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MARINHA DO BRASIL DIRETORIA DE ENSINO DA MARINHA Concurso Publico de Admissdo ao Colégio Naval CPACN/2017 NAO ESTA AUTORIZADA A UTILIZACAO DE MATERIAL EXTRA 1° Fase — Prova de Matematica e Inglés QUESTAO 1 Sejam os conjuntos A = (9, 27, 45,.., 423, 44%}, B= (18, 36, 64,.., 432, 450}, C = {3, 9, 16,... 141, 147} D = (6, 12, 18, ..., 144, 150). Define-se Px como sendo 0 produto de todos os elementos do conjunto K. Nas condigdes apresentadas, € correto afifmer que a FaFy gage expresso “pp Siguala (A) 1000 (8) 500 (C) 100 (0) 10 («) 1 QUESTAO 2 Observe a figura a seguir. A figura cima exibe um total de n pegas idénticas de um quebra cabega que, resolvido, revela uma corea circular. Sabe-se que 6 cm é a menor distancia entre as circunferéncias concéntricas pontithadas da figura e que 0 ralo da menor dessas circunferénoias ¢ igual a Som. Se a area de cada pega é (12n)om?, é correto afirmar que n é iguala (a) 6 ®) 8 (©) 9 (D) 12 ©) 16 Prova: Verde 1" Fase - Prove de Matematica e Inglés QUESTAO 3 Seja *x" real tal que I we Sendo assim, 0 valor de ( ay (8) (c) (D) «) Osne QUESTAO 4 © produto das idades de quatro inmaos é 180. Além disso, todos os inméos tém idades diferentes. Se o mais velho tem menos de 12 anos,6 correto afirmar que a maior soma possivel dessas quatro idades é igual a (a) 16 (8) 19 (C) 20 (0) 22 ©) 2 QUESTAO 5 Dols aumentos consecutivos de 1% @ 21% correspondem a um aumento percentual igual a (i+? )% ? ®) (» + ah © (2if% 2 i+ 9% © (x24) © ()% CPACN/2017 Pagina: 240 QUESTAO 6 ao 9 6 Sendo assim, qual o valor de x para que W seja minimo? Seja o numero real x tal que W = (A) 36 (B) «) ©) © QUESTAO 7 Se V2 =1+——z-, é correto afirmar que o valor de x x esté no interval 01 a © QUESTAO 10 Observe a figura a seguir. 3em em, D dem, A figura acima apresenta © quadrilétero ABCD, com Angulos retos internos nos vertices B e D, AB = 3cm, AD=2om e CD = 2AD. Nessas condigées, pode-se afirmar que AC BDe AC + BD < 10cm AC=BDeAC+BD< 10cm AC>BDe AC +B8D<6cm AC @) () (D) ‘CPACNI2017 Pagina: 4/10 QUESTAO 14 Observe a figura a seguir. 13cm, A figura acima representa o trapézio escaleno de altura em, com base menor medindo 420m, um dos angulos intemos da base maior medindo 75° e lado transversal oposto a esse Angulo igual a 120m. Qual € a area, em cm, desse trapézio? (a) 120 (B) 118 () 116 (0) 114 (©) 112 QUESTAO 15 Sejam abec nlimeros reais tals «que @ +B +c? —da+2b—2c+6=0, Sovre a, b ec sho feltas as seguintes afirmacées: ba <4 ech a1, me bC® = (—c)>, WV. a>b>c, Sendo assim, é correto afimar que a quantidade de afirmativas verdadeiras 6 (A) 0 (8) 1 (©) 2 (0) 3 4 Prova: Verde 1 Fase - Prova de Matematica e Inglés QUESTAO 16 Os numeros x e€ y pertencem a0 conjunto C={17,20,23,26,..,.2018) © so tals que x > y. Sendo assim, pode-se concluir que 2017-2* +8”, na diviséo por 7, deixa resto ao @ 1 © 3 4 ©s5 QUESTAO 17 ‘Analise as afirmativas a seguir. Sejam a, b @ 08 lados de um triéngulo, com e>b2a, Pode-se afimar que c’=a" +b? se, somente se, 0 triangulo for retangulo. IF Se um trigngulo é retangulo, entéo as bissetrizes internas. dos @ngulos agudos formam entre si um angulo de 45° ou 135°, lil © centro de um circulo circunserito a um triangulo retangulo esté sobre um dos catetos. IV- © baricentro de um triangulo reténgulo é equidistante dos lados do triangulo, Assinale a opgéo correta. (A) Somente |e II s8o verdadeiras. (8) Somente Il ¢ Ii! s80 verdadeiras. (C) Somente le IV s40 verdadeiras. (D) Somente I, Ile IV séo verdadeiras. (€) As afirmativas | I Ill e IV so verdadeiras. CPACNI2017 Pagina: 5/10 QuesTAo 18 7 +2P, 0 valor de (B) ) 4 py Jt ©) car 13 368 © QUESTAO 19 Um triangulo isésceles ABC tem base BC = 16 om e lados congruentes AB = AC = 17 cm. O raio do circulo inscrito ao friangulo ABC em om é igual a: 32 Ws (8) (e (o) ® Prova: Verde 1" Fase - Prova de Matematica e Inglés QUESTAO 20 Analise a figura a seguir. A, B iP oO JQ D Cc Pelo centro O do quadrado de lado V6 cm acima, trapou- se a circunferencia que corta o lado BC nos pontos P e @ © triangulo OPQ tem area “cm? Sendo assim, & correto afirmar que 0 ralo dessa circunferéncia, em om, & igual a (A) 1 @ v2 © 8 2N2 as 3B (=) 2 CPACN2017 Pagina: 6/10 Read text I in order to answer items 21 to 25. Helping at a hospital Every year many young people finish school and then take a year off before they start work or go to college. Some of them go to other countries and work as volunteers. Volunteers give their time fo help people. For example, they ‘work in schools or hospitals, or they help with conservation ‘Mike Coleman is 19 and in Omaha, Nebraséa, in the United States, He wants to become a teacher but now he in Namibia, He's working in a hospital ‘Near Katima Mulio. He says, ‘I'm working with the doctors and nurses here to help sick people I'm not @ doctor but | can do a lot of things to help. For ‘example, [help carry people who can’t walk. Sometimes I go to villages in the mobile hospital, too. There aren’t many doctors here so they need help from people like me. | don’t get any money, but that’s OK, I'm not here for the money” “I'm staying here for two months, and I'm living in @ small house with five other volunteers. The work is hard and the days are long, but I'm enjoying my life here. I'm learning a lot about life in Southern Africa and about myself! When | finish the two months’ work, | want to travel in and around Namibia for three weeks. For example, | want to see the animals in the Okavango Delta in Botswans.” hpi! wyrerlegacy-access.cambridge.crg QUESTAO 21 Read the statements below to check if they are true (T) or false (F), and choose the option that respectively represents the statements, (_) Some volunteers work with preservation. (_.) Mike Coleman often works in a hospital (_) Mike is happy because the work is hard. (_) It's @ personal experience, in Mike’s opinion (A) (1) (FF) 8) HAMM © MMe om AMM (E) (1) FT) QUESTAO 22 Which vero forms respectively complete the gaps in text I? (A) is living / leaves {B) lives /is living (C) is living /ives (D) leaves /s living (E) leaves /is leaving Prova: Verde 18 Fase - Prova de Matemética e Inglés QUESTAO 23 Mark the right option to fil in the following sentence. Why is Mike Coleman in Namibia, South Africa? Because i (A) he doesn’t want to go to college. (8) he wants to become a teacher. {C)_ money is never important. {D) it’s a cheap way to travel. {E) he believes that volunteering is nice. QUESTAO 24 Read the fragment from the text. "Some of them go to other countries and work as volunteers." (ines 2 and 3) ‘What does the object pronoun them refer to? (A) Schools and hospitals. (B) People in general. {C) Hospital volunteers. (0) Young people. (E) College students. QUESTAO 25 Read the fragment from the text, “When | finish the two months” work, | want to travel in and around Namibie for three weeks." (lines 19, 20 and 21) Because it is a pian, it is possible to rewrite the sentence substituting the underlined part for: (A) am traveling (8) like traveling. (C) am going to travel. (D) can travel, (E) traveled. CPACNI2017 Pagina: 7/10 Read text Il in order to answer items 26 and 27, ‘on vacation to Brazit @ five-star hotel in front My name is Patrick. | last summer, and I of the beach’in Rio de Janeiro. | went to Rio by plane and | a lot of people and we {imal Tanto go back to Brazil as socn as possible. ‘a month there. | a great QUESTAO 26 Choose the option which completes the gaps in text | respectively. (A) traveled / stayed / spend / knew / had (B) traveled / were / spent / knew / did (C) went / stayed / spent / met / had (D) went / were / spend / met / did (E) were / went / stayed / knew / have QUESTAO 27 According to text Il, it's correct to say that the statements are true, EXCEPT: (A) He liked the trip and intends to visit Brazil again. (B) He flew to Rio de Janeiro to spend his vacation there. (C) Patrick had a great time with many people. (0) He traveled to Rio de Janeiro last summer. (E) He spent thirty.days in a hotel near the city of Rio de Janeiro. Prova: Verde 1* Fase - Prova de Matematica e Inglés Read text Ill in order to answer items 28 to 30. The Vikings Raiders, travelers or brave explorers? ‘The Vikings sailed the seas, attacked towns, and stole treasures all over Europe between 800 and 1100. They started from Scandinavia and attacked many countries in Europe. They settled in Britain, Ireland and France. They also crossed the Atlantic Ocean and arrived in Iceland and Greenland, They discovered North America but they also traveled east to Russia and south to Arabia, They were good farmers and excellent shipbuilders, They used their ships for war, They also used them to carry people and goods to new lands. in winter, when there was ‘not much farm work to do, they stayed home and did other interesting jobs. Men made swords to use them in battle. The Vikings liked swords so much they often decorated them with gold and gave them names. Women cooked and made clothes, shoes, and jewelry for themselves, chiléren and husbands. In 866 the Vikings captured an Anglo-Saxon town ‘They called it Jorvik and it was the capital of the Viking kingdom for 200 years. They made Jorvik rich and one of the most famous cities in Britain. Some years ago, archeologists discovered part of that Viking town in York, the modem city of Jorvik. They found many things such as jewelry, coins and clothes. If you ever go to York and you ‘want to travel back in time and see how the Vikings lived, visit the Jorvik Centre! ‘Adopted fom Wilson, D. M. (1967) The Vikings, Activity Book, Brtish Museum Press hitpwernpi-scos.grbooks/gymnasio‘agol_a_provergasi043-080.pct QUESTAO 28 ‘The Vikings used their ships to (A) steal Scandinavia’s treasures. {B) become good shipbuilders. {C) build villages all over Europe. {D) sail the seas, to carry people and goods and for war. {E) stay inside them during the cold winter. QUESTAO 29 Which possessive form completes the gap in text III? (A) their (8) her (C) his (0) hers (€) theirs CPACN/2017 Pagina: 8/10 QUESTAO 30 All the statements below are correct about the Vikings, EXCEPT that they (A) were good at ferming and shipbuilding, (B) were a people who enjoyed traveling by ship. (C) liked jewelry and swords. (D) were in the Americas before Columbus. (©) alllived in Jorvik from 866 to 1066. QUESTAO 31 Read the information in the box below. FOOD FACTS: There's .81 ounces of sugar in an orange. + There are twelve eggs in a cartoon, + There are about 126 calories in a banana, Now read the questions. |- How many sugar is there in an orange? lle How much sugar is there in an orange? | How many eggs are there in a carton? Il. How much eggs are there in a carton? {How many calories are there in a banana? |. How much calorie is there in a banana? Choose the right questions for the information in the box respectively. (A) ett (B) U-l- (©) I-tl-t (0) 1-1-1 () W-u-t QUESTAO 32 Match the questions to the answers. (1) Are you on vacation? (2) Where's she from? (3) Ate you and Ana married? (4) ts Julie talian? () Yes, we are. {). She's from italy () No, she isn't () No, I'm not. Prova: Verde 1? Fase - Prova de Matematica e Inglés QUESTAO 33 ‘Complete the paragraph with a proper preposition. I'm Hannah and | work an office in London, During the week, | get up sxhirty. | go work by subway, but Sundays | like waking up late because | don't work weekends. Choose the right option to fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions. (A) infat tof on son (8) at/at/to/in/at (C) on/ about /at /at/ on (D) at/ about /at /on / at (©) inf about/to/in/ at QUESTAO 34 Read the sentences below. | Can you give me some information, please? Ile Those women are my teachers, lle He doesn't have much money. IV- Life is great! Choose the option which defines the underlined nouns as U (uncountable) or C (countable) QUESTAO 35 Complete the dialogue using the right form of the adjectives. ‘A: Would you like to go to the beach on Friday? B: Actually, I think Saturday is for me, Friday is my —_______# ‘Choose the item that respectively completes the gaps. (A) the best / busier {B) better / busiest (©) good / the most busiest (0) best/ the busiest (E) good / the busier QUESTAO 36 Mark the option in which all the verbs are written in the Simple Past. (A) put- drank - ate - heard - taken {B) knew - brought - wanted - made - was (C) wrote - come - felt -had - flew {D) told - were - begun - gave - read {E) left spent- slept - swum - traveled CPACN2017 Pagina: 9/10 QUESTAO 37 Mark the INCORRECT option according to the Genitive Case. (A) The door's car is open. (8) The worle’s popuiatio: (C) I'm going to Grandma's. (D) Which are Fred's and Eric's cars? (€) This is my mother-in-law’s house. increasing. QUESTO 38 Complete the sentences using an article when necessary. [Is Mario honest man? Ik The students wear uniform here. ile ‘Smiths Tive next to the supermarket. ve Brasilia was made the capital in 1960. Choose the correct option. (A) alani-1- (8) a/an/The/ The (C) an/a/ The /The {D) a/an/-/The (E) an/a/The/- QUESTAO 39 Read the sentences below. lI work hardly every day, Il. My classmates speak French very well. Ile Ana drives incredibly fast. IV- Our father is a very carefully ctiver. ‘Choose the option according to the correct use of the adverbs and modifiers. (A) Only the sentences |, IIl and IV are correct. {B) Only the sentences I and Ill are correct. (C) Only the sentences 1! and Ill are correct. (D) Only the sentences II, Ill and IV are correct. (E) Only the sentences li and IV are correct. Prove: Verde 1? Fase - Prova de Matematica e Inglés QUESTAO 40 Complete the sentences with the correct use of the Simple Past and the Past Continuous. ~ Lwas waiting for the bus when 1 (se9) her. = The children (argue) when the teacher arrived. - Everyone (listen) to music when the lights (go) out. To fill in the gaps respectively, mark the right option. (A) saw / was arguing / were listening / went (B) was seeing / was arguing / listened / were (C) were weeing / argued /listenned / were (0) saw / were arguing / was listening / went (E) was seing / argued / listened / were going CPACN/2017 Pagina: 10/10 3. a 10 a 2 INSTR Vetfque se a provarecebida ea fa de resposts séo da mesma cor (cons no rodapé de cada fa a cor correspondent) ese nd tan quesdes ou pginas. Escrevae asin coretamente 0 sev name, coque ose neo de insrga © o dg vericador (OV) apenas nos locais neds, tempo para a realeagao da prova sera de 5 (cinco) hors, inclndo 0 tempo necesséro & marcagio das resposias na foha de respesas, e néo ser prorrogado; Séinice a pova apts ser autoizad pel Fiscal interronpondo a sua execugéo quando determinado; Inciad a prova, nao haver mals esclarecimentos, O cancdato somente podeé deivaro seu lugar, devidamenteautozado pelo Supensoriscal pra se tefirardefnitvarent do recinto de prova ou, nos cass abavo especies, devidamenteecompanhado par miltar desigado para esse fim: + atendmento médico por pesseal designado pela MB; faze uso de bane @ + eases de forga mle, comprovados pela superiso do certame, sem que acontega sala da tea crcunscria para a reaizacéo da prova. Em nenhum dos casos haveréprorogagdo do tempo desnado &realzaco da prova, em caso de eivadadefniiva do recto de prava esta ser corgi até conde fi sotucionada: Use canetaesterogrfca preta ou azul para preencher a fofna de respstas; Confira nas fohas de quests as respostas que voo# assnaou como covetes antes de marcéves na foha de respostas. Cuidado para nfo matcar duas ‘opgbes para urna mesma questo nafoha de esposts (a questo seré peri}: Para astunho, use os espagos dlspenves ns fas de quests, mas 36 serdo corgi as regostas maveades na folha de respastas; ‘© tempo minimo de permanéncia dos canddatos no recino de aplicagdo de provas € de 150 minutos. ‘Ser elmnado sunsiamente do process seetoeoncuso eas sus provas nao sero levadas em conserego, o cand que: 2) der ou receberaurio para a execugdo de qualque prove; 1) utizar-se de qualquer materia no autrzado; ©) destespeitar qualquer prescrigdo relat &execugBo des prov; )_escrevero nome ou rrodvar marcas idenfeadoras now lugar que noo determinado para esse fi; €) _cometer ato grave de inciscpina; 1) comparecet ao local de realzaco da prove aps o hordio presto para o fechamento dos pots, Instuges para opreenetimerto da fata de resposias: a) use canetaeserogrfca aul ou prta; 1) escreva seu nome em letra deforma no loca indicado: ©. assine 0 seu nome nolcalinicedo; «d) no campo inseigao DV, esceva o seu nimero de lnscrigdo ns retinguls, da esqueda para a deta, um digto em cada retingulo, Escreva o dito carrespondente a0 DV no iitmo redngulo, Apés, cubra tod o cielo corespondente a cada nimer. NBo amesse, dobre ou rasguea fla de respostas ‘sob pena de ser rejetada pelo equpaento de feta dca: € ©) 56 serd permite a toca de foi de espostas até 0 inio da prova, por moto de ero no preenchimento nos campos nome, assinaturae ndmero de Inserigdo,sendo de inter respensabiidade do cendeto qualquer ero ou rasurana refed ola dé respstes, aps orci da prova Procure preencher a foha com tengo de acordo com o exemplo bab: Mone ROBERTO SILVA asinawe Roberto Silva > oA DP A ~ Nao ser permitido fevar a prova apés sua reelizagéo. O canddato es autoizado a tansorever as suas respostas, dento do horn destnado & solucéo da Prova utiizando o modelo impresso no in destas insirugdes para posteorconferéncia com a gabarto que sera civulgado. prebida a utlaagao de qualquer ‘uta tipo de papel para anotacao do gabarta, ANOTE SEU GABARITO PROVADE COR, Tits eset eye eae el eel ele a ale eles Bla \e| | ol ala| S| Hs) se) 7|e/ HO A/a | Ble S| |e Ow

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