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chapters on "MolecularBiology," "rumor Immunology"and T3iological Models" are concise,up-to-date toure

de force that make the exciting innovations and advances in these fields understandable to the nonre-
searcher and clinician. A pragmatic review of medicolegal issues is included in the foundations section and
the chapter on T h e Future of Urology" provides an insightful view of urological practice into the twenty-
first century.
In the preface the editors signal their intention not to provide a surgical atlas. Nevertheless, select
operations and techniques have been included with outstanding chapters on "Laparoscopic Urologic Sur-
gery," "Supraveeical Diversion" and "Surgery of Genital Tract Obstruction." Perhaps the chapters dealing
with surgical techniques, for example surgery, cystoscopy, lithotripsy, ureteroscopy and so forth, could have
been aggregated into a single section entitled Wrological Techniques." In a multi-authored text such as this
some duplication and unevenness are not surprising. Nuclear scanning is included in chapters dealing with
imaging of the urinary tract and nuclear imaging. Likewise, the 3 chapters dealing with bladder cancer
("Bladder Cancer," "Superficial Bladder Cancef and "Treatment Alternatives for Invasive and Metastatic
Bladder Cancer") harbor Bome repetition.
Certain chapters are pearls with obvious appeal to urology residents and house officers. These chapters
offer concise, state of the art narratives with enviable clinical research integration and synthesis. Examples
include the chapters on Xolecular Biology," "Ehluation of an Incidentally Found Adrenal Mass," "Reno-
vascular and Renal Parenchymal Hypertension," "Renal Transplantation," T h e Management of Renal and
Ureteral Trauma," "Bladder and Spinal Cord Injury," "Vesical Fistulas" and "Infertility," among others.
Clinical Urology clearly fullills its editorial promise of a balanced, integrated clinical textbook. Its
coverage of urology in a single volume is a tribute to the editors, and their editorial vision and judgment. As
an up-to-date general textbook on clinical urology, it will appeal to urological trainees as a ready reference
on clinical urology. The editors have succeeded in producing a book with exemplary clinical emphasis and
pathophysiologicalcorrelation. This b k is highly recommended and a valuable addition to the repertoire
of standard urological textbooks.
Grannum R. Sant, M.D.
New England Medical Center
!hfts University School of Medicine
Boston, Massachusetts
Atlas of Pediatric Urologic Surgery
F. HI", Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders Co., 762 pages, 1994
This comprehensive atlas of pediatric urological procedures is a useful,welcome addition to almost any
urological library. The text is lucid and concise. The artwork is informative and pleasing. In addition to his
own expertise and experience,the author has appended to most chapters the commentaries of 108 experts,
many of whom initially described the operation or contributed significantly to subsequent modifications,
which adds a welcome dimension of authority. Most people use a surgical atlas in preparation for a specific
operation and, therefore, extensive bibliographies are not essential. Nevertheless, the author has included
an extensive bibliography at the end of the book that w i l l be of great value for the surgeon with broader
interests. No-nonsense advice found throughout the book ("Greet the m b and circulating nurses by name;
things will then run much more smoothly")is greatly appreciated. Given the imposing number of illustra-
tions, it is not surprising that a few are inverted or rotafed. "his is in no way a major criticism. The author
recognizes that few urologists have the privilege of practicing full-time pediatric urology; however, because
of health care restraints, practicing urologists are asked with increasing fresuency to perfom surgery on
children. This book is just the type of atlas needed to reacquaint readers, be they resident or attending, with
unfamiliar operations.
George Steinhardt, M.D.
Pediatric Urology Division
Glennon Children's Hospital
St. Louis, Missouri

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