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Skill lab EBM

1. Definisi EBM
Pendekatan pada pengelolaan pasien yang mengaplikasikan informasi medis dari hasil
penelitian yang sahih.

2. Langkah-langkah EBM
a. Formulate clinical problems in answerable question
b. Search the best evidence : use internet or other online database for current evidence
c. Critically appraise the evidence for VIA
validity (was the study valid?)
importance (were the result clinically important?)
applicability (could we apply to our patient?)
d. Apply the evidence to patient
e. Evaluate our performance

3. Bagaimana cara membuat pertanyaan klinis yang baik?

P = The patient or problem
I = The intervention
C = Comparative intervention (if reievan)
O = The outcome

4. Sebutkan ukuran-ukuran nilai diagnosis (a) dan rumusnya?

a = positif benar
b = positif semu
c = negative semu
d = negative benar
Sn = sensitivity
Sp = specifity
1) Sensitivitas /sensitivity = a/(a+c)
2) Spesifisitas = d/(b+d)
3) Akurasi = a+d/(a+b+c+d)
4) Nilai Prediksi Positif = a/(a+b)
5) Nilai Prediksi Negative = d/(c+d)
6) Likelihood Ratio + = Sn/(1-Sp)
7) Likelihood Ratio = (1-Sn)/Sp
8) Likelihoad Ratio test
9) Area under curve (AUC)

5. Sebutkan ukuran-ukran importance artikel terapi untuk efektivitas terapi dan komplikasi
penyakit yang di terapi?
1) CER (Control Event Rate) the rate at which events occur in a control group =
2) EER (experimental Event Rate) the rate at which events occur in an experimental
group = a/(a+b)
3) ARR (Absolute Reduction Risk) the change in risk of an outcome of a given
treatment or activity in relation to a comparison treatment or activity (inverse of NTT)
4) RRR (Relative Reduction Risk)
5) ABI (Absolute Benefit Increase) used when the treatment is likely to increase the
number of beneficial events / the decrease in the risk of an events occurrence when
a populations exposed to determined factor = EER - CER
6) RBI (Relative Benefit Increase)
7) NNT (Number Need to Treat) number of patients who need to be treated to prevent
one bad overcome of produce one goof outcome (inverse of ARR) = 1/ARR

6. Sebutkan nama situs penelusuran yang gratis?

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