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Sylvia G Guy (Headrick)

Bus 1050 - Jeff Bird

E-Portfolio Assignment

Business Foundations focuses on historical philosophers, their writings and how those
works apply to the present day studies of science, business and religion. Their point of views
varied on many of the aspects, however there was one subject that was repeatedly questioned and
stood out in my judgment. Science and religion have been in constant conflict, a consistent
struggle between two integral components of society that affect the past, present and future.

Ive considered the possibility that scientists and philosophers of the past believe god is a
world-wide epidemic of a type 2 error. Epicurus defined critical thinking as the ability to detect
error and he refers to type 2 as accepting something that should be rejected. God and religions
resonate with his definition of this error. Large numbers of the human race believe in a higher
power, they have a trust and a loyalty in something and someone they cant see or prove the
existence of. Therefore isnt the faith of mankind the epitome of dogmatism, a type 2 error?

In addition, theologians dispute science and their hypothesis that the universe is infinite.
Science has proven the hypothesis and theorized the existence of the universe, exemplifying that
the belief in god and religion subsequently exhibits a type 1 error, which is rejecting something
that should be accepted when it is in fact true. Epicurus didnt purposely allude that detecting
error would challenge religion, but his writings along with several others in this course, do
present the question.

Therefore, if critical thinking is the basis of science, then those that believe in god and
religion, would be considered the contradiction. Consequently philosophers teach the exercise
of reason, which is in itself a conflict. To seek and obtain happiness is to live in serenity.
Reaching these goals requires moral thinking and ethical standards.

Morals which derived from religion and are subjective, were meant to give people
direction and to proactively give them the opportunity to choose right over wrong. Religion was
created to rule over man and hold him to a civilized standard, to live amongst his brethren.
Morals are worldly and many people hold themselves to a standard, including scientists, and yet
some scientists believe that the day will arise when people look to science instead of religion for
their universal answers.

Obviously there has been opposition between religion and science since ancient times;
however what Ive concluded is that one cant exist without the other, that there has to be a
balance. My critical thinking and reasoning is that an individual can believe in science and
religion, they can be moral and sustain ethical values and be successful in all aspects.

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