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9. Ifyou prefer to run a report for All Funds and Alll PID’s, leave the default values and click Ok. || Demnecnoroennstematach ner uns eas tom rete mn | Beta Reop unecaneetnene eros a Egonupecumepttece | TF eltin teer 10. If you need to run the report by a specific Fund and/or PID, click the Edit Member Names button and enter the Fund (ex: Fund_14001) and PID (ex: PID_106310}, then click OK. ‘Pe oar nono havebeen chet ne aut, You may see deta vs shown Set othe webs oa ‘Ee a oe pecan er e 2B ton sepsypocamteece Hyperion Process Guide 46 11. To change the Fund and PID, click the + sign next to Fund to expand as needed and select Fund, or enter the entity in the Find box beginning with an asterisk (example: *14001), click the search (binoculars) icon, mee Expand Fund as needed or center the fund and cick binoculars |i [Lar 12. Example of expanding the fund. Click the checkbox next to the selected Fund, then click the “Add to Selected” icon to move the fund to the right side of the panel. ae fate Rnd abot aaa Feds [se—_ al ete [Aw beret =| FW @srerape [20] = Bar hee ea wre Iar St bocnn _ katemdarenitinrod [Sctenardanaa Rania Rds a =) Hyperion Process Guide 47 13. Remove the Fund from the right si click the “Remove from Selected” icon. Click OK to go back to previous menu. fate anor

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