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28/06/2017 Introduction to Activism - Permanent Culture Now

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Introduction to Activism

A dead thing can go with the stream, but only a living thing can go against it. G.K.

What is Activism?
Activism is quite simply taking action to effect social change; this can occur in a myriad of
ways and in a variety of forms. Often it is concerned with how to change the world through
social, political, economic or environmental change. This can be led by individuals but is often
done collectively through social movements.

Activist or Activism?
Its not where youre from; its not where youre at: its what you do.

Many people can be classified as activists and many actions can be interpreted as activism,
but this doesnt mean that all activism is carried out by activists. The term activist itself is
contentious, as what constitutes an activist and what actions can be defined as activism are
often contested.

We at a Permanent Culture Now would prefer not to use the term activist in the classical
sense as it creates a division between those who define themselves as activists and those who 1/9
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carry out activism. We feel it is more

important to look at the actions being
undertaken rather than how individuals
define themselves. W may not 100% agree
with Saul Alinsky on the right but we think he

definitely has a point. Indeed, as Andrew X
states in his article Give Up Activism,

The activist is a specialist or an expert in
social change. To think of yourself as

being an activist means to think of yourself as being somehow privileged or more
advanced than others in your appreciation of the need for social change, in the
knowledge of how to achieve it and as leading or being in the forefront of the practical
struggle to create this change Defining ourselves as activists means defining our
actions as the ones which will bring about social change, thus disregarding the activity of

thousands upon thousands of other non-activists. Activism is based upon this

misconception that it is only activists that do social change.

It is crucial to not fall into the trap of alienating oneself by doing this, as it can lead to a sense
of delusion that you solely are the bringer of change, combined with a distancing of yourself

from the wider population and also alienating those who may be supportive.

When viewing or considering becoming involved
in activism, it pays to be realistic about what you

hope to achieve and what impact you may have.
Sometimes, activism can lead to misconceptions
about the change you can help foster so it pays to
remain grounded about what individual potential
you may have. The reality is that activism is not
about how people look or the clothes they wear:
the sine qua non of activism is doing. When
looking at activism in action, look not at how
groups define themselves but rather, what they
do as this is often much more informative and

Furthermore, we at Permanent Culture Now

would add that even though it is helpful to take an
ideological position regarding where you situate yourself within the political landscape (e.g.
socialist, anarchist, communist, etc.), you should be careful when adhering to such
conceptual frameworks for they may blind you to other ways of seeing the world around 2
you. Indeed, engaging in sterile debates concerning doctrinal position and/or interpretation
can hinder and in some cases prevent positive social action occurring. Surely it is more
productive to look at what we have in common rather than what we dont as a basis for joint
action? Pragmatism is key: you have to ask what is more important: engaging in debates 2/9
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about what is the correct interpretation of such and such philosopher or the person sat
beside you willing and ready to engage in positive social action.

Different types of activism

Activism has three distinct strands that very often overlap and intersect with each other.

1) Demanding solutions to contemporary problems through the taking of

oppositional stances to mainstream policies.
This is the type of campaigning activism that includes protests, strikes, demonstrations etc.
They key to this type of activism is that it is demand-driven with the aim being a change in
policy, practice or operations. This sort of action often takes the form of short-term actions,
but can also be long-term sustained campaigns.

2) Undertaking activism which manifests itself through the creation of

alternatives to the dominant system through the construction of new
ways of social behaviour.
Key to this type of activism is the creation of new structures and alternatives within society,
often with the hope that they will lead as an example which others will also imitate and
develop. It is often concerned with ways of living and meeting peoples needs such as

housing, food and education.

Examples of this would be housing and food cooperatives, social centres, worker
cooperatives, new age travellers, squats etc. This sort of activism is often carried out by

collectives of people over long periods of time, though this is not always the case. See the
Alternative DiY section for more information on this type of activism.

3) Revolutionary activism that is concerned with fundamental change of

society and its major institutions.
This type of activism seeks to fundamentally change the dominant system to a new way of
living and is not particularly concerned with reforms and piecemeal changes in the long term.

It is not unusual for these types of activism to overlap and sometimes within the same
campaign. For example, an anarchist group may wish to see the destruction of capitalism and
will work towards that; they may also run social centres or food co-operatives and protest
against changes to policies that currently affect their lives.

There are many who believe that capitalism is the main issue that dominates activism today
and that it is the cause of many of the issues that groups campaign against. This can be seen
as true depending upon your political leanings, although it would be hard to deny that the
profit motive and the drive for endless growth have not impacted on the world and most of
its inhabitants. If our aim is the overthrow of capitalism and its replacement by a more
sustainable system, then this raises real questions of how society should be run whilst
adhering to more equitable principles. Arguably, this may be the most important role for
activism in the future.

The Blessed Unrest. Is there a social movement of

movements? 3/9
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So does activism have an impact on the world?

Never doubt that a small group of committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is
the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead, US anthropologist (1901 1978)

Paul Hawken highlights the scale of action that is occurring worldwide in his book Blessed

Unrest where he estimates that there are over one-million groups working towards ecological

sustainability and social justice in the world today. Hawken views this movement as a
complex coalition of human organisations all working towards improving the world for the
better. Many of these people struggle against oppression do not view themselves as activists
or political, yet through their actions they clearly are fighting injustice and exploitation.
Through writing his book he learned the following,

Part of what I learned concerns an older quiescent history that is remerging, what poet
Gary Snyder calls the great underground, a current of humanity that dates back to the
Palaeolithic. Its lineage can be traced back to healers, priestesses, philosophers, monks,

rabbis, poets and artists who speak for the planet, and other species, for

interdependence, a life that courses under and through and around empires. (p.5)

This movement is not always

overtly political and can often

be focused on single issues,
but often these single issues
do have a wider context
linked to inequality and neo-
liberal capitalist economics.
This is not to say that all
issues are explicitly caused by
economic inequality, as other
issues can also cause
problems, but more and
more it becomes evident that many of our problems come from inequality and its
intensification caused by the capitalist system.

This realisation became more evident when we saw the rise of the anti-capitalist/globalisation
movements of the early 2000s, where many single issue groups came together to question
the economic system. More recently the occupy Wall Street campaigns (though not resolutely
anti-capitalist) are also challenging the fundamental inequalities created by the current
economic system and its massive concentration of wealth in the hands of the few.

There is a huge amount of activism that is occurring globally and around many issues,
struggling against oppression and injustice on a local, international and global level. More
and more these movements and individuals are making links with each other, as has been
seen in the anti-capitalist/globalisation and other movements that feel a commonality. These 4/9
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movements do have successes and failures in what they wish to change, but what we can be
sure of is that if they did not exist then there would definitely not be any successes.

Specific forms of activism / social movements

Activism can take many forms and can occur in various economic, political, social and work

arenas. It can take the form direct action undertaking civil disobedience, protests,
occupations, campaigning, boycotts and demonstrations through to more conventional
activism such as lobbying, writing letters, internet activism, petitions and attending meetings.

There is also community activism which involves things such as setting up social centres, food
cooperatives, housing cooperatives, building communities putting on events and promoting
alternative ideas. In terms of the many issues that people in social movements are concerned
with, they can be broadly classed as either environmental/ecological sustainability or social
justice issues. Activism is varied and diverse, but its demands often have underlying universal

themes of equality and respect.

Saul Alinsky and Rules for Radicals
In term of techniques, people can learn a lot from Saul
Alinskys book Rules for Radicals about grassroots community

organising which looks at how to organise in your community.

Obviously there are lots of other techniques, but these rules

can also be applied to other tactics as well. We will be looking
at other techniques in the future, but for now this will give you
some food for thought.

These are taken direct from Rules for Radicals and they tie
into the following process Agitate + Aggravate + Educate
+ Organize.

Rule 1: Power is not only what you have, but what an

opponent thinks you have. If your organization is small, hide
your numbers in the dark and raise a din that will make
everyone think you have many more people than you do.

Rule 2: Never go outside the experience of your people.

The result is confusion, fear, and retreat.

Rule 3: Whenever possible, go outside the experience of an opponent. Here you want to
cause confusion, fear, and retreat.

Rule 4: Make opponents live up to their own book of rules. You can kill them with this, for
they can no more obey their own rules than the Christian church can live up to Christianity.
Rule 5: Ridicule is mans most potent weapon. Its hard to counterattack ridicule, and it
infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage.

Rule 6: A good tactic is one your people enjoy. If your people arent having a ball doing it,
there is something very wrong with the tactic. 5/9
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Rule 7: A tactic that drags on for too long becomes a drag. Commitment may become
ritualistic as people turn to other issues.

Rule 8: Keep the pressure on. Use different tactics and actions and use all events of the
period for your purpose. The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that
will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition. It is this that will cause the opposition
to react to your advantage.

Rule 9: The threat is more terrifying than the thing itself. When Alinsky leaked word that large
numbers of poor people were going to tie up the washrooms of OHare Airport, Chicago city
authorities quickly agreed to act on a longstanding commitment to a ghetto organization.

They imagined the mayhem as thousands of passengers poured off airplanes to discover
every washroom occupied. Then they imagined the international embarrassment and the

damage to the citys reputation.

Rule 10: The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative. Avoid being trapped by

an opponent or an interviewer who says, Okay, what would you do?

Rule 11: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, polarize it. Dont try to attack abstract

corporations or bureaucracies. Identify a responsible individual. Ignore attempts to shift or
spread the blame.

According to Alinsky, the main job of the organizer is to bait an opponent into reacting. The
enemy properly goaded and guided in his reaction will be your major strength.

How to Change the World and achieve a Permanent Culture
Activism is a tool for achieving
the world we want and need and
what guides us personally at
Permanent Culture Now is the
ethics of permaculture:

Earth care
People care
Fair shares

We do not subscribe to one

ideology and see that many
ideologies have useful elements,
but fundamentally we believe it is about being pragmatic. These ethics are pragmatic in as
much as they concern developing systems where the planet and its inhabitants achieve and
develop a state of well-being through using resources in a balanced way. Furthermore, 2
resources should not be frittered away in the name of personal gain and individual profit
which ultimately results in the depletion and destruction of our natural eco systems. This
ultimately leads us to the need for activism. 6/9
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Activism often challenges the current dominant ideology or is driven by principles that
counter its negative effects. This makes it very important for establishing a Permanent
Culture, as the barriers that we often come up against are protecting the interests and needs
of the dominant capitalist system and the ruling elite. These interests need to be challenged
in order for change to occur and activism is one way of doing this.

We have constantly been told that we need growth and that growth benefits us, yet in reality
growth has disproportionately benefited the ruling elites and their corporations. Since the
1970s, we have seen no real-term increase in wages and we work longer hours with both

parents often having to work. Indeed, the privatisation of our most essential resources has

driven up costs of food, energy and transport which are the basics that we need to survive.
Thats just in privileged countries. Other parts of the world have seen huge social and
environmental devastation brought about by the relentless pursuit of growth. It would be
unfair to say that this growth hasnt also bought with it benefits for many people, but often at
the cost of others and the environment. Even if this growth did not result in vast inequality it
would still be unsustainable as we only have one planet and one planets oil reserves.

The battle for a permanent culture is not going to be easy as we cannot have a permanent
culture without redistributing wealth and resources. This will not be achieved through minor
concessions as there has to be fundamental shift away from the dynamics of Capitalism and
its endless drive for growth through mass consumerism. It is absolutely crucial that this
changes because it is the core obstacle to a more sustainable and just future. We want just
not economic unbridled growth, but growth in sustainable ways of living, growth in the well-
being of people, growth in communities, growth in equality and growth in meaningful work.
The list goes on.

So if we wish to make the world a better place we will need to be active in that dynamic,
utilising all forms of activism to move the world towards a sustainable and just future.
Blessed Unrest Hawken

Give up Activism Andrew X 7/9
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For commoners, alternative thinkers, tinkerers, future thinking creatives, radical activists,
nowtopians, permaculturists and all human beings who want a PERMANENT CULTURE NOW.

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