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Speed Regulation of an Induction

Motor Using Model Reference

Adaptive Control
Akira Kumamoto, Satoshi Tada, and Yoshihisa Hirane
ABSTRACT: A novel approach of con- lized PWM inverter is the motor terminal where
structing a robust variable-speed drive sys- voltage. The voltage-decoupled transvector
tem using an induction motor supplied from control method described in [4] eliminates
a voltage-source-type PWM inverter is dis- any current feedback and/or sensing. since
cussed. The inverter is controlled so as to motor leakage inductances are usually of
generate the fabricated terminal voltages small value. The resulting circuit construc-
based on the voltage-decoupled transvector tion, therefore, becomes simplified.
control theory where neither a current feed- This elimination of a current control loop
back loop nor a current limiter circuit is re- is based on the fact that both actual torque
quired. Although the hardware for this de- and flux current components follow the cor-
coupling method becomes simplified, it still responding current commands in the order
hassomedisadvantages,such as the dis- of the motor time constant. In an actual sit-
crepancy between the command currents and uation, however, the flux current component
actual currents. Incorporated into the drive may be varied to realize field control. In such
system described herein is the optimal-speed acase, the discrepancy between the com-
regulator adopting the exact model-matching mand and actual currents suggests the ne-
method, which fulfills the function of a com- cessity of some additional strategy to assure
pensator for unfavorable errors.The oper- stable operation of the inverter.
ating characteristics of the proposed drive This paper proposes the utilization of an
system are compared with conventional PI optimal-speed regulator [7] designed by
control to verify the effectiveness under var- model reference adaptive control (MRAC) In an ordinary current-controlled transvec-
ious conditions by investigating the transient theory [8].The resulting system exhibits tor system. Eqs. ( 5 ) and (6) are used to can-
responses for the step change of the speed good performance characteristics by adop- cel the mutual interference of current and
command, the load torque, and so forth. tion of the exact model-matching method. flux level in the generated torque.
together with maintaining a simplified circuit
Introduction construction of voltage decoupling, which
Recent advances in power electronics uses only a speed loop.
technology have made various variable-speed
drive systems available in the last decade. Voltage-Decoupled Transvector Contrary to the current-controlled type, the
Among the newly developed methods, the Control voltage-decoupling method requires two ad-
most outstanding scheme is the variable- ditional equations, which are necessary to
speed induction motor drive based on trans- Control Principle 141. [j] eliminate the cross term in the input level:
vector control theory [1]-[3]. It achieves fast The electrical and mechanical instanta-
speed response using an economical induc- neous characteristics of an induction motor
tion motor. Although an almost linear trans- on the cr-p axis. rotating synchronously with
fer function is obtained by introducing vector the source angular frequency w , ~ are
, given
control 121, [3], there are still some uncertain by Eqs. (1)-(4). The result is a linearized firs-order model,
factors that disturb the ideal linearization. shown in Fig. 1 , which assumes a constant-
While transvector control is usually im- flux current ilQ.
plemented with a primary current control,
Simulation Exarnple
thus far some authors have presented an ap-
plied-voltage control method for an induc- The voltage-decoupled vector control
tion motor drive [3]-[6], which is the natural method described so far utilizes only a speed
extension of a current control in the sense loop. The automatic speed controller (ASR)
that the direct output of the frequently uti- computes the necessary current commands,
Presented at the International Conference on In-
i ref and and then transforms these values
into the applied voltage values considering
dustrial Electronics,Control, and Instrumenta-
motor parameters using Eqs. (7) and (8). In
tion, San Francisco. CA, November 18-22. 1985.
A k i n Kumamoto,Satoshi Tada, and Yoshihka order to investigate the effect of the expected
Hirane are with the Faculty of Engineering, Kan- current discrepancy. which is unavoidable
saiUniversity. 5 6 4 Yamatecho 3-3-35, Suita, because of neglecting the leakage induc-
Osaka, Japan. tances, a closed-loop ASR incorporating an

0272-1708,86;1000-0025 $01 00 1986 IEEE

Ociober I986 25
Optimal-Speed Regulator Design

T T'
Exact Model-Matching 181
The exact model-matching method assures
that the closed-loop transfer function coin-
cides with that of the reference model. The
Fig. 1. Ideal first-order model of induction motor. controlled plant f(s) and the model t d b ) are
denoted as shown. where P(s), r(s), pd(s),
Table and rd(s) are monic polynomials of order n,
Motor Parameters and Control Gains m , nd. and md. respectively, with (n, - ?nd)

r 2 (n - m).
~ _ _ _ _ _ _

1 kW, 100 V, 8.4 A, 60 Hz, 4 poles, 1710 rpm

[(SI = ~ ( s ) / r c ( s=) gr(s) P - ' ( s ) (9)
Primary resistance 0.49 Q
Secondary resistance 0.45 12 f,(s) = y ( s ) / u ( s ) = gdrd(b) Pdi(s) (10)
Primary self-inductance 38.8 mH Figure 4 illustrates the block diagram of
Secondary self-inductance 35.4 mH the exact model-matching control system ob-
Mutual inductance 35.1 mH tained by introducing the input dynamics of
Total inertia 0.024 Nm-sec'lrad riN(s)as shown. where P*(s) and r*(s) are
Viscous-friction coefficient 0.0011 Nm-seclrad arbitrary stable monic polynomials of order
Rated waxis primary n and m.
current 6.83 A The control law is given by
Rated P-axis primary
current 11.54 A ~ ( s )= (gkds) ~ ( s )+ hds) ~ ( s ) )

Proportional gain
Integral gain e! 1 1.o
+ y(s) r*(s)g + g,V(s)/g
where kh(s)and hb(s) satisfy the relation

_- - PI control is established for the 2ooot
test motor, with the constants listed in the
table. c ,,00]
In thecase where voltage decoupling is
applied, actual currents exhibit a slight ex-
cursion from the respective
shown in Fig. 2 . which assumes the contin-
uous inverter output voltage. The fluctuation
of actual cuvents around command currents
in this case doesnot cause serious problems,
and the speed response is almost the same
as that of the ideal case.
The transient responses for a higher speed
drive over the base speedof 1710 rpmis
shown in Fig. 3. The field current command
iri is decreased as an inverse proportion to
the actual motor speed of w, over the base
speed. Note that comparatively large over-
shoot and undershoot can be seen in the ac-
tual current level at the beginning of the tran-
sient. This means that stable operation of an
inverter may be disturbed because of the re-
quirement to protect the switching devices.
Therefore, some type of proper protection
scheme, for example, a current-limiting cir-
cuit, is required fof safeguarding, which re- a 15
sults in a complexity of system construction. .I --30
The voltage-decoupling method is an ex-
cellent control principle but it still has some I
0 0.5 1.0 1.5
disadvantages, as we have seen thus far. Ia t, sec
thefollowing, the application of an exact
model-matching method based on the mod- Fig. 2 . Step response for base-speed command assuming continuous
em control theory of MRAC is studied. inverter output (PI control).

The unknown parameters g and 0 in Eq. (17)
depend upon the varying controlled plant and
are to be adjusted by the adaptive law. The
adaptive error e(t), defined by y ( r ) - yln(t)?
is given by
e(r) = l/P*(P)[gr*(P) ~ ( t )
+ err*(P) - y,(t) (18)
The basic strategy of adaptation is to in-
troduce an error dynamics identifier, whose
output c(r) is calculated similar to Eq. (17)
except that g and 0 are replaced with their
estimates g ( t ) and &t). It is guaranteed that
an appropriate adaptive law, which realizes
t?(t) + &), also assures e(t) + 0.
Implemmting Motor Control [7]
The induction motor's transfer function is

: '
directly written from the block diagram of
Fig. 1 to give
'ref rlM(S) = %(s)/i;e;(s)
0 = pM'i,,/(L,J(s + D/J)) (19)
-30 The reference model rIMD(S) is a closed-loop
transfer function obtained by optimal regu-
lator theory, and is given by

rIMD(s) = Wnz(s)/$'(s)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
t, sec
= gd/(s2 + Pdls + PdO) (20)
Considering the order of tiM(s) and fIMD(s),
Fig. 3. Step response for high-speed command. with field control
the parameters to be estimated here are the
assuming continuous inverter output (PI control).
two scalars g(t) and /io(?). The adaptive con-
trol system is constructed using the straight-
forward process described previously, by
choosing arbitrary polynomials as

P*(s) = s + P,*
r*(s) = 1, y(s) = 1 (21)
Figure 5 shows the final drive system in-
corporating an optimal adaptive-speed reg-

Fig. 4. Block diagram of exact model-matching. Simulation Results of Drive System

A digital simulation program to investigate
the dynamic behavior of the resulting closed-
loop control system using an optimal-speed
regulator is given. A voltage-source-type
PWM operation of aninverteris adopted
hereafter. Illustrated in Fig. 6 is the step re-
sponse from standstill to the rated speed at
the no-load condition.
In the early stage of speed build-up, actual
motor speed w, does not coincide with the
reference speed w, because of the software-
limited acceleration torque. However, w,
soon follows the reference speed and thesat-
isfactory transient characteristics are ob-
tained. In the case of the conventional PI

October I986 27
controller, a sudden increase in load torque
1 will cause an impact drop in the motor speed.
The applied load torque is sensed as a drop
of the speed, butis done via the filtering
4-k Input
effect of motor inertia. Therefore, speed
compensation for load torque change is un-
avoidable to some amount of time delay.
Thus, it is a commonly accepted method to
equip anadditional torque compensatoror to
make a compromise between the responses
for speed command and load torque varia-
tion. On the contrary, a moderate response
is obtained in the proposed system, as shown
in Fig. 7. which indicates the smooth return
to the speed reference even in the case of the
application of the full-load torque from the
no-load condition.
Another factor to be considered when de-
signing the control system is the variation of
motor parameters. Increasing R? up to 2.0
times from the initial value as a ramp func-
tion of time during 1.5 sec revealed that the
Fig. 5. Proposed variable-speed drive system of induction motor incorporating MRAC. drop of the motor speed is limited within a


2 10
.p 0

a 12
.> -15
0 0.5 1.0 1.5
t , sec
Fig. 6. Step response for base speed of proposed system at the
no-load condition.

28 I Control Systems Magorine

~~ ~
small range and the robustness of the system [2] A. Nabae and R. Kurosawa, A New ln- ory to power electronics and intelligent flexible
has been recognized. In the high-speed op- duction Motor Drive System Having a Con- automation. He is also interested in knowledge-
eration over the basespeed,the MRAC stant TorqueTransferFunction, Trans. based engineering. Dr. Kumamoto is currently
IEW. VOI. 98B, pp. 303-309, 1978. with the Information Processing Branch, Faculty
method exhibits a satisfactory transient re-
[3] S. Sugimoto and E. Ohno. A New Induc- of Engineering. Kansai University.
sponse. The reference model output o,,grad-
tion Motor Drive System Having a Linear
ually increases according to the second-order Transfer Function, Trans. IEW. vol. 103B,
property. This avoids the sudden change of pp. 31-38, 1983.
i$ necessary for acceleration. Therefore, the [4] K. Ohnishi. H. Suzuki. and K. Miyachi.
variation of the current commands becomes Decoupling Control of Secondary Flux and
moderate, resulting in a slight discrepancy Secondary Current in Induction Motor Drive Satoshi Tada received the
between the actual and command currents. with a Controlled Voltage Source and Its
Comparison with VoltlHertz Control, Con$
Rec. of IEEEIIAS. pp. 678-685. 1982.
Conclusion IS] M . Terashima, M.Nomura, T. Ashikaga, T.
A newly proposed variable-speed drive Nakamura. and K. Ohnishi, Fully Digital
Controlled Decoupled Control System in In- I& --=
was in digital-controlled
system utilizing an optimal-speed regulator induction motor drive
duction Motor Drive, Cot$ Rec. of
based on the exact model-matching method system research applying
ICOX84,pp. 845-850, 1984.
is described. The system is investigated un- [6] B. K. Bose, Scalar Decoupled Control of model reference adaptive
der various conditions, and is recognized to Induction Motor. E E E Trans. on Indrrs- control theory. He has
have satisfactory operating characteristics, trial Applications. vol. 1A-20. pp. 216-225, been with Nissin Electric
especially for the load torque change. pa- 1984. Co., Ltd., Kyoto, Japan,
rameter variation. and a wide speed range [7] S. Tada, A. Kumamoto. and Y . Hirane, An since April 1986. His current interest is in the
operation. The design process of the control Optimal Drive System of a Vector-Con- application of modem control theory to electrical
trolled Induction Motor Using Exact Model and mechanical power control systems.
loop is simple enough and the well-designed
CAD program can be utilized, which eman- Matching, Preprint of IEET (Institute of
cipates the designer from troublesome rep- Electrical Engineers of Japan), SPC-85-49,
etition of control parameter tuning.
[SI K. Ichikawa, Construction of Adaptive
The application of modem control theory Control System Based on an Exact Model
to power electronics technology is becoming Yoshihisa Hirane gradu-
Matching Technique, Trans. SICE. vol. 20,
an unavoidable process to attain a high-qual- ated from Hosei Univer-
pp. 926-931.. 19M.
ity control system, and is studied extensively sity in 1956 and received
the M.S.E.E. and Ph.D.
to improve the conventional control meth-
degrees in 1959 and 1974,
ods. Described herein is the trial to realize respectively, both from
the robust and simplified controller for an Akira
Kumamoto re- the University of Osaka
induction motor drive. and almost all of the ceived B.S.E.E..
the Prefecture, Osaka, Japan.
necessary calculations maybe realized by M.S.E.E., and Ph.D. de- In 1959. he joined Kansai
introducing a high-speed microprocessor in grees in 1968. 1971, and University where he has
an actual system. 1983. respectively, from been working in the field
Kyoto University. Kyoto. of power electronics as a
Japan. Since 1971. he has Professor in the Depart-
References been engaged in rescarch ment of Electrical Engineering. He worked on
[ I ] F. Blaschke. The Principle of Field Ori- and development in power sabbatical leave at the University of Bradford, En-
entation as Applied to the New Transvector electronics at Kansai Uni- gland. from 1976 to 1977. as an Honorary Visiting
Closed-Loop Control System for Rotating versity. Osaka, Japan. His Research Fellow on thyristor control of electrical
Field Machines. Siemens Review, vol. 31, current interest is in the machines. He is currently interested in magnetic
pp. 217-220, 1972. application of control the- circuit application of power electronics.

October I986 29

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