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Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer in your paper.

1. In what part of the respiratory system does gas exchange occur?
a. lungs b. alveoli c. diaphragm d. bronchial tubes
2. Which body system is responsible for gas exchange in the body?
a. excretory system b. endocrine system c. respiratory system d. integumentary system
3. What blood vessel carries away blood from the heart?
a. veins b. arteries c. venules d. capillaries
4. In which part of the heart will the deoxygenated blood enter from the other parts of the body?
a. left atrium b. right ventricle c. inferior vena cava d. superior vena cava
5. An addictive drug present in tobacco smoke is ___________.
a. tar b. nicotine c. carbon monoxide d. hydrogen cyanide
6. Alleles at particular locations are called____________.
a. gene b. allele d. gene locus d. location of trait
7. If an egg cell is fertilized by a sperm with Y chromosomes, what will be its offspring?
a. male b. female c. either male or female d. neither male nor female
8. Which of the following is the MAIN cause of wildlife extinction?
a. speciation b. deforestation c. habitat destruction d. production of plastics
9. Photosynthesis is a process of food making done by plants and autotrophic organisms. Where does
photosynthesis takes place?
a. cell wall b. cytoplasm c. chloroplast d. mitochondrion
10. Cellular respiration breaks down organic molecules for the production of ATP. Where can you find
this process?
a. cell wall b. cytoplasm c. chloroplast d. mitochondrion
11. Who is the proponent of the nuclear model of the atom?
a. Bohr b. Schrodinger c. Rutherford d. Sommerfield
12. What is proven by the atomic spectra of the elements?
a. The atom is electrically charged. c. The electrons are negatively charged.
b. The nucleus is the central core of the atom d. The electrons of the atom exist in definite energy leve
13. When an electron goes into a higher energy level, it is said to be__________.
a. stable b. in ground state c. in its excited state d. cannot be determined
14. Calcium (Ca) which is a metal combines with chlorine (Cl), a non-metal producing calcium chloride
(CaCl2). What kind of chemical bond exists between them?
a. ionic bond b. covalent bond c. metallic bond d. polar covalent bond
15. Which pair of atoms combines by sharing electrons?
a. Na atom and F atom b. C atom and O atom c. Ca atom and Cl atom d. Rb atom and another Rb
16. Which of the following solids conduct electricity and heat?
a. ice b. I2 crystals c. iron metal d. sugar crystals
17. What is the property of metal accounts for the formation of ionic bond?
a. ductility b. malleability c. high melting point d. low ionization energy
18. Which electron-dot formula would represent the atom of oxygen (O) which is a member of group
19. To which group of hydrocarbon does the molecule with the structure below belongs?




a.alkane b. alkene c. alkyne d. alcohol

20. Which of the following is the simplest form of expressing the relative number and kind of atoms in a
molecule of a compound?
a. molecular formula b. empirical formula c. qualitative formula d. quantitative formula
21. Which of the following is NOT associated with explosive eruption of volcanoes?
a. high silica content b. high water content c. high temperature of magma
d. high humidity inside the earths surface
22. Mt. Bulusan has erupted recently. What can you say about Mt. Bulusan?
a. dormant b. extinct c. active d. explosive
23. During eruption, a volcano thrusts out different objects and substances. Which of the following
products of eruption can cause damage to the environment most especially to the people?
a. Lava @tephra b. water, rock @ mud c. ash @ gases d. all of the above
24. What is a volcano?
a. the highest peak in a mountain range c. a character on a star trek
b. a flat surface on the earths crust d. a thin spot in the earths crust
25. Which of the following is the best practice to reduce negative effects of climate change?
a. using of motorbikes b. practicing the 3Rs c. burning of plastic d. animal production
26. The farther you travel away from the equator the cooler it gets. Why is this so?
a. this is because the Earth is curved thats why it is hot at the equator and very cold at the poles
b. this is because the tilting of the earth is too fast
c. this is because the sun rays hitting the earth at higher latitude are spread out over a concentrated area
d. this is because over the equator the rays are not randomly spread out into smaller area
27. Many people visit the summer capital of the Philippines which is Baguio City during summer days
because of its cold weather. Which of the following statements explain the phenomenon?
a. because of latitude b. because of altitude c. because of topography d. because of distance from
the ocean
28. Brightness of the stars depends on the following factors EXCEPT,
a. the temperature of the star c. the stars size
b. the stars distance from the earth d. the density of the star
29. What will happen if an excessive air pollutant in the atmosphere such as SO2, CO2,and NO2?
a. continuous climate change c. temperature will fluctuate from time to time
b. relative humidity lowered d. Green House Effect occur
30. As we observe during night time, the stars in the sky seem moving. Which of the following explains
this phenomenon?
a. because the night sky is keep on moving c. because of the rotation of the earth around its axis
b. because the universe is constantly expanding d. because a group of stars releases luminous content
31. What is projectile motion?
a. It is composed of the horizontal components only
b. It is composed of the motion of a freely falling object only.
c. It is the combination of vertical components and free fall.
d. It is the combination of the uniform horizontal motion and free fall.
32. What is the shape of the trajectory of a projectile?
a. horizontal b. inclined c. parabolic d. vertical
33. How does the angle of projection associated with the vertical distance or maximum height at
constant speed?
a. The greater the angle of projection, the lesser the maximum height
b. The greater the angle of projection, the greater the vertical distance
c. The lesser the angle of projection, the greater the maximum height
d. The lesser the angle of projection, the lesser the vertical distance
34. What are the two forms of potential energy?
a. elastic, nuclear b. electrical, light c. gravitational, elastic d. chemical, gravitational
35. At the instant the object touches the ground, what are the PE and KE respectively?
a. 0 and 98.0 J b. 0 and 58.8 J c. 39.2 J and 0 d. 98.0 J and 0
36. Which of the following is the First Law of Thermodynamics most related to?
a. conservation of energy c. mass- energy equivalence
b. conservation of mass d. mechanical environment
37. According to thermodynamics, which form of energy is considered waste?
a. chemical b. electrical c. heat d. solar
38. An internal combustion engine having a thermal efficiency of 30% produces a 3,000 J of work . How
much is the INPUT energy ?
39. Which of the following is the process of producing electricity by moving a conductor through a
magnetic field or a magnet through a conducting coil?
a. electricity generation c. electromagnetic induction
b. electricity transmission d. electromagnetic conduction
40. Which of the following is the primary factor in power loss during transmission of electricity?
a. temperature fluctuations c. resistance of long transmission lines
b. low voltage in transmission lines d. distance between power plant and substations



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