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jonathan tisch came from a family of hotel.

he inherited loews from his father, company

founder robert tisch, in 1989. He used that background to become one of the most successful
chief executives in the travel and tourism industry.

He have worked at every position in the hotel and this has been over his early years and
travelling with his family of going to properties that were run by loews and having an early love
affair with the hotel industry.

jonathan m. tisch is co-chairman of the board of loews corporation and chairman and ceo of its
loews hotels subsidiary. Nationally he has been recognized as a passionate advocate and
leader of the multi-billion dollar travel and tourism industry.

jonathan is the author of three bestselling books: the power of we: succeeding through
partnerships;where you will find his philosophy of doing business wich encompasses strategic
alliances,partnerships and empowering people.

Chocolates on the pillow arent enough,this book is about reinventing the customer
experience; and citizen you,this last book is about doing your part to change the world.

Tisch is a champion of corporate responsibility and his community and philanthropic activities
are extensive. Jonathans contributions to the industry have been recognized by many
including crains new york business, travel agent magazine and meeting news.

jhons philosophy is to give back to the community and he does it with a passion.

if i were tisch ,i wouldnt be as successful as he is now,because is difficult to me worrying

about those responsibilities and doing philanthropic activities.

jonathan m. tisch quotes

tisch said:" know yourself .figure out what you are good at and where your talents are lacking.
after you have done all you can to improve your weaknesses,take steps to surround yourself
with others who complement you.

remenber, you dont have to be all things to all people. instead,build partnerships with
colleagues who can make you more effective. the truth is that "i don't know anyone who has
become successful in any field without working hard. many of the most successful people have
less raw talent than their competitors - but they simply outwork them." ~ jonathan m. tisch.

l hered Loews de su padre, fundador de la empresa Robert Tisch, en 1989.

l utiliz ese fondo para convertirse en uno de los directores ejecutivos ms exitosos en la
industria del recorrido y del turismo. l ha trabajado en cada posicin en el hotel y esto ha
estado sobre sus primeros aos y viajando con su familia de ir a las propiedades que fueron
funcionadas por Lowes y tener un amor temprano con la industria hotelera.

Jonathan M. Tisch es copresidente de la junta directiva de Loews Corporation y presidente y

CEO de la filial de Loews Hotels.

A nivel nacional, ha sido reconocido como un defensor apasionado y lder de la industria

multimillonaria de viajes y turismo.

Jonathan es el autor de tres libros ms vendidos: El poder de nosotros: xito a travs de

asociaciones, donde encontrar su filosofa de hacer negocios que abarca alianzas estratgicas,
asociaciones y empoderamiento de la gente.

Chocolates en la almohada no son suficientes, este libro trata de reinventar la experiencia del
cliente; Y Citizen You, este ltimo libro trata de hacer su parte para cambiar el mundo.

Tisch es un campen de la responsabilidad corporativa y su comunidad y las actividades

filantrpicas son extensas. Las contribuciones de Jonathan a la industria han sido reconocidas
por muchos incluyendo el negocio de Nueva York de crain, la revista de agencia de viajes y
noticias de la reunin. La filosofa de jhon es devolver a la comunidad y lo hace con pasin.

Jonathan M. Tisch Cotizaciones

Tisch dijo: "Concete a ti mismo. En cuanto a lo que eres bueno y en donde te faltan tus
talentos, despus de haber hecho todo lo posible para mejorar tus debilidades, toma medidas
para rodearte de otros que te complementan.

Recuerde, usted no tiene que ser todo para todas las personas. En su lugar, construya
asociaciones con colegas que puedan hacerle ms efectivo. La verdad es que "no conozco a
nadie que haya tenido xito en ningn campo sin trabajar duro.Muchas de las personas ms
exitosas tienen menos talento crudo que sus competidores, pero simplemente las superan". ~
Jonathan M. Tisch

Si yo fuera tisch, no sera tan exitoso como lo es ahora, porque es difcil para m preocuparse
por esas responsabilidades y hacer actividades filantrpicas.

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