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I guess "just look at him" doesn't do it for you.

No, no it doesnt do it for me. I do not believe it is acceptable to make sweeping judgments about
someone just by looking at them.

Theres a local story in Forest Hills from before this campaign

about how he got kicked out of Kew Forest for throwing a
trantrum and throwing a desk out the window. Kew Forest is
known as a private school that's impossible to get kicked out of if
you can afford it ($30-40k a year these days), that's why its a local

He was thrown out of the rich kid school for not getting along with the other stuck up rich kids! OH THE
HUMANITY! He was sent to military school at THIRTEEN by his father, and there are mixed accounts of
him being taken out of school voluntarily. I am no more inclined to believe your LEGEND than I am an
article like this:

Widely cited and poorly sourced. All hearsay, which is sometimes acceptable when talking about person
to person interaction in a historical context, but the author is known to work with the DNC, so many
grains of salt.

Michael Barbaro

And there are mixed reports of his progress after Kew Gardens, but overall, it seems like he excelled in
the rigorous meritocracy that was military school.

I'll post a few things from google becasue you seem to like that
kind of thing.
I chose the articles I did because they cite PRIMARY SOURCES. What happened to journalistic integrity
or ethics?

All the nice cutesy little ethics that used to get talked about in journalism school, you're just like, that's
adorable. That's adorable. This is a business." -John Bonifield, CNN Supervising Producer

To start, I'd like to raise the issue of climate change and how
Trump seems to be intent on destroying the world by stocking the
EPA full of climate deniers. This is the most important issue
except for possibly the corruption that causes this madness to
happen. That alone is enough reason to lean Democrat over
The EPA doesnt do what you think it does. And pollution isnt exactly what people understand it to
be. When I was in highschool, reading 30 year old science textbooks, I knew even then, that a great deal
of what I was being taught was already out of date. The publics perception of the state of climate
science hasnt moved in almost two decades. Science DOES NOT, move that slow. Certainly not in this
day and age.

And science doesnt give a shit about consensus. All this settled science garbage is counter to what it
means to be scientific. No theory is valid scientifically unless it is falsifiable. A single man with a radical
idea is often the way forward.

The EPA hardly does any scientific research at all:

Here is a partial timeline of the Colorado River fiasco.

(92 million on FUCKING FURNITURE?!)

Climate change as it relates to CO2 paranoia has become dogma.

Each of these gases can remain in the atmosphere for different amounts of time, ranging from a few
years to thousands of years. All of these gases remain in the atmosphere long enough to become well
mixed, meaning that the amount that is measured in the atmosphere is roughly the same all over the
world, regardless of the source of the emissions.

This is from the EPA website and is a lie. CO2, is denser than air. It cannot be called a well mixed gas
because it will fall out of suspension (and it doesnt take long at all for that to happen, just get yourself
some dry ice to play with). This is one of the reasons Mars has a thin CO2 atmosphere, the lighter gas
elements have been stripped away by the solar wind. This is basic science. And the statement that the
amount is roughly the same around the world is refuted by NASAs own imaging equipment.

Similar arguments can be made toward the heat trapping effect of CO2.

The specific heat content of CO2 is just not high enough for that effect to take place.

Mixed gases cause more of a cooling effect also.

The emissivity of the water vapor decreased by 0.0872 units. Evidently, the mixture of oxygen, carbon
dioxide and water vapor, at current conditions of temperature and partial pressures, causes a sensible
decrease of the total emissivity of the mixture of air. The general conclusion is that by adding any gas
with total emissivity/absorptivity lower than the total emissivity/absorptivity of the main
absorber/emitter in the mixture of gases makes that the total emissivity/absorptivity of the mixture of
gases decreases. In consequence, the carbon dioxide and the oxygen at the overlapping absorption
spectral bands act as mitigating factors of the warming of the atmosphere, not as intensifier factors of
the total absorptivity/emissivity of the atmosphere.

The Greenhouse effect is also misinterpreted by proponents of catastrophic climate change.

Greenhouses stay warm not by trapping in heat, but by limiting convection (and therefore lessens the
effect of evaporative cooling).

Also, fraud in climate science is very real.

Everyone understands that dumping large amounts of heavy metals, industrial waste, and nuclear waste
in our water supply is homicidal. No one, right or left, wants to end up like China or India.

Corporate dems don't do enough to fight pollution, but at least

they say they beleive in science.
They dont do anything to fight pollution and they abuse scientific ideas and the populaces poor
understanding of science to make people believe that they believe in science. Youre talking about the
party of born this way AND gender is a social construct. You cannot have it both ways. Those ideas
are fundamentally incompatible.

The regressive left, particularly the social constructionists who are in power, ignore evolutionary
psychology and evolutionary biology (especially as they relate to gender roles and sexual dimorphism)
outright. Labeling anyone who dares speak on the subject as a racist misogynist transphobe. They
only care about being pro-science in so far as it is relevant to their legislative pursuits. And if you look
at the fields they choose to care about its pretty much just global climate change (especially the
dangers of CO2), Darwinian evolution as a counter to the young earth creationists of the radical right
(they out right ignore the rest of evolutionary theory, a vast field of study that is completely
contradictory to their social mandates), and technology. Being choosey about the science you support
isnt believing in science.
Right wingers are authoritarians, the left isnt supposed to me.

Astoundingly ignorant statement. Again, the political horseshoe (

Leftwing authoritarian governments killed more people than Nazism. But we all hate the National
Socialists. And everyone knows Mussolini as the fascist dictator of Italy during the same time period,
but few know that he was a Marxist socialist who believed that communism had been corrupted and
saw Fascism as the logical next step. Again, Nationalist SOCIALIST party. Fascism IS the next step after
communism. The extreme right and left wings are identical. The communists have killed more people

Which party is it currently that is fighting for freedom of speech on college campuses?

Listing a bunch of stories rather than trend analysis and numbers

is an easy trap to fall into, such as when Hitler had periodical
press about crimes commited by Jews.
Not like that because they're not implying a larger trend based on
empirical stories of specific events.
What is a trend but a series of data points (empirical evidence), that when taken together can explain
or predict behavior? Im not implying a trend. Im stating it plainly and am using those as a few data
points. You dont need a university study to tell you that violence begets violence. Just a brief look at
the history of the twentieth century should tell you that utopian ideologies kill people. And yes, YES
HAS DONE/SAID XXXX. What the hell is that to you? Youre attempting to predict his success as a
President based on these points! This would be FINE if they were presented with even a basic
semblance of objectivity. But they do not even pretend to be unbiased and some of these journalists
are actively, provably, corrupt!

Some of the events I listed, were enough for the New Jersey Dept of Homeland Security to classify them
as a terrorist organization.

G20 Welcome to Hell
G20 was the largest BlackBlock/Antifa demonstration in history.

There are very rich and powerful entites on the right, so if it was
the case like you seem to think it is I'm absolutely sure you'd be
able to find it.


Published University studies are searchable and finite. If you actually bothered to follow the money,
youd see that the very rich and powerful entities on the right arent involved in the Universities to the
extent that very rich and powerful entities on the left are. I havent searched every database but im
doing it and I have google alerts set up for news related to it. Its also a pretty absurd proposition to
expect there to be a full scale university study on the rise of right wing violence over the past 6 months
to a year.

Here are a couple of things written by some very intelligent people. The first one is an MIT grads
website. The second link has 2 other parts in it also.

No call for violence or terrorism from BLM or Antifa as a group,

just another story about Berkley riots.
Oh, so BLM and Antifa assholes just show up en-masse accidentally? Someone has to organize these
people to action. We usually call those people Community Organizers.

Even though we're not talking about them, BAMN doesn't

explicitly condone or call for violence.
By Any Means Necessary

Yeah they do. Their members even commit violence.

Mayor of Berkeley

Just about Berkely Riots, also says this: The violence was
sparked by anarchist groups on campus who invaded an otherwise
peaceful student-run event.
I was hoping you actually watched the riots as they were happening,astute political observer that you
are. They were livestreamed across numerous platforms.

Regardless, thats a bald faced lie. There are plenty of videos on youtube. A peaceful free-speech event
organized by people on the political right, mostly Trump supporters and Bernie supporters (classical
liberals, who are now considered right wing), was made into a violent riot by left wing authoritarians,
Antifa, not anarchists. They were organized to action by BAMN.

They incite violence, participate, and when called out, denounce violence and play victim. It works
when people arent paying attention.

About a guy who was arrested for beating people with a bike lock,
not a statement from and organization condoning or supporting
That guy, Eric Clanton, was a staffer at Diablo Valley College. Many of the people who participate in
these riots are students, teachers, and education staff. When do leftist groups start being held
accountable for the actions that come from their ideology? Weve demanded such accountability of the
right, to the point where publically funded groups like SPLC seem to exist solely for this reason.

<sarcasm> At least Trump has shown so much respect for

ordinay people and the poor </sarcasm>
Sometimes, you show respect by not treating people like children. I dont need the government to wipe
my ass. The left has shown absolute and total disrespect to everyone who refuses to bend to their
ideology and dares see the strings attached to their handouts. It was the job of establishment politicians
to just smile and nod regardless of what crap was thrown at them. Trump refuses to do that, and now
half the country sees him as THEIR bully.

You bring up one piece of creative fiction from college, not a

lifetime of asshattery, there's a big difference.

Theres also a big difference between an international business man in the spot light for his entire life
and a no-name senator from Vermont who came to national prominence within the last 2 years.

But if you mean that both are false, then yes, that's exactly what
I mean. Saying the media is lying about Russia is not a winning
argument because I agree with you, and it does not parallel this
very well.
If legacy media is lying about something as profoundly damaging to society as Trump undermining
democracy, what else are they lying about? They arent covering the crimes of HRC or Obama so thats
at least another lie of omission. How much of the crap that people believe about Trump is fabricated or
exaggerated? WHERE THE FUCK ARE THEIR SOURCES?! You have held everything Ive posted to an
absurd standard and not applied that to your own.

And Putin is quite Authoritarian himself

According to an appallingly corrupt neoliberal media.

but I agree he's a goodguy compared to the US when it comes to

middle east foreign policy.
He just has his own interests in mind. Hes on the border of these countries so their stability is in his
interest. They are also in the middle of an energy crisis, hence the pipeline in Syria. He doesnt have to
be good or bad.

Now we have to fear president dipshit nuking the earth.

Last time I checked, it was Iran and N Korea threatening the world with nuclear war. And HRC was the
one selling Uranium to Russia then tried to start a war with them over the hacking. I really dont see
how less interventionism translates to Trumping nuking the earth.

The threat is usually greater than the thing itself. Saul Alinsky

If he stayed in private life his complete lack of character would

hardly bother me.
And HRC was any better? Even Bernie proved unable to weather the realities of presidential Politics.
Who do you want now? Mike Pence? Rex Tillerson? Please, bring on the impeachment process, lets
work our way down the chain of command until we get someone you like. Obama was a snake. Bush
was a snake. Clinton was a snake. Clinton got IMPEACHED for sex scandals! Youre demanding
something unreasonable. The only people who are willing to engage in something as high stakes as
world politics as PotUS are people who have some deep personality quirks. Id rather they be overt.

What about bragging about not paying taxes and saying hes
smart for declaring bankrupcy multiple times? Barak Obama is
wrong, he meant the "American Dream" of being very rich, even
though Trump got his money from his dad. I don't like Obama
either, so not an effective argument.

Spoken like someone who hasnt actually dealt with bankruptcy. There are major differences between
Chapter 7 (youre out of money and your business is nonviable) and Chapter 11 (a restructuring of debt
in a viable business). DJT filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy 4 times. He has like 500 businesses under his
brand. 4 out of 500. Successfully steering a corporation through Chapter 11 is NOT easy.


My current boss nearly lost all his businesses to the government after his wife died (the estate tax is
how the government keeps middleclass entrepreneurs from passing on their wealth). He filed Chapter
11 on the bar they legally owned, that the government was going to take from him and then LIQUIDATE
(16 people would have lost their jobs and I wouldnt have the job I have now), and was able to pay off
the taxes over time out of the profits of the bar. He is 67 year old man; his business is his retirement
plan. He is back in the black now. (For a comparison, find out how much Steve Jobs estate paid when
he died)

As for taxes do you not remember the Rachel Maddow fiasco? He paid more than Bernie Sanders.
Donald Trump got a million from his father. He turned it into 3.5 billion dollars. You dont do that by
being stupid. Look at what happens to people who win the lottery for comparison.

Things Donald Trump has always been awful for:

Tabloid. Amanda Marcotte is a partisan hack I am very familiar with. The USA today series she cites is
more interesting than this article and I believe it does a better job at presenting the argument you wish
to make. I believe this impressively presented and immaculately polished piece of flaming garbage to be
a very good example at the extent of propaganda against Trump. A near perfect example of the Nazi
Propaganda tactics you claim I used.

I jumped down that rabbit hole and 2 days later im still trying to find where their sources are. They just
cite their own articles circularly, present hearsay as fact, and present only a partisan cliff notes version
of what they report to be numerous protracted legal battles. An UNPRECEDENTED!!! amount of legal
battles apparently.

These graphs though.

This is their methodology page. They admit they have no complete primary source record. Almost all
of this series is based on hearsay.

These are the only primary sources cited in the entire series.

A 4800 dollar tax bill.

And information on Trump U

Organizations as large and old as Trumps deal with literal hundreds of law suits every year. The vast
majority are never publicized. Walmart faces some 5000 law suits every year. Whats unprecedented is
someone who has been running a business for as long as he has gaining the presidency. For most
politicians, becoming POTUS is the most lucrative move you can make.

I went to a for profit college for a while. I am acutely aware of the predatory practices. My knowledge
of the law got me some of my money back. Trump U is something I do view as repugnant. However, all
of these articles present single sides of the argument as unassailable fact. THIS IS TABLOID
Hearsay from a tabloid quoting another article that is again, just hearsay. And they cite your next

LITERAL quote mining.

tabloid taking a quote out of context without linking to the original piece.

The author relies on the fact that the vast majority of people havent read Ayn Rand and never will to
frame the interview in as negative a light as possible.

And even fortune resulting to tabloid journalism. Remarks made about individuals are not attacks on
women as a whole. Oh, this is the MOST POWERFUL WOMEN section of Fortune. Now, I get why they
just gloss over the fact that the opposition was married to a President who was impeached for sexual
misconduct and has been accused of rape on numerous occasions. And that HRC slandered those
women into silence.
Youre talking about a guy whos brand is built around his bull headedness. A guy whos personal motto
for making money seems to be, There is no such thing as bad publicity.

Just yesterday at a meeting about the AHCA, his biggest

legislative push, he didn't understand that his bill has tax cuts in
it... when asked about it he said "we'll do tax legislation later". You
have to be doing some kind of mental gymnastics to think he's

Thinkprogress is owned by Center for American Progress. CAP was created by John Podesta in 2003, he
is still CEO as far as im aware. CAP is the Hillary Clinton think tank (George Soros has given CAP millions
of dollars, 5.6m between 2003-2010, I dont remember more recent numbers). You literally just cited
her propaganda.
Again, no sources all the way down, no references to the actual bill, just hearsay and reposted opinions
stolen from other articles which also have no sources and no references to the actual bill. They also
seem to cite themselves circularly. Also, what the fuck does some random blogger know about
healthcare? What would make me take him at his word over someone like Rand Paul (who is an actual
medical doctor). He/She/They are using articles and videos from FEBRUARY AND MARCH to paint the
picture that Trump doesnt understand whats in the bill that released at the end of JUNE. The bill was
amended significantly by Paul Ryan and his cohorts. They dont expect you to even know that there
were two different bills. The first one was released to little fanfare or criticism.
The bill that was pushed in Feb and March by Rand Paul and supported by Trump would enable small
businesses, like the one I run of 13 employees, like the ones that employ anywhere from 20 million to 60
million people (depending on whos numbers you cite), to provide health coverage options to their
employees. It does this by way of tax credits and cuts as well as bolstering options that were previously
regulated out of relevance. The new one is essentially an Obamacare bailout package that doesnt do
what anyone had originally envisioned so now there is pushback from Rand Paul and those I see as real
Republicans. Its an intra-party fight.

Obamacare was over 2200 pages long, I wouldnt expect anyone in the public sector to have read it in its
entirety. That led to stupid shit like this:

The new bills are under 150 pages in length. There is no excuse.

Comey was appointed by Bush, btw.

Only part of the story. Before being appointed to Deputy Attorney General in 2003 by Bush, he was
deputy special counsel to the Whitewater investigation of the Clintons (you know, when Vince Foster
ended up suicided). He was appointed to Director of the FBI by Barack in 2013 after working at
Lockheed for a while. Bush, Obama, and the Clintons are part of the same power structure.

The Right esposes the virtues of unfettered wealth and tells

people tax cuts for the rich will help them
Republicans and Trump are all about cutting taxes for the rich
and calling it freedom. The Deomcrats pay lipservice to reversing
the trend and then continue it.

The left tells other people on the left that this is what the rights platform is while at the same time
espousing the virtues of unfettered taxation and tells people that the government will solve all their
problems. What the fuck are people gonna do with a 15 dollar minimum wage after they raise taxes to
pay for Obamacare that currently needs 200 billion in bailouts in order to stay barely functional? Theyll
be back to taking home 5.50 an hour (after taxes) with a healthcare deductible still in the 5000 range if
youre lucky. More likely, theyll be replaced by a robot and end up living on government assistance.

In reality, Trump has been talking about eliminating income tax for the poor and simplifying the tax
code. The result would be an on paper decrease in taxes for the rich but more companies will be paying
taxes. Look at people like Steve Jobs who pay nothing by abusing loopholes in thousands of pages of tax
code. But more importantly, greater spending power for the low and middle class.

And Trump pays a larger percentage of his income to taxes than Bernie Pay your fair share Sanders

Dont forget that Sanders wife is under investigation for bank fraud and funneling hundreds of
thousands of dollars to their daughter (by way of a college).

Under Obama (who started with a super majority) the

Repblicans openly said they plan to stop everything and anything
he attempted and were respisible for historic obstruction.


Obama faced delays getting judges appointed but ended up almost all his nominations through.

And in the case of Antonin Scalia and Garland

He was about to overturn Affirmative Action. No autopsy, death was confirmed by the coroner over the

The day he was murdered

4 days before (Antonin Scalia was found dead at Cibolo Creek Ranch, which is next to a vineyard)

Maybe the Republicans had a good reason for it.

I believe Neil Gorsuch to be a fine pick for SCOTUS. I watched those confirmations hearings.

Ok, that's not representative of the overwhelming majority of the

republican party, just like lefties that "know" aren't representative
of the overwhelming majority of the democratic party (in both
cases I mean politicians, not the base).
Im not talking about my friends, or people on the right that I know personally. Im talking about the
trends in the dialogue across right wing media, which has been relegated to AM radio, fox news, and the
internet. Its quite clear from our dialogue here, you dont read anything from the right at all. This
would be like telling you that the left is aware of income inequality.

Right wing media was substantially more even handed and informative in coverage of Bernie Sanders
than the left wing MSM machine ever tried to be. People like Paul Ryan, John McCain, Lindsey Graham,
people that the left LOVES to hate, are called out just as often there. Their histories and actions are
brought up routinely, often in a negative context.

I would argue the Democrats have lost all those special elections,
especially with Ossoff, because they run corrupt corporate Dems
and smell of bullshit supresses any base that would turn up to
Yea, thats part of it. A low resolution look at the trend. But at the county level, Ossoff lost because
he didnt live in the district he was running for. That piece of information that was passed around by
way of a sustained social media campaign. T

Just follow the money

and look how they legislate.
Look at how who legislates? This is another vague generality that is unassailable because it has no
substance, its just smoke. You assume they (republicans, a political party that is CLEARLY deeply
fractured, RINOs vs Trump conservatives) are working against you legislatively. Why, who, how? BE

Show me some good republican bills that have helped poor people
or small dollar funded campaigns and I'll bite.
Why is income inequality greatest in major metropolitan cities run by democratic dynasties?

Do you REALLY think these social welfare initiatives do anything they aim to do? Do you not think there
might be unintended (or possibly intended) side effects? What is good? What is helping someone
to you? There doesnt seem to be any evidence that supports the idea that most well meaning social
welfare programs achieve their desired outcome. The social constructivist idea that gender is a social
construct is being written into law in Canada. The gender pronoun battle is just the tip of the iceberg.
This idea is absolutely contrary to everything we know about biology and the horrifying results of this
idea are just now starting to make themselves know. Universal Basic Income is a solution for income
inequality but it offers no solutions for the numerous psychological problems associated with a person
not being productive, not everyone is inclined to just play video games all day and collect a paycheck.
The left believes alleviating responsibility is helping people. Its not. Giving people the tools to deal with
the innumerable unique and mundane responsibilities that will invariably form the breadth of
experience of ones life is. I approve whole heartedly of Besty Devos ideas on school choice. Modern
government education teaches children and young adults absolutely nothing of value. We knew this
when we were in school. Do you think anything changed?

People dont need government bills to help them out of poverty. That is the platform of the right, less
government interference, not more. When I was going to school here in Texas, I was given the choice of
attending magnet schools because of my test scores. When I got to NY, the school system was so
overloaded, I had to break the law to go to a better high school. Dropping out early and getting my GED
proved to be more useful to me than staying in. If it wasnt for my family losing their income to the
economic recession, I would have started college BEFORE I was set to graduate, WITH scholarships and
grants! I was only expected to pay for my room and board.

You keep assuming Im making the argument that the Republicans are good. I have nothing but scorn
for the Bush type spineless corporate thugs who fund endless regime change in the middle east and
africa. But there are fewer corrupt individuals on the right, because they arent bound by post-modern
ideology. But, lets go down a list of things that Trump has done since inauguration that have helped
poor individuals (and I dont believe Trump to be a standard republican, he was and still is hated by the
RINOs). Clearly he seems set on helping out low income people in Americas rust belt. Those people
have little to no access to the social welfare programs available to people in urban centers. And if you
look at who illegal immigration harms the most, it isnt poor whites in the rust belt as portrayed on TV.
Its actually the poor blacks who have no job training and dismal education rates. EPA regulations that
shut down mining operations in the American Midwest for NO GOOD REASON destroyed numerous
rural economies.
This is a list of things Trump has done since getting into office that I think will help poor Americans. The
media went ape shit over the Dodd Frank and the death tax repeal, but the more you look into issues
like those, the more you understand that these are regulations that have hurt upward mobility among
the portion of the middle class that has managed to accrue enough wealth to pass on. Small business
owners specifically. I also believe Rand Pauls healthcare bill was pretty good. Certainly would have
helped me provide more for my employees.


2017/04/21 E.O. #13,789 ID AND REDUCE TAX REG BURDENS
2017/02/28 E.O. #13,778 REVIEWING "WATERS OF THE US" RULE
2017/02/03 P.M. #00,011 FIDUCIARY DUTY RULE REVIEW
2017/01/25 E.O. #13,767 BUILD THE WALL +ICE +BORDER PATROL
2017/01/24 P.M. #00,004 ONLY AMERICAN PIPES/STEEL
2017/01/23 P.M. #00,003 END TPP
2017/01/20 E.O. #13,765 END ACA PENALTY

What is small dollar to you? When I look at the Clintons taking literal hundreds of millions of dollars
from Russian energy corporations for access to US uranium production, or literal hundreds of millions
from Saudi oil barrons, $5,000 dollars to a PAC for insider Scott Pruitt from numerous big energy
corporations seems like pennies.

There was of course the Handel vs Ossoff special election. He spent 6 or 7 times what she did.
And the right is almost entirely composed of grassroots organizations. They get ZERO MSM exposure.
Seriously, how many right wing news stations do you know of? Fox news And who else? And on the
radio? They have been marginalized to just AM stations. Do you know the name Clearchannel? The
legal history of media consolidation is very interesting. And terrifying. The only place where right wing
anything has a substantial presence is on the internet, and even then corporations like Google,
Microsoft, and Amazon are going to great lengths to silence them.

And dont forget, Trump went from socialite-businessman to Present elect in under two years and spent
half of what career politician Hillary Clinton did in 2016.

Bernie Sanders was certainly an interesting phenomenon though. I really hope people pay close enough
attention to politics that they get involved like they did with him. 27 bucks goes a long way.

So you don't think Trump has more of his family around than
other presdents at all?
family tree is not THAT big. His two sons are running his company as per the same mechanism that
satisfied the constitutional law as interpreted during Jimmy Carters presidency. Even though she isnt
usually involved in the actual writing of policy, the First Lady is a universally important figure. We have
already discussed his Daughter and Son in Law (and considering the complete 180 on Syria, Im giving
Trump a bit more slack). Tiffany isnt apart of anything. Barron isnt apart of anything, hes a child.
Neither of his ex-wives are a part of anything. Thats it man. His staff is also relatively small. Like 2/3rd
the size of Obamas. Ivanka has done literally nothing but try to be a decent human being since getting
into the white house. If her situation is not illegal, just unusual, then I have no problem with it, yet. This
entire election cycle has been a 3 ring circus.

Is that all fake news?

YES MOTHERFUCKER. YES. Donald Trump is worth 3.5 BILLION dollars. HRC spent a THIRD of his TOTAL
NETWORTH IN THE 2016 ELECTION. They havent stopped the campaign. Project Veritas has been
doing good work lately. Do your own research. The media is lying blatantly when they can get away
with it and misleading you when they cant.
And as I've mentioned, we've all been quite content to demean government, drop civics and in general
conspire to produce an unaware and compliant citizenry. The unawareness remains strong but
compliance is obviously fading rapidly. This problem demands some serious, serious thinking - and not
just poll driven, demographically-inspired messaging.

Aside from the family ties, he and Obama (and every presidency
I've followed since Clinton) filled their cabinets with industry
insiders. Corrupt through and through.
Industry insiders
People who are qualified for the positions they are being appointed.

Who are your alternatives for his picks? Kids fresh out of college?
Scott Pruitt for example, was funded to the tune of 400k by big energy (max donations were $5,000).
He has sued the EPA numerous times. I believe the EPA to be extensively corrupt. Therefore, I am
interested in seeing what someone who is so critical of the EPA is capable of doing.

What industry insiders are you worried about and why? Rex Tillerson? Steve Mnuchin? Ive been
weary of these two guys specifically since they were named, and overall, Im actually pretty surprised at
what theyve done so far.

But these vague generalities are useless in real analysis. Any argument I make would be based on
numerous assumptions about your exposure to the facts. Essentially, statements like these force me to
erect strawmen to argue for you.

What is corruption to you? The more I examine your arguments the more it seems to boil down to
people who have more money than me.

Sell his company, put all his assests in a blind trust. Not rocket
You are asking for TWO different things here. A) Sell his company. B) put them in a blind trust.
They are MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE. Putting them in a blind trust means you get them back after a period of
time. Selling your companies means you have no legal rights to them after they are sold. It would be an
OBVIOUSLY DANGEROUS situation if he remained the CEO of his organizations WHILE also being the
President of the United States. THAT is not Rocket science. The LAW is infinitely more complex than
rocket science, because its written by ASSHOLES OF GREAT INTELLECT.

Youre attempting somehow to invoke the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution, article 1, section 9,
clause 8.

No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or
Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office,
or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.

Jimmy Carter was forced to sell his peanut fram to avoid the
appearance of corruption.
This is a blatant media lie. Fake news.

Jimmy Carter placed his farm in a blind trust, managed by his Mother and his Brother. He even lost a
million dollars due to mismanagement after it was returned to him.
Donald Trump has placed his organizations in a blind trust, managed by his two sons. If it was enough to
satisfy the courts for Carter, is it not enough now?

The media argues that its not blind enough.

Or say, He refused to sell, blind trust isnt enough, nepotism somehow
He's supposed to work for us.
Well, he isnt taking his presidential salary, so were not exactly paying him in the traditional sense. This
was, of course, to try and satisfy the media hawks and double down on satisfying the constitutional
emoluments clause. Hes not getting money from his corporate assets and hes donating his salary. As
far as I am aware, aside from the government paying for the things they usually do (travel and what
not), hes living on his own substantial savings.

And no, he isnt supposed to be working for us, hes supposed to be working for his voters. They
voted him in, not you or I. There hasnt been a president in my lifetime that has worked for us and no
one seemed care. Hes working for a solid chunk of the country and now everyone wants him

The presidency is much more important than his shitty

companies and awful brand.
Your feelings, about HIS private property, are irrelevant . I dont wear his clothes, his cologne, I dont
stay in his hotels, I never gave a shit about his show. I dont give a shit about his brand either, BUT there
are constitutional limits to what the government can compel an individual to do with their property. As
long as the Emoluments clause is satisfied, there is nothing else to be done.

Trumps policies are failing becasue they are deeply unpopular

and he's amazingly supid and incompetent.

There is no greater disaster than to underestimate the enemy

--Lao Tzu

Unemployment is dropping. National deficit is dropping. Stock markets have been climbing to record
highs. Consumer confidence and manufacturer confidence are experiencing the same upward trends.
What are his failures exactly? He hasnt passed an Obamacare repeal yet (how long did it take to get
enacted in the first place)? What policies are unpopular among what group of people (and polls are
tricky because oversampling liberals/democrats is very real)? You present MORE SWEEPING
generalizations as fact without any support at all! All Ive seen from is a handful of links filled with
opinions. His rallies are STILL gathering thousands of people.

Control the political discourse. So much effort over the past few years has been focused on better
coordinating, strengthening, and developing progressive institutions and leaders. Now that this
enhanced infrastructure is in placegrassroots organizing; multi-issue advocacy groups; think tanks;
youth outreach; faith communities; micro-targeting outfits; the netroots and blogospherewe need to
better utilize these networks to drive the content of politics through a strong echo chamber and
message delivery system.
Progressive Media will serve as a communications and messaging nerve center for the progressive
movement. We will create a robust echo chamber with messaging that spans from independent groups,
to progressive partisans, to grassroots organizers, to the netroots. We will align messaging across
broadcast and cable TV, radio, print, Internet, single-issue and advocacy organizations, progressive
media, surrogates and new media.

Start being specific and do your own research if you want a real discussion.

You really think Hillary is uniquely worse than other high level
DC insiders?

No. I think the American people are in a unique position to prosecute a few of the worst offenders. You
pick your battles and fight on the grounds on which you can stand LEGALLY. And we have LEGALLY
COMPELLING EVIDENCE IN THE PUBLIC ARENA. But the advantage must be pushed, and I see too many
people, like yourself, who have resigned themselves to defeat because Donald Trump rustles their

Her leaked emails revealed pretty much nothing an astute

political observer didn't already know
The barrier of entry to understanding the political landscape cannot be overcome by passively
observing. People in the media are lying to you routinely, and they expect you to continue covering for
them with lines like this.

another reason the "Russia hacking" story is bs. We knew she

was pay to play, we knew she was corrupt, they all are, thats how
they got there, thats how the system is set up.
There is a world of difference between what people know intuitively, and what people can prove

There is some circumstantial evidence that the DNC was involved in the assassination of a sitting judge
as linked earlier. And why is Soros Open Society Foundation giving recommendations on replacements?

Podesta for making an example of a suspected leaker (Seth Rich)

DNC Leverage on Bernie Sanders

Sheryl Mills:
Currently, the President personally compensates certain employees to perform duties that fall outside
of the scope of the Foundation entities mission. These employees support the Presidents business,
personal, former president and political activity, while also providing support for Foundation activity (for
which their services are billed to the Foundation

Lindsey Graham:

HR and I had a follow up discussion and HR reminded me that CESC is currently served by the multi plan
benefit network and thus would this new CESC allow it's employees currently accessing CF benefits to
retain those benefits rather than force them to switch to CF. I thought this would be legally difficult if we
are trying to formalize the lines, perception and real, but you all tell me

Chelsea Clinton:

today that Doug reached out to someone at Harry Walker (who represents my father on all speaking
arrangements), to ask for a full list of all his speeches, how much he was paid for each speech, and told
the contact person at Harry Walker that all speeches should now go through him, not Terry Krinivic (the

my father was told today of explicit examples at CGI of Doug/ Teneo pushing for - and receiving - free
memberships - and of multiple examples of Teneo 'hustling' business at CGI - and of people now having
quit at CGI

And then THIS SHIT.

What some context? Have fun.

Who is Laura Silsby? She married a Wade Gayler who worked for the red cross and now goes by the
name Laura Gayler. Why was she a VP at Amber Alert?

Im not ok with this. AT ALL.

How does the DNC controll corporations? They are multi-national

and they fund the DNC. Just follow the money, it doesn't require a
hidden conspiracy, just the open one we are all aware of. Tim
Caine is a good corporate Democrat so thats a signal to the doner
class of "don't worry, no progressives here, your money and power
are safe with us". I pretty much agree with everything everything
else in that paragraph.
A) Not all corporations are multinational. The sheer number of social welfare organizations, or
501(c)(4)s, that DNC members are a part of and in direct control of is staggering. Some are in
that list you barely glossed over. John Podesta is the CEO of Center for American Progress after
all. What do you think the Clinton Foundation is? These are organizations that have a lot of
direct influence on local policy, like education. This is how they can claim to work for the
B) There are other ways to own someone. There is also intimidation, blackmail, extortion, and of
course murder if all else fails.
You can also just ask nicely. I think its become pretty obvious that if you are ideologically
possessed, you have no problem breaking the law to help someone you view as being part of
the cause, they might even give you money at the same time.
C) Follow the money Thats a knee slapper right there.
D) The Koch brothers. Yeah, no one likes them, they are a good chunk of the reason that people
like John McCain stay in power. We know. Voting out the RINOs is part of the plan. Good
people in Washington are the minority.
E) Conspiracy. Im going to get to this point in detail in a second, but since youve said this a
couple of times now.
The act of multiple people planning to commit a crime, is itself a crime in the US, its called
F) Youre right, Tim Caine wasnt supposed to appeal to the left at all. That was Bernies job.
This is when Bernie really found out how badly he had been played. Still kills me.
G) Tim Caine was supposed to be the bridge to unite the GOP and the DNC in the Purple
And by GOP I mean the RINOs (John McCain, Lindsay Graham, John Kasich, Marco Rubio, Ron
Johnson, Paul Ryan, among others). Everyone else was expected to fall in line or suffer the
wrath of HRC. Or deal with the reality of Trump. The threat is usually greater than the thing
itself. Saul Alinsky
H) I believe its also pretty obvious from wikileaks that the media corporations were taking
dictation from the DNC on many levels.

You wanna talk deep conspiracies. What is Marxist in the DNC or

HRC's poltics or platform?
You need to have a public position, and a private position on policy. Hillary Clinton.

You already understand that they only pretend to be for the people. Do you really think the end game is
money? Most people who acquire significant amounts of money understand that after a point, it ceases
to be useful in generating personal happiness. Personal greed only takes a person so far, unless they
have a hoarder type personality defect, which happens. Ideologues have plans for what to do with
money. Effective ideologues actually carry out those plans.

We knew she was pay to play, we knew she was corrupt, they all
are, thats how they got there, thats how the system is set up.

This sentence is based on innumerable conspiracy theories, which you have yet to present in any
meaningful fashion, that you clearly hold as self evident fact. It was looking directly into the system
that has led me to the positions I hold. I dont believe youve read Rules for Radicals or Reveille for
Radicals, or Hillarys Thesis nor the letter she wrote. I reread them to make sure I wasnt a stark crazy
lunatic (part of the reason this took so long), because thats what you SHOULD do when someone you
respect says youre crazy. I didnt have to go out of my way to find them, and its never a waste of
time to read important literary work.

She's a Machiavellian power grabber, I don't see marxism

anywhere. If you could show me legislation or a money trail that
leads to communism that would help.

Machiavelli is routinely misunderstood by people who havent actually read Machiavelli. As is Alinsky.
The two arent mutually exclusive. Machiavelli was primarily interested in how a politician should act to
be an effective leader, how a prince born into power KEEPS power, but not necessarily how they gain
more power. In the post modern doctrine, it is entirely possible for you to be oppressed at any status
level. Like female CEOs.

It was Alinsky who was interested in how those without power take it from those with power. Rules for
Radicals isnt an ideological treatise so much as a manual for how a person can organize people to action
for the purpose of taking what you want from those that have it. People often attribute the phrase the
ends justify the means to Machiavelli, but he didnt really ever say that.

In the actions of all men, and especially of princes, where there is no court to appeal to, one looks to
the end. So let prince win and maintain his state: the means will always be judged honorable, and will be
praised by everyone.

These two sentences mean a great number of things. And certainly one way of interpreting them is
the ends justify the means. But Saul Alinsky is very clear and has an entire chapter of Rules for
Radicals dedicated to the idea that the ends do indeed justify the means, you just need an ideological
excuse for your actions.

THAT PERENNIAL QUESTION, Does the end justify the means? is meaningless as it stands; the real and
only question regarding the ethics of means and ends is, and always has been, Does this
particular end justify this particular means?

The practical revolutionary will understand Goethe's 'conscience is the virtue of observers and not of
agents of action'; in action, one does not always enjoy the luxury of a decision that is consistent both
with one's individual conscience and the good of mankind.

I would definitely describe her actions during the 2016 election to be Machiavellian in nature. She was
expected to win, it was Her Turn after all. She knee-capped Bernie and elevated Trump thinking he
was an easy win.
But, Hillary Clinton was not a born a princess. Unless her fathers (I believed he owned a curtain factory)
alleged mob ties are indicative of her being a mob princess. She was born into an upper middle class
family though and could easily afford to go to Yale before tuition became what it is (as an aside, my gfs
father was drafted into Vietnam while he was attending Yale). She was (is) a second wave feminist
activist. She views men as the oppressor. The future is female! -HRC

Hillary Clinton has spent a lifetime acquiring power. Her relationship with Saul Alinsky is known and
documented. This is not conspiracy theory nor ad hominem.

I don't see marxism anywhere.

Saul Alinsky is very clear. There must be reformation before the revolution. You cannot launch a full
scale revolution without the backing of the silent majority. America has a deep history of rebellion. It is
very difficult to homogenize the ideology of the United States. The Soros leaks clearly show how
difficult he believes the American problem to be in this regard.

Any revolutionary change must be preceded by a passive, affirmative, non-challenging attitude toward
change among the mass of our people. They must feel so frustrated, so defeated, so lost, so futureless in
the prevailing system that they are willing to let go of the past and chance the future. This acceptance is
the reformation essential to any revolution.

When six people have as much monety as half the world, the
system is fundamentaly broken.

This is THE Marxist presupposition from your own mouth.

This statement takes for granted everything that western capitalism contributes to society. The
infrastructure that allows you and I to exchange ideas freely was started as a DARPA project. The
internet is a result of the military industrial complex and is maintained by private and public
corporations. Even if our healthcare system is deeply flawed, we still produce some of the best doctors
in the world. One of the reasons I brought my father back to Texas was because he will be able to afford
access to the best oncologists in the United States.

And, what, exactly is your alternative? I do not believe you have one. The post modernists dont. Their
ideas are the same ones tried by the Stalinists and the Maoists. The ones that left millions dead. Even
the most educated and forward thinking socialist-communists, like Slavoj Zizek, understand that the
problems of Marxist doctrines remain unsolved because the post-modern left refuses to solve them.

Any ideology that judges the success or failure of a system on a single metric is fundamentally flawed.

ANY system that has humans as a part of it will be fundamentally flawed because HUMANS are
fundamentally flawed. This is why utopian ideologies murder millions of people. They believe,
erroneously, that if you keep killing the bad apples things will get better. WERE ALL BAD APPLES. The
only solutions to this view in the post modern neo Marxist view is either the gradual trend toward an
ideologically homogenous population of complacent masses incapable of independent thought or
annihilation of all human life after a protracted war between ever changing oppressors and the people
they oppress.

There has been a class war going on, but one side is not supposed
to aknowledge it or fight back.
This isnt a fight between haves and have nots. Thats a Marxist presupposition that is based on
materialism and the idea that all human interaction is a struggle for dominance and MONEY. STOP
PROJECTING YOUR GREED ONTO THE REST OF HUMANITY. This is a fight between authoritarian
utopians in league with Machiavellian corporate Oligarchs who are funding them for their own
purposes, and people who pay attention and know enough about world history to know how this ends.
Information control is very real. There ARE things that George Soros would rather you not know about.
Like the situation in Ukraine. All the money in the world wont buy a person who knows better.

Since the boom from WW2 to the 1970's there has been and
unprecedent decline of the working class.
Yea thats what happens when you double your workforce. Before the 40s, women didnt work. This
has had a cascading effect across almost all aspects of society except at the very top where people do
not work for money. They continue to devalue American labor by promoting illegal immigration. The
left refuses to have this conversation honestly.

We are paying slave wages to undocumented people to maintain our infrastructure while at the same
time screaming about the decline of the working class. I live in Texas, people hire Mexicans because
they A) know how to do the work, B) will work in the heat, C) are cheap. There are 140,000 government
infrastructure jobs available to people who are qualified, they start at $40,000 a year. They require only
technical skills (like welding), no college degree, mostly just certifications. The working class American
Millenial has no skills (because public education BLOWS). The working class American wont work 12
hours in the Texas heat. And they certainly wont do it for what those guys get paid. The democrats
solution to this problem? Amnesty for immigrants because no one else will do those jobs and they
deserve legal protection. A feel good solution that only addresses half the problem.

Lower taxes especially for top brackets and corporations

Spaghetti tax code lets multinational corporations get away without paying anything. Tax code is broken
up in more ways than just top to bottom. Taxes vary depending on industry, scope, platform almost
any division you can think of has some sort of associated tax regulations or exemptions.

less environmental and financial regulation

Again, this varies widely by industry and geography. And again, most environmental regulation doesnt
do what the public thinks it does. Rules for Radicals starts with how important it is to get people
organized around pollution. Why is the global agenda so focused on CO2 rather than heavy metals and
clean water? There are still millions of gallons of oil sitting at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico.

lower wages
Minimum wage exists (unless youre here illegally), but has stagnated because there are too many
people with no skills to employ.
Mike Rowe talks about this all the time. College is a racket. Learn a technical skill. 33k a year is top 1%.
Welding jobs with a certification from a technical school start at 40k. It just requires work. The world is
going to need fewer and fewer fast food workers and drivers very soon.

less support for public programs that benefit the working class
such as education

The business owners only responsibility is to pay you for the work that you do for them and ensure that
the work environment provided isnt hazardous. The people who run businesses are normal people
with lives of their own.
And I find it hilarious that you are suggesting that government should be MORE involved in education.
Do you KNOW how much money we are pumping into education? Do you not recall how shitty our
schooling was? Do you not remember that I had to use a fake address to get out of going to FRANKLIN K

YOU WANT MORE OF THIS?! Do you REALLY think it has gotten any better?
Betsy Devos would AT LEAST give parents with children in the situation I was in the legal choice to go to
a better school. That alone is better than ANYTHING Ive seen from the democrats. They just advocate
for more funding, which invariably goes to more post-modern BULLSHIT.

The business class ARE the builders of infrastructure. Who do you think paves your roads and installs
your plumbing? Its not the city of NY, its a general contractor paid by the city IF its municipal property.
Otherwise it was likely a contractor paid by a developer or corporation, a private business. Who
installed your internet? Who built the cell towers? Who ships your packages? Businesses built
infrastructure to support their services and goods.

less protection for the have nots

What protections do you need exactly? There are already numerous regulations to protect the
workforce, in America. Legislation like the TPP and NAFTA exist to make easy to circumvent our laws by
outsourcing labor to sweatshops in other countries. Which then devalues our own labor force.

Regardless, hardly anyone in America is a have not. If you make more than $33,000 a year, youre in
the top 1% of the world. If you work 40 hours a week at minimum wage, you should be making $15,000
a year. I think the international poverty threshold is 2 dollars a day. The real have nots of America,
the rust belt, voted Republican. And if you believe they voted against their own interests, youre
stupider than you believe they are.
Now I do not believe that $15k in the US is a living wage. Here in Texas, where the cost of living is low,
you can get by barely on that. But simply raising the minimum wage is at best, a bandaid fix, and fails to
address any of the underlying causes.

America just happens to have a bigger wealth disparity than any

other major country, its worse now than is was in the guilded age,
and citizens in the richest country in the world still don't have
many of the benefits citizens of more liberal countries take for

I dont think youve demonstrated that you know anything about what is happening in other countries
or what people in other countries think other than what youve passively absorbed.

The great problem is wealth and power being sucked up to the

national and global oligarchies, through neoliberalism, not people
people too nice to the poor.
Money and power dont do anything sitting in one place. Its not just being sucked up. They arent a
black hole. It is being USED. You only seem to care how it flows up, and not about where its going back

And its not about being NICE. Poor people dont need you to be nice to them. They need a fucking
job. Trump has promised them jobs, and is delivering.

Don't blame the poor and the immigrants, it's not the most
powerless that are fucking up government.
No, some people in the government and some people in power are harnessing immigration to inflict
injustices on poor Americans.

If government is corrupt, who corrupted them? Big business,

corporations, and some extremely rich financiers.
And this right here ISNT a statement of conspiracy theory? These are just more generalizations. You
cant (try as you might) put Big business, Corporations, and some extremely rich financiers on trial.
richest people in the world. Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Jeff Bezos, Emancio Ortega, Mark Zuckerberg,
Carlos Slim. How many of them are pushing the same post-modern neomarxist agenda that you ascribe
to? You mentioned the Koch brothers, they are 8 and 9. 7 and 10 are Larry Ellison and Michael
Bloomberg. All 10 of them funded Trumps opponents.

Big business, corporations, and some extremely rich financiers.

What do all these things have in common? People. People
corrupted other people.

Trump is not the face of the people he is the face of the elite. Or
another face of it.
You are completely and totally out of touch with poor people who dont live in urban democratic

Somehow all those "authoritarian" governments that have

socialized healthcare have much better results for a much lower
per capita cost and their govenrmnets haven't collapsed.
Germany is in the first stages of a severe healthcare crisis (and is in the midst of a migrant crisis AND
Marxist revolutionaries are rioting in record numbers), and thanks to open borders immigration policy
it will likely spill out into neighboring countries. Remember that Zika crisis? Its not over And lets just
list a few of the countries and their current situations

Spain is broke. Greece is broke. France is in the middle of a migrant crisis. Italy is in the middle of a
migrant crisis. Switzerland has a very strict border controls and has no crisis of any kind. Belgium is in
the middle of a migrant crisis. The Netherlands also, so is Austria. The Czech republic refuses refugees
and is facing sanctions, but is otherwise fine. Same for Poland, Hungary, Romania, and Slovakia. It
should be noted that Soros is Hungarian, and his own country is investigating him for election
interference. Soros has been funding the transportation of migrants across the seas to Europe. Do you
not remember the story of the Trojan horse? There is very strict media control in many of these

Im just gonna focus on Sweden for a minute.

Swedens government is not financially solvent. And their society IS collapsing. Their healthcare
institutions are doing ok right now, but are overcrowded, but only politicians and media say its not
going to get worse. Swedes are naturally accepting people. Their arms wide open culture has made
them easy targets. Its unfortunately part of the reason they are the rape capital of the developed world
No place is perfect.
Ill take people being too rich over rape and crime epidemics and starvation.

He's not pure evil, hes just is worse than almost every man
woman and child in this country as a human being, the epitome of
greed, idocy, childishness, cruelty, a petualt child, a brute, a bully,
a simpleton, uncaring of anyone but himself...
Empty ad hominem

Central Park Five

So they were exonerated for rape but not mugging. I learend
something. Still doesn't mean its ok to do ad-buys calling for the
execution of teenagers. And just because a police panel said they
were likely guilty doesn't mean it's true.

I trust a police panel over a journalist.!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/de

Hes clearly advocating for the reinstatement of the death penalty for people who commit homicide.
The victim of the attack in Central Park is still alive. Ergo, he doesnt believe they deserve to be
executed. Though he clearly believes they should be punished for their crimes.

Regardless, given the state of NY in the late 80s, what is so preposterous about this idea?

Crime was the hot issues in NY throughout the entirety of the 80s. Homicides peaked in 1990.

The event was published April 21nd, the ad went to print across 4 news papers may 1st.
In that time, the NY ran articles like this about the case:

3 days later, they run articles like this!
5 days later-
Hes entitled to his opinions. Hes entitled to shell out his own money, and that ad wasnt cheap, to
make a fool of himself. But he most certainly was not the only person who felt this way. And his
opinions dont dictate law, so who cares what his opinion on this one very complex case is? We have a
constitution that protects people from inflicting barbaric punishments for crimes.

Land mark case was ruled on in 2005.
The case that the Roper v Simmons ruling overturned even made the requirement of 16 years of age,
which is NYs age at which you can charge a minor as an adult (and the age at which you are eligible for
capital punishment). The suspects were between the ages of 13 and 15 at the time of their arrest. It
was even banned by the UN in 1965.

I strongly doubt the DNC will lose the lawsuit (though they are
guilty). You mention this as defence against Trump being the
worst person in America, nothing to do with Hillary. You really
don't think Trump has done anything of questionable legality that
a less rich person would be in jail for?
If the DNC gets out of this lawsuit unscathed, it will be because people make excuses for why they
should, as you have done here. It will be because people arent paying attention. It will be because
people are entirely ignorant of the law. The court of public opinion is almost as important as the court
of law. The public cannot have an opinion on matters that arent being discussed publicly. You can only
get away with crimes if people LET you. There is no coverage of the lawsuit. Instead we have had
numerous media outlets talk about how there was simultaneously, NO voter fraud AND that Russia
HACKED the election. Why the obvious self contradiction? DNC committed and promoted widespread
vote fraud (registering illegal immigrants to vote and then calling all voter id laws RACIST) AND
tampered with electronic vote totals in several counties where there were no paper ballot backups.

Whatever crimes Donald Trump may or may not be guilty of came BEFORE his time as a public servant.
Hillary Clinton is a CAREER POLITICIAN with a LONG list of suspicious deaths following her and her
husband. You dont get as rich as the Clintons have in public service unless you are BREAKING THE
LAW. It is entirely possible to get rich in the free market being dirty while still operating within the
bounds of the legal system. Researching the USA Today propaganda, Ive come to the conclusion that
Donald Trump is a shrewd businessman who plays in the gray areas of the law. Morally ambiguous
perhaps, but I havent found anyone who says hes murdered people, I havent found anyone who he
would have a motive to murder. And yes, I do believe murdering people to be worse than committing to
unfair, but legal, business deals and bullying tactics. He wears his failures, just as much as his successes,
on his sleeve. He is easy to hate because he does not give a shit that you do hate him. In his mind (and
in the minds of more and more Americans), he is winning. In the minds of the Right, who have spent the
last 8 years dealing with SJW bullying at every turn, they see him as THEIR bully. You arent going to win
an ideological battle pushing these talking points. EVER. And make no mistake, this IS an ideological

This is the
worst. You think only George Sorros is reponsible for
everything on the left? Jill Stein is corrupt? Who is she corrupted
by? What did she gain from her supposed selling out? It makes no

You know she wants a financial transaction tax, and increased

taxes on the super rich, exactly the type of thing that would hurt a
hedgefund manager like soros. There is nothing wrong with a
recount, even if some very rich lefties dumped a boatload of
money into it. There are right wing donors (Koch brothers for an
obvious one) that donate hundreds of million dollars to hundreds
of right wing initiatives and candidates, but you seem to be ok
with that. You're crazy, on this pont anyway.

Nowhere did I say that Soros was responsible for everything on the left. His name just pops up
frequently because he is the MOST politically active billionaire using the Alinsky model. I have said
REPEATEDLY that there was corruption on BOTH sides of the false political dichotomy, even naming 2 of
the highest profile politicians in the GOP, Paul Ryan (married a democrat to obtain wealth and power),
and John McCain (who somehow keeps raising enough money to win election after election while never
being in Arizona). Soros has donated millions to the six I mention earlier. I have also NEVER stated that
Soros was responsible for ALL of it. He is just one of the highest profile demagogues to have his plans
leaked onto the internet.

You know what would hurt Soros more than a financial transaction tax with loopholes large enough to
drive a bus through? Having to pay his current tax bill. (also, the defeat of his SJW bullshit)
What does corruption even mean to you?
I follow this definition.

Its crystal clear that you have no idea who George Soros really is (I dont think you know what any of
the ultra rich are doing with their money beyond what party a couple of people gave to this last

He bankrolls postmodern social justice programs in capitalist nations to radicalize the youth to action in
overthrowing democratically elected governments in order to install a single world communist
government. The Open World Foundation is exactly as it is named. He isnt shy about his goals.

Look at the legislation that is being written into law in Canada in bill c16, in the very brazenly named
Social Justice Tribunals (a PARALLEL court system that has its own laws an punishments, a literal
kangaroo court if there ever was one). This is as Solzhenitsyn wrote in the Gulag Archipelago. The
authoritarians where the mask of compassion and equity. Winston Churchill said, The fascists of the
future will call themselves Anti-Fascists.
Im going to end it here, not because I am done, but because I am tired and I have too much on my plate
to devote the time that I want to this project. Its been almost a month already.

They saw too much to settle on one thing. They reached toward the sublime too fervently to stand
firmly on the earth. Before societies fall, just such a stratum of wise, thinking people emerges, people
who are that and nothing more. And how they were laughed at! How they were mocked! As though
they stuck in the craw of the people whose deeds and actions were single minded and narrow minded.
And the only nickname they were christened with was rot. Because these people were a flower that
bloomed too soon and breathed too delicate a fragrance.

And so they were mowed down.

-Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. The Gulag Archipelago

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