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Apply through the Centre www.servingothers.uOttawa.

ca Apply through Coady Institute

Aeroplan Charitable Pooling Program OceanPath Fellowship
For many community engagement activities undertaken by students, air travel The $25,000 OceanPath Fellowship provides graduating students from
is the most expensive item and often a significant barrier to participation. partner universities with community-focused experiential learning
Through the use of donated AEROPLAN Miles, were able to help cover air opportunities to gain competencies to become active and effective change-
travel expenses for eligible uOttawa students undertaking community makers and to foster sustainable and positive social change in communities
engagement activities in communities where air travel is required. Students around the world. This includes a one-year fellowship including three on-
can use the donated Aeroplan Miles only for travel to locations serviced by campus (at Coady Institute in Nova Scotia) experiential learning
Aeroplan partners. components and field work in communities for 8-9 months.

Application Deadline: February 28, 2018 Application Deadline: November 16, 2017

Apply through Financial Aid

Latin American Africa Community The Alex Trebek Innovation Gilles G. Patry Student Community
Community Service Service Fund and Challenge Fund Engagement Fund Engagement Fund
Scholarship The purpose of each Bringing together diverse This fund was established in 2008 in The purpose of this fund
The purpose of the $2,000 award is to individuals from the University, honor of former University of Ottawa is to provide financial
scholarship is to provide provide financial Community Partners and president Dr. Gilles Patry, a champion assistance to students
financial assistance to assistance to students students, the fund seeks to of Community Service Learning. The carrying out community
students carrying out to travel to Africa to identify, develop and ultimately, fund awards those who combine service in the national
community service in plan and implement broadly apply promising strong academic performance with capital region.
Latin American countries. community service approaches to pressing social outstanding service to the community
initiatives or to through Community Service Learning Application Deadline:
and development issues in
Application Deadline : participate in field and extracurricular volunteering. October 31, 2017
Canada and around the world.
October 31, 2017 courses or unpaid CO-
February 28, 2018 OP placements. Application Deadline: Application Deadline:
For Ontario Residents
October 31, 2017
October 31, 2017
Application Deadline: February 28, 2018
February 28, 2018
October 31, 2017 For Non-Ontario Residents
February 28, 2018 October 31, 2017
February 28, 2018
Postuler auprs du Centre Appliquer via Coady Institute
Programme dentraide dAroplan OceanPath Fellowship (anglais seulement)
Dans le cadre des nombreuses activits dengagement communautaire The OceanPath Fellowship provides graduating students from partner
auxquelles participent les tudiants, les dplacements en avion universities with community-focused experiential learning opportunities to
reprsentent la dpense la plus coteuse et souvent un obstacle de taille. gain competencies to become active and effective change-makers and to
Grce aux dons de milles AROPLAN, nous pouvons aider couvrir les foster sustainable and positive social change in communities around the
cots du transport arien des tudiants admissibles de lUniversit world. This includes a one-year fellowship including three on-campus (at
dOttawa qui prennent part des activits dengagement communautaire Coady Institute in Nova Scotia) experiential learning components and field
ncessitant des dplacements en avion. Les tudiants peuvent work in communities for 8-9 months.
uniquement voyager vers des destinations desservies par les partenaires
dAroplan. Date limite : 16 novembre 2017
Date limite : 28 fvrier 2018

Appliquer auprs du Service de l'aide financire

Bourse de Fonds pour le service Fonds Alex-Trebek Fonds Gilles-G.-Patry pour la participation Bourse
service civique communautaire en pour linnovation et le tudiante dengagement
en Amrique Afrique dfi Ce fonds a t cr en 2008 en lhonneur de Gilles communautaire
latine Lobjectif des bourses de En runissant divers Patry, ancien recteur de lUniversit dOttawa et
Le but de la bourse
$2000 est doffrir une aide partenaires de fervent promoteur de lapprentissage par
Le but de la bourse est de fournir de
financire aux tudiants lUniversit, de la lengagement communautaire. Le fonds
est de fournir de l'aide financire
souhaitant se rendre en communaut et de la rcompense une tudiante ou un tudiant ayant
laide financire des tudiants et
Afrique pour planifier et population tudiante, le dmontr un excellent rendement scolaire ainsi
des tudiants et tudiantes qui
mettre en uvre un projet fonds vise laborer, quune contribution exceptionnelle la
tudiantes qui font effectuent du
de service dvelopper et mettre en communaut par lentremise de lapprentissage
du service service
communautaire, ou pour uvre des initiatives par lengagement communautaire ou du bnvolat
communautaire communautaire
suivre des cours sur le prometteuses pour traiter parascolaire.
dans des pays dans la rgion de la
dAmrique latine. terrain ou faire des stages denjeux sociaux et de Date limite: capitale nationale
coop non rmunrs. problmes lis au
dveloppement, tant au Pour les rsidents dOntario
Date limite: Date limite :
Date limite : Canada quailleurs dans le 31 octobre 2017
31 octobre 2017 31 octobre 2017
31 octobre 2017 monde. 28 fvrier 2018
28 fvrier 2018
28 fvrier 2018 Pour les non-rsidents dOntario
Date limite : 31 octobre 2017
31 octobre 2017 28 fvrier 2018
28 fvrier 2018

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