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Coloris Basin -Mercury Ishtar Terra, Maat Mons- Venus Valles Marineris, Olympus Mons- Mars

Clyde Tombaugh discoverer of Pluto William Herschel-Uranus Johann Gottfried Galle- Neptune

Marniner Mercury then Venus Messenger second on Mercury Deimos+Phobos Mars 2 moons

Jupiter moons- 1Ganymede, 3callisto, 4Io, 6Europa ( these 4 are called the Galilean Moons)

Saturn moons-2Titan, 9Rhea, 11Iapetus, 15Dione, 16Tethys

Earth- 5Moon Neptune- 7Triton, greek sea gods Neso, Galatea

Uranus- 8Titania, 10Oberon, 13Umbriel, 14Ariel, named after Sheapspeare characters

First US space station was launched in 1973 named Skylab

Geocentric earth, Heliocentric Sun

Dactyl is an asteroid first ever satellite of a different asteroid Ida

Shepherding is when a moon will push another moon in it's same orbit.
Cordelia and Ophelia, a pair of shepherding satellites on each side of Epsilon ring of Uranus keeps the ring particles
in place through resonant gravitational forces.

Tidal locking is when the revolution of a moon slows until it is equal to it's orbit speed (can also happen
with planets, but it's less common) Tidal locking is when a satellites rotation is slowed by friction to the point that the
rotational period is equal to its orbital period, so that one side of the satellite is always facing the planet, like our moon
with Earth.

5 Dwarf Planets are Make Make, Humea, Ceres, Pluto, Eris

Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn in order from Earth in Aristotles Universe

Gravitational constant

Jan Oort discovered Oort Cloud

Keplers Laws

1. The path of the planets about the sun are elliptical in shape, with the center of the sun being located at one

focus. (The Law of Ellipses)

2. The line joining a planet to the Sun sweeps out equal areas in equal times as the planet travels around the

2nd 3rd

3. The square of the total time period (T) of the orbit is proportional to the cube of the average distance of the
planet to the Sun (R). (The Law of Harmonies)


Effects Of atmospheres, composition, density, orbital eccentricity, distance from the sun, rotational rate, axial tilt,
presence of surface liquids, planetary size, Albedo, and Solar Wind

Meteors, Meteorites, Meteoroids, Asteroids

A meteoroid is matter revolving around the sun or any object in interplanetary space that is too small to be called an
asteroid or a comet. Unofficially the size limit for an asteroid has been set at 50 meters; anything smaller than that is
simply called a meteoroid. Briefly, a meteoroid is piece of cosmic debris in the solar system.
It becomes a meteor when it enters Earth's atmosphere and begins to
glow brightly. It becomes a meteorite if it survives and hits the
Lunar Eclipse- Sun, Earth, Moon

Solar Eclipse-Sun, Moon, Earth

As a consequence of tidal interactions with the Moon, the Earth is slowly decreasing its rotational period and
eventually the Earth and Moon will have exactly the same rotational period, and these will also exactly equal the
orbital period.

Thus, billions of years from now the Earth will always keep the same face turned toward the Moon, just as the Moon
already always keeps the same face turned toward the Earth.

Hyperion and Titan are in a 4:3 orbital reso-nance, which means that Titan orbits Saturn 3 times for every 4 times
Hyperion orbits. As a result, Hyperion gets periodic "shoves" from Titan's gravity as their orbits match up.

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