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A review of electrical energy management techniques:

supply and consumer side (industries)

Afua Mohamed

Mohamed Tariq Khan

Department of Electrical Engineering, Cape Peninsula University of Technology

Abstract ment is higher than supply).

A review of electrical energy management tech- There is a lack of resources (finance, energy)
niques on the supply side and demand side is pre- and EEM helps to postpone the construction a
sented. The paper suggests that direct load control, new power plant.
interruptible load control, and time of use (TOU) On the demand side, energy management is used
are the main load management techniques used on to reduce the cost of purchasing electrical energy
the supply side (SS). The supply side authorities and the associated penalties. The techniques used
normally design these techniques and implement for EEM are aimed at achieving valley filling, peak
them on demand side consumers. Load manage- clipping and strategic conservation of electrical sys-
ment (LM) initiated on the demand side leads to tems. Al-Shakarchi & Abu-Zeid (2002); and Kissock
valley filling and peak clipping. Power factor correc- & Eger (2008) presented the techniques used to
tion (PFC) techniques have also been analysed and decrease the need for additional capacity and the
presented. It has been observed that many power costs involved by increased fuel on the supply side.
utilities, especially in developing countries, have The implementation of the techniques leads to
neither developed nor implemented DSM for their improving off-peak valley-hours and the load factor
electrical energy management. This paper proposes of the system. The common load management
that the existing PFC techniques should be re-eval- techniques to SS or DS are presented as load shed-
uated especially when loads are nonlinear. It also ding and restoring. There are also more exotic
recommends automatic demand control methods to means such as power wheeling, the installation of
be used on the demand side in order to acquire energy efficient processes and equipment, the use
optimal energy consumption. This would lead to of energy storage devices, co-generation, use of
improved reliability of the supply side and thereby renewable energy and reactive power control.
reducing environmental degradation. Implementation of these techniques has found a
steady increase in application and meets demand
Keywords: electrical energy management, demand- side management (DSM) objectives.
side management, maximum demand, power factor In this paper, we review the techniques used for
correction electrical energy management carried out on the
supply and demand side, and recommend the
appropriate methods more suitable for industrial

1. Introduction 2. Electrical energy management: Power

Electrical energy management (EEM) is a topic that supply side
has reached specific concern in the twenty- first cen- The power supply side executes production and
tury due to its contribution to economic develop- delivery of electric power. It is also responsible for
ment and environmental advancement. It has as a supplying sufficient electric power at the acceptable
logical outcome and the planning of varieties of ini- standards and high level of reliability. The power
tiatives that could be deployed to reduce energy utility of a vertical integrated system is normally split
consumption. EEM maybe performed on the sup- into four processes namely generation, transmis-
ply side (SS) or demand side (DS). sion, distribution and retailing of electric power.
On the supply side, EEM is undertaken when: Electric power is a non-storable product, (unlike
There is a growing demand (demand require- water or other type of energy that the amount col-

14 Journal of Energy in Southern Africa Vol 20 No 3 August 2009

lected at a certain time may be stored for future use) classification of customers loads according to the
and hence, the amount generated at any instant size of load. Telephone, radio signal and power line
should not be higher than the amount required by were used to produce a signal that interrupted large
the demand. The generated AC supply is periodi- industrial consumers. In this system, customers
cally fluctuating and is a sum of consumers were required to reduce their electric demand to an
demand e.g. residential, commercial, and industrial. emergency service load for only 10 minutes upon
Demand of electricity has been increasing request. Under frequency, the relay was installed in
worldwide and has caused electrical energy to the customers loads, which responded very fast in
become a scarce resource in developing countries. the under frequency regime.
The electricity generated should be utilised effi- Tools for evaluation of end-use monitoring DLC
ciently to meet the demand of countries. This programs were described by Nancy et al. (1989)
improves the reliability of the power supply system. namely as a duty cycle model (DCM) and demand
In this regard, electrical energy management (EEM) side planning. The PC-based workstation had
is the cheapest action that can support the growing proven to be a viable and cost effective means of
electricity demand and allows enough time for the analysing the voluminous data used in the program.
utility companies to plan for investment of new gen- The duty cycle model offered an integrated
erating plans. approach to DLC impact analysis. This is given by:

2.1 Energy management techniques t= Average load 1

Energy management embodies engineering, Connected load
design, applications, utilization, and to some extent, Kah-Hoe & Sheble (1998) analysed DLC by
the operation and maintenance of electric power profit based load management. The algorithm that
systems for the provision of the optimal use of elec- determines the number of customers to be con-
trical energy without violating other international trolled was developed and considered under all
standards. Load management in utility industries is possible control durations. Successive approxima-
the planning and implementation of the utility activ- tion techniques were employed. The developed
ities, which are designed to influence customers to model was based on the sum of controllable and
use electricity in such a way, that it produces a non-controllable load, and was categorised into dif-
desired change in the utility load shape. ferent customer load groups. They further conclud-
ed that there is a profit margin when the control-
Direct load control (DLC) lable load is scheduled. The model used to identify
This is the program designed to interrupt con- controllable and non-controllable load is given as:
sumers loads during the peak time by direct control
of the utility power supply to individual appliances Tl = Cl +Nl 2
on a consumer premises. The control usually
involves residential consumers. The cost benefit of Where: Cl is controllable load and Nl is non-con-
DLC includes: trollable load
Power system production cost savings. Ahsan (1990) presented the impact of load
Power system generating capacity cost savings. management strategies on the reliability and pro-
Power system loss reduction. duction cost of the interconnected systems. The seg-
Benergee (1998) presented DLC for agricultural mentation method was used. A model of basic
pumps and commercial air conditioners. He approach for LM applicable to two interconnected
defined the load management as an action that system was developed. The basic approaches con-
involves analysis of variations, identification of con- sidered were the direct, indirect load control and
trollable loads, selection of control options and energy storage. The study concluded that instead of
implementation of strategies. Interruptible and time increasing generating capacity, a load management
of use tariff was tested and found to have a useful scheme could be applied to the system as an alter-
option for Indias power supply. He further studied native solution.
the nature of controlled load and set the type of
control option as: Load management by time dependent tariffs
Direct load control, utility can switch off the load In this method, load management is carried out by
directly when required. the influence of tariffs setting. The total cost of gen-
Interruptible load control the utility provides erating and delivering of electricity to consumers
advance notice to the customer for switching off was being broken into four fundamental categories
their loads. of services:
TOU tariffs, where utility rate structure is Customer services,
designed according to the time. Distribution services,
Backer (1986) introduced the DLC carried by Transmission services,
the Pacific Gas and Electric Company. He proposed Generation services,

Journal of Energy in Southern Africa Vol 20 No 3 August 2009 15

Integrated utilities in regulated states set the rates to programmes are most common, followed by air
cover the costs of all services. conditioning and motor rebate programmes. Re-
The electric consumers are billed as: bate levels vary widely, from approximately 20
Flat rate tariffs / two part tariff 100% of the cost depending on the price (Nadel,
Time of use tariff (TOU) 1990; Nadel & Geller, 1999). Another example is
Spot price the DSM rebate program presented by Mthombeni,
In a flat rate tariff, a customer pays the same (2007).
amount for electricity at any time of day.
Chamberlin & Herman (1996) as well as Ashok Thermal energy storage
& Benergee (2001) presented load management by It is the use of thermal energy storage to store heat
TOU rates. In this method, the utility provides trans- for space or water heating during off peak period
parent information on the electricity price at differ- and use at the peak time. This system is also wide-
ent periods to the customers to encourage off peak ly used in air conditioners. The on- off switching of
and discourage peak period consumption by vary- the storage elements was accomplished by commu-
ing price of electricity. Time of use rates provide nication technology and control as voluntary load
variation of the cost of energy by season or time of control. A separate meter was usually used to dis-
day. Rates are higher during peak demand periods tinguish storage loads and other loads (Leif et al.,
and lower during off-peak periods. Some utilities 1981)
have made TOU rates mandatory for large cus-
tomers. Savings from time of use rates vary 2.2 Other energy management measures
depending on the size of the peak/off-peak price dif- taken by utility industries
ferential and the length of the peak period. National energy strategies are striving towards
Babu (1995) developed discriminatory time of achieving stable and reliable sources of energy to
use tariffs in which the price corresponds to the meet the demands of the individual country.
marginal cost of supply. He identified that the price Traditionally, many of these demands have been
of electricity has a significant contribution to the LM met by burning fossil fuels. In recent years, concerns
scheme. An econometric model for electricity on climate change have risen and call for reliable
demand in the domestic sector was developed. and clean energy. Many alternative energy
Linear programming (LP) was used to set electricity resources have been explained and recommended
tariffs. as clean energy but in one way or another, they are
Another type of tariff setting for LM is spot not full utilized due to their own technological bar-
price. The message is sent to customers to indicate riers.
the price of electricity for an instant of time. A spot Nuclear energy has been used successfully in a
price scheme is appreciable if electricity price fluc- few places, but this source is not feasible without its
tuation is high and if the consumer can anticipate own set of environmental concerns. Other alterna-
the price behaviour as well as being able to respond tive sources of energy include the use of solar ener-
quickly when the electricity price is high or low. gy, wind power, and biomass fuels. These sources
of energy can be used in urban and rural areas.
Dispatch load management (DLM) Renewable energy technologies (RETs) are attrac-
In this method, the utility make agreements with the tive and environmentally sound technology
customers on the reduction of their load for a cer- options. In addition, most of renewable energy
tain time. In exchange, customers receive discounts technologies are modularised and are well suited for
on their electric bills. These programmes are prima- meeting decentralized rural energy demand.
rily oriented towards large commercial and industri- Renewable energy technologies that utilize locally
al (C&I) customers. The number of participants is available resources and expertise provide employ-
generally low, but load reductions per customer can ment opportunities for the locals. Finally, RETs can
be significant and overall load savings is substantial improve an electrical power supply system by pro-
(Nadel, 1992). The problem of this method is the viding energy surplus to the grid system.
amount of actual reductions, which might be less
than contracted reductions, because not all cus- 3. Electrical energy management (EEM)
tomers are able to fully shed loads during their through consumers
shedding periods. This section focuses on EEM techniques used to
manage electrical energy on the demand side. It
Rebate program solely refers to the approaches undertaken on the
Rebates are a type of financial incentive offered by consumer side, entailed to reduce their electric
electric utilities over the past decade. In the residen- energy cost. EEM in demand side is the practice
tial sector, rebates have been commonly offered for that deals with design, application, utilization and
the purchase of efficient appliances and compact maintenance to optimize electrical energy consump-
fluorescent bulbs. In the C&I sectors, lighting rebate tion aimed at energy and peak demand reduction.

16 Journal of Energy in Southern Africa Vol 20 No 3 August 2009

The importance of EEM in industries, in terms of Where:
its energy saving potential, was highlighted by Xj represents the installed capacity rating,
Bjorke, (1985), while Gellings, (1985) mentioned rj represents the fraction of load on for the jth
the aim of EEM initiated by supply side. Moreover, machine,
Gellings emphasized that, supply side implements Uj (t) is the utilization factor,
energy management for the benefit of its own side. Uj (t), P (t) and PT (t) are the continuous time
Hence, consumers are not directly benefiting from random process.
the supply side load management program where-
as EEM programmes initiated by demand side tech- 3.1 Load shape change
niques in production industries can bring direct In order to achieve load shape change, the tech-
profit to the industries as well as the utility system niques proposed by Gellings are still viable (Gelling
(Antonio et al., 1991). & Chemberlin, 1993).
Energy management methods are grouped in Load shedding is a term used to describe the
four general categories. practice of trimming peak power demand to reduce
House keeping measures; high demand penalties. It involves shifting of load
Equipment and process modification; from peak to off peak period. The load shape objec-
Better utilization of equipment; and tive is one of the DSM objectives that are used for
Loss reduction (IEEE std 739-1984). peak shaving.
Bjorke (1985) concluded that the industrial sector Ashok & Benergee (2001) introduced load man-
has good potential for achieving load management agement applications for the industrial sector. Load
results due to the possibility of controlling large shifting was considered as the best method for
amounts of load. In order to determine controllable reducing customer demand during peak period.
and non-controllable loads and the loads, which The load shifting techniques were used to select the
provide greater potential for demand reduction, he load or processes, which can be shifted/ resched-
proposed inventory study. In addition, the adapted uled. The method used in this study was the use of
techniques as follows: economic incentives and disincentives offered
Bivalent systems; through the electric rate structure.
Load priority systems; An energy intensive load and their consumption
Energy storage in industrial process and other characteristics in industry were analysed. The pro-
feasible applications; and posed method was to shift load in such away that
Cycling group of load (On and off). loads are diverted from a peak period to an off peak
Computer software was used to monitor the opera- period, whereby shaving the peak and filling the
tion of the system. Loads were allowed to vary as valley.
per rate schedule. The mathematical model was developed to
Ostadi et al (2007) proposed the model used for allow optimization of electrical energy used.
optimization of energy systems. Through different Formulation of the model was based on integer lin-
energy optimization methods, the possibility of ear programming for minimizing electricity cost by
reducing energy consumption has been found. scheduling the loads while satisfying the process
Much earlier on, Manichaikul & Schwepper storage and production constraints. The model was
(1979) proposed a physical based industrial electric also used to analyze energy consumed in response
loads demand modelling. The demand of industries to different tariffs. The objective function was to
was analysed in detail from the stochastic aspect of reduce energy cost.
the use of individual pieces of equipment and the The parameters that must be considered in for-
product flow and storage structure of individual mulation of the mathematical model used for opti-
process. The mathematical model describing the mization of the system includes development of the
two aspects was formulated. The developed model entire time horizon, H of the interval and con-
had two general steps i.e.: straints as:
i) Development of a physical load model;
ii) Combine the result from the step i with various , for the total intervals N,
types of economic analysis depending on the in the time horizon 5
issues of interest.
The model considered the load of individual jth The constraints involved in this problem were
machine in industries as P (t): given in the form of mathematical equations as fol-
Pj(t) = Xjrjuj(t) 3
Production constraints
and the total plant load PT (t) was given by:

Journal of Energy in Southern Africa Vol 20 No 3 August 2009 17

Where: Japan.
M is the total number of machines processing or Khosid (1998) reported active load manage-
producing final out put, ment and its associated mathematical model for a
Q is minimum production load-controlled consumer (LCC). The model
Pmi is production rate of machine m, in the inter- assumed that each system has some LM facility that
val can reduce energy consumption and prevent sys-
tem shut down when an emergency occurs.
Storage of the system should be at a limited level The developed model determined technical
The process loads with storage facility and maxi- potentials and cost of the active load management
mum capacity limitations is given by: for an industrial consumer with continuous produc-
tion. It was assumed that LCC has a storage unit
7 between each production section. Power limitation
of some shops leads to the decrease in their output,
however, it does not affect the normal work of the
adjacent section that use products from the preced-
T = 1 to N ing section. The reduction strategy was determined
Sm is maximum storage capacity based on minimal power consumption that allows
the section to perform its basic operation.
The main aim of the model was to limit the sys- This model was designed to solve optimal distri-
tem to operate at maximum demand; hence, the bution of power limitations between LCCs shops
peak demand and maximum time of power limitation when LCC
limitation was reduced the power demand.
given by: Mathews et al. (2008) proposed real-time ener-
gy management in the cement industry and devel-
8 oped the procedures for identifying DSM opportu-
nities. These procedures included data gathering
and refining, simulation of silo levels and material
Where: flows for energy optimization.
KVA is the maximum demand limit A control philosophy was developed to realize
Kmi is electrical power input of individual the DSM potentials. The developed Control soft-
machine m and ware utilizes an existing supervisory control and
pfmi power factor data acquisition (SCADA) system of the factory.
Automatic dynamic simulation of the raw mill sys-
Objective function tem was conducted in a real-time environment. The
The objective function was to minimize cost of elec- control system was equipped with a computerized
trical energy logging system that logs the hourly material flow
through energy from the limestone bins to the raw mills. Historical
consumption data was used to determine baselines for the two
optimization. Where Ci is the cost of energy for the raw mill sections. Simulation of the milling schedule
interval i, the objective function is given by: was required to comply with below mentioned con-
9 The Eskom Mega Flex tariffs must be used for
the savings calculation.
Ashok (2006) presented a load model, which The electricity cost must be minimized during
incorporates the characteristics of batch type loads the peak times.
related to any type of process industry. The model The maximum electrical load cannot exceed the
was coupled with an optimization process utilizing installed capacity.
integer linear programming for minimizing the total The correct material flows or silo capacities must
electricity cost. A TOU tariff was used to compare be known.
the effectiveness of the model. The results obtained from the simulation provid-
A demand model was reported for Japans ed a more accurate description of the actual mate-
industry. The designed model reflected the actual rial flow through the raw mill systems than the ener-
areas for energy consumption. From the model, it gy simulation alone. Finally, the study shows that
was then possible to detect all potential areas for the milling systems can be main contributors to
energy reductions. The reduction was achieved by demand side management initiatives.
designing intelligent systems in combination with
highly efficient technologies. The concept of Best 3.2 Power factor correction
Available Technologies (BAT) was implemented in Power factor (pf) is the ratio between the kW and
the industrial, residential and commercial sectors of the KVA drawn by an electrical load. It is a measure

18 Journal of Energy in Southern Africa Vol 20 No 3 August 2009

of how effectively the current is being converted Load control impact assessment
into useful work. In order to asses the impact of load control, a model
Many instruments and analysis techniques for capable of predicting load behaviour with and with-
evaluating the power factor were devised only to out load control is to be developed. The models
consider the phase shift component of the power should be able to respond under all possible load
factor. Phase shift is measured in degrees, but it is control initiatives. It has also used in identifying
equivalent to time. This component of the power control strategies, which maximize the impact of
factor is called the displacement power factor over energy consumption.
(DPF). Utilities that impose low power factor penal- The next step is the implementation of the load
ties tend to measure DPF only (IEEE std 141-1993) control and verification, which are normally
Inductive loads, mainly induction motors, cause achieved by post implementation measurements of
a low power factor in industries. Inductive loads the output data.
require reactive power for the creation of magnetiz-
ing current that facilitates magnetic field in the 4. Role of demand side management
required circuit. Reactive power drawn by inductive Demand side management (DSM) activities are
loads increases the amount of apparent power in those involving action on demand or the customer
the distribution system. side of the electric meter, either direct caused or
indirectly stimulated by the utility aiming at manag-
3.2.1 Benefits of improving power factor ing consumption of energy, in order to optimize
Smaller utility bills available energy generated and resources. These
Increase internal electrical system capacity. are load management, strategic conservation, and
Improve voltage drop at the point of use, (volt- strategic growth (Gelling & Chemberlin, 1993). The
ages below equipment rating reduces efficiency, DSM of any utility company is developed with spe-
increases current, and reduces starting torque in cific objectives such as:
motors). Planning objectives
Improve voltage regulation. Load shape objectives
Improved system efficiency. The planning objectives of many utilities includ-
ing South Africas Eskom are given (NER, 2000):
3.2.2 Power factor corrections strategies Minimize future revenue requirements.
In many electrical systems, capacitors are used to Reduce future utility capital expenditures.
correct the power factor. Alternative ways of Increase opportunities for all customers to
improving the power factor include: reduce their bills.
Replacement of over-sized motors with standard Improve financial performance.
or high efficiency motors of the right horsepow- Minimize investors risk.
er. Maximize planning flexibility.
Shutdown idle running motors. These goals are strategic if they are established
Avoid operation of equipment above its rated to guide activities in the long term. The aims of the
voltage. load shape objectives are to implement peak clip-
In modern industries, there is an issue of har- ping, valley filling and load shifting by using the
monics caused by nonlinear loads; hence, to DSM activities stipulated by Gellings. DSM options
depend on capacitor correction only, might not help that are potential for efficiency improvement have
much. More research on harmonic filters is needed. to be identified, evaluated and implemented.
Load levelling (peak clipping and valley filling) is
3.3 Electrical load management (ELM) used to smooth out the peaks and dips in energy
process demand by reducing energy consumption during
The load management process includes: the peak period. Valley filling is the process of mak-
ing an energy production and delivery system to be
Load character assessment more efficient by encouraging additional energy use
Load characteristics are to be defined by measure- during off peak periods.
ment and analysis of data. Statistical parameters,
load duration curves, duty cycles and load-profiles 5. Discussion
etc. are used to define the characteristic of the load. The electrical energy management techniques
Techniques such as statistical regression and time implemented by supply or demand side have been
series are used to define the load model of the reviewed. The Energy management on the supply
plant. Statistical regression gives the energy model side is normally performed for the benefit of the
of the analysed load as a function of various vari- power supply company but the actions are taken on
ables. the demand side. In some cases, there is an agree-
ment between the supply side and customers. The
drawback of EEM on the supply side does not pro-

Journal of Energy in Southern Africa Vol 20 No 3 August 2009 19

vide enough profit to the demand side (it does not ing PFC are to be worked out so as to achieve more
give opportunity for many customers to plan for energy saving.
supply interruption). The paper also proposes automatic demand
Direct load control is commonly applied to control techniques to be used for appropriate
domestic consumers. Price signal (spot price) is one demand management and recommends more
of the potential means of electrical energy manage- research on load management strategies on the
ment but this system is not viable especially to the consumer side. This should be done in order to
utility industry of which most of its consumers have minimize the energy cost baring (demand side),
variable load profiles e.g. domestic consumers. improve the reliability of the supply side, and
Such kind of utility industries are found in develop- reduce environmental degradation.
ing countries and their maximum demand occurs This review should be taken as a challenge to
between 17:30-21:00. the power supply industry especially in developing
Another challenge to the introduction of gener- countries, which have not yet considered or devel-
alised spot pricing is the need to replace the entire oped active DSM programs. DSM can improve the
metering system, which of course, requires tremen- capacity addition and hence reduce environmental
dous investment and legislation. The method is degradation.
therefore not appropriate to many developing
Load management on the consumer side has
proven to bring direct benefits. A review of many
research materials revealed that most of the EEM
techniques developed in demand side management References
have not clearly provided load control methods. Ahsan Q, 1990, Load management: impacts on the reli-
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sidered as one of the load management (LM)
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Received 8 September 2008; revised 10 June 2009

Journal of Energy in Southern Africa Vol 20 No 3 August 2009 21

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