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DK. AXELROD'S arLAS PRESUWATER FISHES RISHES NINTH EDITION REVISED AND EXPANDED Dr. Herbert R. AXELROD on BURGESS NEAL Payor BWI) JERRY G, WALLS = Heine LeANy [Pe Serene: ' ths ParUt een DR. AXELROD’S FRESHWATER AQUARIUM FISHES NINTH EDITION BY DR. HERBERT R. AXELROD DR. WARREN B, BURGESS, NEAL PRONEK AND JERRY G. WALLS that otherwise couldn't be shown. The captions, where possible, identify the SEX of the fishes, their FEEDING HABITS, their REPRODUCTION, AQUARIUM LIGHTING, TEMPERAMENT AQUARIUM SET-UP, SWIMMING HABITS, the pH of the water which bes suits them, the hardness of the water, their best temperature tolerance. how large they grow and the capacity of the tank which suits them best FEEDING HABITS Sony pucrage toe AS uve worms, oso. te Seman Dveoet AePRODUCTION 2A cocayr A vovearer 2A Nounoreoder AQUARIUM LQNTING oO ew eeceinas © Bian suniion © ps sar 08 porsiie os feng at hanes are vinible TEMPERAMENT F Peacetul community tah ot recommanded tor Kn AQUARIUM SETUP SE consey ants aquaron BD hoo [ony grav! on bottom Mid recs, stata ant ontwoos SwMeMING HABITS pants No special aang ve ES wien in mie of wate PH = Ratativg acistyanatnty of Below 20 ~ —_ x Notuue ialgnie pHTMB:20C;T0em120L~ nw # es Noturus exit ‘Noturus flavater pH7;H5;180;10¢rn;100L <5 sem © ¥ Noturus exilis pH7:H5;20C:10cmm 1001. new ©) ial Hoturus elegans pH7:M5;180%6 Noturus Stigmosus pH?:HB;200; 10cm; 00. ~v - # ¥ Peveine oxyehynoho PNPM IICS HEM 100 AI 9 8 ay Percina lenticula pH7;H10;18C;20¢m;2001. \F nee © Percina nasuta pHT;H10,18C;10cm:;100L ~F nam © ¥ HN LD Porcine nasi PMTMNOLYECS OC. YOOL Ar Nae Cw ay te OTR + cy NO IBCAALSOIMEIOOL Vr nw OY Percina phoxocephala PHT:H10;18C:8.6em:100. ~rnme a2 Pevoina phoxovenhele Percina macrocephale PHT:H10;180;11Gm100..~F nam © &N =} Pervine panthering PHTMI0:180\80!:100 \r nae Oa ee “ : F Pernie maculata PHTHI0 1000 born 100 4 ee oH ‘Percing maculata DHTMIOABCA Sem 100 7 ae 9 oe 2 = Se Percina gymnocephale pH M10, 18600 5001 + wae «9 Parcina pati HT:H10:18C om: 1OOL ya 6 9 aw ‘Percing aranse WTI NOC :NOOn NLP ome 09 wn DHT:H10;100 Bom OL noe 9 a ts ie cmon Porcine ronioka pHP:MI0;18C;7 cm;100L sem © ¥ ay Percina ronan BAT INNO NBT ban 10 Peccinn oats OHTIANONNOR crn NOOh 4 wae a OF a new © ek Etheostoma simoterum pHT}410;18C;7om,100L-~r nem © es 3a fe te je Etheostoma zonsle pHT:H10.18: tem, vee Etheostoms ronale pH7.M10;180;7em:\00. - mee 68 Etneostome atripinne pHTM10,\8C:7em:1001. 4 nae Etneostoma simoterum pH7:M10;18C:7em:100L ~y naw theontome dry! DHTMT0:18C,6.8ern 1001. so 0 8 [Etheostoma etnier! pHTiM10,180,TexnT00L 7 Hem 09 a Etneostoms coos H7.M10;1000.fem:100L Sr sme 4 ¥ ay « theostoma fersiee GHP|M10,18C:0.801 10. \y wee Jona divtyl PHTM10;180;6.501;100L ee © ¥ as Einwostona etniert pHt7.H10;180;70m; 100L nem 0 ¥ ay brnoont 10; 180;8.60m;100..~5 wer 9 M4 eoowe pHi frneont Ws Jonsiaw pHTH10,180;6.80: 1000. sre" OF Etheostoma stigmaoum pH7:H10,18C;60m:1001. ~+ see 0 ¥ Etheostoma nigrum pH7;H10;18C:6.5cm:100L. nae 0 Ethe ma stoma palldkforsum 7.410.106: Sem, 100. ee Etheostoma whipple! pH7;H10;18C;8em:1001. <5 nee 4 ii Gd Etheostoma Whipple! pH7.M10, 106 pple! pMT.M10, 180M, 100 yaa 6 Ws te oma radiosum pHTM10,18C:8om,100L "mam a Etneostoma radiosum pH7:H10;180;80m, 1001 ~ ner © ¥ es Sd Eto Etheostome ditrema pH7.5)410,18C:50m,100L “5 ne € ¥ Wt) Etheostoma ditoma pH7.6H10:10C:B0m:100L . ae '} | it i M0 at 2 hecstomecaentoum DNTHI0,W:7om 01 rw 6 8 8 Eiheeiome toreoon TEM IOOL rw OW fimetoms cesuleum oH? 410986: 100. rn 0 ¥ ws meets ssorvoom pHTHO:8G Pen OOL-y 08 3 4 } a 4 Erpeostome Iuteovincium pHM10:18C;8.50m100L nee « ¥ ta fe - Etheontoma spectebile pH7.M10,%80;6.80m.100L SF nee OF Etheostoma spectabiie pH7:H10;180;6:50m,100L. mm 0% a Etheostome spectabiie pH7.H10,18C; 6.50.10. Vn oy Etheostome spectebile pH7:H10;10C:8.5crm 1001.5 nae 0 io . b. kien Etheostoma apeotabile: pHZ\H10,18C:0 801m: 100. 7 aw 6 y Etheostome speotabile pMTM10;100 6.501001. me 0 Etheostoma spectadite pH7.M10,18038.50m, 100. rey Etheostoma spectabite pA MIO vere AVR Eiheoetome Ropkins! pH7:H10:18C;00m: 100. ~ swe & ¥ an Etheostome a tale PHT.M10:200;8,801; 1001. + nee @) v x Etheostoms grahami pH7;H10,220;5.5c1 100. ~r wee © ¥ kx = Ethoostoma grahom pH7\H10;220;5.5cm,100L. EineaeFoma sqvamicaps PHTMI0;X6C9 Sem: 100 wr vem « Etneostoma squamicops pH7M10:18C.9 wee 3 : Etnoostoma aquamiceps pH7M10;186,0 Harn, 100. 9 oF me necpterum pri vmey Etneostoma nooptorum pHTH10;18C;7em 100. 7 ee OF as 7 8 Etheottoma tabelare pHTH10;180:8em:1001 Ym 2 Pp 8: MB:250;25cm: 2601. 5 nam 8: Ya Stenarchorhamphus muelleri/ Sternarchorhynch Ahamphichthys rostratus pH69:H10;26C;20cm:200L.~ wee @ A ——_-Rhamphichthys rostratus pH0.9H10;26C;20¢m,200L a2 320 Entomocorus benjamin’ pHT;HV0.250;1201;100L. 5 wae @ tak PA Sa fe Tata porugian pHB,HBj2 (OOF ne ad ‘anemationthys quadritilis p r 0: 1 Totvanemationthy: sn 24 Auchenipterus nuchalis oH6 ~~ nus pH6.HE;22C:180n:200L.\F nee © ¥ 326 7 31H10;240; Bom, 200. stv i 1H10;24C;186rn;200L ~F nae @ vy Pimelodella cristata PHT.) ‘Me a, 1 6 Lr nee 0 te tus pH7,H10;200;86m: ee vat) §—corydoras tre pH7sHI0.200:Bom.00 rryooen owe oe a - } me ras semiaquilvs pH7,MB;24C;Bem: 25C;80M40L AF ee © ¥ us pH We;28¢ 25 00M AOL MS nam) Ms DHTMY.24G;Fo1n,60L nus pH7)HB;25C;5em;60L a8 panda pH7/MV0;240;4.50r50. “5 nee © 9 Yat 2 eo 7 er sy ss 4 conte -* woualue PHT. 2HIOQBCA.Bem50L Y nee © ¥ WC) Corydoras arcuatus pH7.2:H10,28C:4 Sem $0 Corydoras ayohil pHT:H8;28C:5.501" SOL ~y vam Cv ww DH 0/MB;24C; 00m /60L AF nee © # Ha 2;0110;260;80m;60L ° new © ¥ Mik CD 7:H9;25C;6cmn,60L. t se 0 ¥ te Gorvdors sodalls pH7;MB;260,60m,60L. © # Lepidocephatichthys thermalis pH7 H8 256 Sem 40 nee OV 8 mizolepis pH7\H10,200;21¢m;100L. ~¥ new © ¥ ne Ov ia a 10cr 1004. ne Ov a s0omn;900L 9 new 00 V pHO.6:H6;260;60m40L % noe © ¥ We ts H7.H6;260;15cmy80L. 9 nae © Mi 8 PN *‘wiltadae® ms in 7 ) =a *~ owed OE Ada mg yim \) 3 F 4 heel i= 4 VWs ~~ \ . it, VY q is . a Ah roy rs oP ondons pHT:MB2ECGOMAOL A we OV WET —B ndens pHT:HB:26C;6cm:40L%t mem © ¥ WY Ot p “ embolus erytnrotaenia pH7;HB;260,480m 400 Hemipimelodus papiifer pH7.8:H%5 al WY) ggppsiesniya a) ity Ambassis agrammus pHT 5;H10;260 se, Ambassis macleay! pH7.2;H8;260;80m;00L Ambassis mactea) vittata pH?.6;H8:260;260m;300L s naw © : 1 2 enruae boncae puraniozeceemsou~ree OS #7 Gandara pH7.8Hi0.200;5oms0L~F ner O18 WE 3 < 4 Ey “ Der caporoee pure zso;veorcteOL ee © OU: 800t0tls70te Dr Sass 160L sae 0% WEE pom s00L see 03k wat Bldyanue Didyanus pHT.ZH10;240;600m:1000L 5s st Macquarie ambigue pH7.2:410;24C, Maccullochella macquariensis pH7.4;H10;21C;600m,S00L “Fae © ‘Maccullochella pool! pH7:H8;23C;2000m;4000L % mam 28 1089 wyalosoma pH8.S:H25;26C;17cm;2001. ~\r nemevn © 9 Yad 2 BBldyanus wole?! pHT.2.HB;25C;35Cm:4001 ~F new © ¥ Hi C= sree OY Ya Leiopotherapon ahenous Pingalla midgley! pHT|MB;260; !5cr 1501. + a 04 hie. DHT-5.H10;280; 10cm; 100L * syncomistes trigonicus pH7.5iH10:280;13¢m,180L + nem © # Me DHT 2)H10;260; 1801200. ~ me Mossaria apron pH7.2:M8;220;800m;1000L “nae @ 8 1078 1412;280;150m:200L ~F nem OY Mt 7110;280;8.50m40L 5 ne © 9S sooilatus pHB:M18:260;100m 100

e ean 17.81 16;260; 18cm; 1OL SF mae) jatrals pHB:M16;22C;600M000L % ne 0 38 lf 30om300L new Ok Yak Perlophthalmus regius pHE;H15;26; 60m; 150. ~F mee © sp. pH8;H15;28C;4cm;60L ~5 naw © ¥ Yai Ld : eptog0b 3 4 Prmenus bivenaius pH7.8H15;24C;20¢m;200L SF nee © ¥ Ye ——-Kurus guiliveri pHB,H15;260;636m; 1000L “5 naw © °% Ya \ 6 420;260;80cIn;1000L ~ now @ 3%: ak Acanthopagrus berda — pH8,5)M20;26C;50om;SOOL new © 2% ti CS 7 8 18, 6:8420;260;900m;900L. mae 2 i Chelonodon patoca pH8.5;H20;260;800m;300L. nam © 3 3 Weoceratodus forster! pH7;H8;24C;180cm;2000L = na» @ 9% way 7. H8;24C,1500m:2000L ma 2% Ya mo mov Ff ne ul 5;260;1 Yom; 100L\F herwow, Aphyosernion “Apkoonrionhekemense, ‘Apkyoromion Rares, Orangetaled Kili, 633, 656 “Apron labore, Red-stenked Kili, 636, 656 “Aprsosemion lambert, Lambert's Kilie, 657 Apron LefintKillie, 657 ‘Aphyosernon tibrione, Liberian Kille, 630, 657 ‘Aphoosemion loonnbert, Loennbery's Killle, 628, 657 “Aphyosemion lowessenre, Louesse Killie, 658 _Aphryosemion iujae, Spot-tine Killie, 682 “Aphyosemion macseni, Masei Killie, 058 “Aphyosemion marmoranum, Green-spangled Chocolate Killie, 635, Aphyosemion Goldstein's Killie, 658 Aphyosemion mimbon, Mitzic Killie, 659 “Aphyowemion mirabile, Anure Killve, 620 ‘Aphyosemion ndianum, Red-tail Killie, 633, 660 “Aphyosemion nigrifia, Bafing Killie, 65 “Aphyosemion ovcidentale, Golden Pheasant, 635, 661 “Aphyouemion acellarwm, Ocellated Killie, 660 Spkvnemin orem, rok striped Kili, 628, 661-603 Aphyouemion petersi, Peters's Kill, 630, 663 Apowremion primigenivm, Dowano Kile, 63 Apivoron pr, Paras Kil, 633, 664 Aphyoremion i, Dotted Killie, 664 “Aphyosemion raddai, Radda’s Killie, 635, 665 ‘promos nce, Sexy Kili, 632 605 Avion rapics Red-potte Parle Kili, 628 608, Gplorenion oberon, Roberson Kili, 666 Aoosnion rf Roles Kili, 930, 665 piven omasabelae, Ocsr Kili, 066 hioonno sche, Orangetinge Kile, 635, pwnonion hid, Fale Spot-nned Kili, 666 ‘piocvoon shea, Schmit Kile, 668 promcrion howe, Ringed Lyre 632 ‘Aptosncnion her, Misyuka Kili, 668 Aptomenion yt Be Guar, 636, 668 Aphyoremion splendidum, False Bate's Killic, 668 Apiomenion pedo, Splenda Kili, 638 Aphosemion tp Kies, 670 “Aphsemion purl, Targusse Kili, 634 Gplremion aon, Red-striped Kili, 628, 667 Gpoosonion ti, Boetroat Pheasant, 635, 657 “Aplosenion van, Nolan Kili, 628, 669 Aphyosemion wachterst, Mikee Killie, 667 Aphyosemion walheri, Walker's Killic, 669, 670 Aposonon dcp Wikckays Kili, 632, 667 Aputogramma agassien, Agassiz's Dwarf Cichlid, 524 “Apion beset, Twt-stcped Dat Cichlid, 925 Apistogramma borelli, Umbrella Dwarf Cichlid, 525 Apistogramma cacatwoides, Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid, 527, 534 Apusogramma cactes, Kullander’s Dwarf Cichlid, $26 Apuscgramma cunotas, Blue-cheek Dwarf Cichlid, $26 “Apusogramma gephyra, Mottled Dwarf Cichlid, 529 Dwarf Cichlid, 527 Apitogramma erifciaa, Moe Apistogramms, $29 ‘Apistogramma eijita, Vita Dwarf Cichlids 536 “Apistogrammoides pucallpoenss, Tebar Dwarf Cichlid, 929 ‘Aplechelichehy johnston’, Jobnston's Lampeye, 688 ‘Aplochesihckys hatangoe, Saw-roothed Micropanchax, 605 “Aplocheiichthys macrophthalmus, Iridescent Lampeye, 687, 688, 099) ‘Aplocheiicohys myer, Myers's Lampeye, 69 “Aplocheiichthys normani, Norman's Lampeye, 688 “Aplocheiihohys pumilus, Lake Lampeye, 088 “Aplecheiichhys rancurei, Filamentous Lampeye, 688, 69° ‘Aplochelichthys sp, Micropanchax, 687, 693 “Aplocheilichehys spilauchen, Banded Lampeye, 687, O88, 699 ‘Aploclits annularus, Clown Kili, 640, 681 ‘Aplocheitusansorsi, Ansorge’s Pancha, 681 “Aplocheilus barmovenss, Barmot Panchax, 691 ‘Aplocheilus ifasciats, Tworsttiped Panchax, 681, 691 ‘Aplocheitas Mochi; Dwarf Pancha, 993 “Aplocheitus chaperl, Chaper's Panchax, 681, 682 ‘Aplcheitus chevalier, Chevaliers Panchax, 640, 082 ‘Aplocheitus dager, Black-lipped Panchax, 682, 689 ‘Aploceilus day Day's Patch, 933 “Aplocheitus dubotsi, Dubois's Kllie, 682, 689 “Aplocheis fascolarus, Orange Panchax, 683, 684, 691 ‘Aplocheilus graham, Graham's Panchax, 682, 690 Green-belled Panchax, 640 amon, Lamotte’ Panchax, 083 ‘Aplocheilus neat, Striped Panchax, 933, 935. Aplochelluslongiventrals, Nigerian Panchax, 683 Aplochellus macrostiema, Large-spotted Panchax, 690 Aplocheilus nialaensis, Redespotted Panchax, 690 ‘Aplocheilus panchas, Blue Panchax, 933, 935 ‘Aplocheils playfairi, Playfui's Panchax, 640, 684 ‘Aplocheilus lof, Roloft's Panchax, 685, 690 ‘Aplocheis sesfasciaeus Sixbarred Panchax, 684, 685, 689 ‘Aplocheiussinga, One-bar Panchax, 690 ‘Aplocheils spilargyreius, Green Pancha, 685, 691 ‘Apogon amboinenss, Ambon Cardinalfish, 1009, 1010 ‘Apogon hyalosoma, Transkucent Cardinalfishy 1063 ‘apogon, Cyelochelichthss, Skin-head Barb, 922 ‘apononoides, Ttracentrum, Four-spined Perehlet, 1008 ‘apoparuana, Bujurquina, 537 ‘aporos, Ophieeoris, Snakehead Gudgeon, 1015, 1084 ‘aporut, Megupsilon, Black-blotch Pupfish 28 ‘Appalachia Darter, Percina gymnocephala, 69 ‘prion, Glosamia, Queensland Mouthbrooder, 1073 ‘Apteronots alifrons, Black Ghost Knife Fishy 316 ‘Apteronotus leptorkyncluu, Long-nosed Black Ghost Kailfe ‘aps, Chanallabs, Hel Catfish, 600 ‘aqual, Etheosiome, Coppercheek Darter, 87

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