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* * * * * *
* * * * *
* * * * * *
* * * * *
* * * * * *
* * * * *
* * * * * *
* * * ** ** * * **
I flll~tl 6 -~ ~'l'll!
2' ttt~iJ 7' ~!1'112
::; . i.t.~tt'<il a . .01)'!. fll
4 ~ffjjf(~ 9 - ~.ll)'lfjl).
5' Ql;iil;~ft~ 1 o , Si!Jt..JjE"e

~1f:~ zerengan H EJjkaiming -*x~Ieguan

~9. yongqi 1;;'L' xinxin ~i.$ anxiang

"" F.l
, ,
reqmg @Jm'"" * youmo
- , 5JL~chenzhu6

~i6 huoda i}.~ renzhen +f-* ;'

?R= rongyu
i.PX~ chengshi

- v
chengwei zuo yongyou
f.OC 7g &< 4111- fti51: ifflf;f
Topic 1:

Week1 to Week 4

1. The following subtopics will be revised and


* r:p ~~JTif:5fD~ ~
* AB~'Iim
* 1-A~~ffi

Texts and sample vyriting pieces are attached. Your

skills in listening comprehension, reading
comprehension and translating, and writing will be
improved through working through the exercises.

2. By the end of the unit, you will complete SAC1.

The following tasks are practice tasks for the

Personal writing:
ftff~B~~-7::. (personal account)
1~1JJj~~1f~)(8~ 14:~ (diary)
~JTi:F~JT:n (speech)
ft.ft~~2js:i1{fT.J (letter)
ftp~~5*8~-T.Ji,* (personal account)

3. By the end of the unit, you will also finish

responding to the questions in the General
Conversation Section of the Oral Examination. The
questions are attached. Failure to attend the oral
practice session will be reported to the parents and
the _Wellbeing Leaders. ._

Extra: For the students who would like to do more

practie in writing, you can try to do the following .

Imaginative writing:
fts~foj ~1J (story)
ft~B~*JL~A (story)
=+i:FJ~~~~ (story)

Evaluative writing:

_t~*~~~B~5flj !:"~ (magazine article)

~1m1*9~ 515iJJ B~5flj !:"~(newspaper article)
~ffii-*JL.L~B~5flj !:"~(speech)
persuasive writing:
f~Ni~~~-f~J~~~~f~)l:*~ (letter)
f~::f:i,~5(~ I 3z"}j)j~ ( letter)

Informative writing:
ftffJB~t!Z~W-~9J'L' (pamphlet)
~~*~~~B~ 1'-JXl:~t~ (pamphlet)
Learning Materials and Activities:

1. Read and respond to questions.

.:L-i'f~ }J'

1J3 flJ1 '
,; :11 Ill .~

:11 '* }J'
1"' v::Z ~ ~ jg 'f ~

I 2.~%%~~?~~~~k~#~~?~~~~~-~~~~~~
\ 3.~~~*~?~~~~~~#~~?~~~~
2. Find the appropriate words to describe the

Year onality of the people lllnorn

that year

1972, 1984 Charming, creative, energetic, quickwitted

1973, 1985 ISt11bb,orn. patient, strong, practical and reliable

1987 happy, artistic, clever and well respected

1976, 1988 IArnbilttoltS, energetic, healthy, honest and stubborn

1978, 1990 l~tron.g, friendly, competent, fun-loving and independent

1979, 1991 Caring, creative, helpfun and trusting

1980, 1992 Inventive, curious, versatile, clever and quick

1981, 1993 Hardworking, fussy, determined, confident and stylish

1982, 1994 Loyal, excitable, watchful, outspoken and protective

1983,1995 Trusting, reliable, kind and intelligent

J'/j Pi

(Department of Education, Queensland, Curriculum Support Materials, 1991)

1.~~. awmT~~#~:~~~-.DM~. -~~~~--~.-~~

JZHl~-il'iUJ,!,fiH~tll. *1~fll~ll1Urtl3.m.a~~93.-#o
At this this time, I saw clearly what you look like. Not very tall, chubby,

and seemed to be always smiling. A pair of black framed glasses rested on

his nose. He looked like an actor in a comedy movie.

~/~i;5f ( 2003 Ej:: I /=] 21 8 )
------, r-------, ,-------,
t.h:"-E!I I I Q) 7.k-'t'-/iJI I I )()Z-@i/it I
Jh2 El-1 fJ 20 El) :
I ( 1tl 21 a -2 !'119 a )
I II (2J'l2oE1-3})2oEl) II
1 1
~ /I!J a 1<-- xt 1-t -(fk_ 1 I -k" ;JJUt 1!!'b A >JJ , JJ11 I I 1~ :!lilt lt :r - -t- ,wr I z. A :tJJ
1~ ~ il. iJa if !J J1t -tr. ~ JL~t *-
:fft;r-~;t, -11!!. I : Z.. : J M a, l 3. .it ffi:r
I _______
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I\.. nt 1\il ~ 1111 ./i- ~, _)
4. 3t ]J)j h.
------, ,-------, r-------,
f::J$/iJI I I@ :ffi:L:f:li;k I I @ Y.x ::rfiJI I 5-*-~.&..
3fJ21El-4tl2oEl): : ( 4 }] 21 El-5 fl 2!fl ) : : (5rJ22 EI-6Jl21 El) : 6. -t; it!!,
-t- ~ :l. *t ;r--* I I :h-*- it 1!!}-(fk_--fthi-..'*' I I ii. -1'--ll J!il, f,f- 4<-- if ~F<- I
!l:fl, mf.!f~~fl J : At!> if. ilf { ~ .. ' f,j: : : %:ftt~flk., it-Eiii\ :
a1<--~f.t~* 1
_) _______
I\..>Ji./i "f v;.( 7Tckil -;f:li.'J, _)I I
_______ I

-------, ,-------, ,-------,

(j) eM!iJI 1 I@ ~~iii-:t-/i;k I I 14::*1~ I
(6tl22El-71'l23El): : (7 fJ24 a-s})23 El) : l( Bfl 24 El -9 }] 23 El ) :
I .it. -t- . ~ :>It l:k: -te, -f I I ~A.4;--;r-$#d1:1i.l:. I I ii. -t- . J!ilf.t :l. *t ;r--* I
:*~-W~11k.1i:., ;r- : : ~ :f It, f,f- Ei it: Jf : J ~~tmJ a -:A:s **t, J

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,-------, ,-------, ,-------,

I l t<:: Hli;k I I@ t<::~l~ I I@ A~li;k I
(9!'l24El-!OfJ23El) : I (10J'J24 a-utJ22 a) I 1
(uJl23El-12fl21El) I
I 1-t 4<--~ff .i'l ~ 1!!'b ;r- .i'l I I 1m tl 1<-- *J of.J 1-t ~ <' I I .it. -t- . J!il it ./i !!i" R 1<-- I
: ~~, mla4<--fuJf.t : : >J, T-1]~-~-iR.f.t : : ilf ~ J.fl:..J,m'' {!?.;It it 5(_ :
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l-iiJ:-#--4t-J6./ii1:-:iJL, _)I

@:lf.5{1ft 2~~}Ji'JY!R:
1. if- !.4 -T . li o
2. 1.f- ~~ ~ -t .. o
~, .!f'il @f .iE i~ True or false

~~~~-~~-*~~4. xx~ ~~~~~0~~

%%-!.U-f/G:kt;t, J'B~-. k-;h-Mt, 5l]Jf5l~o ~J!,~l!,J:t-3-%~~~
~0~*~%%, ~k*~~/G**A*~~*~*;t~~


1'F:t~~~~~5~3bo 0Y
~:t~%%~~~~0 0Y
~:;t)*~~%-3--ffRo 0N
ff:t *~1~~~1!,' ~tti~ 3b 0 0N

6, il'd~: Multiple choice

*,-f~-tJLJh ~ 4~t:k:-J:-J,\i . ~1.f- o ~~tl~J.R-1!, 1----f- JIE.-AJi..
i;_;t;, #< ~~*-., t1:: ~ ~ o -j11 *- 1.f-.t3'<./G$U ~, "f fA ti:.
tJLJh~~.;jy~~. ~~-'f.$])~467789830 ~fa) . :, Jto

1. ~i.r.~~F:tr X..i!.:r..**-1t-~?
-A~ ~ .$- !!!!!!!!
~ ~JL
2. .11; aJJ *A~1t :2- tf?
5l~ 5l~
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;r::nf;r::~ ~ ~ *-*-
3 . .11; a}] it.1t :2- ~ :i.f -f ~ is.?

6:10am 3:00pm !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3:30pm 8:50pm

7. :l! ~ fill il'l the blanks with the words iM the IJox

~ ~~ 'f flV ~ .11; .:E. -t S- ij: jf # ~

::k._, :1)-}jlAJi. ,:;f:
Rf ;r:: ~ 111!. :11 Ji\ .:E.

-t (Prince William) flV H~llt, tf1t~

it if; ; :11 ~ .>t i5l.;;g: ( David Beckham )
ff.] -Jf- -t, 5l ~ 5l.1L ; :1) ~~ ~ ( Olando
Bloom ) flV , .if. :11 - .tif
't ~ flV .f ~ 1t 11l!. flV j( %-~;I!_ A_ 11l!. 0

~ tJk :11 ~~ ~ *.Ji.: -t _g.. 51k.11l!. ' ~ )t 11l!.

}; ~~--1'-Ao ~~iJtiJtJf-J:.)~iJ
!!. i-f flV YJ] $: -t ' "if )t ~
~- :,t ~.t~!~ 11l!. flV 0
8, l.ill~liil~ Answer the questions in Chinese

J, 11t 1~ -1\ 1i. tt- r 111 , *- ~~ iJt-1\ -JU-- +-1*-

*~ JL o -,f-;f{l:>~~~:Jl)c Nl*-!ft, ;1:!:Jl-1\ -!*A~
1*-%----J' a~ !It, *- f e:.:f"' ;!\\ Jt*. 0 ~AJ'
+- ~ -k , .it, :Jl.k'., *%.. ~ 1-- ti. ft ~ , -t!A~ :>- :f ;rt ;rt
--~fo~~' ~~M~-1\*~~
~~~-1\~ .~-1\*~~~. ~t
~0~%%, ~~~~T~-~~#M
~H~!ft o ~~~-.~,JL~+.y~ To
~~~~~~k~~A.~~~m~k. ~k
~ 1fH'F"~ 1lk. A7!:A.. 0 A~ 1.. 4'-.ff- 32.. -T J ~ , ~ ~ ~ -ti'-
~. ~~~*Lo1Jk.~-~-~~~~~.#-~
Cruise), ~'1[- T ~~ -~.::.> o
A?!:. 1.. a~~~ iJ!Ufl;;jf ~ .~ 1~ at il: ~ 1f11&~ ~3l ,

~iJ:~~*~o1Jk.~ '~*~~.~~~~
~~~-oA~1._k ,1lk,~-~~.~~~~~
'?To A~~;;jf~~~~1Jk.~~~~~.~k~~k~
1-- ~tl;;jf )Jf 0

1. Who is Mr. A?

2. What does he look like?

3. Why do his students call him Tom Cruise?

4. How does he make English lessons interesting?

5. Do the students understand what his poems are about?

l 0. !ill# Iill B! Al'lswer the questiol'ls itt Chinese

~ ff.J ~ ~ Atl ~ ~ o ~ tt: .1...6

, :kil1. ;;t1-t T ~ft'Li. 13 o :kt
-4- J~.Jt 4'-:i!.$\.J:. ~, i%$\.1fkAtl} tf"t ff.J ~Jt. ~lb~Jtt$\.:k. o

JE~ T: -:i!~>-*.$\.~-ii(.1.lf-G-t:0"-I'AT, :kll1.;ftAtl1$~; -:!!~>*-.$\.

-~~T,:kt~*L~~. ~~Jt.-+&~~. **~J:.
:kt ~ iJL~ i7t ~~at !ill k-it, S, ii -f.~, JL I!! 1t $\. ~;y:; jf- 0

" AA "'
l.;t !U. 1':1 a .,, ~ M R9 t: -r J.2
1l"-J "l!~J '"--' 7Z 1lL"f.J~, rq rJr4 ,0(_/f'< J<J ,
;~ <!.; ,;; .:;;,- ~~' w ,\![,
Vw"f-'1, )~ Y$1, -1-">- ~ "f'

1'-> WJ

53 :ltf if.) JJJJ A_ 0 ~_.{; ~ ~ ~ l;i} ~ : "4'- *~it 2- 1'F

-*.? " ":11 i.Vro ~ 1]<.;f10' 11L -t- iR? " ~ i"' ~ ~ ~ t. .fu $\. at
*?tJtt~iJL: "if-4'-*ff~~-lb? ,

I), [) ~ ll:il ~ Answer the. que.stioMS iM English

~ ~ ,H'G; "1 1'-Jf, 't )t~.._,J, ;JF- *- ~ '1'-Jfxt


Mtt~. 't't*-"1o 1"!'txt~~~MMMt, ~

't-Jt~~#-JJ!t, q_t*-"1, ~
:Nfo ~l:l::-;}o ~
fk1J=Jk. ~ B;j--1~, 'J'-Yf*# -tt.~~ itl, -i>}J-!J!...~i;}J o

,1,-JrJt -t-.~~r-r, -t ~ l:l::-i-JtJL~at1~. *t*~~it

-k!1Jf..i~~~Jil.. -t.t,t.~~~-tt..3!,~
N!,-;}0 l'*"tff;t!]~M}t, 't~*5(*"U6J1;'-, *5(*

t ~ Jli!o J' -Jf,{t.Jfg <1JJ , 't :k-11 Jf..1;V-~., it~# -tt.Jt.


T~l:l:: ~ 0 ~,{t~ 1 J'-Jf, t'Jt~Ji#~}J}J~o

1. How does the dog treat strangers?

2 . What does the dog do while the author does her homework?

3. What is the dog's favorite food?

4. Under what circumstances will the dog stay under the bed?

5. Give an example to show that the dog is always impatient.


*-A.-Jet 5~~ *-lf- ' 4--lf- 16 ~ ' ~ ~ 1. 825ll' 7 5/t} Jf 0 ~

~- ')> ~ J~A:_, I~Jllt '*-A.:iliJl- *o



Xim* ~, Xim~ JlJJ o

~ ~ ~ 111.; ~~:l!f, -illl, ~tA.-tkAR-JOt'->, f,if v::J.M~1R-f , ~~;Jjt_

-iJtAHR-f MA:Jl1rt1t~fii.J, ~;?f;-~4}:-+A.~n\~~fii.JM~o

-Jlp;ff-ft, "*.tr~w*-*, ~iii.; ~wk 9632 9696o

it 1~ ~j;ij m New Words and Expressions

.{i zheng to ask for


notice/ annmmcement

(body) weight

~ SUl' follow/ along with

)l{t fit to add/ attach

rfflif. Iiaojie to tmderstand

~~ tigao to improve

-ffli} nianling age

Ji.;fij hitxiang mutual, each other

~.!f;J bangzhit help

~~ ' '
piqi temper

.wtl(> '. -
nat XIll patient

-it.Lt q1anxu modest

1:~ zhongyao important

JiX.jj chengwei to become

Comprehension Questions:

1. :iK1-)%;;ti1t~lJ? 11tJJ1t~~~:iK1-)%?
13. Text

1fJ:-M-! 11'U..?_!tAfli1 1, 1A!Ll:.YU1tl1.f-{(.J--11,A.f"%, :i<"il1fJ:~

~-t-- 'f ~ !,A., m~A -!--flu >F ~ '* >J VA$, ~ iJ...-iR 1 -1r<.. ~ >F ~ AA


*m-, ~~~-1--~kf.rJ JE]f,A.o

,J,:*u, ~Jl-t--J! .1., J:.-J--..f~. 31'~ 1.78 ;.., ~alt4to ~:iK

t--A--1Jt.'f$GJL, iJt.w~if'kU..~o 1t.1f;-~~if'*-1i~-k~~-*-1t a

Comprehension Questions:

Oral Task

You are Zhang Darning. Produce a telephone conversation between you and
your friend Xiao Hong to discuss which penfriend you should choose. The
conversation should be 2 minutes in length.

1.f-.,UlLk. Jf-, f;@--it a<j Jl!l&,Hr.;fr 1'--t it-, itii:-- T .tJU~Jl.A.. ~

o !0]-it-:k..~ ~

Written Task

1. Write a 200-250 characters talk/script which address the above oral

2. Draw your family tree and present it in class.
Text type: Personal account
Kind of writing: Personal

;f'f-f\WCP4 ~~iJfiF , 4i;)::!:f;%PJT3jUE, :J;%ff,lt!\!.j@f{];, :J;%a~~~o

Jl~1f:flk i'ib :J;%VJU IXJU 'fu- Ji.JTWT~ tst _t ~i1 ~ -7C ' :]";%a~ {.v~J;(;jv~, T n,ilij
0 0

:iEJtl:~~. ~!frlii.51.: "f{];flkl1JT~~PI:I.? 7M~J2\:JL, ftl!,flk:;k:w, f{];iJ~~o " :J;%:i'UfiF

,OOL_t ~flk:bz:~r iJ ~~ , 'L'!\1. : "!IJliil , ~~/f/~111, ftl!. :i'!i:S*i)HTS~ o " OOX<t ~Jj)f ~$a~
:l't, :J;%X<Jf{];Ji'Li\(:!:/-;, ~Jtftf:lfu~T, il1lffMJ_L-!No
"12\:~1-Jft 0. ? " ili -'-:]";%a~~:#, f{];i-.5/.: "1/F a~ =f /fil~iJ;lBiJ!~- o ilqH1 T :J;%ff,Jttr
f{];o J2\:flk'f:ltiJ-"-, Jl~flkf{];IJ-#o " n_l, ffil)I~{/F,OOL_ta~~~flkf[![a~, f{];-,\i\JL'il'~/f
P:~=r, :J;%f.~.H"L.' o
T-INT, ~~~-1'fm1'f~:lfu5:EiliT~~.ffJ;&:iEToa~~~~~~M,~
~/f~U:iE!i1{f;lt1t~a~~1~, ~Y..!ET ml*o 32\:at, a:i'fFH~T f{];s~t'F'f: 1'-T/f?ib,
ffJ!fl~, 11)\jftfl_t.~,~'/11~~. -.=r _ttm~-111U;'W;fiH&~, Kf.\l41l~JliUit\~Ms~~0-
f'Fo f$*u:J;%a~5rill, fiiJ:J";%: "{IF~:i'-$t:lill?J?a'/#'1$*/E!Eo "
115<' 1m M, {$~~~it 'L':i1lti!-fEl T $;t5t iJi:l!:;OOi, ~$5fll ~!frli o 32\:Bt iJf$~5t:;k::iJ, iljj
~. 3Z..1~ifi.l\~, ~fM:-, J.t:i~t:!Hf, :I:!II~iJilld$~T:J;%:l!1'WT~"lt11>'dciJ'Ji\'Wlo
fil\51'0 '!% ~ =* ---t"JtWJ , '!% ffJ JiX: T lffJlfJ fi: o

SJl7CfiFflk~~@Bt7C1$~ iJ Bic, SJJ7C'JX.flk~J[h5i.C. '!!l'~:l:~l:li':IJ{$o ~!fill{f]

'lfm @:If m/f ili fii:Jimi1 f$ , '!% -tE.~fllHttl!ilH~ Jt:;t@~ *a~ flf. o *~ T ~~~~ iJ
fiF, ift:i'TffJ;a~stc., ift:J1'lffl\iJ-!f::6t, ift~ffl\f~iJ~;fto
~ ..&lju .(S!. fl1:11VJ,,Niil :J;%'ffli-4"-ti<:~Bi:, ffl\ m '!!l' x~ ~ ml@~ilJ\5fri :]";%~- JJ~at 1~

7C,~,flk1~1!1, B'f .~,fl!:tt1~ :t:'lf, ~X~H.51.$ ~J6l\i:J7GAA, !t!fH&ff,lt.!&Jif*lffl o *~U ~

~~~iJffl\, il3C!t't~~IJ{$, ift.T:fX;~f!F~!'I%il, il11'l't:*~JX\..!'I!.o
~f!fa~ s :r1if*, :J;%-tE.~%-;fi:J;%a~~, am~~ftlk:i'ffiJt, ~ftlki:!t~~iJ1il\ 0 if
~T ~~~~i'l~ffl\, il%~lt~~S~{$, illt'HIF!'I~-!f::6tl@, il~fiF~!'I~~;ito
1. What does 'lffl'*' mean? Whatisthenarneoftheauthor' s 'lffl'*'

2. What was the author' s first impression ofher 'lffl:Jil:' ?

3. Was the first impression changed? Why?

4. How does the author describe what her 'lffl'*' looks like?

5. The author and her 'lffl'*' have eventually become good friends. Why?

~~~~= ~-~~~~m~~-~?~ft~~wgm~
;fill..$( iif.!?

fC! ...11'1!-"'1AS9i':il': ~, if&, J#, Jtil, l'i'f~, W%~, rl!/:31, r:p~~ij<;j, t:&ml:.fd~, 11
~Wf, ~{~, ml ~~, ~:!1oz-, ~/l'~JXt, ;J\IJJt:m, ;:-.\1~
JilliJAI1'11~: ~~, 1Jv~,, a:Sa~, JWl\W, lllft, ifiit,c,,, ~,c,,, ;f_El,c,,, m\.fl:l, ~
lf\, f'fJ~t, tJf, *1f, i'ffil*~ ;J:r~, p_-~, ~~, IJEI.JJ\, lt~, JEj[, ifm, ~
!'N , :P:'llt, ?PJ\l, i*J fiiJ , M, rP.l, 7HJl

~*, Wl:Etf:~::fts~; ~!fJI1f, Wi~il"rr~!Xl; ~rmxfb; -='L'=~; -J~:.,-~

JJ/>F;G'~; 'L'~~~ ; - Aff16,~~ifill

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