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What is Research?

*Clarke and Clarke: Research is a careful, systematic and objective investigation conducted to obtain valid facts,
draw conclusions and established principles regarding an identifiable problem in some field of knowledge.
*John W. Best: Research is a systematic and objective analysis and recording of controlled observations that may
lead to the development of generalizations, principles, theories and concepts, resulting in prediction for seeing and
possibly ultimate control of events.
*Clifford Woody: Research is a careful enquiry or examination in seeking facts or principles, a diligent investigation
to ascertain something.
*Mouley: It is the process of arriving at dependable solution to the problems through the planned and systematic
collection, analysis and interpretation of data.

Functions of Research
Research corrects perceptions as well as expands them.
Research gathers information on subjects or phenomena we lack or have little knowledge about.
Research develops and evaluates concepts, practices and theories.
Research obtains knowledge for practical purposes like solving problems on population explosion, drug
addiction, juvenile delinquency and the like.
Research provides hard facts which serve as bases for planning, decision-making, project implementation
and evaluation.

Relationship of Research and Mankind Problems

The development of the society from its simple to its complex state will reveal the many and varied
problems which afflict human kind.
Thus, solutions to problems must be based on knowledge, not on mere beliefs, guesses or theories. To
acquire knowledge and to continuously evaluate its accuracy and usefulness requires a well-planned and
systematic procedure on which research has been devised to meet this need.
Research is a human device invented and developed not only to push far the limit the human knowledge
but to improve the quality of individual and group life.
This underscores the importance of research, the continued existence and relevance of which will last as
long as there is human being who wishes to expand his knowledge and understanding about the world and
everything therein.

Importance of Research
*Quantitative Research is asking people for their own opinions on something but in a structured way. The research
has to be structured so that you can produce statistics and hard facts. Often with quantitative research a large
survey of many different people would be carried out, this has to match the target market.
Quantitative research typically includes customer surveys and questionnaires.
Quantitative research is important because it will help you to see if there is a market for your product also what
type of people are your best costumers.

*Qualitative Research is to find out the why, rather than the how of the chosen topic. Qualitative research does
this by analyzing unstructured information such as: emails, feedback forms, interview transcripts and more. Unlike
quantitative research, qualitative research does not rely on statistics or numbers.

*Secondary Research is existing research, as opposed to research collected directly from research subjects, that
occurs when a project or topic requires a collection of existing data.
Secondary Research could include previous newspapers, magazines, research reports, film archives, photo
libraries, worldwide web, searching internet forums and government and NGO statistics. This research is carried out
to determine what is already known and what new data is required.
Secondary Research is important so that we are able to compare existing research with new research if needed.
*Primary Research includes interview techniques, observations, questionnaires, surveys, types of questions, focus
groups, audience panels, participation in internet forums. It is opposite to secondary research. Its research is
collected from research subjects.
Primary Research is important as it allows people to gather new information that is more relevant to the time.

*Research Board (BARB) was set up in 1981 to provide the industry standard television audience results service for
broadcasters and the advertising industry. BARB is owned by BBC, ITV, Channel 4, Channel 5, BSkyB and the IPA
(Institute of Practitioners in Advertising) and is a not for profit company limited by guarantee.

*Radio Joint Audience Research Ltd. (RAJAR) is the official body in charge of measuring the amount of people
listening to a radio station. It is owned by the BBC and the RadioCenter.
There are approximately 310 individual stations on the survey and results are published regularly.
RAJAR is important because it allows radio stations to see how popular their station is.

*Self-generated Research is where you collect information/evidence through your own record of events, e.g. video,
audio or photographic.
Self-generated research is important because it teaches a person how to collect information by themselves. A lot
of university work requires self-generated research.

*Audience Research is collecting information from your certain target audience for a specific product,
pitch/presentation and or service.
As audience, research is based around your target audience. Potential buyers are always the most important and
knowing their feedback is valuable information.
*Market Research is organized research to gather information on costumers and buyers. Market research, includes
social and opinion research.
Market research is important because it allows companies to get advantage over competitors. It provides
important information to identify and analyze the market need, market size and competition.

*Production Research basically involves finding information that can be used to discover the many aspects of a
play. For example, things such as: its context, author, critical analysis and interpretation, production history, images
and sounds, and sources, influences, and analogues.
Production research is important because it allows someone to understand the play in more detail.

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