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Target size- Here we consider about blood pressure patients of VP clinic.

When measuring a large data set or population, like a whole bp patients in sri lanka. you dont always need to collect
information from every member of that population a sample does the job just as well. The trick is to determine the
right size for a sample to be accurate. Using proportion and standard deviation methods,we are able to accurately
determine the right sample size you need to make your data collection statistically significant. so here we used 60 bp
patients as our sample.Reason is here we have covered every education level, Profession levels & age within our 60

Data analysing is simply collecting and organizing of data so that a researcher can come to a conclusion.

Here we did a quantitative research reason is our research is all about quantity.because here our prime focus is

To make the output easier to understand, it is always to

good idea to visualize it with charts.So we used various
charts in our every analysis.

Frequency distribution is a simple data analysis technique

which allows you to get a big picture of the data. From
frequency distribution, you can see how frequently the
specific values are observed and what their percentages are
for the same variable. Histogram is a great tool in Excel to
recognize frequency distribution in data. We used
histograms in many analyses in our survey.

in second chart we used a histogram

Range and standard deviation are the basics measures of dispersion. The bigger the range and bigger the standard
deviation, the more dispersed the values are. Range is the difference of the maximum value and the minimum
value for the variable. For the age slide, the maximum value is more than
60 (lets consider as 60) and the minimum value is 21. So the range is 21-60
. Standard deviation shows how much variation the value exits from the
mean. Variance is the average of squared difference from the mean.
Standard deviation is the square root of variance. we used this also to some
analysis. Mode is the value which is observed most often. It is useful
when the data is non-numeric or when asked to find the most popular
item. Here in our age rage we selected mostly observed age category. Here
you can see its the 51-60 categories.

In here 0.6, 0.5 is the rating levels (sorry earlier document I mentioned it as a ranking ,,it should be ratings)
Cross-tabulation, also called Pivot Table in Excel, is one of the
most popular techniques for data analysis. It helps you to
understand what the relations are among different variables. For
example, you can see the ratings from male respondents and the
ratings from female respondents.

To make the output easier to understand, it is always to good

idea to visualize it with charts.

When there are too many variations among the value for a variable for
which you want to do cross-tabulation, you can recode it or filter the values.
We did that for this analysis.

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