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Comparison of Limulus Assay, Standard Plate Count, and

Total Coliform Count for Microbiological Assessment of

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Renovated Wastewater
Departments of Pathology' and Microbiology,2 The University of Texas Health Science Center, San
Antonio, Texas 78284, and Department of Civil Engineering, Texas A & M University, College Station,
Texas 778433
Received for publication 16 February 1979

The Limulus endotoxin assay was compared to the standard plate count and
total coliform count for assessment of the bacteriological quality of reclaimed
wastewater. A total of 48 water samples from an advanced waste treatment plant
in Dallas, Tex. were examined by the three techniques. Limulus assays were
technically simpler to perform and provided results much sooner than conven-
tional culture methods. However, the endotoxin values did not correlate extremely
well with determinations of viable bacterial numbers. This lack of correlation
may have been due to alterations in the normal ratio of viable gram-negative
cells to endotoxin caused by water reclamation procedures.

Efforts by various investigators continue to- ries) with three disinfection processes, ozone, ultravi-
ward the development of more rapid, specific olet irradiation, and chlorination provided as needed.
methods of assessing water quality (2, 12, 14). Processed water samples were collected in sterile, py-
These methods are intended to augment or re- rogen-free plastic test tubes (Falcon) at the Graeser
place the more classic of facility, immediately cooled to 4 to 8C in wet ice, and
techniques standard shipped by aircraft or by bus to our laboratory in San
plate count and total coliform counts of water, Antonio, Tex. Samples were then either processed
which require more than 24 h for results (1). immediately or refrigerated until tested on the follow-
More rapid methods for assessment of water ing day.
quality could prove immediately useful in sev- Standard plate counts. Standard plate counts
eral areas of public health and environmental were performed by using serial dilutions of the water
microbiology. samples in sterile buffered water, followed by prepa-
The Limulus in vitro endotoxin assay has ration of pour plates, using standard plate count agar
been demonstrated to have possible utility for in replicates of three (1).
the examination of potential and actual drinking Total coliform counts. A standard total coliform
count was performed by the membrane filtration tech-
waters (3, 7). The measurement of total or bound nique (1). A 50-ml portion of the water sample was
endotoxin content of a fluid may be used as a passed through a 0.45-rim membrane filter. The filter
means of quantifying the number of gram-neg- was then removed and aseptically placed onto a plastic
ative bacteria present (5). The Limulus assay is petri dish (60 by 15 mm) containing m-Endo agar LES
a rapid technique (total test time of less than 2 (Difco Laboratories). Endo agar plates were examined,
h) that does not require specialized equipment and the number of coliform colonies was determined
or facilities for performance. Therefore, the Lim- after 24 h of incubation at 35C. Results were ex-
ulus test is potentially useful for prompt on-site pressed as total coliforms per 100 ml of water.
determinations of water or wastewater effluent Performance of Limulus assay. Limulus assays
were performed by methods previously described (7).
quality. For determinations of total endotoxin content, tests
MATERIALS AND METHODS were performed by reacting dilutions of water sample
(prepared in sterile, pyrogen-free water) with a com-
Water samples. Water samples were supplied to mercial preparation of Limulus ameobocyte lysate
our laboratory for testing by the Henry J. Graeser (Difco Pyrotest). Free endotoxin levels of water sam-
Environmental Research and Training Facility, an ples were determined by Limulus assay of the water
advanced wastewater treatment pilot plant located in after passage through a 0.22-nm membrane filter (10).
Dallas, Tex. The facility was operated in a mode to The amount of bound endotoxin was calculated by
produce a high quality wastewater effluent, which subtracting the amount of free endotoxin from the
included primary treatment followed by activated amount of total endotoxin.
sludge to nitrify and partially denitrify, mixed media The endotoxin sensitivity of Difco Pyrotest lots
filtration and carbon adsorption (two columns in se- varied slightly, but generally as little as 0.0625 ng of
purified Escherichia coli endotoxin per ml could be ternined to be 0.726. Figure 2 examines the
reliably detected. Actual tests were performed by add- relationship of bound endotoxin content to stan-
ing 0.2 ml of the diluted water sample directly to the dard plate count (r = 0.736). Figure 3 compares
single test vial containing lyophilized Pyrotest. All free endotoxin content with the standard plate
assays were incubated for 70 to 90 min at 37C. After count (r = 0.620). Figure 4 compares total endo-

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incubation, the presence of a gel or a marked increase
in viscosity and turbidity was considered a positive toxin content with total coliform count (r =
test for endotoxin (8). Quantification of endotoxin was 0.822), and Fig. 5 compares bound endotoxin
accomplished based on the dilution of the water sam- content with total coliform count (r = 0.472).
ple and the sensitivity of the particular Pyrotest lot.
The endotoxin concentrations were reported in endo-
toxin equivalents (11). 3-
Statistical methods. The co-relatedness of mea- 0
surements of total, bound, and free endotoxin with c _ L
0 0O0
standard plate counts and total coliform counts were 0 .0 0
determined by calculation of the respective correlation ' E
4D1- *
*0 . * . * ........ 0
coefficients (r) (13).
2 3 4 5 6 7
A total of 48 water samples were examined by Log1o Total Bacteria /ml
the three test methods. Standard plate counts
varied from less than 10 organisms per ml to 5.5 FIG. 3. Relationship between free endotoxin and
x 104/ml. Total coliform counts ranged from less standard plate count (r = 0.620).
than 2 x 100 to 1.4 x 106/100 ml. The total 3.-
endotoxin content of the unfiltered water sam- 0

ples ranged from 6 to 600 ng of endotoxin equiv- 2

* 0 * -
D- 0 00.
alents per ml; free endotoxin levels (filtered wa- C_
0 0 0 0e0:t -.

ter) ranged from 3 to 480 ng of endotoxin equiv- 1-1
alents per ml, and the bound endotoxin content 0
ranged from 0 to 250 ng of endotoxin equivalents 0'
per ml. The data (Fig. 1) compare the relation- -i
ship between total endotoxin content and total 2 3 4 5 6 7
number of bacteria determined by standard Log10 Coliform Bacteria /ml
plate count. The correlation coefficient was de- FIG. 4. Relationship between total endotoxin and
total coliform count (r = 0.822).
60 c 3
0 0 -
*0000 0

WE *1 *
0.0 01 *o ^ 2 0 0
* * 0 0 0 0 0: *O

.-- 1-
* *
0 g0
0 00.
2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7
Log 10 Total Bcteria /ml Log0 lo Coliform Bacteria /ml
FIG. 1. Relationship between total endotoxin and FIG. 5. Relationship between bound endotoxin
standard plate count (r = 0. 726). and total coliform count (r = 0.472).
35 c 3

W*- 2 0
0 0
W -
0 :
*- 0 0 .0 00
AC 1- 0 00 0 C 1- 00-0-00
* 0

0 29.

2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7
Log,o Total Bacteria/ml Log 10 Coliform Bacteria / mlI
FIG. 2. Relationship between bound endotoxin FIG. 6. Relationship between free endotoxin and
and standard plate count (r = 0.736). total coliform count (r = 0.525).
Figure 6 relates the free endotoxin content to bound endotoxin (r = 0.419) were less predictive.
the total coliform count (r = 0.525). In the study by Evans et al. (3), better corre-
lations between endotoxin content and bacterial
DISCUSSION numbers were achieved by use of the spectro-
photometric modification of the Limulus assay

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A previous preliminary investigation demon- than by the clot formation endpoint method, as
strated the feasibility of testing water samples utilized in the current study. Evans et al. found
by the Limulus assay for the presence of endo- that the bound endotoxin component (which
toxin due to gram-negative bacteria (7). The was most predictive of bacterial numbers) was
Limulus assay appears to be a rapid, simple, decreased after chlorination procedures. How-
relatively inexpensive technique for detecting ever, it has also been previously demonstrated
bacterial endotoxins in water or wastewater. A that agitation of gram-negative bacteria in a
technique of this type might prove useful in the liquid environment serves to release additional
rapid determination of levels of coliform bacteria amounts of cell-associated endotoxin (10). Thus,
in various kinds of water (3). However, in this we reason that the poor correlation between
study using reclaimed wastewater, the results of endotoxin content and densities of viable micro-
Limulus assays did not correlate extremely well organisms determined in this study results from
with two established techniques for assessing a combination of partial destruction of gram-
water quality, i.e., the standard plate count and negative bacteria and varying degrees of solubil-
total coliform count. Levels of total, bound, or ization of cell-associated endotoxin. Therefore,
free endotoxin activities seemed unable to reli- the endotoxin content of highly treated waste-
ably predict the microbial content of the water water effluent, unlike stream water (3) or sea-
samples examined if chlorination, ozone, or ul- water (15), probably reflects the remnants of
traviolet treatments had been performed. preexistent bacterial growth rather than contin-
The Limulus assay has previously been suc- ued proliferation of gram-negative microorga-
cessfully used to obtain approximate quantifi- nisms. However, an additional possibility that
cation of viable bacteria in stream water (3), must be considered is that neither the total
seawater (15), urine (5, 6), parenteral fluids (9), coliform count nor the standard plate count
and even ground beef (4). The explanation for necessarily reflects an accurate measure of the
this lies in the relatively constant amount of total gram-negative bacterial population. There
bound endotoxin associated with the cell walls may be other gram-negative bacteria with more
of viable, gram-negative bacteria. Although free complex nutritional requirements or different
endotoxin accumulation occurs during growth in temperature or atmospheric requirements (such
a liquid environment, its concentration appears as anaerobic bacteria) that contribute to the
to parallel that of bound or cell-associated endo- endotoxin content, as measured by the Limulus
toxin (10). It has also been shown that antibiotic- assay. Therefore, it is possible that certain of
killed gram-negative bacteria continue to pos- these proliferate in reclaimed wastewater and
sess endotoxin activity detectable by the Limu- are reflected in the endotoxin measurements,
lus assay (5). but not detected by the two standard methods
The relative lack of correlation between endo- of determining water quality. Including media
toxin levels and densities of viable gram-negative and incubation conditions appropriate for these
bacteria observed in the present study must in might have improved the correlation between
large part be due to detection of varying com- viable gram-negative bacteria and endotoxin.
binations of viable and nonviable bacterial cells The significance of bacterial endotoxins, per
by the Limulus assay. Treatments of the effluent se, in potential drinking water remains unclear.
such as chlorination or exposure to UV irradia- Experiments to determine the possible pyro-
tion or ozone will kill a majority of the bacterial genic effects of consuming water with varying
population present but not necessarily destroy endotoxin content are being conducted on ex-
or detoxify bacterial endotoxins. When 24 sam- perimental animals. For the moment, it does not
ples, obtained from the Graeser facility before seem likely that the detection of bacterial endo-
these end process treatments, were examined, toxin by the Limulus assay is an adequate pre-
the correlations between the standard plate dictor of the sanitary quality of reclaimed or
count and total endotoxin (r = 0.945), standard highly treated wastewater.
plate count and free endotoxin (r 0.932), and

total coliform and free endotoxin (r = 0.939) ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

were very encouraging. However, the correla- This study was supported in part by grant R-804420010
tions between standard plate counts and bound from the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
We thank the staff of the Henry J. Graeser Environmental
endotoxin (r = 0.745), total coliforms and total Research Center for their assistance during the course of the
endotoxin (r = 0.822), and total coliforms and investigation.
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