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Janella Clary

HW 4

Problem 1: Write a program using the regula falsi method to find the radius of a cone with given surface

Approach: Rearrange the equation as a function of r and then modify the bisection method with
different equations for updating xNS using the regula falsi method. Set up a certain tolerance as well.

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Janella Clary
HW 4

Editor Window:
Janella Clary
HW 4
Janella Clary
HW 4
Janella Clary
HW 4

Problem 2: Write a program using the secant method to find the maximum deflection.

Approach: Find the derivative of the equation and set that as the anonymous function. When the value
of the anonymous function is most close to zero that is the max inflection. Set a tolerance for this and
update xNS with the secant method formula. Choose two initial guesses.

Command Window:

Janella Clary
HW 4

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