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Maisarah @TPJC

Question: Is the elimination of global poverty a realistic aim? [Cambridge 2009 Q1]

Question Analysis
Concepts - Poverty: Absolute - severe deprivation of human needs (food,
safe drinking water, sanitation facilities, health, shelter,
education, information); extreme poverty: earning below
international poverty line of US$1.25/day, set by World Bank
Relative lack minimum income needed in order to maintain
average standard of living in the society they live in
Global more than 3 billion (nearly the world population)
living on less than $2.50 a day, 1.3 billion suffering from
extreme poverty
- Realistic aim: achievable given the current amount of
- Elimination: eradicate, completely resolving the problem
Qualifiers/Assumptions - Elimination of poverty is not a realistic aim
Issue Whether poverty can be eradicated, given the circumstances whereby
there are limited resources in the world
Context Not explicitly stated, modern day context
Point of View (Stand & While poverty can be alleviated, to say that it is completely eliminated
Balance) is most definitely a difficult and unrealistic aim as the root causes of
poverty are too deeply embedded within our society to be resolved
given the limited amount of resources

Topic Sentence 1 As a result of corruption, the elimination of poverty has become nearly
impossible as it limits their governments ability to maximise efforts in
reversing the current state the poor are entrapped in.
Explanation Continued absence of political stability in many developing states
exposes them to corruption, negating the gains from foreign aid which
may be siphoned by corrupt officials for their own gains.
Examples + Significance 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami
- a significant proportion of food, medical and monetary aid
failed to reach the victims of the disaster as the military in
Bandar Aceh stole the supplies to sell to the black market
deprivation of basic human needs, that prevents the poor from
climbing out of their state of poverty
Sierra Leone
- 1.2 million given to Sierra Leone by the Department for
International Development was stolen by the countrys
ministers and spent on plasma television sets, hunting rifles
and other consumer items partly contributes to the
situation in Sierra Leone where 70% of the population lives
under the poverty line.
Concluding Statement Thus, with the strong undercurrent of corruption running deep within
governments today, it is nearly impossible to completely phase out
corruption and hence, eliminate poverty.
Maisarah @TPJC

Topic Sentence 2 The elimination of poverty has also been made a daunting and
unrealistic task due to the uneven spread of global resources across
the world, not allowing those in poorer developing countries to have
the opportunity to improve their current state and as such, not
achieving elimination of global poverty.
Explanation The differences in the economic playing field between developing and
developed countries gives little room for those in poorer developing
countries to climb out of poverty. As economic powers wield strength,
they use it to benefit themselves in the name of competition, through
protectionist measures and trade barriers.
Examples + Significance USA & Africa
- While the US provides $16 billion worth of aid supplies and
resources to Africa yearly, this is of not much help as when
Africa tried to export their agricultural products in order to
garner income for their local farmers, USA adopted
protectionist measures in the form of higher tax rates to
protect their domestic farmers against competition. This has
cost Africa approximately $50 billion yearly an amount far
greater than the aid they receive
Concluding Statement Therefore, with global economic powers having aims towards
garnering profits in exchange for the wellbeing of poorer developing
countries, it makes the elimination of global poverty highly challenging
and unrealistic.

Topic Sentence 3 Extreme weather conditions and disasters such as floods, droughts and
earthquakes are unavoidable, as some countries are prone to these
calamities, making the elimination of poverty in these areas impossible
and unrealistic globally.
Explanation These calamities strip already poor countries of its resources, such as
farms, plantations or factories that may allow these countries to climb
out of poverty. Countries that depend on these resources have no
choice but to remain in poverty due to these calamities that cannot be
Examples + Significance 2010 Haiti Earthquake
- Haitis domestic industries producing consumer goods such as
clothing make up for 70% of its exports
- However due to the earthquake that destroyed nearly all its
factories, it has landed Haiti in extreme poverty as it has not
only deprived most of its people of their daily income it has
also prevented them from having the means to improve their
lifestyles that have been disrupted severely from the disaster
Concluding Statement As such due to the inevitability of such disasters, those stuck in the
cycle of poverty due to constant reoccurrences of natural disasters
prevents poverty from being eliminated wholesomely.
Maisarah @TPJC

Balance 1 However, while the elimination of poverty may be unrealistic, there
have been attempts to alleviate the problem using current resources
pulled together by various countries and organisations.
Explanation World organisations and NGOs have stepped up efforts and developed
plans in order to resolve the issue of poverty. With a common aim of
ameliorating poverty worldwide, these organisations have collaborated
to achieve this goal of helping the poor.
Examples + Significance UN Millennium Goals
- A global action plan that aimed to achieve 8 anti-poverty goals
by 2015 with commitments for women and childrens health
and other initiatives against poverty, hunger and disease
Bill and Belinda Gates Foundation
- A private foundation to enhance healthcare and reduce
extreme poverty

their specialised commitments target the more crucial causes for

poverty, and while it may not completely eliminate poverty it
addresses the problem from the root, thus alleviating the problem
Concluding Statement As such, while the total elimination of global poverty remains
unrealistic with global cooperation the alleviation of the problem is
surely possible.

Balance 2 Despite the complete eradication of poverty being unrealistic, with the
ever globalising world, efforts to alleviate poverty have become
greater and it allows the poor to receive the aid that they previously
would not have been able to get.
Explanation Advancements in transport and telecommunications technology have
led to the proliferation of international organisations that focus on aid
provision, thus there is an increased cooperation from nations around
the world to respond to countries in need.
Examples + Significance Bangladesh
- Monsoonal floods have repeatedly devastated their economy
(20% decrease in economic development) and environment.
For many years, the Bangladesh govt has been coping with this
damage on their own.
- However, with globalisation the emergence of more NGOs had
relieved the government of the load in alleviating the impacts
of the floods
- Working alongside the government, Oxfam an international
confederation of 20 NGOs working towards ending injustices
that lead to poverty, has been able to provide basic needs such
as food and water supply that has rescued many of the
peoples lives
Concluding Statement As such, with globalisation it is able to bring about more efficient and
effective relief efforts, thus alleviating global poverty.

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