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Care of the Patient

with Myopia
American Optometric Association

Decreased accommodative function or nearpoint

Myopia, or nearsightedness, is a refractive condition Substantial amount of near work on a regular
in which the light entering the nonaccommodated basis
eye is focused in front of the retina resulting in
Steep corneal curvature or high axial length to
blurred distance vision.
corneal radius ratio
Classification of myopia, by clinical entity,
Conditions temporarily obscuring the retina
described in Table 1, includes:
from clear imagery during infancy
Simple myopia
Nocturnal myopia
Degenerative (pathological) myopia
The most common signs and symptoms of myopia
Induced (acquired) myopia are reduced unaided distance visual acuity and
Myopia may also be classified by; blurred distance vision. Persons with myopia are
Degree (i.e., low [<3.00 D]), medium [3.00 D- more likely to have retinal detachment and
6.00 D]), or high [>6.00 D]) glaucoma. Table 1 summarizes the signs, symptoms
Age of onset (i.e., congenital [present at birth and complications of myopia.
and persisting through infancy], youth-onset
[<20 years of age], early adult-onset [20-40 D. EARLY DETECTION AND PREVENTION
years of age], late adult-onset [>40 years of
age]) Myopia can be detected by visual acuity testing,
retinoscopy, autorefraction or photorefraction during
vision screening or clinical examination. However,
B. RISK FACTORS screenings do not substitute for a comprehensive eye
Family history of myopia and vision examination since these tests alone
cannot distinguish among the types of myopia.
Presence of myopia on noncycloplegic
retinoscopy in infancy, decreasing to There is no universally accepted method of
emmeteropia before entry into school preventing myopia. However, some clinicians
Refractive error of emmetropia to 0.50 D of identify nearpoint vision stress as a possible
hyperopia (in children and young adults) contributor to the development of simple myopia.

NOTE: This Quick Reference Guide should be used in conjunction with the Optometric Clinical Practice Guideline on
Care of the Patient with Myopia (2006). It provides summary information and is not intended to stand alone in assisting
the clinician in making patient care decisions.

Published by:
American Optometric Association 243 N. Lindbergh Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63141
The evaluation of patients with signs and symptoms Table 2 (adapted from Figure 2 in the Guideline)
suggestive of myopia or patients diagnosed with provides an overview of the treatment and
myopia includes all areas of a comprehensive adult management of patients with myopia.
or pediatric eye and vision examination with
1. Basis for Treatment
particular emphasis on the following areas:
The goals for management of myopia are clear,
1. Patient History comfortable, efficient binocular vision and good
Nature of presenting problem and chief ocular health. Management strategies for simple
complaint myopia include:
Visual, ocular and general health history
Myopia correction restoring clear vision at
Developmental and family history distance with optical correction
Medication usage and medication allergies Myopia control attempts to slow the
Vocational and avocational vision requirements progression of myopia
2. Ocular Examination Myopia reduction lessening dependence on
spectacles or contact lenses
Visual acuity (distance and near)
Refraction (static/cycloplegic retinoscopy, 2. Available Treatment Options
subjective refraction, autorefraction) Optical correction spectacles and/or contact
Ocular motility, binocular vision and lenses
accommodation (age-appropriate testing) Medical (pharmaceutical) cycloplegic agents
Ocular health assessment and systemic health Vision therapy for associated accommodative
screening (evaluation of anterior and posterior or vergence dysfunctions
segments of the eye and adnexa, measurement of Orthokeratology programmed fitting of rigid
intraocular pressure) contact lenses
3. Supplemental Testing Refractive surgery radial keratotomy (RK),
Fundus photography photorefractive keratectomy (PRK), automated
lamellar keratomileusis (ALK), laser in situ
A- and B-scan ultrasonography
keratomileusis (LASIK)
Visual fields
3. Patient Education
Tests (e.g., fasting blood sugar) to identify
causes of induced myopia The clinician should educate the patient according to
the type, onset and degree of myopia. Parents
should be informed about options available for
myopia correction, possible myopia control or
myopia reduction in children. Information about the
frequency of wearing spectacles or contact lenses
and the importance of regular follow-up care should
be provided.
4. Prognosis and Followup
Prognosis for treatment of myopia is generally very
good, but it depends on the type and severity of the
condition and patient compliance with the
prescribed treatment. The frequency and
composition of follow-up visits for the various
forms of myopia are summarized in Table 2.
Clinical Classification of Myopia
Type of Myopia Description Etiology Signs, Symptoms and Complications
Simple myopia Most common form of Inheritance Constant blurred distance vision
Significant amounts of near Reduced unaided distance visual acuity
Normal eye other than it is work
Retinal detachment
either too long for its optical
power, or too optically Glaucoma
powerful for its axial length
Generally less than 6 D;
degree of myopia may
differ between the two eyes
(anisometropic myopia)
Increases in severity during
childhood, slows down or
stops progressing in
teenage years, decreases
beginning about age 45
Nocturnal myopia Occurs primarily as an Significant levels of dark Blurred distance vision in dim illumination or dark
increased accommodative focus of accommodation conditions only
response associated with
Difficulty driving at night
low levels of light
Reduced unaided distance visual acuity
Pseudomyopia Patient appears to have Accommodative disorder Transient blurred distance vision with greater blur after
myopia due to an near work
High exophoria
Asthenopic symptoms
accommodative response Cholinergic agonist agents
Reduced unaided distance visual acuity
Result of an increase in
ocular refractive power due Significantly more minus power on manifest refraction
to overstimulation of than on cycloplegic refraction
Variations in visual acuity and retinoscopic reflex
Generally occurs in
Changes in pupil diameter
younger patients
performing excessive Fluctuations in accommodation
amounts of near work
Degenerative myopia High degree of myopia Inheritance Constant and considerable blur at distance
associated with
Retinopathy of prematurity Flashes of light or floaters
degenerative changes in
posterior segment of eye Interruption of light passing History of vision loss and use of low vision services
through ocular media and devices
Unknown Reduced unaided distance visual acuity
Decrease in best corrected visual acuity
Changes in visual fields
Retinal detachment
Vitreous liquification and posterior vitreous detachment
Posterior staphyloma
Lattice degeneration
Thinning of the retinal pigment epithelium
Breaks in Bruchs membrane and choriocapillaris
Fuchs spots in macular area
Induced myopia Acquired myopia that is Age-related nuclear Transient to constant blurred distance vision
often temporary and cataracts depending on particular causative agent
Exposure to sulfonamides Asthenopic symptoms
and other pharmaceutical
Reduced distance visual acuity
Nuclear sclerosis of crystalline lens
Significant variability in
blood sugar level
Frequency and Composition of Evaluation and Management Visits for Myopia
Composition of Followup Evaluations

Type of Number of Treatment Frequency of Visual Refraction Accommoda- Ocular Health Management Plan
Patient Evaluation Options Followup Acuity tion/Vergence Evaluation
Visits Visits Testing

Simple 1 Myopia correction; Children: annually Each visit Each visit Each visit Each visit Prescribe refractive correction; provide or
myopia optical correction, Adults: every 2 yr refer patient for vision therapy; patient
vision therapy or p.r.n. education.

Possible myopia Every 6 mo

control: optical Each visit Each visit Each visit Contact lens: Prescribe refractive correction; provide or
correction, vision anterior segment refer patient for vision therapy;
therapy each visit, posterior recommend vision hygiene improvement;
segment annually, patient education.
Bifocals: annually

Myopia reduction; Variable, depending Each visit Each visit Annually Anterior segment: Provide or refer patient for
orthokeratology, on method of each visit, Posterior orthokeratology; refer patient for
refractive surgery myopia reduction segment: annually refractive surgery; patient education.

Nocturnal 1-2 Optical correction 3-4 wk after Each visit Annually or Annually Annually Prescribe refractive correction for
myopia dispensing of p.r.n. nighttime seeing; patient education.
prescription, then

Psuedo- 1-2 Optical correction, Every 1-4 wk until Each visit Each visit Annually or p.r.n. Annually Prescribe refractive correction; reduce
myopia pharmaceuticals, accommodative accommodative response with vision
vision therapy excess is eliminated, therapy; prescribe cycloplegic agents to
then annually eliminate accommodative spasm; prevent
pseudomyopia with plus lenses; patient

Degenerative 1-2 Optical correction Annually or more Each visit Annually or Annually or p.r.n. Each visit Prescribe refractive correction; provide or
myopia frequently, p.r.n. refer for appropriate treatment for retinal
depending on retinal complications; patient education.
and ocular changes

Induced 1-2 Variable, depending Variable, depending Each visit Each visit Variable, depending Variable, depending Identify inducing agent; prevent further
myopia on inducing agent or on inducing agent or on inducing agent or on inducing agent or exposure to causative agent; refer to
condition condition condition condition appropriate practitioner for additional
testing and treatment; patient education

p.r.n. = as necessary
*Adapted from Figure 2 in the Optometric Clinical Practice Guideline on Care of the Patient with Myopia.

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