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Background: Trichophyton rubrum is a fungus that can cause infectious diseases

Dermatofita that often occurs and found in the skin of the soles of the feet and between
the toes. Some of the risk factors of a Trichophyton rubrum fungus infection are people
who often work in wet places or people who everyday have to wear closed shoes for long
periods of time, increased humidity due to sweat, and exposure to fungi. Based on the
report of Bengkulu Provincial Health Office 2014 from the number of skin diseases
58,121 patients including skin disease due to fungus numbered 9161 patients (15.76%).
This study aims to determine the presence or absence of Trichophyton rubrum fungus on
the sidelines of the toe employees of ice cube factory in PT. Es Batu Kelurahan Kandang
Bengkulu City
Methods: This type of research used descriptive survey design. The data collected is the
primary data. The sample of this study were 24 respondents skin scrap between
employees' toes processing factory. The results of Trichophyton rubrum examination in
the laboratory are examined macroscopically and followed by microscopic examination.
Results: In the results of the study showed as many as 24 respondents were examined,
there are as many as 7 (29%) positive samples infected with Trichophyton rubrum fungi.
Conclusion: From the available percentage it is concluded that almost half of the
respondents were infected with Trichophyton rubrum fungus. So the distribution and
frequency of Trichophyton rubrum fungus on the sidelines of an ice factory employee toe
is 29% of the total sample.
Keywords: Trichophyton rubrum, skin between toes, Factory Worker

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