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Perbahasan mengenai prinsip perundangan tanah air selama ini mengabaikan konsep
kedaulatan watan yang dijunjung oleh Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Akibatnya pelbagai
dakwaan dilontarkan termasuklah bahawa Malaysia adalah sebuah negara bukan Islam
dan kedaulatan Raja-raja Melayu sudah terhapus. Justeru, kajian ini adalah bertujuan
untuk menghuraikan konsep kedaulatan watan dari sudut legasi dan legitimasi dalam
kerangka Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Kajian menumpukan konsep kedaulatan Raja-
raja Melayu dan implikasinya berasaskan kerangka watan. Kajian ini menggunakan
metod kualitatif sejarah perundangan. Data terkumpul terdiri daripada sumber primer,
sekunder dan temubual. Data-data tersebut dianalisis dengan memberi penekanan
kepada pemeriksaan sejarah kedaulatan watan, kelangsungan legitimasinya merentasi
tempoh campur tangan kuasa-kuasa asing dan kesahannya dalam Perlembagaan
Persekutuan. Hasil kajian mendapati kedaulatan Raja-raja Melayu pada hari ini
dipusakai daripada Kesultanan Melayu Melaka yang berteraskan ajaran Islam dan ia
tidak pernah terungkai. Justeru, kedaulatan bersumberkan Islam merupakan kaedah
pentafsiran paling sahih kedaulatan watan. Melalui pentafsiran tersebut, ia dapat
menghuraikan kedudukan sebenar kedaulatan Raja-raja Melayu, prinsip kuasa
eksekutif Yang di-Pertuan Agong dan pemakaian undang-undang dalam kerangka
prinsip keluhuran perlembagaan. Pentafsiran sedemikian mengharmonikan antara
kuasa eksekutif Yang di-Pertuan Agong dan kedudukan undang-undang Islam dengan
peruntukan-peruntukan lain Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Dapatan di atas dapat
membimbing ahli-ahli politik dan perundangan untuk memberi tafsiran Perlembagaan
Persekutuan dalam kerangka watan dan ia didapati mampu menjawab secara tuntas
isu-isu sensitif terutamanya kedudukan kedaulatan Raja-raja Melayu dan pemakaian
prinsip perundangan Islam. Hasil kajian ini juga dapat dijadikan premis untuk
menjustifikasikan penerusan unsur-unsur watan sebagai teras jatidiri negara dan bagi
perpaduan nasional. Justeru, prinsip perundangan dan pelaksanaan sistem politik
negara kita hendaklah selaras dengan konsep kedaulatan yang diwarisi itu.

The long debate over Malaysian legal principles has ignored the concept of indigenous
sovereignty, which has been upheld by the Federal Constitution. As a result, several
allegations have been made, such as Malaysia is not an Islamic country and the
sovereignty of the Malay rulers has been abolished. Hence, this study aims to elaborate
the concept of sovereignty in the aspects of legacy and legitimacy of the Federal
Constitution. This study focuses on the concept of the Malay rulers sovereignty and
its implications based on the indigenous framework. This study uses a qualitative legal
history methodology. The data is collected from primary and secondary sources, as
well as interviews. The said data was analysed with emphasis on examining the
indigenous sovereignty history, its continued legitimacy over the foreign powers
intervention period, and its validity in the Federal Constitution. The results revealed
that the sovereignty of the Malay rulers had continued from the Malacca Sultanate era
until today. This Malacca Sultanate period is based on Islamic teachings, and never
been dissolved. Hence, the sovereignty based on Islamic sources is the most authentic
interpretation method in describing the Malaysian sovereignty. The true position and
sovereignty of the Malay rulers, the executive power of Yang di-Pertuan Agong, and
the application of law within the principles of constitutional supremacy can be well-
defined through this interpretation method. Furthermore, this interpretation
harmonises the executive power of Yang di-Pertuan Agong, the Islamic law position,
and the other provisions under the Federal Constitution. The findings would guide
politicians and legislators in providing interpretation of the Federal Constitution within
the indigenous framework. Other than that, it may help in addressing the sensitive
issues correctly, especially related to the sovereignty position of the Malay rulers and
the application of Islamic law principles. The results from this study can also be used
as a basis to justify the continuity of our homeland elements as the core national
identity and unity. Thus, the legal principles and political system implementation in
Malaysia have to be in line with this inherited sovereignty concept.

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