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Fruits of Malaysia

Malaysia lies in the tropics and is blessed with plenty of rain and sunshine. Many types of
trees and plants grow here. Among them are those that bear delicious fruits.

The "King of Fruits" is without doubt the durian. It is an oval-shaped fruit about the size of a
rugby ball. Its skin is green or yellow and covered with many sharp thorns. Inside, however,
the yellow flesh is soft and sweet. Its smell is very strong. The locals love the durian, but
foreigners find the smell hard to bear.

The durian is a seasonal fruit. It normally is in season twice a year. So are other fruits like the
mangosteen, langsat, duku, rambutan and mango. We consume these fruits in great quantities.

Other fruits like the papaya, pineapple, banana and star fruit are not seasonal. They are
obtainable at all times. Again we consume these fruits in large quantities. In a hot country like
Malaysia, fruits provide us with much needed water and other nutrients that are vital for
health. Often the fruit-stalls are crowded with people waiting to buy a slice of papaya,
pineapple or watermelon to quench their thirst.

We are lucky to have such a huge variety of fruits. In addition to that we get imported fruits
like apples and grapes, but they are usually more expensive. So we spend our money mainly
on local fruits. I would say that it is money well-spent.

The importance of physical exercise

Each of us has a physical body made of muscles, blood, bones and various other living tissue.
When any of these are injured or not working properly then we get ill. Nobody likes to be ill.
So it is important that we keep our body healthy.

Exercising the body is one way of keeping it healthy. If we do not exercise then our muscles
become weaker and we are less able to do things properly. Also the bones can become weaker
and thus break easily.

There are many types of exercises that we may participate in. We may play badminton,
football, netball or whatever games that we prefer. We may also jog, walk, swim or climb a
mountain. Older folks prefer less strenuous exercises like Tai Chi, Yoga or a
leisurely stroll in the park. For the really fit young people, there are rock-climbing,
gymnastics and other physically demanding activities.

We exercise to keep the body healthy. However there are some who overdo things and end up
injuring themselves. It is fine to jog for a few kilometres. It is madness to jog until we are
exhausted. Also they are people who become addicted to their exercises. They become
unhappy when they are unable to exercise or when they lose to someone in a competition.

Exercise is important. No exercise may result in a weak body. Too much exercise may result
in injury. Neither extremes are good. It is up to us to besensible in exercising.
The air we breathe
The air we breathe is a mixture of many gases, of which oxygen is the most important. If we
were not able to breathe this precious air for even a few minutes, we would die. Thus air is
vital to us.

Air is vital too to the plants and animals that live on earth. We are all surrounded by air. Our
bodies live and move in it. Thus it is important that the air remains clean and pure.

Alas, modern man has polluted the air. By constantly emitting poisonous gas and fumes into
the air from his factories and other devices, man is threatening his very own survival. The air
we breathe now is filled with unnecessary and harmful pollutants. If this is allowed to
increase then one day we may not have any more clean air to breathe.

The choice is ours. Stop polluting the air and we live. Keep polluting the air and we
all perish.

Smart Studying
"Studying smart" is a phrase often used by students, parents and teachers to mean "studying in
an intelligent and effective way"

Not all methods of studying are intelligent or effective. For example, a person who does not
pay attention in class or who does not do his homework on time is certainly not intelligent. He
will not learn effectively and his grades will suffer. The result of this is that he will not be
able to keep up with his peers. Even if he goes for private tuition he will be always trying to
catch up, if he ever does at all.

So the first thing about studying smart is to pay fullest attention when a lesson is first being
taught in class. Your learning will be quick and effective. Ask questions if there is anything
that you do not understand. The teacher will be pleased to help. Do your homework and
assignment on time and you will never have a backlog of work. You are ever ready for the
next lesson.

Furthermore, being up to date with your school work means you do not have to take private
tuition on any subject. this saves money and you will have time for leisure or recreation.

Revision books and guides are aplenty these days. Use them with care. Having more than one
revision book per subject is waste of money. Also learning from too many books only serves
to confuse you and take up precious time.

Finally, know the format of the examinations and practice the previous years' questions to
familiarize yourself with them. When the actual examinations come, you will know how to
handle the questions
The Internet
The Internet began in the Eighties. Today it has grown to become a major means of
communication. Websites and emails, things that were unheard of just two decades ago, are
quickly gaining in popularity and usage.

Via a computer, a person can access the Internet and the numerous websites in it. There are
websites on just about anything anyone can think of. Information, files, photographs, video
clips, computer software, games etc can often be obtained free or for a fee from some
websites. Online shopping, banking and other services make it a cinch for an ordinary person
to perform regular chores from the comfort of home or office.

A very popular feature of the Internet is the use of email. Using email, persons at any part of
the world can communicate with one other in an instant. The cost of sending an email is
almost nothing. On top of that, files and pictures can be attached and sent together with the

Despite its obvious usefulness, negative things are also present on the Internet. Viruses,
worms, Trojan horses and other harmful programs wait to strike at the unwary user.
Accessing the Internet without the protection of an anti-virus program or firewall is a sure
way of getting infected. The result of infection varies from a simple obscene message on the
screen to the complete erasure of the files and records in the computer.

Then there are sites that promote pornography, anarchy, terrorism, Satanism, black magic and
other threats to the well-being of our world.

Using the Internet is no different from dealing with our daily living in the physical world. We
sue it but we take precautions to avoid the obvious dangers and negative elements in it.
Keeping a healthy lifestyle
Living a healthy lifestyle is the top priority for many people. Yet, today because of our busy
schedules and hectic lives, we are unable to live a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle
includes eating balanced meals, having regular exercise, getting enough sleep and having
some recreational activities.

Taking balanced meals with the right amount o carbohydrates, proteins, fruits and vegetables
is vital for a healthy lifestyle. Regular exercise will not only keep your body trim and fit but it
will also reduce your risk of developing heart disease and diabetes. Exercising on a daily basis
for at least 30 minutes per day will do wonders for your health.

You should sleep for about 7 to 8 hours a day. Doing so will help your body
toreplenish itself. Lack of sleep will make you feel tired. It will also affect your
concentration. Take part in recreational activities. There should be a balance between work or
study and leisure. Remember, "All work and no play makes lack a dull boy".

A the same time, keep away from unhealthy habits and activities. Stop smoking as it is
harmful to health. Not only doe smoking cause life-threatening diseases like heart disease and
lung cancer, it will also cause wrinkles and lead to premature aging.

People who live a healthy lifestyle tend to be healthier, live longer and are happier. On the
other hand, people who do not live a healthy lifestyle are prone to illness and stress.
One Student One Sport

Education Ministry had launched polity One Student One edition on 9th of June 2011,
which became spear of two heads to complement school gasconade development
scope in produce balanced school-age child from physical side, emotion, spiritual and
intellect. The director, Datuk Abdul Ghafar Mahmud said the policy compel either
pupils that did not experience health problem choose virtuoso sport of game offered
the school workable with school agreement. The ministry has depict several ways in
order to fortify the performance of this policy that the school should plan a systematic,
maximize the expend of facilities, equipment and expertise, to collaborate with
relevant agencies and ensure sports throughout the year.
This policy intends to march on a sports culture among the students to become
members of society that is healthy and active agent lifestyle. One Student One Sport
policy denote Deputy Prime Minister and Education Minister, Tan Sri Muhyddin
Yassin, aimed at strengthening the development of consistent school level sports, the
front program of the High Performance Sports School (SPTS), dedicated to
exploitation excellent athletes who place since July 2008.
Is population control necessary ?

In the light of the explosion of human population on earth, population control is definitely
necessary. From one and three quarters billion in 1900, the population of the earth has
multiplied to more than six billion in 2000, and no end to this growth seems to be in sight.

Go to any town or city today and there are the ubiquitous traffic jams, long queues and
crowded shopping areas. In such a crowded environment, it is not surprising to hear of
accidents, clashes and friction between people.

On the employment scene, jobs are harder and harder to come by. In the times of my
grandfather, a person with a primary education can easily find work and earn a decent living.
secondary and education is rare and anyone who can make it that far is looked up on as a great
person. Today there are many unemployed university graduates. A person with just a primary
education is practically unemployable, except for the most menial of tasks. The sheer number
of people vying for limited jobs has created this difficult situation.

More people mean more need of everything -- more jobs, more houses, more cars, more road
and more problems to be solved. The strain on the earth's resources is unprecedented. Land is
cleared to build more houses for the masses. Jungles and forests disappear as human
beings encroach into them. There is less and less space for natural fauna and flora. Many of
them are driven into extinction.

The disappearance of our jungles, forests and other natural habitats causes a change in the
global climatic conditions. Already there are signs of global warming and other drastic
changes to he earth. natural disasters strike without warning as these changes occur.

Living on earth is now a struggle for all but the very rich. Everyone has to work just to get by,
if they can find work at all. Those who cannot find decent work resort to other means, usually
illegal. Crime, organized or otherwise, is a problem in all nations.

There is a dire need for the world's population to be controlled, or at least, maintained at a
sustainable level. As it is, the population keeps increasing and no effective effort is done to
control it. If this continues, the day will come when the old earth can no longer sustain the
human population. This means that many or most will die, probably because of nuclear wars
that would have broken out in our struggle to survive. Or perhaps, human begins would have
learnt to control their population some future time and thus avert the possibleannihilation of
the human race. It is entirely up to us to determine our destiny.
Pollution is the mixing of some harmful or poisonous materials into the natural
resources available on the earth. It affects the ordinary living of the living things on
this planet by disturbing the natural life cycle. Pollution can be of many types like
noise pollution, air pollution, soil pollution, water pollution, etc. Air pollution is
increasing day by day because of the growing number of automobiles, release of
poisonous gases, smoke from industrial companies, finely dissolved solids, liquid
aerosols, etc in the atmosphere. The air we breathe every moment causes several
lungs disorders.
In this way soil and water pollution is also cause by the mixing up of the sewage
water (having germs, viruses, harmful chemicals, etc) in drinking water, some
dangerous agrochemicals such as pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, organic
compounds like ether, benzene, some radioactive materials including radium and
thorium, solid wastes (industrial ashes, rubbish, garbage), etc. We need to follow all
the control measures implemented by the government to check its harmful effects.

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