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Child Development, January/February 2000, Volume 71, Number 1, Pages 4456

Close Interrelation of Motor Development and Cognitive Development

and of the Cerebellum and Prefrontal Cortex
Adele Diamond

Motor development and cognitive development may be fundamentally interrelated. Contrary to popular
notions that motor development begins and ends early, whereas cognitive development begins and ends later,
both motor and cognitive development display equally protracted developmental timetables. When cognitive
development is perturbed, as in a neurodevelopmental disorder, motor development is often adversely af-
fected. While it has long been known that the striatum functions as part of a circuit with dorsolateral prefrontal
cortex, it is suggested here that the same is true for the cerebellum and that the cerebellum may be important
for cognitive as well as motor functions. Like prefrontal cortex, the cerebellum reaches maturity late. Many
cognitive tasks that require prefrontal cortex also require the cerebellum. To make these points, evidence is
summarized of the close co-activation of the neocerebellum and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in functional
neuroimaging, of similarities in the cognitive sequelae of damage to dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and the neo-
cerebellum, of motor decits in cognitive developmental disorders, and of abnormalities in the cerebellum
and in prefrontal cortex in the same developmental disorders.

INTRODUCTION thought to be critical for the most complex cognitive

abilities, whereas the cerebellum has been considered
In general, motor development and cognitive devel-
critical primarily for motor skills. In keeping with the
opment have been studied separately. They have gen-
lofty status of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, its pro-
erally been viewed as independent phenomena, al-
tracted developmental timetable and dramatic ex-
though occurring in the same organism over the same
pansion during primate evolution have been empha-
time period. Indeed, cognitive development, as bets
sized. The fact that the neocerebellum, which also has
its exalted status, has generally been viewed as the
undergone dramatic expansion during primate evo-
last aspect of development to fully mature. Develop-
lution, is late-maturing as well has received less atten-
mental psychologists have tended to forget that motor
tion, although there has been evidence for over 55
development is equally protracted. Fine motor con-
years (see Dow, 1942) that phylogenetic development
trol, bimanual coordination, and visuomotor skills
of the neocerebellum and of prefrontal cortex have
are not fully developed until adolescence, just as the
proceeded in parallel.
most complex cognitive operations such as accurately
It is suggested here that the cerebellum is impor-
representing transformations, exibly manipulating
tant not only for motor functions but also for cogni-
information held in mind, and simultaneously taking
tive functions. Indeed, the cerebellum is important
into account multiple facets of a problem show devel-
for the very same cognitive functions for which dor-
opmental improvements into adolescence.
solateral prefrontal cortex is critical. Most cognitive
Motor development and cognitive development
tasks that require dorsolateral prefrontal cortex also
may be much more interrelated than has been previ-
require the neocerebellum.
ously appreciated. Indeed, they may be fundamen-
tally intertwined.
Similarly, until very recently, prefrontal cortex and genetically newer regions of the cerebellum. These regions ma-
the neocerebellum were not thought to participate in ture later during ontogeny than other cerebellar regions and are
interconnected with the cerebral cortex. The neocerebellum in-
similar functions.1 Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex is cludes the posterior lobe of the lateral hemispheres of cerebellar
cortex (lobules HVI through HVIII, Larsell & Jansen, 1972), lob-
ules VI and VII of the vermis in the medial portion of cerebellar
1 The region of prefrontal cortex on which this paper focuses cortex, and one of the deep cerebellar nuclei (the dentate nu-
is the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, i.e., Areas 46 and 9. In the cleus). Like the rest of the neocerebellum, the dentate nucleus
human brain, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex extends above and has increased in size in parallel with prefrontal cortex.
below the superior frontal sulcus, past the medial frontal sulcus
to the inferior frontal sulcus. It is bordered posteriorally by Area 8
and anteriorally by Area 10. The portion of the cerebellum on 2000 by the Society for Research in Child Development, Inc.
which this paper focuses is the neocerebellum, i.e., the phylo- All rights reserved. 0009-3920/2000/7101-0006
Adele Diamond 45


Functional neuroimaging studies consistently nd Lesions of prefrontal cortex can cause hypometabo-
that when a cognitive task increases activation in dor- lism in the contralateral cerebellum (Fulham, Brooks,
solateral prefrontal cortex it also increases activation Hallett, & DiChiro, 1992; Muira et al., 1994; Tanaka et
in the contralateral cerebellum. When one sees de- al., 1992). Similarly, cerebellar damage can cause fron-
creased dorsolateral prefrontal cortex activation (e.g., tal hypometabolism (Boni et al., 1992).
when a task has been practiced and requires less con- Cerebellar patients (especially if their damage is in
centration) one also sees a concomitant decrease in the posterior lobe in the lateral hemisphere of the cer-
cerebellar activation. Activation in these two regions ebellum and/or lobules VI and VII of the cerebellar
is strikingly correlated and closely coupled. vermis) often fail cognitive tasks linked to prefrontal
This co-activation of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex cortex, such as verbal uency (Appollonio, Graf-
and the contralateral neocerebellum has been found man, Schwartz, Massaquoi, & Hallett, 1993; Schmah-
with the verb generation task (Raichle et al., 1994), man & Sherman, 1998), verb generation (Fiez et al.,
where on each trial participants are given a noun and 1996), planning tasks (Botez, Botez, Elie, & Attig,
asked to quickly generate a related verb. Co-activation 1989; Grafman et al., 1992; Leiner, Leiner, & Dow, 1986;
has been found on the verbal uency task (Schlos- Schmahman & Sherman, 1998), tasks requiring the
ser et al., 1998), where participants are given one learning and memory of arbitrary associations (Bracke-
minute to say as many different words as they can Tolkmitt et al., 1989), set-shifting tasks (Schmahman &
think of that begin with a specied letter (F, then A, Sherman, 1998), working memory tasks (Fiez et al.,
and nally S). It has also been found with the Wis- 1996; Schmahman & Sherman, 1998), and source
consin card sorting test (Berman et al., 1995; Naga- memory tasks (Ciranni, Dodson, & Shimamura, 1998).
hama et al., 1996). The Wisconsin card sorting test is a Indeed, there is even a case of a frontal-looking apha-
classic test of the functions of prefrontal cortex. Par- sia caused by a focal hypometabolism in the right
ticipants are given cards that can be sorted by color, cerebellum (Marien et al., 1996). The match between
shape, or name and must deduce the correct sorting tasks affected by cerebellar damage and those affected
criterion. After several consecutively correct sorts, the by prefrontal damage is by no means exact, of course;
experimenter, without warning, changes the correct for example, cerebellar patients are not impaired on
sorting criterion. Indeed, co-activation of dorsolateral the Wisconsin card sorting test (Bracke-Tolkmitt et al.,
prefrontal cortex and the cerebellum has been repeat- 1989; Daum et al., 1993; Fiez, Petersen, Cheney, &
edly found with several nonmotor, working memory Raichle, 1992).
tasks (Awh et al., 1996; Desmond et al., 1995; Desmond, Projections from dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
Gabrieli, Wagner, Ginier, & Glover, 1997; deZubicaray et reach the neocerebellum (Leiner, Leiner, & Dow, 1989;
al., 1998; Grasby et al., 1994; Jonides et al., 1997; Paulesu Middleton & Strick, 1997; Schmahmann & Pandya,
et al., 1995; Paulesu, Frith, & Frackowiak, 1993). 1995) and projections from the neocerebellum reach
Moreover, similar aspects of tasks activate the neo- dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (Middleton & Strick,
cerebellum and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. For ex- 1994; Sasaki, Jinnai, Gemba, Hashimoto, & Mizumo,
ample, increasing the memory load increases activa- 1979; Yamamoto, Yoshida, Yoshikawa, Kishimoto, &
tion in both regions (e.g., Braver et al., 1997; Desmond Oka, 1992). The cross-talk between the neocerebellum
et al., 1997; Diamond et al., 1999; Rypma, Prabhaka- and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex is greatly increased
ran, Desmond, Glover, & Gabrieli, 1999). The cerebel- in higher primates, especially humans.
lum and prefrontal cortex participate as critical parts
of a neural circuit that is important when (1) a cogni-
tive task is difcult as opposed to easy, (2) a cognitive HOW MIGHT THE CEREBELLUM AID
task is new as opposed to familiar and practiced, (3) IN COGNITIVE PERFORMANCE?
conditions of the cognitive task change, as opposed to The cerebellum is quite remarkable anatomically. It
when they remain stable and predictable, (4) a quick has an exquisite lattice structure that is strikingly pre-
response is required, as opposed to longer response cise and regular, and the human cerebellum has more
latencies being acceptable, and (5) one must concen- neurons than all the rest of the nervous system com-
trate instead of being able to operate on automatic bined (Andersen, Korbo, & Pakkenberg, 1992). Two
pilot. types of cells found in the cerebellar cortex are gran-
46 Child Development

ule cells and Purkinje cells. Granule cells are tiny and when conditions change, and cerebellar participation
numerous (up to 7 million per cubic centimeter in the decreases as the task becomes familiar or practiced. Ev-
layer below the Purkinje cells). Purkinje cells are large idently, it is when you must pay close attention and
and have elaborate dendritic trees. concentrate, when you must learn something new for
One source of input to the cerebellum is called the cognitive or motor performance, that the cerebellum
climbing bers. It consists of axons from the inferior is recruited most heavily.
olivary nucleus (inferior olive). Each Purkinje cell re- There are several hypotheses for why this is so.
ceives input from only one climbing ber, but each Based on the architecture and circuitry of the cerebel-
climbing ber may synapse on 10 Purkinje cells. Climb- lum, Marr (1969) and Albus (1971) proposed that the
ing bers also terminate on granule cells. The granule cerebellum functions as a modiable pattern detector,
cells in turn send out branching axons that give rise to which could be used in the learning of motor skills. It is
the parallel bers. These rows of parallel bers travel easy to see how such a system might be useful in the ac-
in a plane perpendicular to the parallel rows of Purkinje quisition of cognitive skills as well. Fiez and colleagues
cells (hence the lattice structure). Each parallel ber (1992) suggest that the cerebellum may play a role in
synapses on the dendrites of multiple Purkinje cells, error detection or in the ability to learn from errors. The
and each Purkinje cell receives input from as many as cerebellar patient on whom they report seemed oblivi-
200,000 parallel bers, the highest convergence ratio in ous to his errors and showed an abnormal lack of im-
the nervous system. A message conveyed by a single provement with practice. In a similar vein, Ghez (1991)
parallel ber is relayed to successive Purkinje cells at has talked about the cerebellums involvement in com-
precise, minutely different temporal intervals. paring intention and performance. Thach (1998) specu-
Cerebellar cortex can be thought of as being con- lates that the cerebellum may provide the mechanism
structed of modules perpendicular to the cortical sur- for combining response elements into larger groupings,
face and parallel to each other (Ito, 1984; Leiner, so that a coordinated response is elicited in a contextu-
Leiner, & Dow, 1991). The basic circuitry of each mod- ally-appropriate way. Leiner and colleagues (1991) and
ule is similar to that of every other cerebellar module Schmahmann (1996) propose that the cerebellum may
(Bloedel, 1992), but each has its own unique set of in- serve to enable other parts of the brain to perform their
puts and outputs. Rather than evolve entirely new functions more efciently or optimally.
structures to subserve cognitive functions, it would Certainly there are many reports that performance
make sense if nature built upon what was already is slower and more variable, inaccurate, and effortful
there. Thus, it would make sense if evolution built in the absence of cerebellar input. This is true whether
upon the exquisitely precise and intricate cerebellar one is talking about cognitive functions, such as shift-
modules, recruiting existing ones, or adding addi- ing attention (Courchesne et al., 1994), or motor func-
tional ones, to help serve cognitive functions. tions (Holmes, 1939). Courchesne et al. (1994) propose
There is no question that the neocerebellum is in- that the neocerebellum aids cognitive performance by
volved in motor learning (Glickstein & Yeo, 1990; learning to precisely predict the occurrence of antici-
Houk, Buckingham, & Barto, 1996; Ito, 1984). Since all pated stimuli and by improving sensitivity so that
forms of learning share many requirements, it is not those stimuli can be perceived even in the presence of
unreasonable that the neocerebellum might partici- noise. Thus, for example, in the superior colliculus
pate in other forms of learning as well. In motor learn- neuronal ring to a visual stimulus is enhanced when
ing, cerebellar neurons are most active during the the stimulus is preceded by stimulation of the neocer-
early stages of learning a task (Flament, Ellermann, ebellum and, in the presence of background luminance
Ugurbil, & Ebner, 1994; Friston, Frith, Passingham, sufcient to reduce collicular responding to noise,
Liddle, & Frankowiak, 1992; van Mier et al., 1994) or stimulation of the cerebellum enables collicular re-
when conditions change. For example, Purkinje cell sponding to demonstrate consistent visual target de-
ring is signicantly greater when a participant moves tection (Crispino & Bullock, 1984).
a handle against a novel load than against a known Finally, Ivry and Keele (Ivry, 1993; Ivry & Keele,
load (Gilbert & Thach, 1977). Similarly, prism adapta- 1989; Keele & Ivry, 1990) have a well-developed the-
tion (i.e., reaching with the novel visual input pro- ory that the lateral hemispheres of the cerebellum
vided by prisms) is impaired in patients with cerebel- perform critical timing functions important for motor,
lar damage (Weiner, Hallett, & Funkenstein, 1983). sensory, and cognitive tasks. For example, certain
Once a motor task is no longer novel, cerebellar r- modules of the cerebellum are critical for learning
ing decreases. Neuroimaging studies (cited in the rst and/or retention of the classically conditioned eye-
section above) are nding that on cognitive tasks, too, blink response (Clark, McCormick, Lavond, & Thomp-
the cerebellum is most active when the task is novel or son, 1984; Woodruff-Pak, Logan, & Thompson, 1990).
Adele Diamond 47

Ivry and Keele hypothesize that the reason for this is EVIDENCE FROM DEVELOPMENTAL
that the lateral cerebellum is critical for measuring the DISORDERS, A: MOTOR PROBLEMS FOUND IN
time interval between the warning stimulus (a tone) CHILDREN WITH COGNITIVE DISORDERS
and the noxious stimulus (an air puff), and in using
Motor coordination problems are common in
that temporal calculation so that the eye blinks at
exactly the right moment. Precise timing is critical children with Attention Decit Hyperactivity Disor-
here for if the eye blinks too late it fails to protect the der (ADHD), although the cognitive decits associ-
eye, and if it occurs too early, the blink ends before ated with this disorder have received far more atten-
the airpuff is presented and again fails to protect the tion. At least half of all ADHD children have poor
eye. Acquisition of the conditioned eyeblink response motor coordination and t the diagnosis for devel-
depends crucially upon the cerebellar cortex and the opmental coordination disorder (Barkley, DuPaul, &
interpositus nucleus (Chen, Bao, Lockard, & Kim, McMurray, 1990; Denckla & Rudel, 1978; Gillberg,
1996; Chen, Bao, & Thompson, 1999; Kim & Thomp- 1995; Hartsough & Lambert, 1985; Hellgren, Gill-
son, 1997; Thompson, 1990; Thompson et al., 1997; berg, Gillberg, & Enerskog, 1993; Kadesjo & Gill-
Yeo & Hardiman, 1992). This has been demonstrated berg, 1998; Piek, Pitcher, & Hay, 1999; Stewart, Pitts,
in humans by PET (Logan & Grafton, 1995) and by Craig, & Dieruf, 1966; Szatmari, Offord, & Boyle,
work with patients with cerebellar damage or atro- 1989). AHDH children tend to have motor problems
phy (Daum et al., 1993; Solomon, Stowe, & Pendle- associated with cerebellar dysfunction (e.g., prob-
bury, 1989; Topka, Valls-Sole, Massaquoi, & Hallett, lems with balance, with rapid alternating move-
1993). ments, and with consistently producing movements
That infants show robust conditioning even in the of the correct distance or correct timing) as well as
rst couple months of life (e.g., Fagen & Rovee-Collier, motor problems with less specic bases (e.g., poor
1982; Rovee-Collier, 1990, 1997), might lead one to handwriting). Four studies report nding the cere-
wonder if the role of the cerebellum in the classically bellum to be smaller in ADHD boys than in normal
conditioned eyeblink response is inconsistent with controls (Berquin et al., 1998; Castellanos 1997; Cas-
evidence that the neocerebellum does not reach full tellanos et al., 1996; Mostofsky et al., 1998). Rapo-
maturity until at least puberty. It is not inconsistent port (personal communication) reports that, in their
for several reasons. First, infants are not very good at MRI study of over 200 children, the largest differ-
acquiring the classically conditioned eyeblink re- ence in the brains of ADHD and non-ADHD chil-
sponse (Ivkovich, Collins, Eckerman, Krasnegor, & dren is the smaller cerebellum in ADHD children.
Stanton, 1999; Lipsitt, 1990). Second, even if the neo- For example, Kadesjo and Gillberg found that
cerebellum does subserve functions that aid condi- roughly 50% of the ADHD children in their Swedish
tioning during infancy, that would still be consistent sample also met the diagnosis for developmental co-
with the neocerebellum not reaching full maturity for ordination disorder, and 50% of the children with
another 10 years or so. A brain system that is not fully
developmental coordination disorder met the diag-
developed can subserve certain functions early in de-
nosis for ADHD.
velopment and more sophisticated functions later in
Movement decits are also evident in children
development when it is more mature (e.g., Diamond,
with dyslexia or specic language disorder, although
Prevor, Callender, & Druin, 1997). Third, there is no
of course the decits that have been focused upon in
evidence that the forms of conditioning that are ro-
bust in early infancy (e.g., the conjugately reinforced these children are in the linguistic domain. Children
footkick response to cause an appealing mobile to who are dyslexic, like children who are clumsy, have
move) depend upon the cerebellum, much less the difculties with continuous tapping tasks compared
neocerebellum. It has been demonstrated that the cer- to same-aged peers (Geuze & Kalverboer, 1994; Wolff,
ebellum is critical for aversive conditioning of reex- Michel, Ovrut, & Drake, 1990). Wolff and colleagues
ive responses to noxious stimuli (the eyeblink re- note in particular a problem with timing precision on
sponse to an airpuff to the eye and the leg exion bimanual tasks that require the integration of asyn-
response to footshock), but the cerebellum is not in- chronous responses. Timing precision is a function
volved in all forms of conditioning. A case in point is that has been attributed to the cerebellum (e.g., Ivry,
autonomic conditioning (electrodermal responses to Keele, & Diener, 1988; Keele & Ivry, 1990). Hill and
an impending airpuff to the eye or heartrate condi- colleagues report that children with specic language
tioning to impending shock), which does not require disorder show a decit in the production of familiar
the cerebellum (e.g., Daum & Schugens, 1996; Daum hand postures similar to that seen in children with de-
et al., 1993; Lavond, Lincoln, McCormick, & Thomp- velopmental coordination disorder (Hill, Bishop, &
son, 1984). Nimmo-Smith, 1998).
48 Child Development

Many investigators have also reported movement frontal cortex are more susceptible than other brain
disturbances in children who are autistic (for a review regions to damage from intrathecal chemotherapy for
see Leary & Hill, 1996). For example, even among leukemia during early childhood. These investigators
high functioning autistic individuals and those with attribute this vulnerability to the protracted period of
a more benign variant of autism (Aspergers syn- postnatal maturation of the neocerebellum and pre-
drome), Manjiviona and Prior (1995) found that 67% frontal cortex.
and 50% respectively showed a clinically signicant Several studies report nding the cerebellum, es-
level of motor impairment. Hughes (1996) found pecially posteriorally, to be smaller in boys with
young people with autism to have problems in exe- ADHD than in typically developing boys of the
cuting goal-directed motor acts even in very simple same age (Berquin et al., 1998; Castellanos et al.,
situations. Slavoff and Bonvillian (1997) report that all 1996; Mostofsky, Reiss, Lockhart, & Denckla, 1998).
of the autistic children they tested scored below age Similarly, several studies report nding signicant
norms on the Peabody Developmental Motor Scales. reductions in the size of frontal cortex: Casey et al.
Page and Boucher (1998) studied 25 autistic children (1997), Castellanos et al. (1996), and Filipek et al.
and found that 55% had manual impairments and (1997) all report volumetric analyses of structural
18% had additional gross motor impairments. magnetic resonance (MR) scans showing a signi-
To be sure, motor impairments are not the most cant size reduction in frontal cortex in ADHD chil-
prominent characteristic of ADHD, dyslexia, specic dren compared to healthy controls. Hynd, Semrud-
language disorder, or autism. The point is simply that Clikeman, Lorys, Novey, and Eliopulos (1990) found
along with the prominent cognitive decits apparent an absence in ADHD children of the right-greater-
in these disorders many children appear to have con- than-left frontal asymmetry found in normally de-
comitant motor problems, and the suggestion is that veloping children.
perhaps the cognitive and motor systems are not as Functional neuroimaging studies show unusual
totally separate as has traditionally been thought. prefrontal cortex activity in persons with ADHD. Re-
To be sure, as well, cognitive and motor strengths duced prefrontal activity has been reported in both
or weaknesses do not always co-vary. For example, children and adults with ADHD (in children: Amen,
not all ADHD children have motor impairments and Paldi, & Thisted, 1993, using SPECT [blood ow]; in
not all children with a disorder of motor coordination adults: Zametkin et al., 1990, using PET [cerebral
have cognitive impairments. One of many possible glucose utilization]). Elevated prefrontal activity in
reasons for the diversity in outcomes is the marked ADHD children has also been reported (Vaidya et al.,
segregation and specicity of inputs and outputs 1998, using functional magnetic resonance imaging
within the cerebellum. Even within a single cerebellar (fMRI) [blood oxygen uptake]). Thus far, I have seen no
nucleus, different subregions of dorsolateral prefron- studies of cerebellar activation in ADHD individuals.
tal cortex (Areas 46 and 9) project to, and receive pro- In vivo evidence of a reduced cerebellum in autis-
jections from, different subregions of the nucleus. For tic individuals has been reported by two independent
example, the most ventral portions of the dentate nu- groups of researchers (Courchesne, Hesselink, Jerni-
cleus of the cerebellum project to Area 46 whereas pro- gan, & Yeung-Courchesne, 1987; Courchesne, Yeung-
jections to Area 9 arise rostrocaudally in the middle Courchesne, Press, Hesselink, & Jernigan, 1988; Gaffney,
third of the dentate nucleus (Middleton & Strick, 1997). Kuperman, Tsai, & Minchin, 1987; Gaffney, Kuper-
Other cerebellar modules do not project to dorsolateral man, Tsai, Minchin, & Hassanein, 1988). Others, too,
prefrontal cortex at all. Because of the different neural have reported cerebellar hypoplasia in autistic indi-
systems in which different modules of the cerebellum viduals (Bauman & Kemper, 1985; Murakami, Cour-
participate, it is easy to see how dysfunctions that have chesne, Press, Yeung-Courchesne, & Hesselink, 1989).
slightly different regional extents within the cerebel- Indeed, in a review of numerous studies, Courchesne
lum might produce very different outcomes. (1991) found consistent evidence of pathology in the
neocerebellum, especially the posterior lobe and lob-
ules VI and VII of the vermis, in autistic individuals.
It should be noted, however, that not all studies have
found cerebellar abnormalities or dysfunction in au-
tistic children (Ekman et al., 1991; Minshew, Luna, &
Sweeney, 1999).
Ciesielski, Harris, Hart, and Pabst (1997) and Lesnik, Zilbovicius et al. (1995) report delayed maturation
Ciesielski, Hart, and Sanders (1998) report that the of frontal cortex in autistic children. They investi-
cerebellum (especially the posterior lobe) and pre- gated the metabolic maturation of frontal cortex us-
Adele Diamond 49

ing regional cerebral blood ow. They found hypo- a poverty of spontaneous movement) and hypertonia
perfusion in frontal cortex in autistic children 3 to 4 (muscle rigidity), whereas loss of cell bodies in the cau-
years of age, similar to the pattern of perfusion seen in date, characteristic of Huntingtons chorea, is associ-
much younger normal children. Chugani et al. (1997) ated with hyperkinesia (excessive movement, often in
report asymmetries of serotonin synthesis in frontal jerky bursts and performed involuntarily) and hypoto-
cortex, the thalamus, and the dentate nucleus of the nia (decreased muscle tone) (e.g., Albin, Young, & Pen-
cerebellum in autistic boys. They found decreased se- ney, 1989; Bowen, 1976; Halliday et al., 1998).
rotonin synthesis in frontal cortex and the thalamus The caudate is the major output structure of dorso-
and increased serotonin synthesis in the contralateral lateral prefrontal cortex (e.g., Selemon & Goldman-
cerebellum. Rakic, 1985, 1988). Prefrontal cortex and the caudate
This last nding reminds us that prefrontal cortex nucleus are critical elements in a neural circuit (see,
and the neocerebellum are interconnected parts of a e.g., Alexander, DeLong, & Strick, 1986). Damage to
neural system and that a dysfunction in one compo- the caudate, as in Parkinsons disease, often produces
nent of the system can affect the other components. cognitive decits similar to those found after prefron-
Hua and Houk (1997) have proposed a model whereby tal damage (Lees & Smith, 1983; Owen et al., 1992;
the cerebellum aids in the development of premotor Pantelis et al., 1997; Taylor, Saint-Cyr, & Lang, 1987;
cortex. One could imagine a similar model of how Taylor, Saint-Cyr, Lang, & Kenny, 1986; for reviews,
dysfunction in the subregions of the cerebellum con- see Lang, Paul, Robbins, & Marsden, 1993; Taylor,
nected with prefrontal cortex might impair the proper Saint-Cyr, & Lang, 1990). It should be noted, however,
development of prefrontal cortex. A nal possible that some of the cognitive decits associated with
reason for why abnormalities in both the neocerebel- Parkinsons disease and with prefrontal pathology
lum and prefrontal cortex might occur in the same appear to be dissociable (Owen et al., 1993; Robbins et
disorders is that, because both prefrontal cortex and al., 1994). In addition to the neuroanatomical abnor-
the neocerebellum have an extended period of matu- malities found in frontal cortex and the cerebellum in
ration, insults too late in development to affect the ADHD children, studies report size reductions and re-
maturation of other neural structures can have pro- duced leftright asymmetry in the caudate nucleus in
found consequences for both prefrontal and cerebel- ADHD children (Castellanos et al., 1996; Filipek et al.,
lar development. 1997; Hynd et al., 1993). In addition, four functional
neuroimaging studies report reduced caudate activity
in ADHD children performing a cognitive task com-
pared to age-matched controls (Lou, Henriksen, &
Bruhn, 1990; Lou, Henriksen, Bruhn, Borner, & Nielsen,
1989; Teicher, Ito, Glod, & Barber, 1996; Vaidya et al.,
Although this review has focused on the cerebellum 1998).
as a neuroanatomical structure important for move- Hence, the caudate nucleus, like the cerebellum,
ment that appears (1) to function in a circuit with pre- appears to participate in neural systems important for
frontal cortex, (2) to play a role in cognitive functions, motor and for cognitive functions. The caudates roles
and (3) to be affected in children with cognitive neu- in both functions, and the critical role of dopamine in
rodevelopmental disorders, a similar argument could both functions and in the functions of both prefrontal
be made with reference to the caudate nucleus. The cortex and the caudate nucleus (on dopamine and pre-
caudate nucleus is a C-shaped structure that roughly frontal cortex, see, e.g., Diamond, 1996; Goldman-
parallels the lateral ventricle. It is considered part of Rakic, Lidow, Smiley, & Williams, 1992; Lewis, Foote,
the collection of structures known as the striatum, Goldstein, & Morrison, 1988; Williams & Goldman-
which in turn is part of the neural system known as Rakic, 1995; on dopamine and the caudate, see, e.g., Aosaki,
the basal ganglia. The basal ganglia, and the caudate Graybiel, & Kimura, 1994; Graybiel, 1990; Kostowski,
specically, is important for movement control, such 1972), provide additional reasons why cognitive devel-
as selecting the proper movement, the appropriate opment and motor development may be more inter-
muscles to perform a movement, or the appropriate twined than has been previously appreciated.
force with which to execute the movement (e.g., De-
Long & Georgopoulos, 1981; Groves, 1983; Stelmach
& Worringham, 1988). For example, reduced dopa-
mine in the caudate, and in the basal ganglia more gen- Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex subserves cognitive
erally, as occurs in Parkinsons disease, is often associ- functions such as enabling us to hold information in
ated with akinesia (difculty initiating movements and mind so that we can remember what it is we are sup-
50 Child Development

posed to do, to work with the information held in of the neocerebellum and dorsolateral prefrontal cor-
mind to organize and reorganize it, to resist distrac- tex during performance of cognitive tasks. When pre-
tion and stay on task, to resist the temptation to respond frontal activation is increased on a task, cerebellar
too early, and to inhibit one action that might perhaps activation is increased in the contralateral hemi-
be our rst inclination when another behavior is more sphere, and when prefrontal activation is decreased,
appropriate. All of these cognitive functions are clearly cerebellar activation is decreased in the contralateral
important for skilled motor performance. Thus, it hemisphere, although motor demands remain con-
makes sense that not only may the cerebellum and stant. It appears that the cerebellum may not only
striatum play a role in cognition, but dorsolateral pre- subserve motor function, but may play a role in cog-
frontal cortex may contribute to motor performance. nition as well. Conversely, prefrontal cortex, through
Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex has extensive intercon- its connections with cortical and subcortical centers
nections with regions of frontal cortex more directly important for movement control, may play a role in
involved in motor functions such as premotor cortex motor function, not simply in cognition.
and the supplementary motor area (SMA) (on premo-
tor cortex, see Barbas & Pandya, 1987; Dum & Strick, ACKOWLEDGMENT
1991; Kunzle, 1978; on SMA, see Tanji, 1994; Wiesen-
danger, 1981). Premotor cortex is important for func- The author would like to acknowledge the support
tions such as the planning of, preparation for, and provided by National Institutes of Health grant R01
sensory guidance of movement (e.g., Goldberg, 1987; #HD35453.
Humphrey, 1979; Passingham, 1985, 1988; Wise, 1985).
SMA is important for functions such as bimanual co- ADDRESS AND AFFILIATION
ordination and the generation and execution of motor
sequences (e.g., Brinkman, 1984; Dick, Benecke, Roth- Corresponding author: Adele Diamond, Center for
well, Day, & Marsden, 1986; Gaymard, Pierrot-Deseil- Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, Eunice Ken-
ligny, & Rivaud, 1990; Goldberg, 1985; Orgogozo & nedy Shriver Center, 200 Trapelo Road, Waltham, MA
Larsen, 1979; Roland, Larsen, Larsen, & Skinhoj, 1980; 02452; e-mail:
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