ka Kd
Bottom Ring beam 19.85 1679.900 0.9 1
Conical slab portion 19.85 1679.900 0 1
Middle Ring beam 19.85 1679.900 0 1
Cylindrical Side wall 22.25 1717.959 0.9 1
Top ring beam 22.25 1717.959 0 1
Top slab / Dome 22.25 1717.959 0 1

Vertical load on Slab / Dome

Top slab / Dome 0 1468.922 0

Moment due to wind on tank @ top of footing
Ht. Areapressure
m m2 n/m2
Top slab / Dome 22.25 0.66 0
Top ring beam 22.25 0.00 0
Side wall 22.25 12.72 1546
Middle ring beam 0.00 0.00 0.00
Inclined wall 0.00 0.00 0.00
Bottom ring beam 19.85 2.39 1512

Moment due to wind on staging

Ht. Areapressure
On braces m m2 N/m2
1st brace from top hi 16.58 3.75 1682
2nd brace from top hii 13.27 3.75 1619
3rd brace from top hiii 9.95 3.75 1469
4th brace from top hiv 6.63 3.75 1469
5th brace from top hv 3.32 3.75 1469
6th brace from top hvi 0.00 0.00 0.00
7th brace from top hvii 0.00 0.00 0.00
On columns 19.4 34.92 1590

Total moment @ top of footing

Moment due to wind on tank @ bottom of footing

Ht. Areapressure
m m2 N/m2
Top slab / Dome 22.38 0.66 0
Top ring beam 22.25 0.00 0
Side wall 22.25 12.72 1546
Middle ring beam 0.00 0.00 0
Inclined wall 0.00 0.00 0
Bottom ring beam 19.85 2.39 1512

Moment due to wind on staging @bottom of fotting

Ht. Areapressure
On braces m m2 N/m2
1st brace from top hi 16.58 3.75 1682
2nd brace from top hii 13.27 3.75 1619
3rd brace from top hiii 9.95 3.75 1469
4th brace from top hiv 6.63 3.75 1469
5th brace from top hv 3.32 3.75 1469
6th brace from top hvi 0.00 0.00 0
7th brace from top hvii 0.00 0.00 0
On columns 19.4 34.92 1590
Total moment at bottom of footing wmti+wmsi

Moment due to Seismic force at ground level

Horizontal seismic coeff sbe*sei*a0 1*1.5*0.02 alpha0
Moment at the base alpha0*((tw+ww)*(hc+brd+ mbse
Design moment wind moment governs
At the base Max(mbse,mbw) mb
At the bottom of footing max(mbwi,mbse) mbi
weight of ring beam pi*ds*rb*(rd-dr)*2.5 wrb
weight of raft pi*ds*br*dr*2.5 wr
Weight When Tank full ww+wt+wr pfull
When tank Empty wt+wr p
Section modulus of raft pi*((ds+br)^4-(ds-br)^4)/32/(ds+br) z

Area of raft pi*ds*br ai

Chek for stability
Tank empty condition (wt+wr+wrb)/ai-mbi/z Mist

Max. pressure on soil (ww+wt+wr+wrb)/ai+ mbi/z mss

Tank full condition (ww+wt+wr+wrb)/ai-mbi/z miss

Pressure on soil when (ww+wt+wr+wrb)/ai msnw

there is no wind Safe
Design of columns
Weight of tank & wt of wt+ww w
Wind reaction on leeward column
(mb*ds/2)/(nc/2*(ds/2)^2) rw
Total load on wind ward column
Tank empty condition wt/nc-rw nfc
Column is under Tension
Total horizontal wind on tank & Staging
(wfi+wfii)/10^4 hw
Horizontal wind reaction hw/nc hwr
on each column
min. eccentricity moments =cl *0.02 My
due to .wind moment hwr*(hs+brcd)/2 Mx
Moment in the columns As per DEVDAS MENON ,
design M=1.15*sqrt(Mx^2+My^2) 1.15*SQRT(3.95^2+1.05^2) cm
Design of Leeward column
Load on Leeward column (ww+wt)/nc+rw cl

Factored Load on Leeward column

1.5*(DL+IL)+WL 1.5*(DL+WL)+IL 1.2*(DL+WL+IL)
1.5*(w/nc)+rw 1.5*(wt/nc+rw)+ww/nc 1.2*(w/nc+rw)
1.5*(192/6)+21 1.5*(130/6+21)+62.2/6 1.2*(192/6+21)
57 65 55 factcl
Pu/(fck*BD) factcl*10*10^3/(g*cb^2*10^6)
Mu/fckBD^2 cm*10*10^6*1.5/(g*cb^3*10^9)
Area of steel MAX((cl*1.5*10000-0.4*g*cb*1000*cb*1000)/ ast

Dia of Bar
Spacing of 8 mm dia lateral steel MIN(16*sd,cb*1000,48*8)
Design of wind ward column (Empty condition)
Load on wind ward column nfc
Tu/fckBD IF(nfc>0,0,+ten*10^4*1.5/(g*(cb*1000)^2))

Mu/fckBD2 IF(nfc>0,0,+cm*10*10^6*1.5/(g*cb^3*10^9))

Ast required sp*g*cb*cb*100*30*0.3*0.3*100 astr

Area of steel required clas
Area provided pi*(sd/10)^2/4*nb+pi*(sd/10)^2/4*nb clasp
Tensile stress ABS(ten)*10000/(cb^2*10^6-clasp*100+ ts

Design of brace
Factored Moment in the brace
2*cm*1/SIN(2*P2*4.7*1/SIN(2*3.14/6)*10*1.5 bm
Mulim (0.36*g*brcb*1000* 0.479*((brcd-ccb- Mulim

Area of compression steel required

IF(bm>mulim,(bm-mulim)*10^3/(fsc*(brcd-2*ccb-2*dib/2000)),0) asc

(brcd-ccb-dib/2000)*brcb *g/415*10^6 aai

brcb*g*10^9/(0.87*415^2) aaii
Area of tension steel MAX((aai-SQRT(aai^2-
required (4*aaii*MIN(bm,mulim))))/2+asc*fsc/
Shear in the brace bm*2/brl+(brl*brcd*brcb)*2.5*10*1.5/2 sfb

Length of brace (ds*SIN(pi/nc)) brl

Shear stress sfb*10^3/(brcb*(brcd-ccb- towu
% of steel PI()*dib^2*ni/4/(brcb*(brcd-ccb-
dib/2000)*10^6)*100 ptb
MAX(0.8*g/(6.89*ptb), 1) beeta
Allowable stress 0.85*sqrt(.8*g)*(sqrt(1+5*beeta)-1)/ towcb
Area of stirrups 2*pi*diib*diib/4 asvb
Balance Shear force IF(towu<towcb,0,(towu-towcb)
*brcb*(brcd-ccb-dib/2000)*10^3) vusb
Spacing of stirrups IF(towu<towcb,asvb*415/ sib
d-ccb-dib/2000)/vusb,asvb *415/

Spacing of stirrups MIN(sib,0.75*(brcd-ccb-dib/2000)*1000,450)

Design of Raft beam

Total wt on the tank (wt+ww+rw*nc)(130+62.2+21*6)/(3.14*6) wsi
Dia of Raft beam dia
central angle by brace chord qang 2*PI()/nc=2*3.14/6 60deg

Coffs for support moment 1/2*(- 1/2*(-1/TAN(1.05/2) ci

1/TAN(qang/ +2/1.05)
coeff for span moment 2) +2/qang) 1/2*(1/SIN(1.05/2)-2/1.05)
1/2*(1/SIN(qa cii
coeff for torsional moment 1/2*(COS(phi)-1/TAN(qang/2)* SIN(phi)- ciii
angle @ max shear ASIN(2/qang*((SIN(qang/2))^2- phi

span of beam pi*dia/nc lg

support moment wsi*(dia/2)^2*ci*2*pi/nc Mst
Torsional moment wsi*(dia/2)^2*ciii*2*pi/ nc T
BM due to torsion T*(1+rd/rb)/1.7 Mtb
Span moment wsi*(dia/2)^2*cii*2*pi/nc*10 Msp
Max fact span moment (Mtb*10+Msp)*1.5
Total moment (Mst+Mtb)*10 tm
Eff. depth reqd SQRT(tm*1.5*1000000/(.137*g* derd
Effective depth provided rd-ccrb-dii/2000.6-0.1-20/2000 dp
Mulimit (0.36*g*rb*1000*0.479*((rd- mulrb
dp*rb*g/415*10.49*0.45*30/415*10^6 aair
rb*g*10^9/(0. 0.45*30*10^9/(0.87*415^2) aaiir
Steel @ support
Area of tension steel MAX((aair-SQRT(aair^2- asti

Area of compression IF(tm*1.5>mulrb,(tm*1.5-mulrb)*10^3/(fsc*dp)/100,0) ascr

Steel @ mid span

Area of tension steel MAX((aair-SQRT(aair^2- astii

Area of compression MAX(IF(Msp*1.5>mulrb,(Msp*1.5-mulrb)*10^3/ ascrs
(fsc*dp)/ 100,0),0)

Check for Shear :

Shear @ support wsi*lg/2 16.74*3.14/2 vs
Stress vs*1.5/(rb*dp* 26.29*1.5/(0.45*0.49*100) tow
distance @ max shear dia/2*phi 6/2*0.222 x
Shear @ max torsion vs*( lg/2-x)*2/lg vt
equivalent shear vt+1.6*T/rb ve
shear stress ve*1.5/(rb*dp*100) towii
% of steel pi()*dii^2/4*bsb/(rb*10^4*dp) pt
MAX(0.8*g/(6.89*pt),1) beetar
Allowable stress 0.85*sqrt(.8*g)*(sqrt(1+5*beetar)-1)/(6*beetar) towc

Area of stirrups 2*pi*di*di/4 asv

Balance Shear force (max(tow,towii)-towc)*rb*dp*10^3 vus
Spacing of stirrups IF(@max(tow,towii)< towc,asv*415/ si
Minimum transverse steel (asv/(T*1.5*10^6/((rb*1000-50)*(dp*1000- sv

Spacing of stirrups MIN(si,sv,0.75*dp*1000,300)

Side face reinforcement on each face
Design of Raft
Total load on raft including self wt
ww+wt+wrb twr
Area of raft reqd (twr+wr)/sbc + wind loa area
Width of raft reqd area/(pi()*ds)
Upward pressure twr/ai+mbi/z q

Maximum B. M q*(br-rb)^2/8 Mmax

Eff.depth reqd sqrt(Mmax*1.5*10^7/(0.138*g* dreqd
Eff depth provided dr-cr-db/2000 dre
1000*dre*1000*g/fy aa
10^7*1000*g/(0.87*fy* fy) bb
Area of steel(Radial) MAX(0.12*dr*100,(aa-SQRT(aa^2- asr
4*bb*1.5*Mmax))/2/ 100)

Spacing of radial bars 10*pi()*db^2/4/asr

Circumferential steel 1.0*asr asri
Spacing of circular rings 10*pi()*dbi^2/4/asri
Check for Shear:
Cantilever Projection (br-rb)/2 l
length of tapered portion l-a li
Critical section is @ distance 'd' from face of ring beam
Shear force @ critical section q*(l-dre) sf
depth @ critical section IF((a>dre),dre,((de+(Li-dre+a)*(dr-de)/Li)-cr- dc

Shear stress sf*1.5*10000/(1000*(dc*1000)) tv

% of steel, pt (pi*db^2/4*1000/space)*100/(de*10^6) ptr

MAX(0.8*g/(6.89*ptr),1) beetai
Allowable shear stress in 0.85*sqrt(.8*g)*(sqrt(1+5*beetai)-1)/ Safe tc
concrete (6*beetai)
Check for edge depth
B.M @ li/2 q*(li/2)^2/2 bml
depth reqd sqrt(bml*1.5*10^7/(.138*g*1000))
depth @ the section de+(dr-de)/2-cr-db/2000 de1
(i.e. @ li/2)
shear force @ section q*li/2 tvii
Shear stress tvii*1.5/(de1*100) tvi
supporting structure and Raft foundation
40 KL
20.00 m

Designed for Worst effected Zone in Andhra

10 t/m2
1.50 m

40 kl 41.2 kl
20.00 m
5.00 m

(20-0.15-0.45+0.5)/6-0.5 2.82 m 2.82

6 nos
5.00 m
0.15 m
0.15 m
0.000 m
0.150 m
0.300 m
0.000 m
0.250 m cb-0.05=0.3-0.05=0.25
1.000 m
1.070 m
1.000 1.1 to 1.16 for hill top
50 m/sec
0.30 m
2 3
1.00 1.00
1.50 1.50
0.02 0.04

ign of column

MAX(57,65,55) 65 t
1.15*SQRT(3.7^2+0.91^2) 4.39 tm
(+factcl*10*10^3/(30*0.3^2*10^6)) 0.24

+cm*10*10^6*1.5/(g*0.3^3*10^9) 0.08

0.04 enter value from SP 16

+(97/6)-22.53 -6.37 (-ve indicates tension)

4.39 tm
IF(nfc>0,0,ten*10^6*0.015/ -0.04
IF(nfc>0,0,+cm*10*10^6*1.5/ 0.08
0.09 enter value from SP 16
20 mm
4 8
+pi*(20/10)^2/4*4+pi*(20/10)^2/4* 25.13 cm2 24.30 cm2
Steel within 4%
MIN(200,300) 200 mm c/c 300 mm
sign of brace
0.045 m
0.25 m
0.50 m
2*4.39*1/SIN(2*PI()/6)*10*1.5 152 knm
(1095.04)/100 10.95 cm2
20 mm
+TRUNC(+(1095.04+0)/ 3 nos
10 mm
MIN(427.48,0.75*(0.5-0.045- 200 334 mm

of ring Raft beam

0.45 m Required
1*0.31+0.1+16/2000 0.60 m 0.41 m
0.10 m
115.43*1.5 173.14 knm
(1.41*10+51.35)*1.5 98.23 knm

MAX((16004.82- 10.43 cm2

16 mm
TRUNC(10.43*100/(pi*16^2/4)) 5

MAX((16004.82- 5.74 cm2

16 mm
TRUNC(5.74*100/(pi*16^2/4))=2.85 3
12 mm Required
MIN(170,287,0.75*0.49*1000,300) 150 mm 170 mm
300 mm
IF(0.6>0.45,0.1*0.45*0.6/2*100,0) 1.35 cm2

16 mm
TRUNC(1.35/(PI()*(16/10)^2/4))+1 1

f ring type raft slab

Safe Required
30 N/mm2
415 N/mm2
20.07/(PI()*5) 3.75 m 1.28 m
2*SQRT(6.9*10^7/ 0.40 m 0.31 m
000 0.40 m
0.05 m
12 mm

10*PI()*12^2/4/8.63 125 mm 131

12 mm
10*PI()*12^2/4/8.63 125 mm 131
IF( db<=12,12-2,12-4) 10 mm

125 mm
IF(dr=0.4,1.65,0.5) 1.65 m
5+3.75 8.75 m
5-3.75 1.25 m

62.42 m3
6.87 t
gn calculations

IF(h=0, 6.89 t
pi*(5+0)*0*0*2.5 0.00 t
pi*(5+0.15)*2.4*0.15* 2.5 14.56 t
pi*(5+0)*0*0*2.5 0.00 t
pi*((5+0)+5)/2*0*SQRT(0^2+((5+0- 0.00 t
pi*5*0.3*0.45*2.5 5.30 t
IF(bdh=0,pi*(5+2*0.15)^2/4*0.15*2 8.27 t
5.00 t
TRUNC(SUM(6.89+0+14.56+0+0+ 40.00 t

2.5*6*0.5*0.25*6*2.5 28.12 t
6*0.3*0.3*((2.82+0.5)*6- 28.28 t
SUM(28.12,28.28) 56.41 t
TRUNC(40+56.41) 97 t

41.23 t
1/3*pi*((5/2)^2+5*5/4+(5/2)^2)*0 0.00 t
PI()/6*(3*(5/2)^2+0^2)*0 0.00 t
41.23+0-0 41.23 t
IF(ish>0,+ATAN(0/((5- no need Rad
5)/2))*180/pi,no need)

20+0+0+2.4+0+0+0.45-0.15 22.7 m

design wind Design

velocity Wind
VZ Pz in N/sqm

49.48 1469 n/sqm

51.95 1619 n/sqm
52.94 1682 n/sqm
55.42 1843 n/sqm
57.89 2011 n/sqm

Pd in N/sqm


1 0.000

coefficient force LA Moment

Cf N m tm
0.70 0 23.81 0.00
0.70 0 0.00 0.00
0.70 13767 22.55 31.04
0.70 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.70 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.70 2524 21.13 5.33
wfi 16291 wmt 36.38 tm

coefficient force LA Moment

Cf N m tm
1.00 6306 17.83333 11.25
1.00 6073 14.51667 8.82
1.00 5508 11.2 6.17
1.00 5508 7.883333 4.34
1.00 5508 4.566667 2.52
1.00 0 0.00 0.00
1.00 0 0.00 0.00
1.60 88840 11.2 99.50
wfii 117744 wms 132.59 tm
mbw 169.00 tm

@ bottom of raft
coefficient force LA Moment
Cf N m tm
0.70 0 24.21 0.00
0.70 0 0.00 0.00
0.70 13767 22.95 31.60
0.70 0 0.00 0.00
0.70 0 0.00 0.00
0.70 2524 21.53 5.43
16291 wmti 37.03 tm

coefficient force LA Moment

Cf N m tm
1.00 6306 18.23 11.50
1.00 6073 14.92 9.06
1.00 5508 11.60 6.39
1.00 5508 8.28 4.56
1.00 5508 4.97 2.74
1.00 0 0.00 0.00
1.00 0 0.00 0.00
1.60 88840 11.60 103.05
117744 wmsi 137.30 tm
mbwi 175.00 tm

1*1.5*0.02 0.03
0.03*((40+41.23)*(19.4+0.45+(0+2 67.71 tm

MAX(67.71,169) 169 tm
MAX(175,67.71) 175 tm

pi*5*0.45*(0.6-0.4)*2.5 4t
pi*5*3.75*0.4*2.5 59 t
41.23+97+58.9 197.14 t
97+58.9 156 t
pi*((5+3.75)^4-(5-3.75)^4)/32/ 65.74 m3
pi*5*3.75 58.90 m2

(97+58.9+3.53)/58.9-175/65.74 0.04 t/sqm

(41.23+97+58.9+3.53)/58.9+175/6 6.07 t/sqm
(41.23+97+58.9+3.53)/58.9- 0.74
(41.23+97+58.9+3.53)/58.9 3.41 t/sqm
gn of columns
97+41 138 t

(169*5/2)/(6/2*(5/2)^2) 23 t

(97/6)-22.53 -6.37 t

(16291.17+117744.08)/10^4 13.40 t
13.4/6 2.23 t

45.57*0.02 0.91 tm
2.23*(2.82+0.5)/2 3.70 tm

1.15*SQRT(3.7^2+0.91^2) 4.39 tm

(41.23+97)/6+22.53 45.57 t

MAX(57,65,55) 65 t
65*10*10^3/(30*0.3^2*10^6) 0.24
4.39*10*10^6*1.5/(30*0.3^3*10^9) 0.08
MAX((45.57*1.5*10^4-0.4*30*0.3 10.80 cm2
*1000*0.3 *1000)/(0.67*415-
0.4*30) ,
8 mm
MIN(16*20,0.3*1000,48*8) 300 mm
-6.37 t
IF(nfc>0,0,-6.37) -6.37 t
IF(nfc>0,0,+ten*10^4*1.5/ -0.04
IF(nfc>0,0,+4.39*10*10^6*1.5/ 0.08
0.09*30*0.3*0.3*100 24.30 cm2
MAX(10.8,24.3) 24.30 cm2
pi*(20/10)^2/4*4+pi*(20/10)^2/4*4 25.13 cm2
ABS(ten)*10000/(0.3^2*10^6- 0.54 n/mm2
safe, tc < 1.5N/sqmm
sign of brace

2*4.39*1/SIN(2*PI()/6)*10*1.5 151.98 knm

(0.36*30*0.25*1000*0.479*((0.5- 204.88 Knm
0.045-20/2000)* 1000)^2*0.8)/

IF(bm>mulim,(151.98- 0.00 mm2

(0.5-0.045- 8042 mm2
0.25*30*10^9/(0.87*415^2) 50055 mm2
MAX((8042.17-SQRT(8042.17^2- 1095 mm2
151.98*2/2.5+(2.5*0.5*0.25)*2.5*1 127.45 Kn
(5*SIN(pi/6)) 2.50 m
127.45*10^3/(0.25*(0.5-0.045- 1.15 n/mm2
PI()*20^2*3/4/(0.25*(0.5-0.045- 0.85 %
MAX(0.8*g/(6.89*ptb),1) 4.11
0.85*SQRT(0.8*30)*(SQRT(1+5*4. 0.61 n/mm2
2*pi*10*10/4 157 mm2
IF(towu<0.61,0,(1.15- 59.04 Kn
IF(towu<0.61,157.08*415/ 427 mm
(0.25*10^3*0.4), MIN( 0.87*
2000)/ 59.04,157.08*415/
MIN(427.48,0.75*(0.5-0.045- 334 mm
gn of Raft beam
(97+41.23+22.53*6)/(pi*5) 17.41 t/m
5.00 m
2*PI()/6 1.05 rad

1/2*(-1/TAN(1.05/2)+2/1.05) 0.089

1/2*(1/SIN(1.05/2)-2/1.05) 0.045
1/2*(COS(0.22)-1/TAN(1.05/2) 0.009
ASIN(2/1.05*((SIN(1.05/2))^2- 0.222 12.73 deg

pi*5/6 2.62 m
17.41*(5/2)^2*0.09*2*pi/6 10.13 tms
17.41*(5/2)^2*0.01*2*pi/6 1.03 tms
1.03*(1+0.6/0.45)/1.7 1.41 tms
17.41*(5/2)^2*0.05*2*pi/6*10 51.35 Knm
(1.41*10+51.35)*1.5 98.23 Knm
(10.13+1.41)*10 115.43 Knm
SQRT(115.43*1.5*10^6/ 0.31 m
0.6-0.1-16/2000 0.49 m
(0.36*30*0.45*1000*0.479*((0.6- 584.03 Knm
0.492*0.45*30/415*10^6 16005
0.45*30*10^9/(0.87*415^2) 90099

MAX((16004.82-SQRT(16004.82 10.43 cm2 asti/astii 1.82

^2-(4*90098.66 *MIN(115.43
MAX(IF(tm*1.5>584.03, 0.00 cm2 14.96/8.1
MAX((16004.82- 5.74 cm2

MAX(IF(Msp*1.5>584.03, 0.00 cm2

(51.35*1.5-584.03) *10^3/(0
*0.492) /100,0),0)

17.41*2.61791666666667/2 22.79 tons

22.79*1.5/(0.45*0.492*100) 1.54 n/mm2
5/2*0.22 0.56 m
22.79*( 2.62/2-0.56)*2/2.61791666 13.11 tons
13.11+1.6*1.03/0.45 16.78 tons
16.78*1.5/(0.45*0.492*100) 1.14 n/mm2
PI()*16^2/4*5/(0.45*10^4*0.492) 0.45 Safe
MAX(0.8*30/(6.89*0.45),1) 7.67
0.85*SQRT(0.8*30)*(SQRT(1+5*7. 0.48 n/mm2
2*pi*12*12/4 226.19 mm2
(MAX(1.54,1.14)- 236.16 Kn
IF(MAX(tow,towii)<0.48,226.19*41 170 mm
(226.19/(1.03*1.5*10^6/ 287 mm
0.87*415) +236.16*1000/

MIN(170,287,0.75*0.492*1000,300) 170 mm

IF(rd>0.45,0.1*0.45*0.6/2*100,0) 1.35 cm2

esign of Raft

41.23+97+3.53 141.77 t
(141.77+58.9)/10 20.07 sqm
20.07/(PI()*5) 1.28 m
141.77/58.9+175/65.74 5.07 t/m2
5.07*(3.75-0.45)^2/8 6.90 tm
SQRT(6.9*1.5*10^7/ 0.16 m
0.4-0.05-12/2000 0.34 m

1000*0.344*1000*30/415 24867 Sqmm

10^7*1000*30/(0.87*415*415) 2002192 Sqmm
MAX(0.12*0.4*100,(24867.47- 8.63 cm2
10*PI()*12^2/4/8.6327749804725 131 mm
8.6327749804725*1 8.63 cm2
10*PI()*12^2/4/8.6327749804725 131 mm

(3.75-0.45)/2 1.65 m
IF(l<a,0,(1.65-1.65)) 0m

5.07*(1.65-0.344) 6.62 t
IF((a>0.344),0.344,((0.4+(0- 0.34 m
sf*1.5*10000/(1000*(dc*1000)) 0.29 n/mm2
(pi*12^2/4*1000/125)*100/ 0.23
MAX(0.8*30/(6.89*0.23),1) 15.40
0.85*SQRT(0.8*30)*(SQRT(1+5*1 0.35 N/mm2

5.07*(0/2)^2/2 0.00 tm
SQRT(0*1.5*10^7/(0.138*30*1000)) 0.00 mm
0.4+(0.4-0.4)/2-0.05-12/2000 0.344 m

5.07*0/2 0.00 t
0*1.5/(0.344*100) 0.00 n/mm2 Safe
Tank portion for 40 kL capacity
Height of each stage hs 2.7
Depth of foundn up to df 2.0
Width of Ring Raft b rb 0.45
Overall Depth raft b rd 0.75
no columns nc 6.00
column size cb 0.30
staging dia ds 5.0
Top slab / Dome tst 0.125 h 0.000
Top ring beam trd 0.000 trb 0.000
Side wall swh 2.400 swt 0.150
Middle ring beam mrd 0.000 mrb 0.000
Inclined slab Ist 0.000 ish 0.000
Bottom ring beam brd 0.450 brb 0.300
Bottom slab / Dome bst 0.150 bdh 0.000
Brace brcd 0.500 brcb 0.250

capacity kL v 20 30 40 60 90 120
hs 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.70
df 1.50 1.50 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
rb 0.40 0.40 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45
rd 0.65 0.65 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75
nc 4 4 6 6 6 6
cb 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30
ds 4 4 5 6 7 7
tst 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.125 0.125
trd 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
swh 2.000 2.600 2.400 2.500 2.800 3.600
mrd 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Ist 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
brd 0.450 0.450 0.450 0.600 0.600 0.600
bst 0.150 0.150 0.150 0.350 0.150 0.150
brcd 0.450 0.450 0.500 0.500 0.450 0.500
h 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
trb 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
swt 0.150 0.150 0.150 0.150 0.150 0.150
mrb 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
ish 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
brb 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.300 0.450 0.300
bdh 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
brcb 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250
150 200 250
2.70 2.60 2.70
2.00 2.00 2.00
0.45 0.45 0.45
0.75 0.75 0.75
6 8 8
0.30 0.30 0.35
7 9 9
0.125 0.125 0.125
0.000 0.000 0.000
4.200 3.600 4.300
0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000
0.750 0.750 0.900
0.150 0.150 0.200
0.550 0.600 0.550
0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000
0.150 0.150 0.200
0.000 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 0.000
0.300 0.450 0.500
0.000 0.000 0.000
0.250 0.250 0.300
Bar bending Schedule for 40000 Lits. OHBR

Bar dia in mm No of bars dia in mm length Total length

Main steel 20 24 - 22250 534000
Ties 8 107 - 1008 107856
Main steel 20 216 - 2500 540000
Ties 10 450 - 1400 630000
Ring beam at raft
Main steel
Bottom Steel 16 1 4516 14507 14507
16 1 4626 14852 14852
16 1 4735 15197 15197
16 1 4845 15541 15541
16 1 4955 15886 15886
16 1 5065 16231 16231
16 1 5174 16575 16575
16 1 5284 16920 16920
Top steel 12 1 4512 14415 14415
12 1 4706 15024 15197
12 1 4900 15634 15541
12 1 5094 16243 15886
12 1 5288 16853 16231
Side face 16 1 4616 14822 14822
16 1 5384 16930 16930
Stirrups 12 105 - 2792 293160

Ring raft
Bottom steel
Radial bars 12 126 - 3700 466200
Circum.Rings 10 1 6840 21688 21688
10 1 6540 20746 20746
10 1 6240 19804 19804
10 1 5940 18861 18861
10 1 5640 17919 17919
10 1 5340 16976 16976
10 1 5040 16034 16034
10 1 4740 15091 15091
10 1 4440 14149 14149
10 1 4140 13206 13206
10 1 3840 12264 12264
10 1 3540 11321 11321
10 1 3240 10379 10379
10 1 2940 9436 9436
Top steel
Radial bars 10 79 - 3700 292300
Circum.Rings 10 1 6840 21688 21688
10 1 6440 20432 20432
10 1 6040 19175 19175
10 1 5640 17919 17919
10 1 5240 16662 16662
10 1 4840 15405 15405
10 1 4440 14149 14149
10 1 4040 12892 12892
10 1 3640 11635 11635
10 1 3240 10379 10379
10 1 3010 9656 9656

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