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1 2017 5
1.1 April . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Blog Post Title (2017-04-23 15:51) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Top signs of Schizophrenia (2017-04-24 22:20) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Types of Schizophrenia and Symptoms (2017-04-26 23:19) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
schizophrenia ppt slideshare (2017-04-27 16:26) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.2 May . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
How to help Schizophrenia Pa ent (2017-05-27 19:18) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Top Myths About Schizophrenia (2017-05-31 00:16) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
What are the rehabilita on methods for Schizophrenia pa ents (2017-05-31 00:45) . . . . . . . . . 25
1.3 June . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Common Paranoid Schizophrenia Symptoms (2017-06-10 18:06) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Top 10 Complica ons during Paranoid Schizophrenia Treatment (2017-06-10 18:23) . . . . . . . . . 28
Top 10 Books On Schizophrenia (2017-06-12 21:35) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Top 10 Movies On Schizophrenia (2017-06-13 00:20) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Top 10 Famous Personali es With Schizophrenia (2017-06-13 23:52) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
What is Disorganised Schizophrenia (2017-06-16 23:11) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
How Dopamine And Schizophrenia related (2017-06-18 01:37) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
How is a Person Diagnosed With Schizophrenia (2017-06-19 18:36) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
What are the Dierences between Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia (2017-06-19 19:04) . . . . . 55
Best Rehabilita on Centres For Schizophrenia In India (2017-06-21 22:22) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Top 10 Symptoms of Catatonic Schizophrenia (2017-06-22 21:53) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Top 10 Complica ons of Catatonic Schizophrenia (2017-06-22 22:23) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Top Medica ons for Catatonic Schizophrenia (2017-06-22 22:44) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Top 5 Symptoms of Residual Schizophrenia (2017-06-23 12:52) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
BingSiteAuth.xml (2017-06-23 15:53) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Causes and Risk Factors of Residual Schizophrenia (2017-06-23 19:55) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
1. 2017

1.1 April

Blog Post Title (2017-04-23 15:51)

What goes into a blog post? Helpful, industry-specic content that: 1) gives readers a useful takeaway, and 2) shows
youre an industry expert.

Use your companys blog posts to opine on current industry topics, humanize your company, and show how
your products and services can help people.

Top signs of Schizophrenia (2017-04-24 22:20)

Top signs of Schizophrenia

Top signs of Schizophrenia,Schizophrenia is mental disorder condi on in which a person becomes unaware of the
surroundings involving breakdown in the rela on between thoughts, emo ons or normal behaviour which leads to
total faulty percep on of the concerned person. The person is then involved with inappropriate ac ons & func ons
and totally withdraws from the real world. He or she lives in their own world in a manner that they are talking to
someone who is not there and becomes more and more angry with the person they are imagining. The person
is unable to concentrate or think over daily rou ne life ac ons or func ons and feels to be totally lost & demo vated.

Top signs of Schizophrenia:

As per the symptoms are concerned, its not so that all the symptoms occur in all the persons. The severity of the
symptoms varies from individual to individual and also its concerned with the me they are diagnosed with the
mental disorder.

1. The person stays in delusions and doesnt believe in the reality or the truth. They feel all are lying to them.
2. Hallucina ons (seeing or hearing things that are not there). They keep talking and it seems they are talking to
3. They suer with disorganised thinking and cant keep their thoughts ordered, so then faces the issues in talking
to anyone.
4. They live in agita on which is a state of anxiety or nervous excitement.
5. Socially, they totally withdraws themselves from the society they live in and they lack in taking any ini a ve or
6. Their behaviour becomes totally disorganised and they behave or live like accep ng no general instruc ons,
childish silliness, repeatedly doing the same thing without any purpose.

7. They live in Apathy: lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern.

8. Their speech is also disorganised and cant speak properly with the right words or meaning of whatever they
are saying.

9. Lack of emo ons. They completely withdraw from emo onal happiness or understanding and becomes unre-
sponsive in behaving emo onally.

10. They stop living the normal life of a human being and lacks in all the things done to lead a normal peaceful &
happy life.

Among the above men oned, the main or typical symptoms of Schizophrenia are: Delusions, Hallucina ons,
Disorganised speech & Behaviour and Emo onal Flatness, Lack of Speech, Apathy.

Top signs of Schizophrenia

Top signs of [1]schizophrenia, like all mental disorders, are not completely understood or known at this me.

Schizophrenia is a disease or mental disorder which has more chances of being inherited, if someone in your
immediate family or some other rela ves had suered from it compared to the people whose known family
members have not suered or diagnosed with Schizophrenia.

For eg. A child has only 10 % chances of developing Schizophrenia if any of his/her parents have Schizophre-
nia whereas among iden cal twins kids, there is 45 to 60 % chances are there to develop Schizophrenia if one of
them is diagnosed with it. People who have second-degree rela ves (aunts, uncles, grandparents, or cousins) with
the disease also develop Schizophrenia more o en than the general popula on. By Comparison, there is about 1 %
risk of Schizophrenia in the general popula on.

Scien sts and Doctors are doing very keen and con nuous study for the reasons for anyone to develop Schizophrenia
but not able to track out the exact reasons or causes of developing Schizophrenia but one point has been proved that
the chances of developing Schizophrenia is more if someone in your family or rela ves be it second degree rela ves,
has suered with Schizophrenia.

As the real causes of this disease is yet not declared or known, we can take anything as its reason, like:

1. Is it caused by any chemical defect in the brain.

2. Is it caused by physical abnormality in the brain.

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Types of Schizophrenia and Symptoms (2017-04-26 23:19)

Types of Schizophrenia and Symptoms:

Types of Schizophrenia and Symptoms:Anyone diagnosed with Schizophrenia falls under a subtype of schizophrenia
dened by a unique indicator. This indicator can be only one dominant symptom or a combina on of posi ve &
nega ve symptoms.

Types of Schizophrenia and Symptoms

As per the research & studies by doctors & scien sts, we can classify Schizophrenia in the following types.

Paranoid Schizophrenia.

Disorganised Schizophrenia.

Catatonic Schizophrenia.

Residual Schizophrenia.

Schizoaec ve Disorder.

Depression Symptoms.

Bipolar Disorder Symptoms.

Undieren ated Schizophrenia

Paranoid Schizophrenia:

Paranoid Schizophrenia is the most common subtype of Schizophrenia. In this type, the person is dened by
the auditory hallucina ons or delusional thoughts.

his type can be explained in a way that the person feels that he/she is chased by an unseen group for a crime
he/she thinks have commi ed, but those thoughts are actually not true or real.

Disorganised Schizophrenia:

In this type of Schizophrenia, the main indicator is confused thought process. The person loses his/her logical
thinking process. Example can be taken as: jumping from one subject to another, during a conversa on and
there seems no logic in it in changing the subject when already discussing something else. In Disorganised
Schizophrenia, everything is disorganised, be it thought process, speech or behaviour. Like, it can be disorgan-
ised behaviour too in which a person exhibit ac ons that are very much out of place depending on the situa on,
such as wearing mul ple layers of clothing on a hot day.

Catatonic Schizophrenia:

There are two types of catatonic behaviour that dene this schizophrenia subtype:

* Catatonic stupor: a drama c reduc on in ac vity, to the point where all sorts of movement may stop.
Waxy exibility may develop as well, a condi on where someone places you in a certain posi on and
you become immobilised for a long me.
* Catatonic excitement: characterised by hyperac vity and the presence of stereotypic behaviour, a
condi on that creates repe ve but purposeless ac ons. You may also mimic what another person
is saying (echolalia) or doing (echopraxia)

Residual Schizophrenia:

This type of Schizophrenia mainly occurs in the persons who had a history of Schizophrenia before and the
severity of nega ve symptoms of Schizophrenia had dras cally reduced. The concerned person can s ll be with
posi ve symptoms like hallucina ons or paranoia but the frequency is quite less in it. To fall under this subtype of
Schizophrenia, at least one nega ve symptom is s ll ac ve and the last Schizophrenia a ack should have occurred a
year ago.

Schizoaec ve Disorder:

Schizoaec ve disorder is a mixture of schizophrenia as either depression or bipolar disorder.

This type of Schizophrenia is dicult to diagnose as there are countless number of symptoms of depression
or bipolar disorder involved in it.

In depression, a person is prolonged with feelings of sadness and worthlessness as well as unable to concen-
trate or remember things. On the other hand bipolar disorder makes swings in the mood very frequently, like one
moment a person may feel elated, and then he/she suddenly feel low, o en to the point of sadness.

The cycle between high and low emo ons may become so intense and frequent that they begin to interfere
with your daily life and aect your rela onships and work or academic performance. The two tables below indicate
the symptoms for the mental disorders that may coexist with schizophrenia.
As per the studies and research on dierent types of cases Schizophrenia pa ents, following symptoms of De-
pression & Bipolar Disorder can be classied.

Depression Symptoms

Not feeling hungry or poor appe te

Undergoing weight gain or loss

Changes in sleeping pa erns

A state of anxiety or nervous excitement

Lack of energy
Loss of interest in hobbies or favourite ac vi es

Feelings of worthlessness or hopelessness

Guilt or self-blame

Troubles with thinking or concentra on

Thoughts of death or suicide

Bipolar Disorder Symptoms

Bipolar Mania (High)

Bipolar Depression (Low)

Euphoria or irritability
Depressed mood and low-self esteem

Increased energy and ac vity

Low energy levels and apathy

Excessive talk or racing thoughts

Sadness, loneliness, helplessness and guilt

Inated self-esteem
Slow speech, fa gue and poor coordina on

Unusual energy, plus a lowered need for sleep

Insomnia or oversleeping

Suicidal thoughts and feelings

Reckless pursuit of gra ca on

Poor concentra on

Undieren ated Schizophrenia:

When a person exhibits mixture of Schizophrenia symptoms but do not fall under any specic type of Schizophrenia
or have a dominant symptom, then he/she can be diagnosed with Undieren ated Schizophrenia. As per the studies,
to fall under this subtype, there should be one dominant symptom of either hallucina ons or disorganized behaviour.

Types of Schizophrenia and Symptoms

Types of Schizophrenia and Symptoms

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schizophrenia ppt slideshare (2017-04-27 16:26)

schizophrenia ppt slideshare

schizophrenia ppt slideshare, Good place to start researching ar cles about schizophrenia is go in to site called
13 It is benecial for the students and researchers to get informa on.

schizophrenia ppt slideshare

We collated some of the interes ng Schizophrenia PPT as follows .

1. The following PPT talks about:

What is Schizophrenia

What are the causes of Schizophrenia

What are the types of Schizophrenia

What are Schizophrenia Delusions

What are Schizophrenia Hallucina ons

How can Schizophrenia be treated

How do people live with Schizophrenia

Famous people with Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia Trivia

h ps://

2. Main points of the following PPT:

Deni on of Schizophrenia

Schizotypal Disorder

Persistent Delusional Disorders

Acute & Transient Psycho c Disorders

Induced Delusional Disorder

Schizoaec ve Disorders

E ology of Schizophrenia

Gene cs of Schizophrenia

The Brain in Schizophrenia

Treatments of Schizophrenia

h ps:// 2-4e16-b1b4-6486d97e6f78
&v= &b= &from _search=2

3. The following PPT explains about:

Deni on & Sta s cs




Case Study

In which stage of Life does Schizophrenia usually Develops

Symptoms could appear in 2 ways

Early Symptoms of Schizophrenia


Popula on aected by Schizophrenia

h ps:// 282-4056-8cc8-
d82f9b481397 &v= &b= &from _search=3

4. Points dened in the below PPT:

Introduc on to Schizophrenia



Dierent Perspec ves

Methods of Treatment



h ps:// on-presenta on?qid=2fa98c42-eeca-4407-

bdfe-2d2df9d09b45 &v= &b= &from _search=4

5. Points dened in the below PPT:

Introduc on

Historical Perspec ve

Diagnos c Criteria

Specica ons

Symptoms of Schizophrenia

Nega ve Symptoms

Cogni ve Symptoms

Other Early Symptoms

Hebephrenic Schizophrenia

Post Schizophrenic Depression

h ps:// d=70cd38ca-c72d-40f1-95b9-
027f3c631419 &v= &b= &from _search=5

6. Points dened in the below PPT

The truth about Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a Physical Disease

Research Indica ons

Brain Connec vity

Normal vs Schizophrenia Brain pa ern dierences

Abnormality Loca ons in the Brain

Gene c Risks


Barriers to Recovery

The Real Impact & Cost

h ps:// on?qid=bc e8f4e7-52c7-44ea-8c83-

b6979a6c0bba &v= &b= &from _search=6

7. Points dened in the below PPT

Clinical Manifesta ons


Dierent Diagnosis



Management & Rehabilita on

Take Home Message


Prodromal Symptoms

Fregoli Delusion or Fregoli Syndrome

h ps:// _47/schizophrenia-5460322?qid=a92691de-f208-450f-be0a-416782ce28a7 &v=

&b= &from _search=7

8. Points dened in the below PPT

Clinical Characteris cs of Schizophrenia

First Rank Symptoms

Classifying Mental Health Disorders

Evalua ng Classica on Systems

Biological - Gene cs

Twin Study

Adop on Study

Strengths & Weaknesses

Biological - Biochemistry

Dopamine Hypothesis

h ps:// 1bb-a30b-32994f222156 &v=

&b= &from _search=8

9. Points dened in the below PPT







h ps:// fcd-46ec-9c5d-2951449410
&v= &b= &from _search=11

10. Points explained in the below PPT:

Recent Advances in Management of Schizophrenia

Other Condi ons Resembling Acute Schizophrenia

Substances leading to Schizophrenia like condi on

Basic Approaches in Current Treatment of Schizophrenia

Stages of Schizophrenia as a Neurodevelopmental Disorder

Schizophrenia and Brain Tissue Loss

Realis c Perspec ve on Genes in Schizophrenia

Research Domain Criteria

Schizophrenia and Metabolism

Recent Improvements in the Treatment of Schizophrenia

h ps:// d39-4902-968a-9ed30a5e0988
&v= &b= &from _search=12

[embedyt] h ps:// &list=UUUcZ9ZSoi9IweU7 _VayHg1w &lay-


1.2 May

How to help Schizophrenia Pa ent (2017-05-27 19:18)

How to help Schizophrenia Pa ent

How to help Schizophrenia Pa ent,Schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder which requires regular medical
treatment along with the psycho c therapies and consulta ons.

Schizophrenia is a disease about which no perfect medicines can be subscribed for ge ng fully recovered
from a disease which can be reac vate any me, no ma er how much posi ve eect the prescribed medicines are

Although medica ons are the cornerstone to the Schizophrenia treatment, as per the cases and research the
most o en prescribed and used medica ons are an psycho c

How to help Schizophrenia Pa ent?

medicines. They are thought to control the symptoms by aec ng the brain neurotransmi er dopamine. Dopamine
is the main chemical in the brain that these medicines have an eect on. Other chemicals included to aect or
change the behaviour, mood and emo ons of a person are serotonin, noradrenaline and acetylcholine.

As per the studies and various cases Schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder and disease which requires life-
long medical treatment, consulta ons, therapies and also hospitalisa on depending on the severi es. As the
whole human body is controlled by its brain and if the main controller of the body gets aected with issues like
Schizophrenia then the best medica on is rst observing the person.

Then, as per the observed nature of ac vi es and living lifestyle we have to make ourselves accommodate
with it and try to make the ac vi es and lifestyle normal. In such cases we have to be peculiar and understanding
enough to not to make the eected person feel or men on that he or she is suering from some mental disease like

If we keep telling the person that he/she is suering from it, then it can and may create more dicult condi-
ons to handle with. We have to take care of the pa ent with full condence and morality as instead of the drugs
and an psycho c medicines the main solu on to this problem can be emo onal a achment and acceptable nature.

We do not have to make the pa ent realize of this severe mental disorder in him/her but we ourselves have
to create condi ons and situa ons in which the pa ent is most comfortable with and lives life most happily and
sa sfactorily. If the same nega ve thing keeps happening again and again then anyone can get the symptoms and
signs of Schizophrenia.
The thing which has to be taken care of is not allowing such condi ons or situa ons to be created in which a
person feels too nega ve about himself/ herself, instead we have to mo vate that person more and more to think
posi ve about oneself and never ever underes mate its willpower or capability to accomplish any of the goals of life
to make his/ her life happy and comfortable.

We have to always stay in posi ve atmosphere and environment to feel good about oneself and then keep
ge ng mo vated and inspired to go for things and ac vi es which are very good and protable for ones life and
learn to handle any of the nega ve or posi ve situa on with full concentra on and mo va on, that we never face
any of such situa ons again in future. Same is required for the pa ents diagnosed with Schizophrenia that we have
to make them feel good and posi ve about oneself and always try to make them accommodate with the prevailing
condi ons and situa ons to live a frui ul life full of happiness and sa sfac on.

As in cases, when a person is diagnosed with this horrible issue of Schizophrenia, the rst thing we have to
take care of is ge ng the whole body diagnosed with, if any physical weaknesses are there then we have to take
the proper medica on for it as the pa ents with Schizophrenia issue do not take care of their bodies at all and many
weaknesses gets generated then. As per the severity of the Schizophrenia problem, we have to rst solve the physical
weakness issue and then go for the medica ons and an psycho c medicines required for healing Schizophrenia as
there may be major side-eects involved with the an psycho c medicines and if such an psycho c medicines gets
mixed with other medica ons required for healing any physical weakness then no posi ve eect can be guaranteed

We have to get to know about what is the major issue that is having a major part in crea ng signs and symp-
toms of Schizophrenia and then try to personally solve the issues by trying not to talk about the same thing again
and again to make the person feel more and more nega ve about oneself and then making that person shout or
misbehave in front of all to throw out all his/ her frustra on/ anger/ misunderstandings.

We have to solve the issues of Schizophrenia with love and care so that the aected person feels good about
oneself and enjoys normal life with all. If we are able to solve the issues of Schizophrenia personally then there is
no need for any an psycho c medicines as these medicines have too much of side-eects which can make more
dicult for a person to lead a normal life.

All human beings requires good companionship and understanding for their daily works and ac vi es to enjoy
with it and do not take any sort of burden to nish o any of the ac vi es required to live a peaceful and happy life.

Today, the world is so much advanced and hyper-generated that it takes no me to nish o any of the works
but the same fastness creates trouble too if any of the works remain pending due to any personal issues. Then the
public start teasing for it con nuously and it creates problems like Schizophrenia if a person is more and more teased
for any of his / her shortcomings in nishing any of the works.

We should not be poin ng out or teasing a person for his / her shortcomings instead we should be diploma c
enough to make the person realise of his / her mistakes or shortcomings and be able to mo vate or inspire that
person to nish o that work within no me limit and with full condence and strength.

Back to [1]h p:// ons-during-paranoid -schizophrenia-treatment/

How to help Schizophrenia Pa ent ar cle details about how we need to support the schizophrenia pa ent.This can
good star ng point for the pa ent friends to read about How to help Schizophrenia Pa ent

[embedyt] h ps:// &list=UUUcZ9ZSoi9IweU7 _VayHg1w &lay-



Top Myths About Schizophrenia (2017-05-31 00:16)

Top Myths About Schizophrenia

Top Myths About Schizophrenia, -Schizophrenia in itself is a very dierent phase of brain/ mind and life that it creates
certain myths irrespec ve of the nature, behaviour and ac vi es of the concerned person.

Top Myths About Schizophrenia


Schizophrenia in itself is a very dierent phase of brain/ mind and life that it creates certain myths irrespec-
ve of the nature, behaviour and ac vi es of the concerned person.

Following are the top myths and the facts behind it that should be known worldwide to kill those myths and
live in reality.

1. Schizophrenics are always dangerous.

It is considered that all people suering from Schizophrenia are dangerous as they tend towards the nega ve
side of life and tries for commi ng suicide or harming anyone or to be extreme violent. These ac vi es could also be
due to their poverty or family condi ons, which are then considered to be dangerous with the Schizophrenia pa ents.

2. Schizophrenia considered to be rare to occur.

It was in the earlier ages when Schizophrenia was considered to be rare to occur to anyone but in the present
world, Schizophrenia aects all people in all socie es, ages, family & social backgrounds. Schizophrenia condi on is
much more common than thought of.

3. Schizophrenia is caused due to improper or bad upbringing or brought up in life.

It was considered that bad mothering to a child or improper brought up of anyone at any age is the cause for
Schizophrenia to be generated. But in reality, it is the various tragic condi ons or more pressurised discussions, talks
or behaviour which makes a person to imagine and discuss with oneself that gives birth to Schizophrenia.

4. Schizophrenics have a split personality.

This is the most common myth known to be but its completely false as the word Schizophrenia literally means
split mind which has caused a lot of confusion. As the Schizophrenic pa ents do experience a lot of delusions and
hallucina ons, it is thought and considered to be true that Schizophrenics have a split personality.

5. The health of the Schizophrenic pa ents is same as of everyone else.

The impact of Schizophrenia is not realized by people on the physical health of the concerned person. As per
the physical eects of mental illness combined with the any of the an -psycho c medica ons taken and the lifestyle
factors means that the person with such mental illness have a life expectancy 20 years lower than average.

6. Schizophrenia is irrecoverable.

As Schizophrenia requires lifelong treatment be it psycho c therapies, an psycho c medica ons of tablets,
syrups or mely injec ons or ECT (Electroconvulsive Therapy) in the severe cases, it is thought to be irrecoverable
form Schizophrenia. Although Schizophrenia has a lower rate of full recovery but it does not mean that people cant
recover from it. As per the dierent cases, out of 100 %, 30 % will have a las ng recovery, 20 % will show signicant
improvement and around 50 % will have a long term illness which may involve further episodes of becoming more
unwell or with longer me and treatment episodes they can recover.

7. There is con nuous monitoring required for Schizophrenia Pa ents.

When people with Schizophrenia are ge ng access to the treatment and support they need, then its totally
false that they cannot lead happy and produc ve lives. They need not be monitored every me or all the me
when they are posi vely going under the treatment with the posi ve outcome. Amongst all, many people suering
from Schizophrenia live with family or supported housing. Many of those aected live independently and are ac ve
members of society.

8. People suering from Schizophrenia must be hospitalised.

This is a total fake thought that any person suering from Schizophrenia needs to be hospitalised all the me.
If any treatment is taken for Schizophrenia, then there is no need for the pa ent to be hospitalised all the me but
the pa ent mostly requires the company of his/ her family, knowns or friends to be able to make them understand
the situa on or condi on and handle it accordingly. Hospitalisa on is required in the extreme cases of Schizophrenia,
when the person is totally out of control due to a lot many delusions and hallucina ons or the side eects of the
an psycho cs if any taken.

9. An psycho c Drugs medica on is worse.

Medica on is the supporter of trea ng Schizophrenia but as the an psycho c drugs have side-eects too so it
is considered that taking the medica on is even worse than the illness itself. These drugs have a posi ve eect
on reducing the hallucina ons, delusions, confusing thoughts and strange and unusual behaviours. But as these
medica ons have severe side eects too so it is considered worst to take medica on. But in real, it is very rare to
get the side eects of the an psycho cs as it depends & diers from individual to individual about how regular and
mely they take the medica on.

10.Schizophrenic pa ents cant lead a produc ve and normal life.

It should never be considered that a person diagnosed with Schizophrenia can never lead a normal produc ve
life. It depends on the living condi ons, atmosphere, environment and the medica on and its tenure if any taken for,
that the rehabilita on of a person depends on.

Above ar cle is about Top Myths About Schizophrenia.Top Myths About Schizophrenia throws light on the re-
ality of schizophrenia.

Back to [1]h p://

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What are the rehabilita on methods for Schizophrenia pa ents (2017-05-31 00:45)

What are the rehabilita on methods for Schizophrenia pa ents


What are the rehabilita on methods for Schizophrenia pa ents,Schizophrenia is a mental disorder in which
the aected person loses all his / her interest and hopes in general life and ac vi es and lives a very abnormal and
disorganised life.

Lets have a look at the therapies available to rec fy the Schizophrenia issues in a person and achieve the
goal of making them live a normal life.

The main therapy is the Psychotherapy in which we do not require to give strong chemical medicines to the
Schizophrenia pa ent but get indulged into an individual psychotherapy in which the psychiatrist or therapist can
and will teach the friends or family members of the pa ent about how to handle and deal with the pa ents thoughts
or behaviour.

There are a number of psychotherapies depending on the severity or majority or frequency of the Schizophrenic
issues. These therapies are quite useful as there in no involvement of the strong medicines or chemicals which the
doctors prescribe for the mentally sick pa ents. As these medicines have major side-eects also, so its be er to go
for some psychiatric therapies which has no side-eects at all and helps to recover in a be er way.

1. Individual psychotherapy: In this therapy, the psychiatrist or the therapist teaches the friends and family of the
pa ent about how to handle and deal with the pa ents thoughts and behaviour. For this therapy, there is safe,
caring and conden al environment to explore their feelings, beliefs or behaviours in dierent-dierent aspects
of life.

2. Cogni ve behaviour therapy (CBT): This therapy is helpful to Schizophrenics who have extreme nega ve
thoughts and beliefs as the Psychotherapist helps and teaches a person to change poten ally harmful or de-
struc ve beliefs and behaviours. This therapy can help people with Schizophrenia learn to live be er, reduce
certain Schizophrenic Symptoms and avoid relapse.

3. Cogni ve enhancement therapy (CET): CET is a performance based, comprehensive, developmental approach
to the rehabilita on of social cogni ve and neurocogni ve decits. Par cipants work at recovery through struc-
tured group and computer exercises. CET is designed as a recovery phase interven on for symptoma cally
stable persons with severe mental illness, who nonetheless remain socially and voca onally disabled. CET is
the result or conclusion of more than 30 years of clinical experience and research in schizophrenia treatment.
Overall, CET a empts to increase mental stamina, ac ve informa on processing, and the spontaneous nego -
a on of unrehearsed social challenges. It does so with a focus on enhancing perspec ve taking, social context
appraisal, and other components of social cogni on.

4. Social skills training (SST): Social skills training is a type of psychotherapy that works to help people improve
their social skills so they can become socially SST is predominantly a behavioural therapy but cogni ve therapy
can also be used in some situa ons to maximise the success of SST.

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1.3 June

Common Paranoid Schizophrenia Symptoms (2017-06-10 18:06)

Common Paranoid Schizophrenia Symptoms

Common paranoid schizophrenia symptoms in which the person gets more hallucina ons and delusions.The life of
such paranoid schizophrenics is marked by suspicions, isola on and doubts about others that the invisible visions
and un-hearable sounds tortures them and they are not able to lead a normal life and proceeds for daily waking



1. Hallucina ons & Delusions: They hear and see visions which are not there in real.

2. In anger which is unexplainable.

3. Gets disconnected emo onally & mentally with the known or near ones.

4. They get severely anxious and agitated.

5. Behaviour becomes too much argumenta ve.

6. Behaviour is too much violent and proceed for violent tendencies.

7. Prefer elf-importance and believes that he or she has special powers.

8. They get frequent suicidal thoughts and behaviour also becomes nega ve and suicidal.


The Paranoid or any other Schizophrenics have a lot many confusions and fear and lives in a delusion that
someone is plo ng against them.

From 2013, as per the various case studies and researches, it has been stated that the subtype Paranoid Schizophrenia
is not separate but a part of Schizophrenia.

The pa ents diagnosed with Schizophrenia can manage their condi ons through various Medica ons and other
treatments. But lifelong treatment is required for Schizophrenics as no one can guarantee about the symptoms not
to relapse a er medica ons and various treatments.

Schizophrenia is a chronic and long term psychiatric issue. In this condi on, the person is unable to think
clearly and aects the whole thought process. It impacts the aected person too much in their feelings and makes
them unable to communicate, to focus, to complete tasks, to sleep, and to relate to others.

This leads to more and more of fear, confusion, and suicidal thoughts and behaviour.


1. Thinking ge ng too much disorganised.

2. Demo vated to do anything and always facing lack in mo va on.

3. Ge ng too slow in any movement.

4. The sleep mings and sleeping pa erns get changed a lot.

5. Becomes least a en ve to hygiene.

6. Gets lot of changes in their body language and emo ons.

7. They also become least interested in the social ac vi es.

8. Feels low sex drive.

These symptoms will not be there in everyone diagnosed with the Schizophrenia issue. Such symptoms o en occur
in the ages of 16 to 30 years. There is an early or Prodromal phase of illness when a person is no ced with changes
in sleep pa erns, emo ons, mo va on, communica on, and ability to think clearly. The acute episode with such
symptoms is more severe. When the condi on is acute, then there may be feelings of panic, anger, and depression.
Through such changes one can be frightened when he or she never expects to happen like this.

If proper treatment and support is provided then a person can cope-up with Schizophrenia. Proper medica-
ons and treatment therapies helps a lot in stabilizing the condi on and many of them start living and working as
they will without such condi on of Schizophrenia. But if a person stops with the medica on and other treatment
therapies, then the schizophrenic symptoms o en reoccur. So it is always good and posi ve to go for lifelong
Schizophrenic treatment when diagnosed with it.

In Paranoid Schizophrenia, delusions & hallucina ons are the most common symptoms. A delusion is some-
thing the person believes is true, even when strong evidence is there that it is untrue. For example, the person may
believe that someone they know is planning to harm them. In hallucina ons, there may be auditory hallucina ons,
or hearing things that are not there, and perceptual disturbances. Visual hallucina ons some mes occur. By such
condi ons, a person is led to physical and emo onal detachment, social withdrawal anger and anxiety. Many
Paranoid Schizophrenics becomes fearful and usually avoids others. Some of them express their fear and frustra on
through aggression and violence. But many of them keep viola ng the true facts and become target for exploita on.

The exact causes for Schizophrenia are unclear, but it probably involves a combina on of gene c factors and
environmental triggers. Symptoms may occur due to imbalance in the neurotransmi ers of Dopamine and Serotonin.

Gene cally, the chances of ge ng diagnosed with Schizophrenia is more if anyone in the family has suered
from it. If there is no family history, the chances of developing Schizophrenia are below 1 percent. If a parent had
the schizophrenic condi on, there is a 10 percent chance of developing it.

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Top 10 Complica ons during Paranoid Schizophrenia Treatment (2017-06-10 18:23)

Top 10 Complica ons during

Paranoid Schizophrenia Treatment

Top 10 Complica ons during Paranoid Schizophrenia Treatment:

1. Ge ng into depression
2. Frequent suicidal thoughts and behaviour
3. Not having proper meals and suer with malnutri on
4. Ge ng unemployed when the symptoms relapse
5. Social detachment leading to homelessness
6. Not allowed or able to move out independently so feeling to be in prison
7. Disorganised thoughts and behaviour leading to inability to study
8. Being a vic m of crime
9. Illnesses related to substance abuse and tobacco smoking
10.Uneven ow of thoughts and disturbed sleep

For the treatment of Schizophrenia, lifelong treatment is required even if the medica ons starts receding the
symptoms. The disturbing thoughts, hallucina ons & delusions can be reduced by An psycho cs which can be given
as pills or as liquids or mely injec ons, but these medica ons do have some side eects for which one has to be
prepared with.

Top 10 Complica ons during Paranoid Schizophrenia Treatment

Depending on the individual symptoms, other drugs which can be included are an depressants, an -anxiety
drugs, and a mood-stabilizing medica on.
A person with severe symptoms or condi on may required to be hospitalised to keep the person in safe environment,
provide with proper nutri on and stabilize their sleep.

The acceptance of lifelong con nuous medica on and treatment for any of the Schizophrenics is not easy for
all to accept with. If they stop taking their medica on, the symptoms can relapse. Hospitaliza on can help people
get back onto their medica on while keeping them safe.

The chances of Schizophrenic symptoms ge ng relapsed can be reduced by Psychotherapy, counselling, and
social and voca onal skills training which also help the pa ents to live independently without the fear of symptoms
ge ng relapsed. Support can be provided by including improvement in communica on skills, nding work and
housing, and joining a support group.
When the pa ent reaches extreme severity in Schizophrenia, then ECT (Electroconvulsive Therapy) is used which
involves sending an electric current through the brain to produce controlled seizures, or convulsions. Through such
seizures, a massive trigger in the neurochemicals in the brain is expected, decit or imbalance of which causes
Schizophrenia. In the side eects of ECT, there can be short-term memory loss. ECT is taken for when the pa ent
doesnt responds to any other medica on or treatment therapies for healing Schizophrenia.

Lifelong support is necessary for Schizophrenics as they o en stop taking medica ons within the rst 12 months as
they no ce certain posi ve changes due to the medica on and starts feeling that they can stop the medica on as
they are improving, but do not adhere to the fact that the symptoms can relapse a er stopping their medica on and

There may be a lot many complica ons if any person diagnosed with Paranoid Schizophrenia does not receive
proper treatment and care. Then, there is a severe and serious risk of severe mental health, physical health, nancial,
behavioural, and legal problems.

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Top 10 Books On Schizophrenia (2017-06-12 21:35)

Top 10 Books On Schizophrenia

Top 10 Books On Schizophrenia,Here are the top 10 books which describes the dierent-dierent cases of Schizophre-
nia and how they have tried to recover or recede the symptoms of Schizophrenia, which requires lifelong treatment.

Among the men oned books, movies have also been made on many of them.


It is the biography of John Forbes Nash Jr. who was the winner of Nobel Prize in Economics in 1994. He was
a brilliant mathema cian but his genius and bright life was tainted by various episodes of Paranoid Schizophrenia
which interrupted a lot in his brilliant and shining career and was hospitalized. He used to indicate and tell about
how he is receiving signals from outer space to get him recruited to save the world.


[1]h ps:// &printsec=frontcover &dq=A+BEAUTIFUL+MIND+by+SYLVIA+NASAR

&hl=en &sa=X &ved=0ahUKEwjMkeXSg7jUAhURTo8KHS9ICqAQ6AEIJTAA #v=onepage &q=A %20BEAUTIFUL
%20MIND %20by %20SYLVIA %20NASAR &f=false


This book contains the story of Lori Schiller herself, who was a perfect child ll age of 17, but a er 6 years of
this age, she commi ed her 1st suicidal a empt, started wandering the streets in ragged torn clothes, crying and
shou ng at people without reason and commi ng more of the suicidal a empts. This book shows the real episodes
of Lori entering into Schizophrenia world and how she and her family, doctors and friends coped with her to recover
back and live a stable life.

Top 10 Books On Schizophrenia

[4]h ps:// &printsec=frontcover #v=onepage &q &f=false 3. I AM NOT

SICK I DONT NEED HELP by XAVIER AMADOR This book tells about the research which conveys for, why people dont
accept or refuse to take treatment for their mental illness and how we can help them to lead a normal life.


[5]h p:// _1389 _presenta on.pdf 4. THE CENTER CANNOT HOLD: MY


This book is very well expressed and uent story of Elyn R. Saks life which explains how she entered Paranoid
Schizophrenia and the whole incredibly dicult symptoms of Paranoid she overcome with and became a highly
respected professional. [6]h ps:// adness/ 5.

This book is quite a helpful book and guide to the Schizophrenic pa ents and their family or caretakers. It de-
scribes in clear language the nature, causes, symptoms, treatment, and course of Schizophrenia and also explores
living with it from both the pa ents and the familys point of view. [7]h ps://
urviving _Schizophrenia _6th _Edi on.html?id=uVlUAwAAQBAJ &printsec=frontcover &source=kp _read _bu on
&redir _esc=y #v=onepage &q &f=false 6. MAD IN AMERICA by ROBERT WHITAKER

This book explains about the bad medicine, bad science and the enduring mistreatment given to the maximum men-
tally ill Schizophrenic pa ents. It explains how the drug companies lted and twisted their studies to prove that the
new an psycho c drugs were more eec ve than the old ones, keeping the pa ents in dark and unknown about
the side eects of the new an psycho c drugs created by them. [8]h ps:// ad
_in _America.html?id=4Pk3DgAAQBAJ &printsec=frontcover &source=kp _read _bu on &redir _esc=y #v=onepage

This book emphasises on the ways how the rela ons should be held and carried forward to avoid any of the symp-
toms and circumstances that lead to genera on of Schizophrenia or any other mental illness in a normal human being.

This book explains the story of a father and his wife about how they faced the condi on of their 6 years old daughter be-
ing diagnosed of the severe cases of child-onset schizophrenia that doctors had ever seen. In her case she was 95 % of
me under the hallucina ons stage and used to be awake. It shows how the family lived and also arranged to keep the
sibling of the girl not to get those symptoms of Schizophrenia. [11]h p://
610-january-rst 9. ANTI-OEDIPUS by GILLES DELEUZE

It explains about the eect of Wester society on the unwillingness or willingness of a person to be disconnected or
connected with a group. It talks about the societal dierences which creates condi ons for mental disorders and
disturbances and not allows a person to live a life in his own senses without any sort of comparisons, jealousy or
compe ons.An -Oedipus talks about controversial contribu on to a much-needed dialogue on the nature of free
thinking. [12]h ps:// -Oedipus 10. THE DIVIDED SELF by D. LAING
It talks about the double iden es of a person, one our authen c, private iden ty, and the other the false, sane
self that we present to the world. It shows how a person living with double iden es faces dierent phases of
life and at mes it becomes totally uncontrollable to take any of the decisions which aects the life being of a
person to lead a normal life. [13]h ps:// _Divided _Self.html?id=4JT-12rMtJsC
&printsec=frontcover &source=kp _read _bu on &redir _esc=y #v=onepage &q &f=false Above are the Top 10 Books
On Schizophrenia which explains the dierent symptoms of Schizophrenia. Please write your comments about Top
10 Books On Schizophrenia
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Warez (2017-07-10 02:12:41)


Warez (2017-07-10 02:17:51)

Thanks for the share!

Top 10 Movies On Schizophrenia (2017-06-13 00:20)

Top 10 Movies On Schizophrenia

Top 10 Movies On Schizophrenia,Here are the famous movies being made on the various Schizophrenia cases and
issues.Following are the Top 10 Movies On Schizophrenia


This movie is based on the biography of John Forbes Nash Jr. who was the winner of Nobel Prize in Economics in
1994. He was a brilliant mathema cian but his genius and bright life was tainted by various episodes of Paranoid
Schizophrenia which interrupted a lot in his brilliant and shining career and was hospitalized. He used to indicate and
tell about how he is receiving signals from outer space to get him recruited to save the world. It shows the phases
of Johns life when he was diagnosed with Paranoid Schizophrenia and the symptoms of more and more of delusions
& hallucina ons at the peak me of his career when he was rewarded as the most genius mathema cian. But then
a er facing with the nega ve sides of Schizophrenia, the posi ve sides are too well shown and portrayed. We can
see the support of his wife & other caretakers for the care & a en on they provided to help him recover back and
avoid the relapse of the symptoms.

h ps://


This movie shows a detailed story or history of a lady when she stayed in a mental ins tu on a er the diag-
nosis of Schizophrenia in her. The story says that she nds herself in a mental ins tu on without her knowledge or
memory loss and couldnt even recognize her husband due to a lot many of delusions. But, when the doctor decides
to go to the root cause of her mental illness, then certain ashback events of her life indicates for the contribu on to
the genera on of Schizophrenia symptoms.

h ps://


This movie depicts the story of a lady who returns back form a mental asylum. It shows the dierence in the
character and behaviour of her family members a er her return from the mental asylum. They never treated
her normally and kept considering her more schizophrenic by avoiding natural rela ons with her, be it her father,
husband or brother. The lady had inherited the insanity of Schizophrenia from her mother. She tried a lot to recover
and did also, but due to certain immediate events and nonacceptance by her family members of her being normal,
the symptoms relapsed and lived the whole remaining life in delusions and hallucina ons.

h ps://


In this movie, the love and care provided by a brother (BENNY) to his mentally ill sister (JOON) is shown very
nicely. Benny also welcomes a third person (SAM) to stay with them on the request of Joon. Sam is eccentric but
entertains Joon while he dreams a job at the video store run by Benny. At some me Benny discovers that Joon and
Sam are ge ng into rela onship, so then he kicks out Sam which leads to clash & argument between the brother &
sister. Joon then runs away with Sam but then she realizes soon that she needs more support like her brother was
providing that Sam cannot provide alone.

h ps:// _KiZk


In this movie it is shown about how one male Schizophrenic pa ent gets a racted to another female Schizophrenic
pa ent and then the movie shows their feelings of being made for each other. When they move out together they
feel that their love is so powerful that they dont need any sort of medica on to con nue with. Then the whole
story starts with the re occurrence of the Schizophrenic symptoms which were somewhat ge ng rec ed with the
medica ons & therapies they were being provided at the same mental ins tu on they met in.

h ps://


It has the story of a girl who suers from androphobia (the pathological fear of interac on with men). The
story begins when that girl is le alone in the at in which she was staying with her friend and roommate, that
she becomes more of fearful and begins to experience frigh ul hallucina ons, her fear gradually transforming into
madness or Schizophrenia.

h ps://


Angels of the universe is a movie about a young man who gets his decency or normal origin changed or con-
verted to madness or schizophrenia, a er he gets cheated or discarded by his girlfriend. A er that he becomes too
much violent and intolerable that needed to be hospitalized in mental ins tu on. There he meets characters like
himself and lives with the provided treatment.

h ps:// &t=43s


It is a story about a young schizophrenic man who tries desperately to live in the world with whatever terms
he has to face in his schizophrenic condi on. It shows very in mately and clearly about his schizophrenic state of
mind in facing to live a normal life in the present world.

h ps://


This movie depicts the life of the author from the various stages of life since the childhood. It shows the life
a er being tortured or troubled by mental and emo onal issues in a very poor or needy family. Also, experiences in
the young age of numerous tragedies and death of two of the siblings made her very unstable in thoughts and living.
The author gets admired for her wri ng in the mental ins tu on she was admi ed to and with that success she was
able to move forward with her life.

h ps://


It shows the story of a young journalist whose life has befriended him by making him alone in his married and
family life and also gets disappointed and dissa sed with his job. He then just roams around lonely and discovers
a homeless man playing a two stringed violin. Ini ally he doesnt thinks about him but as me passes, he becomes
known to that person and feels the posi ve changes he started ge ng in his life by mee ng someone he never
thought of.

h ps://

You can post your feedback on Top 10 Movies On Schizophrenia.We will also update the Top 10 Movies On
Schizophrenia in-case the ra ng changes


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Top 10 Famous Personali es With Schizophrenia (2017-06-13 23:52)

Top 10 Famous Personali es With Schizophrenia

Top 10 Famous Personali es With Schizophrenia,Following is the list of the famous Indian & other famous personali-
es diagnosed with Schizophrenia and who tried hard to overcome or recede with it.

Top 10 Famous Personali es With Schizophrenia

S No.

Lionel Aldridge

Professional Football Player

Paranoid Schizophrenia
With his diagnosis of Schizophrenia, he was homeless. With the help of proper medica on, therapies and treatment,
he was able to regain some sense of his mental health.
Eduard Einstein

Son of Albert Einstein

Eduard was extremely intelligent and a successful student throughout his educa on. During his youth Eduard
wanted to be a psychoanalyst but was began showing signs of schizophrenia by the age of 20. This led to him to be
ins tu onalized several mes.

Zelda Fitzgerald

Wife of Writer F. Sco Fitzgerald and Writer, Dancer, Ar st

Paranoid Schizophrenia
Psychiatric Clinics and Ins tu ons

Peter Green

Guitarist and Founder of Fleetwood Mac

He was extreme successful in his life me with his career and fame which was accompanied by lifelong struggle with
With his diagnosis of Schizophrenia, he spent his remaining life in the psychiatric hospitals. His condi on reached to
the extremes that ECT (electroconvulsive therapy was needed to be undergone by him.

Darrell Hammond

Comedian and Saturday Night Live Actor

During Childhood
During an interview in 2011 of Hammond with CNN, he told that his childhood was badly and brutally abused by his
mother, the trauma of which created and generated the symptoms of Schizophrenia.
The trauma he went through his childhood made him commit suicide many mes. He was many mes hospitalised
due to his psychiatric issues and diagnosis of bipolar Schizophrenia and borderline personality disorder.

Tom Harrell

Composer and Jazz Musician

In his 20s
Paranoid Schizophrenia
He was a top grade composer and jazz musician with which he has been recorded on more than 260 albums. A er
his diagnosis of Schizophrenia, he took the proper treatment & mely medica on which helped him to con nue back
with his successful career.

John Hinckley, Jr.

Failed American Assassin

As he was a failed American assassin, he was under the mental training and experience of harming & killing someone
and so his lawyer demanded his mental check-up and was then diagnosed with the symptoms of Schizophrenia.
Hinckley was found not guilty by reason of insanity, and has remained under ins tu onal psychiatric care since then.

Jack Kerouac

Novelist and Poet

He spent a short me enlisted in the US military for some of his novel work to get to know about people there.
During his stay, a Navy Doctor diagnosed him with the symptoms of Schizophrenia which was then called Demen a.
For his case, some say that drinking was a self-medica on to get rid of the voices heard by most of the Schizophrenia
Pa ents as he used to drink a lot of alcohol a er his diagnosis and be at his place only.

Deepika Padukone

Daughter of Indian Badminton Player: Prakash Padukone and a Bollywood Actress

1986 ll date
Anxiety & Depression
She was on the ladders of success but due to overload of work and exhaus on she was diagnosed with too much
anxiety and depression. She took the proper consulta ons with the psychiatrist and proper medica on that she has


Manisha Koirala

Famous Bollywood Actress

1970 ll date
Acute clinical depression because of the bad married life with her husband.
She took sugges ons through social media and undergone the medica on and therapies. She also fought with the
cancer she was also diagnosed of and now has recovered back from both the issues of her mental and physical health
and living a peaceful and happy life.

Above ar cle about Top 10 Famous Personali es With Schizophrenia

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What is Disorganised Schizophrenia (2017-06-16 23:11)

What is Disorganised Schizophrenia

What is Disorganised Schizophrenia,Disorganised Schizophrenia is a long term mental illness and is considered to be
one of the several sub types of Schizophrenia. It is also known by the name of Hebephrenic Schizophrenia. In the
condi on of Disorganised Schizophrenia, a person gets extremely disorganised in any of the emo ons of life. It is
thought to be in the extreme of disorganisa on syndrome that has been assumed or imagined to be one feature of a
3-factor model of schizophrenia symptoms. Among the other 2 factors, one is delusions/ hallucina ons in which the
person lives in a distorted and imaginary reality which is not present and the other factor is psycho-motor poverty
which is poor in speech, lack of spontaneous movement, and blun ng emo on. In this factor, person loses his or
her control over speech and lacks too much in any of the spontaneous movement or ac on required in general life
along with total blunted emo ons. The pa ent of Disorganised Schizophrenia is characterized by totally confused
and illogical thoughts and behaviour. In other words, their behaviour and speech along with ac ons is extremely
agitated and purposeless.

What is Disorganised Schizophrenia

Disorganised Schizophrenia is considered a more severe type of Schizophrenia as the pa ents in this condi-
on dont and cant take care of their daily rou ne ac vi es like preparing and having meals or taking care of the
hygiene issues. Their speech becomes so much smashed that no one can ever understand whatever they want to say.


1. Unstructured Thinking: In the condi on of Disorganised Schizophrenia, person is unable to form any clear or
logical thoughts and this inability aects his/ her speech which also becomes unclear and disorganised in which
a person cannot s ck to the point of talk but keeps changing the subject of issue. The speech problem becomes
so severe at mes in certain cases that it is perceived as meaningless and confused (a mess of sounds) to those
around him/her.

2. Chao c Behaviour: In this symptom, the person is unable to take care of the daily rou ne ac vi es and also
becomes unable to decide over basic things of life like, taking bath, ge ng ready a er bath or for any other
func on of daily life, or even preparing and having meals. They may take meaningless tensions or they may
show sexual behaviour in public. Such disorganised behaviour may appear to be normal to schizophrenics but
very strange and unusual to the public or the people around them. Their behaviours vary from being childlike
or silly or ge ng too much aggressive and violent on normal issues of life.

3. Lacking Emo onal Expression: With this symptom, person becomes fully blank in showing or expressing emo-
ons as per the condi on or situa on. The pa ent appears extremely indierent and unconcerned. They dont
talk properly or be in eye contact with the other nor do they show any body language rela ng to the issues they
might be trying to discuss. They may show behaviours which are not at all expected or pursued for the present
situa on like they may laugh out loud on a very serious issue or condi on.

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How Dopamine And Schizophrenia related (2017-06-18 01:37)

How Dopamine And Schizophrenia related

How Dopamine And Schizophrenia related,Dopamine can be explained as the neurotransmi er or chemical in the
brain which has control over all the wants, desires, needs, expecta ons, love, lust, hatred and all other sorts of
feelings & expressions related with the condi on or situa on. Dopamine passes through the various neurons in the
brain and it depends on the receiver neuron about to where is it connected with to aect the receiving of the passing
neuron in the posi ve or the nega ve way.

Rela on Between Dopamine And Schizophrenia

How Dopamine And Schizophrenia related

If anyhow, the receiving of the neurons is somehow inhibited, then it may result into any kind of Schizophre-
nia or mental illness.

At rst, the inhibi on of the Dopamine is intertwined by the pharmacology by which various an psycho cs
are created to control Dopamine and direct it in the correct mo on but with the same inven on of An psycho cs,
various and too many major to major side-eects are itself made that aects the life of the mentally sick pa ent
more horrifying and troublesome.

For any sort of mentally sick pa ents, the rst treatment we need to provide them is be er counselling and
therapies. However, there is no need of any of the medica ons for improving their mental health. As a thumb rule,
pa ence is the key. We have to implement the things as per the choice of the pa ents, considering the fact that it
goes in the right direc on to make posi ve changes in their thinking and expressions.

We can take the example of the rst An psycho c drug created which was named as Chlorpromazine. It has
emerged as a poten al protector against any allergies and it also enhanced insensi vity and caused the pa ents to
undergo surgeries to be calm and awake during their surgery, but it wont feel like to be painful to them as they will
be lying in a very relaxed and comfortable state without any pain feelings of the surgery. In a report in 1952 by Delay
et al., it has been men oned that the medica on of Chlorpromazine reduced the hallucina ons and also stopped
the unheard voices to eight psycho cally disturbed pa ents. This an psycho c drug has shown a very rapid and
consistent change within a very few days, as the neurotransmi er targeted with this drug was eciently aected in
a posi ve manner.

If any of the An psycho c has posi ve eect on any mentally sick pa ent, then its also accompanied with its
side eects which may aect the person in a major or minor way. Like for this drug, the side eects included are,
considered pa ent may become too much of anxious in any unrelated issues, there may be unrequired dizziness or
drowsiness, suer with insomnia, there may be swelling or discharge from the breasts, changes in the menstrual
periods, weight gain, dry mouth, vision may be blurred, stuy nose most of the me, cons pa on, impotence or
trouble having sex or orgasm.

Above ar cle is all about How Dopamine And Schizophrenia related

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payday loans (2017-07-02 12:46:11)
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How is a Person Diagnosed With Schizophrenia (2017-06-19 18:36)

How is a Person Diagnosed With Schizophrenia

How is a Person Diagnosed With Schizophrenia ,The diagnosis of Schizophrenia in anyone diers from cases to cases
as it involves the co-opera on from the pa ents side, both from the known ones and himself. It can be an emo onal
blow of life for some cases who takes things too seriously to achieve any task and then totally lose their control
either if it happens the way they want to or get the nega ve result. On the other hand, it may represent as a start-up
of the treatment for the cases who can explain their condi on truly in the ways it occurred during their months of
depressed or tension mes or disturbed thinking & behaviour, then they are ready for the treatment and get relieved
from Schizophrenia.

How is a Person Diagnosed With Schizophrenia

It seems in general that diagnosis of Schizophrenia is a simple and easy process but in the real world, it is
taken very seriously by the mental health professionals who assist in diagnosing as they have to look from dierent
aspects to actually come to the conclusion of Schizophrenia.

So far, there are no machines like scanners and all, or any blood tests to diagnose Schizophrenia. For the
proper diagnosis, there is proper diagnos c interview between the pa ent and the doctor who represents as the
psychiatric consultant for the mentally ill pa ents. In such diagnosis the doctor asks a list of ques ons to the pa ent
to get to know about his thinking and evalua ons. In addi on to it, the doctor shall also take informa on about the
other background ac vi es and any other informa on about the pa ent before asking his ques ons, be it personal
from rela ves or professional from his employers, if any. Such interviews has no me limit as it may con nue for
hours more than two. During the diagnosis if the pa ent is in panic or too much distress, then the doctor can
consider sec oning him in the Mental Health Act and then the other professionals would be present including a
general physician and an approved social worker.

How is a Person Diagnosed With Schizophrenia

In reality, everything to be told has a lot many aspects to be thought of before telling anything, In the case
for diagnosis of Schizophrenia, it diers from pa ent to pa ent as if the pa ent is too much in panic or has paranoid
symptoms then he wont be telling the true facts and informa on. The diagnosed pa ent can become suspicious for
the doctor or their paranoid thoughts may make them to hide the facts from the doctor and tell things in a suspicious
way. This ac vity from the pa ent cannot be considered their fault but is another cruel feature of Schizophrenia.
Psycho c thinking is very complex and dicult to explain to a person who has never experienced it themselves.

Above is detailing about How To How is a Person Diagnosed With Schizophrenia.

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What are the Dierences between Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia (2017-06-19 19:04)

What are the Dierences between Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia

What are the Dierences between Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia,Bipolar Disorder also known as Manic Depres-
sion is a primary mood disorder. It is primarily concerned with mood swings in a person whereas Schizophrenia is a
primary psycho c disorder which is not only related with the mood changes in a person but makes its eect in all the
thinking process and ac vi es of a person.

Bipolar disorder is a disease or illness which has extremes of mood changes, be it highly happy energe c or
highly sad depression state. This illness causes so much frequent changes in moods that then its very dicult for
such persons to be accepted in the world in the working eld or in rela ons with the family or friends.

What are the Dierences between Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia

In Bipolar Disorder there are revolving episodes of depression and mania which is considered to be a lifelong
illness or disorder. The severity of mood changes diagnoses the type of disorder and they present with the severity.

Well in the earlier centuries of 1800s 1900s, there was nothing like Schizophrenia or Bipolar Disorder named
with. That me it was only called insanity. At that me people who used to be disturbed, unbalanced, crazy or who
used to very quickly change their moods or takes immediate decision were generally called insane. Such bunches
of people in the present world are grouped in dierent disorders including schizophrenia and manic depressive
illness or bipolar disorder. In the late 19th century a German Psychiatrist with the name of Emile Kraepelin, a er
seeing and watching people when they rst got sick over many years with insanity, was able to dis nguish two
groups from this big group of people suering with insanity. Among the 2 groups dis nguished, one group was of
people who were disturbed, confused, agitated in their behaviour & nature due to certain immediate happenings
in their lives which brought extremes in their moods. But they used to get be er in some me. The other group
was of people who got insane but didnt seem to get fully recovered even a er they calm down in their behaviour
or nature of insanity. Such people instead of proceeding for recovery, used to worsen in their sickness over me.
This distnguishness by the German Psychiatrist of the two disorders gave birth to the existence of Schizophrenia
and Bipolar Disorder. Schizophrenia symptoms includes disorder in the thinking and understanding or percep on
of a person. When the thoughts of a person are bizarre, unreal, illogical and he has percep on of things which are
not there in real life or he hear voices, see or feel things which are not there with any inspira on. Whereas, the
major symptom of Bipolar Disorder or Manic Depressive Illness is disturbances of mood which goes to extremes
of happiness, sadness or anxiety. Mood becomes wildly excited, overjoyed, happy for no reason or beyond all the
happenings or circumstances concerned. Similarly mood becomes profoundly depressed or sad without any solid
reason. So this is the explana on of the major dierence between the 2 mental disorders named as Schizophre-
nia and Bipolar Disorder. Back to [1]h p:// ons-during-paranoid
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Galen (2017-07-02 13:35:01)

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Best Rehabilita on Centres For Schizophrenia In India (2017-06-21 22:22)

Best Rehabilita on Centres For Schizophrenia In India

Best Rehabilita on Centres For Schizophrenia in India, SCARF (Schizophrenia Research Founda on)

Mental illness is an issue which cannot be taken lightly or avoided with. It requires a lot of treatment to re-
cover back to the normality. Schizophrenia or other mental disorders are the mental disorders which makes the
whole life very disastrous and unwilling to live, if not taken care of. If a person is diagnosed with any sort of the
mental disorders or imbalance, he or she has to be provided with the correct and appropriate treatment in the early
stages of the diagnosis as more delay in the treatment will keep worsening the condi on of the pa ents as well of
their family or known ones.

Best Rehabilita on Centres For Schizophrenia In India

SCARF is one of the best hospitals in India for the treatment, rehabilita on and care of the pa ents who gets
diagnosed with any mental disorders and Schizophrenia. In this hospital, very proper care and a en on is provided
to the pa ents and their a endants to overcome with the eects of the various mental disorders diagnosed with.

SCARF is a NGO and was founded in 1984 by a group of philanthropists and mental health professionals led
by Dr. M.Sarada Menon who is himself and interna onally known psychiatrist. The present team in SCARF of
psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, rehab personnel, administra ve and support sta is led by the Director
Dr. R. Thara.

SCARF is also one of the known centres in the world which is named as a Collabora ng Centre of the World
Health Organiza on (WHO) for Mental Health Research and Training.

1. To provide and generate research in the biological, social and psychological aspects of Schizophrenia.

2. To provide proper and complete treatment, rehabilita on and care to people diagnosed with Schizophrenia and
its preven on or reduc on of the disability caused by Schizophrenia.

3. Increases and improve the awareness in the slum areas or villages to get the proper treatment for Schizophrenia
and also outreaches the community for improvement in the psychological aspects of the public for the persons
diagnosed and treated for Schizophrenia.

4. Training programmes are organised with various groups of people for knowledge on the principles of detec on
and management of mental illnesses.

5. Taking various steps for lobbying extensively with the Government and other ins tu ons for arranging pro-
grammes for the mentally disabled.

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Top 10 Symptoms of Catatonic Schizophrenia (2017-06-22 21:53)

Top 10 Symptoms of Catatonic Schizophrenia

Top 10 Symptoms of Catatonic Schizophrenia,Catatonics can persist or con nue with Catatonic Schizophrenia
for some days or even longer weeks if not provided with proper or required treatment.

With Catatonic Schizophrenia, a person becomes rigid, unresponsive or asleep to the daily life and doesnt
move or respond or follow the instruc ons. On the other hand, catatonics also show or demonstrate excessive or
motor energy and power to accomplish something. In simple words, it can be explained as extremes of powers and
energy required, either too high or too low.

Symptoms of Catatonic Schizophrenia:

Catatonic Schizophrenia is diagnosed with the presence of at least 3 symptoms from the following.

1. Blankness: Ge ng blank or unresponsive with the general environment

2. Par al Unconscious: Ge ng half or unresponsive with a loss of sensa on and consciousness accompanied by
rigidity of the body.

3. Sta c Postures: In this condi on, person becomes too rigid with the movement like if his/ her hand or foot is
posi oned in one direc on, he/ she will maintain this posi on un l it is moved again.

4. Keeping Mute: The person will be limited to any verbal communica ons and will provide with very limited

5. Emp ness: There will be nothingness or emp ness in the person and there will be very li le or no response to
the instruc ons.

6. Fixed Posture: The person shall maintain any posture which is against the gravity.

7. Erra c Behaviour: Odd and exaggerated ac ons carried out.

8. Repe ve Movements : Making repe ve movements without any useful or apparent reasons.

9. Anxiety: There will be anxiety, nervousness, excitement, worry or tension without any reason.

10. Making Faces: Making faces of frowning, sneering, scowling or pou ng without any point.

11. Mimicking or copying another persons speech.

12. Mimicking or copying another persons movements.

Top 10 Symptoms of Catatonic Schizophrenia

Causes of Catatonic Schizophrenia:

The causes for Catatonic Schizophrenia or any other sort of Schizophrenia is yet not properly disclosed or de-
clared as its all the dysfunc ons of the brain which controls the whole body of a human being. Brain can never be
accurately diagnosed with if a person is showing with any of the symptoms of any mental disorder or Schizophrenia.

Mainly, it is the imbalance between the various chemicals present in the brain which causes a person to be
imbalanced with his life including his speech, movements, thinking, sensa ons, responsiveness and thus ge ng
diagnosed with Schizophrenia, depending on the frequency of imbalances.

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Top 10 Complica ons of Catatonic Schizophrenia (2017-06-22 22:23)

Top 10 Complica ons of Catatonic Schizophrenia:

Top 10 Complica ons of Catatonic Schizophrenia,If Catatonic Schizophrenia diagnosed in a person is le untreated
then it may cause problems of a health, nancial, behavioural, and legal nature - these problems may aect every
part of the pa ents life.

Complica ons can include:

1. Depression, suicidal behaviour and thoughts- a signicant number of pa ents with schizophrenia have periods
of depression.

2. Malnutri on due to improper meals and hygiene not taken care of.

3. Substance abuse - which may include alcohol, prescrip on medica ons, and illegal drugs.

4. Inability to nd or maintain employment, resul ng in poverty and homelessness.

5. Prison due to any illegal acts commi ed unknowingly.

6. Serious family conicts.

7. Inability to study or a end school and other educa onal ins tu ons.

8. Being a vic m or oender of crime.

9. Smoking-related diseases.

10. Numbness /Blood clot

Top 10 Complica ons of Catatonic Schizophrenia

Its very painful to take care of the pa ents during treatment of any kind of Schizophrenia. The pa ents gen-
erally dont accept they have certain symptoms in their behaviour. Care taker should be cau ous not to inform them
anything direct. Caretakers should maintain calmness during the treatment of catatonic Schizophrenia. If the pa ent
is not given enough care, there is high possibility of relapse of the symptoms on a higher rate and frequency.

Although Schizophrenia is a lifelong treatment required disease but the Catatonic symptoms may not persist
for long if provided with the correct treatment. The treatment for any kind of Schizophrenia is same and done for
life me, even when the symptoms starts disappearing and the pa ents starts feeling be er. As it is the imbalance of
the chemicals present in the brain, that imbalance cannot be 100 % rec ed as we cannot compete with the creator
of human being in the cases of imbalances in the chemicals of the brain.

The Methods of treatment for Schizophrenia vary depending on a number of factors, including the severity
and types of symptoms, the health of the pa ent, and their age.

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Top Medica ons for Catatonic Schizophrenia (2017-06-22 22:44)

Top Medica ons for Catatonic Schizophrenia:

Top Medica on for Catatonic Schizophrenia,Follows:

1. Benzodiazepines: This drug acts as a tranquilizers for the Catatonic Pa ent and is most commonly used drug
for Catatonics. It can be provided intravenously by injec ng in the veins. The pa ent may have to take this
medica on for several days or weeks else there is risk of dependency if used for a long me.

2. Barbiturates: These drugs suppress the central nervous system so they are referred to as depressants or seda-
ves.Their eects range from mild seda on to total anaesthesia. Barbiturates rapidly relieve the symptoms of

3. An depressants and mood-stabilizing drugs: People with catatonic schizophrenia o en have other mental
health problems, such as depression and stress so they are provided with the required an depressants and
mood-stabilizing drugs, depending on the frequency of the symptoms.

4. ECT (Electro Convulsive Therapy): ECT is used for Catatonic Pa ents who have not responded to the above
men oned drugs or other treatments. This is a procedure in which an electric current is sent through the brain
to produce controlled seizures (convulsions).It can have the side-eect of ge ng short-term memory loss.

Top Medica ons for Catatonic Schizophrenia

5. Hospitaliza on: Depending on the condi on of the pa ent both before and during the treatment, it may be
required to hospitalize them as per the severity and frequency of the Schizophrenia episodes. Pa ents are
safer in a hospital se ng; they are more likely to get proper nutri on, sleep, and hygiene, as well as the right
treatment in the hospitals.

6. Psychotherapy: For Catatonic Pa ents, medica ons are the main part of treatment; however, psychotherapy
can be useful, but if symptoms are severe, psychotherapy may also not be appropriate.

7. Social and voca onal Skills Training: A vital part for the recovery of the Schizophrenic pa ent is to live his
life independently without any restric ons or hesita ons. This can be done through the various social and
voca onal skills training programmes conducted from me to me. The pa ents can learn from the therapists
about good hygiene, prepare nutri onal meals, and have be er communica on. There may also be support in
nding work, housing, and joining self-help groups.

8. Compliance: Compliance or adherence means taking the mely medical treatment as prescribed by their doc-
tors at the right ne and in the right doses, as most of the Schizophrenics hesitate or dont take their prescribed
medicines in the required me and doses which gives a very unfortunate eect on the pa ents life as well as
their family and known people.

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Top 5 Symptoms of Residual Schizophrenia (2017-06-23 12:52)

Top 5 Symptoms of Residual Schizophrenia

Top 5 Symptoms of Residual Schizophrenia ,Residual Schizophrenia is a form or kind of Schizophrenia in which
a person is earlier diagnosed with Schizophrenia but a er its treatment and therapies its been recovered but certain
symptoms are s ll exis ng with less frequency and eect. There are no longer existence of the psycho c symptoms
but certain symptoms such as illogical thinking, being blunt in conversa ons, strange, odd or weird behaviour or
ge ng social withdrawal among the known ones or family members.

Top 5 Symptoms of Residual Schizophrenia

Top 5 Symptoms of Residual Schizophrenia:

1. Nervousness: With anxious mood, the person becomes too moody and gets feelings of fear, panic and becomes
uneasy in the general rou ne life at mes with a variety of reasons. It may also include nausea, ge ng obsessive
thoughts for doing anything, problems in sleeping, nightmares, tremors or shivering.

2. Pains: The person may feel pains anywhere in body and it can be acute or chronic and is dened in various ways,
according to intensity, dura on, type (dull, burning or too intense or acute), source, or loca on in body.

3. Being in a depressed mood: In depression a person feels more sad and unhappy for an extended period of me.
If proper treatment is not taken for depression then it is in a progressive condi on to step ahead with more
depression and sadness.
Top 5 Symptoms of Residual Schizophrenia

4. Lethargy & Exhaus on: With this symptom, a person gets the feelings of weariness, redness or lack of energy.
It is not drowsiness in which one feels to sleep more and more but it is the lack of energy and mo va on.

5. Restlessness: With this, a person does not feel the need to sleep and is mostly awake. It is the diculty in
ge ng a full res ul night sleep. A person gets up frequently during nights and he may get up too early in the
morning then the desired mes.

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Causes and Risk Factors of Residual Schizophrenia (2017-07-07 10:13:06)
[] Top 5 Symptoms of Residual Schizophrenia []

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Tes ng

Causes and Risk Factors of Residual Schizophrenia (2017-06-23 19:55)

Causes and Risk Factors of Residual Schizophrenia:

Causes and Risk Factors of Residual Schizophrenia,As the actual reasons or causes for any kind of Schizophrenia
cannot be determined, researchers and doctors have come to the conclusion that Schizophrenia is caused due to the
imbalance or decit in the neurotransmi ers of the brain.

Causes and Risk Factors of Residual Schizophrenia

The neurotransmi ers aec ng and making dysfunc on or onset of Schizophrenia are Dopamine and Serotonin.
The imbalance of these chemicals in the brain leads to genera on of any kind of Schizophrenia as the person then
dysfunc ons with the imbalance of these chemicals. A person doesnt gets correct instruc ons from the brain to
func on well. Environmental triggers also contribute to the onset of Schizophrenia as the person is then faced to
various kinds of feelings and behaviours that he is then not able to decide over the correct things.
Risk Factors Of Schizophrenia:

Causes and Risk Factors of Residual Schizophrenia

There are also certain risk factors iden ed by the doctors and researchers which are associated with Schizophrenia.
Those are men oned below:

1. Hereditary chances of Schizophrenia from parents to their children.

2. Stress: When a person is stressed in his early life due to the environment or atmosphere he spends me in,

3. Fetal Malnutri on: Not having proper or mely meals most of the me in his life.

4. Viral Infec ons: Disease causing or biological/ pathological infec ons.

Causes and Risk Factors of Residual Schizophrenia

5. Trauma or childhood abuse: If a child is abused or scolded a many mes by his parents without any reason. Even
if he gets into trauma sessions with the accompanying family and friends then the chances of Schizophrenia

6. Drug Abuse: If a person becomes habitual to drugs and takes them very regular and con nuous then the side
eects of those drugs makes him abuse or shout at others with no reason.

7. Parental age of concep on: If among a couple the age of becoming parents to a child is not proper or adult age
then it may also cause certain triggers from the society or known people which may aect the feelings of the
couple and they might think and feel nega vity or emp ness.

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Edited: July 13, 2017

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