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This will include the following:

PART I. Decisions and Finding Members

PART II. Group Organization

PART III. Rehearsals

PART I. Decisions and Finding Members

A. Decisions

* Goal (main objective/s of the group)

* Style of music (pop, folk, classical, etc.)

Might also involve:


-vocal jazz group

* Number of members (15-20) -tentative

B. Finding Members

* Qualifications will include:

- voice

- personality

- ability to get the right pitch or tone

- commitment

C. Audition Process

* Announcing of audition dates will be done through:

- Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)

- room-to-room announcements :)

* An auditionee must undergo:

- a solo performance (1-2 minutes; any song the auditionee would like to sing)

- Vocal ability, tuning and precision

Some test may include:

- Playing complex patterns or intervals and have them sing them back to you

- Repeating difficult rhythms

- Matching vowel sounds and vocalism patterns

- Sing the same musical phrase starting on different pitches

* Once they get through the auditions, they will be placed through different voice

- Soprano - the Beatboxer

- Alto

- Tenor

- Bass
PART 2: Group Organization

* Acknowledging final members of the a capella group

* Create a name for the group

* Determine the roles and responsibilities of the group

PART 3: Rehearsals

* Scheduling of practices, rehearsals (2-3 times a week; 3-4 hours per practice)

* Station a place to practice

Elements of the rehearsal:

- warm-ups

- vowel matching

- blending of the voices

- start with practicing a chosen piece/song.

A brief summary of my platforms/objectives consists of:

Encouraging and developing the vocal talent of people. This is one of way of
unleashing their talents in singing, developing their skills and even learning new
techniques by being a part of the group.
Exposing them to different kinds of music. In an a capella group, it does not
focus on one music style alone. People will get to experience singing classical,
folk, jazz, opera, pop music done through a capella.

Understanding how to connect to their body using proper vocal technique

via concepts such as breath support, posture, head voice, chest voice, falsetto, and


Collaborating and being friendly with others. This is entirely different from
solo singing--a capella is a group thing. There is nothing better than singing a
new song, it sounding beautiful, and knowing that it was the result of a
collaboration between you and some of your newfound mates.

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