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Kevin Higgins

Artifact Rationale Paper


Candidates demonstrate the knowledge necessary to create, use, assess, and manage theoretical
and practical applications of educational technologies and processes.

1.1 Creating: Candidates demonstrate the ability to create instructional materials and
learning environments using a variety of systems approaches.

1. EDTECH 502- Virtual Field Trip

2. EDTECH 502- Web Quest

Using Adobes Dreamweaver program, I created a virtual field trip as part of

my Creating Educational Websites course. This demonstrated my ability to create
instructional materials using different system approaches such as a virtual field trip or
web quest. The virtual field trip was created by coding HTML, CSS and responsive
mobile technology to support the learners ability to utilize the instructional material
in numerous locations. Learners would be able to access the instructional material
from any location including when on scene with the small boat they are operating on.
Learners are provided with various forms of instructional media including video and
policy documents to learn about search and rescue and Coast Guard vessels. The field
trip additionally includes performance tests which allow for the students to test their
understating of the material.
I also created an online Web Quest for students to learn about offshore oil
drilling. The Web Quest encourages students to utilize higher-order thinking skills
including critical thinking, problem analysis, and evaluation. Students are presented
with the issue of whether we should allow oil drilling in the North Atlantic Ocean.
Students are then provided with resources in order to conduct research in to the topic,
contact subject matter experts and form their own opinions about the issue. Lastly, the
students would create a briefing of their findings and recommendations. The lesson
allows for students to guide their own learning creating a more flexible learning
environment where the teacher can act as a resource and facilitator.

1.2 Using: Candidates demonstrate the ability to select and use technological resources
and processes to support student learning and to enhance their pedagogy.

1. EDTECH 541: Interactive Presentation Lesson

2. EDTECH 541: Social Networking and Community Building Lesson

In my Integrating Technology into the Classroom Curriculum course, I

created numerous technology enhanced lessons plans that will support student
learning. Utilizing a theme of a Coast Guard Boat Forces College, where students
learn about the Coast Guards small boat operations and response missions, I
integrated presentation software, social media, and other educational technologies to
improve course instruction. In the interactive presentation on boat forces history, I
used Google Slides to present the history of the Coast Guard boat forces mission. The
presentation included traditional presentation slides, which were enhanced with
embedded videos, hyperlinked source documents, and an interactive course quiz
which allows students to respond real-time to question using a mobile device.
Through the integration of theses educational resources, I was able to allow for
simulations of authentic activities and increased student engagement that would not
be possible with a standard presentation
I also created a Social Networking and Community Building lesson to support
the creation of professional development communities of practice. Learners set up
Twitter accounts to remain current with leaders in the organization, Learners join
Diigo which allows them to share professional development resources with their
peers, and they create an interactive VoiceThread presentation which would be shared
and commented on by subject matter experts. By selecting social networking
resources and integrating it into the lesson, I was able to support the expansion of the
students personal learning network and improve their ability to seek out and find
information through social engagement.

1.3 Assessing/Evaluating: Candidates demonstrate the ability to assess and evaluate the
effective integration of appropriate technologies and instructional materials.

1. EDTECH 512-Design Document

After my Coast Guard Master Training Specialist online course from

EDTECH 512 was designed and implementation ready, I created a formative
evaluation to assess the integration of the technology. I utilized subject matter
experts, prospective participants, my educational technology program peers and
others to assess the content, graphic design, course navigation, and instructional
methodologies. The formative evaluation was designed using an online survey
program utilizing Likert Scales to rate the online course. After analysis of the
respondents' rating of the course, I was able to make improvements to the course and
in turn, improve the instructional value that the students would receive from it.
In addition to a formative evaluation plan, I created a summative evaluation
plan based on Kirkpatricks four levels of evaluation. First, through student course
reactions, I would continue to assess if the technology choices I made were still
appropriate for the learners. In particular, the level one evaluation would determine if
learners found the use of an online group paced course effective. Secondly, through
an evaluation of student success, I could evaluate if the technology and materials are
providing the students the appropriate support to meet course objectives. Ultimately,
the summative evaluation plan will allow for the improvement and selection, if
necessary, of new technologies to create the most effective learning environment.

1.4 Managing: Candidates demonstrate the ability to effectively manage people,

processes, physical infrastructures, and financial resources to achieve predetermined
1. EDTECH 505- Request for Proposal

By creating a proposal to conduct an evaluation of the Determining

Instructional Proposes Training Program for the Far West Laboratory for Education
and Research Development I was able to demonstrate my ability to manage money,
people, and resources effectively. The goal of the project in the Evaluation for
Educational Technologists course was to create an effective evaluation plan to
determine if the program was profitable for the organization and whether it was
meeting its instructional goals. Through the management of an evaluation team, I
created a plan to assess the training program. The plan included a task schedule with
task descriptions and completion dates which directed my team in the
accomplishment of the evaluation. The evaluation included reviewing extant data,
developing and disseminating surveys, creating instructional materials, pilot testing
the program and analyzing the findings. The plan also included a comprehensive
budget which managed almost $50,000 worth of funds for travel, personnel, supplies,
and other expenses. While the program was fictitious, the plan I created would meet
the goals presented by our client while effectively managing people, money, and

1.5 Ethics: Candidates demonstrate the contemporary professional ethics of the field as
defined and developed by the Association for Educational Communications and

1. EDTECH 541: Acceptable Use Blog

In connection with the Associations for Educational Communications and

Technologies (AECT) Code of Professional Ethics, I explored the acceptable use
policies of various companies including my organization, the United States Coast
Guard. Through my reflection on these acceptable use policies which included
Adidas, Coca-Cola, the United States Navy and the United States Coast Guard, I
demonstrated my understanding and commitment as an educational technologist to
act ethically and professional concerning individuals, society, and my profession.
Some of the key elements that I reflect upon in my blog include etiquette while
working in a digital medium, copyright infringement, creating a positive digital
footprint. While the Coast Guard has an external affairs manual, which addresses how
to act ethically in regards to social media, copyright, and other online policies it is
important to still include and emphasize these fundamental principles in all training
sessions. Ultimately, my blog notes that maintaining a strong sense of character as an
individual and having respect for others will ensure you make the right decisions
ethically and support your students responsibly.


Candidates develop as reflective practitioners able to demonstrate effective implementation of
educational technologies and processes based on contemporary content and pedagogy.
2.1 Creating: Candidates apply content pedagogy to create appropriate applications of
processes and technologies to improve learning and performance outcomes.

1. EDTECH 512: Online Course

2. EDTECH 541: Instructional Software Lesson Plan

Using the Moodle Learning Management Systems course creation features

during EDTECH 512, I was able to create a fully online course to support the Coast
Guards Master Training Specialist qualification. Utilizing my understanding of
constructivist learning theory and the benefits of having students become hands-on
with content allowed me to create an online course that focused on authentic
assignments. Additionally, I integrated social engagement through the use of online
discussion forums to help improve learning and facilitate the creation of communities
of practice for continued professional growth beyond the classroom.
In my Integrating Technology into the Classroom Curriculum course, I
created a lesson plan that incorporated modeling and practice techniques through the
use of online applications. By integrating YouTube videos, I was able to show
students simulations and tutorials on the different characteristics of a 45-foot small
boat. This technology integration allowed for the situating of the lesson in a more
authentic context rather than reading specifications in a manual. I also integrated a
flash card application which allowed the students to continue to test themselves and
learn beyond the traditional course time limits. The integration of these technologies
in the instructional software lesson allowed for the use of common teaching
techniques that may not have been possible otherwise.

2.2 Using: Candidates implement appropriate educational technologies and processes

based on appropriate content pedagogy.

1. EDTECH 542- Project Based Learning Course

Utilizing a project-based learning framework in EDTECH 542, I created a

technology supported course which enabled students to learn about their primary
duties as a Coast Guard Response officer, while also solving real world problems. As
part of the project, students are required to reflect on their experiences and learning
through the creation of an online journal. The web-based journal allowed for a
constructivist approach as students can create their understanding of the content and
internalize lessons to improve their knowledge retention. Additionally, the journal
supports social engagement through a requirement to comment and discuss their
peers work. The project also utilized Web 2.0 tools to support learning. The ArcGIS
mapping tool was used to analyze trends and content that is closely related to position
data. Presentation Software was also incorporated to support the accomplishment of
students learning through the use of 21st-century skills, such as oral presentations.
Each educational technology that was incorporated into the course was implemented
to enhance teaching methodologies.
2.3 Assessing/Evaluating: Candidates demonstrate an inquiry process that assesses the
adequacy of learning and evaluates the instruction and implementation of educational
technologies and processes grounded in reflective practice.

1. EDTECH 501-School Technology Plan Analysis

As part of the school technology plan analysis assignment in my Introduction

to Educational Technology course, I conducted a review of a Massachusetts school
districts technology integration plan. The analysis included a review of the districts
technology integration committee, technology plan duration, mission statement,
goals, and objectives. My assessment of the plan concluded that the districts goals
and objectives favored introduction to available technologies across the district such
as Chromebooks rather than providing a plan for integration of technologies that will
enhance learning environments. Due to the districts affluent community, access to
technology was not an issue; therefore, the plan should be focused on working to
support teachers in an effort to augment, modify and redefine technology integration
in accordance with the Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition
(SAMR) model. This artifact demonstrates my ability to evaluate the integration of
educational technologies across a school district. It also demonstrates my ability to
assess the integration plan and make recommendations on how to improve the
effective use of the technologies.

2.4 Managing: Candidates manage appropriate technological processes and resources to

provide supportive learning communities, create flexible and diverse learning
environments, and develop and demonstrate appropriate content pedagogy.

1. EDTECH 512: Online Course

2. EDTECH 542- Project Based Learning Course

Through the creation of the Master Training Specialist course in EDTECH

512, I focused on providing students with a supportive learning environment. This
was done through the establishment of discussion forums that would support social
engagement and facilitate the creation of communities of practice. I also created a
considerable amount of flexibility and diversity in the course. For example, the
students had the opportunity to choose the medium in which they would present their
weekly assignments (via video, written format, PowerPoint, etc.). Additionally,
students would use authentic instructional materials of their choice from their training
center to evaluate. By allowing the students to use their own material the course
demonstrates greater flexibility. Utilizing educational technologies such as a Learning
Management System, presentation software, or video recordings supported the
creation of a diverse learning environment that improves student performance.
My project-based learning course in EDTECH 542 also supported flexible
learning environments and supportive learning communities. The students in my
project-based learning course were encouraged to seek out subject matter experts to
grow their personal learning network. The students participated in group work to
support their learning community. Lastly, the culminating activity was developed
using student choice as a major factor ensuring a flexible learning environment.

2.5 Ethics: Candidates design and select media, technology, and processes that
emphasize the diversity of our society as a multicultural community.

1. EDTECH 541: Adaptive and Assistive Technology Presentation

In the Integrating Technology into the Classroom Curriculum course, I created

an adaptive and assistive technology presentation to support learning in our diverse
multicultural society. The technologies I presented supported, for example, learners
with mild cognitive disabilities that may be reading below grade level. These learners
could use text to speech applications to keep pace with a course that requires a high
amount of reading. Speech-to-text applications support learners who struggle with or
are unable to type so that they can still participate in courses utilizing educational
technology that requires typing such as word processing programs. Other
technologies that I presented included virtual reality that would allow disabled
learners to experience authentic situations that may not be possible due to their
condition. Beyond looking at learners that required assistive technology I also looked
at learners that may be ahead of pace of the rest of the class such as gifted students.
Utilizing resources like Twitter or RSS feeds allows gifted students to challenge
themselves with current events and subject matter experts and ensure these students
remain engaged and growing.


Candidates facilitate learning by creating, using, evaluating, and managing effective learning

3.1 Creating: Candidates create instructional design products based on learning

principles and research-based best practices.

1. EDTECH 542- Project Based Learning Course

My project-based learning (PBL) course for new Coast Guard Response

Officers created in EDTECH 542 was designed specifically with research-based best
practices in mind. Project-based learning is rooted in design elements that improve
student engagement and increase attention therefore, improving student performance.
My project incorporated the essential elements of any project based learning course
which includes the following: sustained inquiry, a challenging problem, authenticity,
student choice, reflection, critique and the development of a public product. In my
course, students utilize journals to reflect upon their learning. They are provided with
a driving question that guides the entire project and challenges them to solve an
authentic Coast Guard question. The culminating activity is designed to be briefed in
a public forum which adds authenticity and a sense of pride to the project. Students
have a choice throughout the course to decide which challenging question they are
going to tackle and how they are going to present their findings. Lastly, my PBL
course includes group work which is a learning best practice for promoting learning

3.2 Using: Candidates make professionally sound decisions in selecting appropriate

processes and resources to provide optimal conditions for learning based on principles,
theories, and effective practices.

1. EDTECH 503: Instructional Design Project

2. EDTECH 512: Design Document

In my Instructional Design course, I created an instructional design project

which began with a comprehensive needs analysis to determine what the actual
problem was. Additional research was conducted into all the stakeholders (clients,
instructors, and students) associated with the project to ensure that all decisions made
were made with their opinions incorporated. Based on the analysis, I was able to
create a training session that provided students with an instructional design that would
meet their needs and improve their performance. The instructional design was
assisted by educational technology; however, the training was grounded in Gagnes
nine events of instruction to support effective learning and was based on sound and
effective teaching practices.
In my Online Course Design course, I conducted a front-end analysis to
support the design and development of the course. This included determining the
needs and objectives of the course. I additionally conducted research into online
educational course best practices. Based on the analysis and research, I was able to
create an effective learning environment grounded in principles, theories and
effective practice. These principles included authentic activities, social engagement,
and online design principles to support cognitive processing.

3.3 Assessing/Evaluating: Candidates use multiple assessment strategies to collect data

for informing decisions to improve instructional practice, learner outcomes, and the
learning environment.

1. EDTECH 512: Quality Matters Course evaluation

2. Coast Guard Job Task Analysis

Utilizing the Quality Matters standards rubric to assess the quality of an online
course I was able to make sound decisions when developing my own online Moodle
course. The assessment strategy utilizes a scoring matrix to assess each section of an
online course. These sections include the courses overview, objectives, assessments,
instructional material, learner engagement, support, and accessibility. Utilizing this
method of assessment improved my understanding of the critical attributes required
of a quality online course. By evaluating the Quality Matters rubric, I was able to
improve my syllabus to ensure students understood all the course objectives and
standards required to complete the course.
The Coast Guard, as part of a performance technology graduate program,
directed me to conduct a job task analysis of the Master Training Specialist
qualification. The analysis included a comprehensive assessment plan for all tasks
associated with the job. Conducting this evaluation resulted in an improved
understanding of the frequency, difficulty, and importance of the job's objectives. I
conducted this evaluation by interviewing accomplished performers, surveying
qualified members, and analyzing extant data. Through this exhaustive review of
data, I was able to recommend improvements to instructional practices and learning
objectives, including the recommendation for a distance learning online course.

3.4 Managing: Candidates establish mechanisms for maintaining the technology

infrastructure to improve learning and performance.

1. EDTECH 501: Digital Divide Presentation

In my Introduction to Educational Technology course, we researched and

looked into the digital divide and how that affects the technology infrastructure and
learning performance throughout the United States. In our group, in particular, we
looked at six different solutions to close the digital divide in the state of Pennsylvania
acting as the states educational technology council. Some of the solutions that we
proposed included expanding staffing to public schools so that they could provide
technology to underprivileged students; installing computers in all public libraries in
the state and expanding library hours; purchasing and providing disadvantaged
communities with computers; and developing courses for teaching age-appropriate
lessons on digital citizenry. We found that the most advantageous solution for the
Pennsylvania region to mitigate the digital divide and maintain a technological
infrastructure was to provide high-speed internet to all state residents and purchase
computers for disadvantaged communities. As the digital divide proves maintaining a
current technology infrastructure is vital to learning improvement since once you
begin to fall behind the curve, it is difficult to catch up.

3.5 Ethics: Candidates foster a learning environment in which ethics guide practice that
promotes health, safety, best practice, and respect for copyright, Fair Use, and
appropriate open access to resources.

1. EDTECH 502: Netiquette page

2. EDTECH 502: Copyright scavenger hunt

As part of my Creating Educational Websites, I was introduced to the concept

of netiquette, which encourages a similar respect for people while using social media
or other internet enabled application as you would if you were face to face with a
person. Using Adobe Dreamweaver, I created a website that provided ethical
guidelines for my fellow professionals to review and reference supporting improved
communication in an online medium. These guidelines included always acting
professionally, as sarcasm is indiscernible over email, always be respectful, and
always know your audience.
Additionally, to further my understanding of copyright and fair use policies
and to improve the professional development of others, I created a scavenger hunt to
promote the understanding of an important ethical topic. The website provided a fun
and engaging way to access resources and content knowledge concerning copyright
protection categories, public domain policies, fair use policies and peer to peer file
sharing concerns. The practice of creating these products helped guide my future
actions in the program which is always to respect copyright policy and promote a safe
online environment.

3.6 Diversity of Learners: Candidates foster a learning community that empowers

learners with diverse backgrounds, characteristics, and abilities.

1. EDTECH 541: Adaptive and Assistive Technology Presentation

2. EDTECH 502: Web Accessibility Hot Links

Not all learners are the same, as I learned through various analyses in this
masters program. However, regardless of the learners background or abilities they
still have the right to learn. In my Integrating Technology into the Classroom
Curriculum course, I presented ways to potentially mitigate disabilities of learners to
support their continued educational growth. Some of the common applications that
support learners include text to speech and speech to text application and virtual
In my Creating Educational Websites course, I created a web accessibility hot
links website about the sixteen different U.S government web accessibility standards.
The website provides access to the code of federal regulations which provides the
rules for ensuring internet sites provide accommodations to people that are vision
impaired, physically disabled, and auditory impaired among other accessibility
concerns. Primarily, I focused the website on educating learners on color blindness by
providing information on different types of color blindness and how designers of
instruction can ensure that their media is accessible. This website provides valuable
information to support instructional designers build online instruction which
empowers learners of all abilities. Personally, I was also able to utilize the
information in the creation of my own instructional products.


Candidates design, develop, implement, and evaluate technology-rich learning environments
within a supportive community of practice.

4.1 Collaborative Practice: Candidates collaborate with their peers and subject matter
experts to analyze learners, develop and design instruction, and evaluate its impact on

1. EDTECH 503: Instructional Design Project

My instructional design project in EDTECH 503, focused on the development

of a Coast Guard training for a newly implemented emergency management
application. I worked with my peers in the Coast Guard to identify the learners for the
course, determine the course goals and objectives, and analyze learners instructional
preferences to guide my instructional design. This collaborative work led to the
creation of authentic instruction ensuring students were hands on with the actual
application throughout the training. One specific item learned through the analysis
portion of the project was that due to constraints of the instructor's knowledge and the
learning context's resources. The design needed to have accommodations in place to
provide training for instructors and ensure computer access was available.
Additionally, I worked alongside emergency management subject matter
expertise in the design of the instructional materials. By collaborating with experts, I
ensured all the content was valid and applicable to the course objectives. Working
collaboratively greatly improved the effectiveness of the instructional design and
potential student performance.

4.2 Leadership: Candidates lead their peers in designing and implementing technology-
supported learning.

1. EDTECH 543: Social Networking enhanced course

In my Social Network Learning course, we created our own personal learning

networks to support our professional development as educational technologists. As a
member of a team of three, I lead and collaborated in the creation of an online
facilitated course for the University of Alabama-Birminghams medical school. We
met over the course of several weeks through Google documents chats, e-mail,
Facebook post to create the social networking supported course. The course included
the use of Facebook for content sharing and discussion, WordPress for reflection,
Google Hangouts for social engagement through synchronous meetings, Diigo for
research and resource sharing, Twitter for subject matter expertise, and Google
product for content creation and collaboration. In addition to the course being fully
integrated with social networking applications, it was also created in a completely
online format using wiki spaces. Utilizing the online distance enabled technology
allowed us to support the goal of our peer to create an asynchronous course.

4.3 Reflection on Practice: Candidates analyze and interpret data and artifacts and
reflect on the effectiveness of the design, development and implementation of
technology-supported instruction and learning to enhance their professional growth.

1. EDTECH 541: Learning Log

2. EDTECH 543: Learning Log

Throughout the course of both EDTECH 541 and EDTECH 543, I reflected
on each weekly module. Through this reflection, I was able to better understand the
content and apply it to real world scenarios. From EDTECH 541, Integrating
Technology into the Classroom Curriculum, I was able to reflect back on the
understanding that appropriate technology under the circumstances is the best way to
improve student learning. By creating unique lesson plans utilizing word processing
or presentation software encouraged me to continue my own professional growth
regardless of the resources my organization has available.
I also reflected on my Social Networking Learning course, particularly about
professional development and communities of practice. Integrating Twitter,
Facebook, and other social technologies into the classroom or simply into the sphere
of understanding for a student is a powerful tool for growth. Reflecting on my own
personal use of Twitter live chats for professional development in this course helped
me understand the effectiveness of these technologies to enhance student and
instructor performance outside the classroom. Lastly, the biggest takeaway from both
of these courses was that on its surface many technologies might not appear to be
either designed for education or innovative enough to make a difference in improving
learning environments. However, through creative instructional design and
implementation, most technologies can support students under the right conditions.

4.4 Assessing/Evaluating: Candidates design and implement assessment and evaluation

plans that align with learning goals and instructional activities.

1. EDTECH 505: Evaluation Project

As the major culminating project for my Evaluation for Education

Technologists course, I created a comprehensive evaluation plan looking into the
Coast Guard Sector Delaware Bays boat crew training program. The evaluation
process included working with the programs stakeholders to create and align the
program's goals to measurable performance objectives. These objectives included
improving boat crew seamanship skills, qualifying as a boat crewman and improving
unit collaboration. A survey was created using the Survey Monkey online program
for multiple data collection purposes. First, it was used to collect demographic
information of the program participants. Secondly, it was used a method of
conducting a summative evaluation of the program. Through the development of
Likert-scaled questions, I assessed the effectiveness of the programs training plan in
regards to the programs objectives. After review of findings, I was able to provide
the programs stakeholders with an understanding that their current efforts were
meeting all of their stated objectives. Additionally, I was able to make
recommendations based on the data collected on methods to make the program more
efficient and effective at meeting its goals.

4.5 Ethics: Candidates demonstrate ethical behavior within the applicable cultural
context during all aspects of their work and with respect for the diversity of learners in
each setting.

1. EDTECH 542- Project Based Learning Course

As part of my project based learning course in EDTECH 542, I ensured that

proper respect concerning cultural context and diversity were addressed in the project
plan. With the understanding that learners come from diverse backgrounds, it is
imperative to accommodate as appropriate and show respect for all learners. The
Coast Guard, like the rest of the United States, has a culturally diverse population.
Many members of the Coast Guard are English Second Language (ESL) learners;
therefore, I found it important to ensure that those students were provided every
opportunity to succeed in my project based learning course. To respect the diversity
of my learners, I created a differentiated instruction section to support those learners.
If a learner was an ESL student, I worked to attain other ESL individuals to support
the students in their learning. This way they would be able to receive individualized
support. The instructors would also be provided support to ensure any cultural issues
were addressed. Lastly, students would be closely monitored through performance
checklists and reflection journals to ensure any issues are quickly mitigated.

Candidates explore, evaluate, synthesize, and apply methods of inquiry to enhance learning and
improve performance.

5.1 Theoretical Foundations: Candidates demonstrate foundational knowledge of the

contribution of research to the past and current theory of educational communications and

1. EDTECH 504: Synthesis Paper

2. EDTECH 501: Annotated Bibliography

While creating my synthesis paper on Augmented and Virtual Reality in

EDTECH 504, I conducted research into how learning theories influence new and
innovative technologies. I investigated the connection of theories such as situated
cognition, social constructivism, and apprenticeship learning theory to augmented
reality demonstrated the link between long-standing ideas about knowledge creation
and current educational technology advancements. My paper ultimately concluded
that despite the exponential advancement of technology, such as through Virtual and
Augmented Reality, the only way for these advancements to be successfully
integrated into a classroom is through the influences of learning theory that has
influenced traditional education for years.
In my annotated bibliography from EDTECH 501, I conducted research and
collected information concerning flipped classrooms. I looked at various scholarly
journals to understand the influences on the implementation of a flipped classroom.
The goals of this research project were to acquire knowledge about the best practices
for teaching methods and how it can be best integrated today. My research found that
successful integration of a flipped classroom is done through maximizing student
interaction with content material and improving time for reflection which can be
directly linked to constructivist influences.

5.2 Method: Candidates apply research methodologies to solve problems and enhance

1. EDTECH 501: Emerging Trends Prezi

2. EDTECH 504: Synthesis Paper
In my Introduction to Educational Technology course, I conducted research
into emerging educational trends from the 2016 Adult Education Horizon Report.
Using my research, I created a Prezi to brief the Coast Guards training system
command about how emerging technologies can solve training problems. In
particular, I conducted research into learning analytics and how they could be used in
the job training world. I found that successful integration of learning analytics
software could solve issues such as improving retention, improving the timeliness of
remediation and predicting student success.
My synthesis paper, additionally, looked to solve the problem of how can
classroom instruction best situate learning in real world context. Job training courses
are most successful in my opinion if they are centralized around authentic activities.
The more realistic the activity, the higher the likelihood students will transfer these
behaviors back to the actual job. Augmented and Virtual Reality learning
environments use influences for situation cognitivism and constructivism learning
theories to best solve the problem of authenticity in a sterile classroom environment.

5.3 Assessing/Evaluating: Candidates apply formal inquiry strategies in assessing and

evaluating processes and resources for learning and performance.

1. EDTECH 512: Design Rationale

During the design process for my Master Training Specialist course in

EDTECH 512, I conducted research and evaluated the information provided by
numerous resources to guide my instructional and graphic design decisions. My
research included reviewing best practices for online courses, researching educational
learning theories, specifically, how they applied to online courseware, and
researching graphic design and typography resources. Through careful analysis of
these resources, I was able to select the strategies that best suited my course and
students in order to improve student performance.
The strategies I used to support learning included using authentic assignments,
discussion forums, and committing to a concise and easily navigable course design.
By integrating authentic activities, I was able to ensure students transferred what they
learned back to the actual job. Authentic activity also supports knowledge retention as
students can better make connections to the course content. Discussions were
integrated to support social engagement. Students were able to reflect and build
knowledge through social discourse with their peers. Lastly ensuring navigation was a
priority supports ensuring students are not cognitively overloaded. The less effort the
students use to access information translates to more energy available to interrupt and
retain important content.

5.4 Ethics: Candidates conduct research and practice using accepted professional and
institutional guidelines and procedures.

1. EDTECH 504: Annotated Bibliography

2. EDTECH 504: Synthesis Paper
In my Theoretical Foundations of Educational Technology course, I created
an annotated bibliography which would be used to guide the construction of my
synthesis paper. I ensured that all works were properly cited utilizing APA format.
The annotated bibliography provided valuable information through the synthesis of
numerous scholarly works that I would use and reference throughout the masters
program. By keeping aligned to the professional guidelines concerning research and
practice, I ensure that all works that I reviewed received credit for their work where
The synthesis paper, also created for EDTECH 504, was a collection of the
thoughts of many different scholarly works. Throughout my writing, I constantly
referred to job aids and guidelines concerning citations and reference to ensure my
work was properly cited and all the hard work of others was documented correctly.
Throughout these two artifacts and during the entire MET program my commitment
to ensuring credit was documented properly and consistently demonstrates my strong
ethical and moral standards concerning research which directly aligns with the
AECTs professional ethics standards.


EDTECH 501 - (Introduction to Educational Technology): Schroeder, Fall 2016

1. School Technology Plan Analysis (2.3)
2. Emerging Trends Prezi (5.2)
3. Digital Divide Presentation (3.4)
4. Annotated Bibliography (5.1)

EDTECH 502 - (Creating Educational Websites): Lowenthal, Fall 2016

5. Virtual Field Trip (1.1)
6. Web Quest (1.1)
7. Netiquette page (3.5)
8. Copyright scavenger hunt (3.5)
9. Accessibility hot links (3.6)

EDTECH 503 - (Instructional Design): Trespalacios, Fall 2016

10. Instructional Design Project (3.2, 4.1)

EDTECH 504 - (Theoretical Foundations of Educational Technology): Friesen, Spring 2017

11. Synthesis Paper (5.1, 5.2, 5.4)
12. Annotated Bibliography (5.4)

EDTECH 505 - (Evaluation for Educational Technologists): Thompson, Spring 2017

13. Request for Proposal (1.4)
14. Evaluation Project (4.4)

EDTECH 512 - (Online Course Design): Lowenthal, Summer 2017

15. Design Document (1.3)
16. Online Course (2.1, 2.4, 3.2)
17. Quality Matters Course Evaluation (3.3)
18. Design Rationale (5.3)

EDTECH 541 - (Integrating Technology into the Classroom Curriculum): Gerstein, Spring 2017
19. Acceptable Use Policy Blog (1.5)
20. Interactive Presentation Lesson (1.2)
21. Social Networking and Community Building Lesson (1.2)
22. Instructional Software Lesson Plan (2.1)
23. Adaptive and Assistive Technology Presentation (2.5, 3.6)
24. Learning Log (4.3)

EDTECH 542 - (Technology-Supported Project-Based Learning): Yang, Spring 2017

25. PBL Learning Course (2.2, 2.4, 3.1, 4.5)

EDTECH 543 - (Social Network Learning): Gerstein, Fall 2016

26. Social Networking enhanced course (4.2)
27. Learning Log (4.3)

Coast Guard Job Task Analysis, July 2017

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