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Indonesia as the Agriculture State has big potential on agriculture sector that proven from data
of Land farming in Indonesia 8,114,829 ha and data of the Domestic capital Investment on
agricultural sector 20998.6 billion rupiah. However, the anomaly occurred, when the potential
cant leave a significant impact on the Economy Farmers, This is one of the reasons that are the
gap in accessibility funding only enjoyed by some farmers , especially a big farmers. The gap is
exists because financial institutions ( bank ) not afford farmers thorougly. On the other hand ,
indonesia has number of younger people are high and began having awareness of investment.
The concept of present as an alternative solutions to these problems. is syariah venture capital on the agricultural sector for crowdfunding system
based digital that serves as an institution of intermediation between investors and farmers. The
main investors are young men. Research have a purpose To know the effectiveness and
mechanisms in encouraging financial inclusion in the agricultural sector .
Methodology literature systematic used to collect the data in this research. The data used was
secondary data of literature old to form a concept in provide solutions. The result of this research
is expected to become the concept of alternative for investment for youth and agriculture in
support the efforts to inclusion financial in Indonesia. The syariah venture capital will be introduced
people with financial products and improve inclusion islamic sharia financial in Indonesia.

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