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Terraforming Mars Rules

Goal: to emerge as the most successful/influential corporation responsible for terraforming Mars.
Game Overview: The game is played over a number of rounds (Generations) until the global parameters can sustain human
life (average of 8 Celsius, 14% oxygen atmosphere, and 9% ocean surface area). Each Generation consists of 4 Phases.

Generation (Round) Overview - 4 Phases (NOTE: skip the first 2 phases during 1st Generation):
1. PLAYER ORDER: Shift 1st player token to player left of previous 1st player. Move Generation marker up one space.
2. RESEARCH: each player draws 4 cards and chooses which ones to keep. Each card kept costs 3M. No hand limit.
Discard unkept cards facedown to shared discard pile.
Reshuffle the shared discard pile when the draw pile is empty.
3. ACTION: Each player takes 1 or 2 Actions each turn (or passes). Players take turns doing this until all players pass. Refer to
Action Phase section below for details on the 7 Action choices. Players may choose to do the same Action twice in a turn.
When a player chooses to pass, he/she may not perform any more Actions this Generation.
4. PRODUCTION: Players simultaneously do the following, in order:
1) Convert Energy to Heat (move resource cubes from energy box to heat box on your player board).
2) Earn resources: M (= your Terraform Rating + any M production) and other resources per your player board.
3) Remove any of your player markers from used Action (blue) cards.

ACTION PHASE See reverse for more details on Playing Cards and Tile Placement
A. Play a Card from your hand: consists of 3 steps
1) Check the requirements.
2) Pay for the card and get any immediate effects.
3) Place the card appropriately.
B. Use one of the 6 Standard Projects (depicted on game board):
Sell Patents: Discard any number of cards and gain M equal to the number you discarded.
Power Plant: Pay 11M to increase your energy production by 1.
Asteroid: Pay 14 M to increase the temperature (and your Terraforming Rating (TR)) by 1.
Aquifer: Pay 18 M to place an Ocean Tile and increase your TR by 1. Collect any applicable placement bonus for
placing the tile.
Greenery: Pay 23 M to place a Greenery Tile and increase the oxygen level (and your TR) by 1. Place one of your
player markers on the tile and collect any applicable placement bonus for placing the tile.
City: Pay 25 M to place a City Tile and increase your M production by 1. Place one of your player markers on the
tile and collect any applicable placement bonus for placing the tile.
C. Convert Plants into Greenery: Pay 8 plant resource cubes to place a greenery tile and increase the oxygen level (and
your TR) by 1. Place one of your player markers on the tile and collect any applicable placement bonus.
D. Convert Heat into Temperature: Pay 8 heat resource cubes to increase the temperature (and your TR) by 1.
E. Use the Action on one of your Blue cards (ones with red arrows): Pay the cost, if applicable, shown on the card to receive
the benefit shown. You may use the ability of the blue cards once per Generation. Place one of your player
markers on the card to show it has been used during that Generation.
F. Claim a Milestone: If you meet the criteria for a Milestone, you may claim it by paying 8 M and placing one of your player
markers on it. Each Milestone you claim is worth 5 VPs at the end of the game.
Requirements for each Milestone: Terraformer - TR of 35+; Mayor - Own 3+ cities; Gardener - Own 3+ Greenery
tiles; Builder - 8+ Building tags; Planner - 16+ cards in hand when claimed.
Only 3 of the 5 Milestones may be claimed by the players during the game!
G. Fund an Award: you may pay 8/14/20 M (for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Award funded, respectively) to make one of the 5 awards
achievable and place one of your player markers on it. Awards are given at game end; 5 VPs for 1st place and 2
VPs for 2nd. Tied players all earn the respective Award for their position. If there is a tie for 1st place, no 2nd
place award is given.
Criteria for each Award: Landlord - Most owned tiles; Banker - Highest M production; Scientist - Most science tags;
Thermalist - Most heat resource cubes; Miner - Most steel + titanium resource cubes.
Any player may receive the award regardless of who funded it!
Only 3 of the 5 Awards may be funded by the players during the game!

Game End/Final Scoring: When the global parameters (oxygen, ocean and temperature) are all at the necessary level to
sustain human life, the game ends at the end of that Generation. After the Production Phase of that Generation, players have one
extra chance to Convert Plants into Greenery (same rules as above). Then Final Scoring takes place:
Your score is determined as the total of your current TR + VPs from Awards and Milestones (as described above), VPs from your
cards in play (that provide VPs) + VPs from the tiles you own on the board: your Greenery tiles are worth 1 VP each, your City tiles
are worth 1 VP for each Greenery tile (regardless of ownership) adjacent to it. Tied? - player with most M wins.
Terraforming Mars Rules

Rules about Tile Placement

Placement bonuses: You may receive placement bonuses for tiles you place, as follows:
Get 2 M resource cubes for each Ocean tile adjacent to the newly placed tile.
For each icon (plants, steel, cards, etc.) on the hex of a newly placed tile, get a resource cube of that
type (or draw card, if a card icon).

Ocean Tiles: You must place the tile on one of the light blue shaded hexes. Increase your TR by 1.

Only ocean tiles may be placed on the blue shaded hexes

City Tiles: When placing, put one of your player markers on it to denote your ownership of it.
You may not place a City Tile adjacent to another existing City Tile (except for when placing the
Noctis City tile or otherwise instructed by a card).

Greenery Tiles: When placing, put one of your player markers on it to denote your ownership of it and
increase the oxygen level (and your TR) by 1.
If possible, you must place it next to any tile you already own. If you cant, you may place the
tile in any other valid hex.
If the oxygen level is already at the max, your TR does not increase.

Other Special Tiles: When placing, follow any restrictions described on the card (if any); put one of your
player markers on it to denote your ownership of it.

Rules about Playing Cards

Playing a Card from your hand: consists of 3 steps
1) Check the requirements: to play a card, you must meet the requirements of the card (shown on top left
of the card to the right of its M cost) AND be able to pay the full costs AND perform the cards
effect(s) with the following exceptions (i.e. you will play the other effects of the card as normal):
You may play a card that raises a global parameter even if that parameter is at its maximum,
You may always play a card that adds resource cubes you arent able to collect,
You may always play a card that removes resource cubes from a player if you cant or do not
wish to remove any,
You may always play a card that includes placing a tile even if you are unable to place the tile.
2) Pay for the card and get any immediate effects: the cards cost (in M) is the number in the top left.
The effects of the card are described in the lower panel of the card.
Building tag on card? --> You may spend steel resource cubes (at 2 M/cube) to help
pay for the M cost.
Space tag on card? --> You may spend titanium resource cubes (at 3 M/cube) to help
pay for the M cost.
Icon with red halo? --> These are optional effects and you may choose any player (including
yourself) for effects that include these types of icons (resources, tiles, etc.).
You must perform any production effect.
If the card gives you resources, you gain them immediately.
Store any non-standard resource cubes generated by a card on the card that generated them.
3. Place the card appropriately, according to the card type as follows:
Place event (red) cards facedown in your personal (not shared) discard pile after using its
Place automated (green) cards faceup with only their names and top row of tags visible.
Place action (blue) cards faceup with (at least) their top panels visible.

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