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Chapter # 1 Arithmetic

Order of Operation
First of all, solve Bar or Vinculum then
Bracket Order Division / Multiplication (left to right) Addition / Subtraction (left to
There are three types of Brackets
( ) Parentheses
{ } Curly Brackets
[ ] Square Brackets
Order mean Exponent or Index or Power
Parentheses Exponent Multiplication / Division (left to right) Addition / Subtraction
(left to right)
Factors and Multiples
If a number is divisible by another number and the remainder is 0 then 1st number is a factor of
2nd number.
e.g. 30 = 1 x 30
= 2 x 15
= 3 x 10
Factors of 30 are 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 15, 30
All the numbers which are divisible by another number are called multiple of that number.
e.g. Multiples of 2 are 2, 4, 6, 8, 10,
Factors of a number are always less than that number and Multiples of a number are always
greater than that number.
Factors are always finite and Multiples are always infinite.
Multiple of 2 are called Even Numbers and the numbers which are not multiple of 2 are called
Odd Numbers.
Prime Numbers two factors (1 and itself)
Composite Numbers More than two factors
1 Unique Number (Neither prime nor composite)
Twin Primes One composite number between them)
Coprimes Only 1 as their common factor

Natural Numbers
The numbers used for counting are called Counting Numbers or Natural Numbers or Positive
If n1 + 1 = n2
then n2 is a successor of n1
If n1 1 = n2
Then n2 is a predecessor of n1

Whole Numbers
Natural Numbers along with 0 are knows as Whole Numbers.
Whole Numbers can be represented on Number Line

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Distance between 0 and 1 is known as Unit Distance.
Greater Number Always to the Right of the smaller number
Smaller Number Always to the Left of the greater number
Number Line can be used to add, subtract and multiply the numbers.
For Addition: Move Leftward
For Subtraction: Move Leftward
For Multiplication: Always start from 0 and move rightward
Properties of Whole Number
Whole Numbers Closed Under Addition
Whole Numbers Closed Under Multiplication
Whole Numbers Not Closed Under Subtraction
Whole Numbers Not Closed Under Division

Whole Numbers along with Negative Numbers are known as Integers.
0 is neither positive nor negative. 0 means nothing.
Absolute Value or Numerical Value is the distance from 0. Distance cannot be negative so
Absolute Value cannot be Negative. Absolute Value is always Non-Negative.

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