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- While historians are unsure of the exact date of the Aborigines arrival

but most believe that they came to Australia from Asia between 50,000
and 120,000 years ago
- Aborigines started as coastal people but moved inland by ways of river
and lakes with some of them settling in the deserts of Australia
- They believed the land not only gave life, it was life
- Belong to large tribes
- Most stay in small sets of 20 to 30 people and they stay in these small
sets of groups when theyre going to areas to find resources when
- Mostly peaceful people
- When aborigines fight, they use hand-to-hand and using simple clubs
and spears
- Always been religious people
- Their religion is called, the dreaming or the dreamtime
- The Aborigine way of life stayed unchanged for thousands of years until
the arrival the tenant James Cook 1770
- 1788, the colonisation of Sydney began
- British brought chicken pox, smallpox and measles
- British began claiming the land and took the water resources
- The British looked at the indigenous people of Australia with no claim to
any land and drove them off the land they lived on and loved for
thousands of years
- By the 1900, the population of the Aborigines population went from
750,000 to 93,000
- Few Aborigines had the right to vote
- 500 Aborigines fought for Australia during the First World War
- Many Aborigines served in World War 2 to protect Australias borders
from Japan
- Today there are over 400,000 people who identify themselves as
Aboriginal in Australia
- 24% of the Aboriginal population still live in remote areas government
settlements, reserves and issues
- Only 70% of the Aborigines completed the 7th grade
- Only 40% graduated from high school
- Aborigines are three times more likely to be an alcoholic than their non-
native counterparts
- The Aborigines was once a beautiful culture, but now its only a shell of
its former self
The aboriginal people are the native inhabitants of Australia. It is said that they
were the first group of humans to migrate out of Africa, also being the first
humans to arrive in Australia. This means the Aborigines were the ones who
discovered Australia.

The Aboriginal people were peaceful people and have always been religious.
Their religion is known to be called, the Dreaming or the Dreamtime. This
is the way they understand the world, how it was created and the relationships
of all things and the rules they control their lives. They were considered as
nomadic hunter-gatherers as they moved from place to place hunting animals
and gathering fruits and insects which they ate. The Aborigines were in peace
until Captain cook arrived in Botany Bay, claiming the whole of Australia and
taking all their resources. The British people brought in chicken pox and small
pox and looked at the Indigenous population with no claim to any land and
drove them off the land they lived on and loved for thousands of years. Today,
there are over 400,000 people who identify themselves as Aboriginal in
Australia and 24% of the Aboriginal population still live in remote areas.

In conclusion, the Aborigines have one of the oldest civilisations in the world.
Their experience was devastating and shocking due to the colonisation of
Australia. It was once a beautiful culture, but now, its only a shell of its former

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