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378 Br J Ophthalmol 2000;84:378384

Fluoroquinolone and fortified antibiotics for

treating bacterial corneal ulcers
Nibaran Gangopadhyay, Mark Daniell, LeAnn Weih, Hugh R Taylor

Abstract modified according to host clinical response

AimTo compare the clinical eYcacy of and laboratory susceptibility data concerning
commercially available fluoroquinolone the organism(s) along with decisions regarding
drops with the use of combined fortified adjunctive therapy.13
antibiotics (tobramycin 1.3%-cefazolin 5%) There are a few shortcomings of this
in treatment of bacterial corneal ulcer. regimen. Frequent dosing of multiple antibiot-
MethodsThe medical records of 140 ics simultaneously may result in increased
patients with a diagnosis of bacterial cor- toxicity and damage to the ocular surface
neal ulcer who were admitted to the Royal epithelium.2 The increased tonicity of fortified
Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital, Mel- drops induces reflex tearing which, in addition
bourne, Australia between January 1993 to the dilution that occurs secondary to osmo-
and December 1997 were reviewed retro- sis, may actually decrease tissue penetration.
spectively. Final outcome and results of The fortified preparations have a variable and
138 ulcer episodes were compared be- shorter shelf life. Moreover, each requires spe-
tween those treated initially with fluoro- cial mixing by a pharmacist which adds to cost
quinolone and those who received fortified and increases risk of contamination.47
antibiotics. Two patients had been treated The introduction of a commercially available,
with chloramphenicol. non-fortified broad spectrum topical antibiotic
ResultsNo significant treatment diVer- with the ability to achieve concentrations greater
ence was found between fluoroquinolone than the minimum inhibitory concentration for
and fortified therapy in terms of final most bacteria was desirable. Ofloxacin and
visual outcome. However, serious compli- ciprofloxacin are fluoroquinolone antibiotics
cations such as corneal perforation, evis- with broad spectrum antibacterial activity
ceration, or enucleation of the aVected eye against most aerobic Gram positive and Gram
were more common with fluoroquinolone negative bacteria, mycobacteria, mycoplasma,
therapy (16.7%) compared with the forti- and chlamydiae including methicillin resistant
fied therapy (2.4%, p= 0.02). The duration Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas
of intensive therapy was less with fluoro- aeruginosa.8 9 In recent clinical trials, their
quinolone especially in those over 60 years topical application has been shown to be
of age (4 days v 6 days, p=0.01). Hospital eVective in the treatment of bacterial keratitis
stay was also less in the fluoroquinolone caused by the most commonly encountered
group compared with the fortified group organisms.1015 A single agent that is commer-
for all patients and was significantly less cially available has other advantages such as
with fluoroquinolone treatment (7 days v lowered dispensing cost, elimination of potential
10 days, p=0.02) in patients in the age contamination, stable pH, and longer shelf life.16
group over 60 years old. For a number of years, the corneal unit of
ConclusionsMonotherapy with fluoro- the Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital has
quinolone eye drops for the treatment of used a standard treatment protocol for the
bacterial corneal ulcers led to shorter treatment of corneal ulcers. Before April 1995
duration of intensive therapy and shorter the protocol was to initially treat all patients
hospital stay compared with combined with 1 hourly fortified topical antibiotics
fortified therapy (tobramycin-cefazolin). (cefazolin 5% and tobramycin 1.3%) com-
This finding may have resulted from bined together after the collection of corneal
quicker clinical response of healing as a scraping for microbiology and culture. In April
result of less toxicity found in the patients 1995 the protocol changed to use 1 hourly
Centre for Eye
treated with fluoroquinolone. However, as fluoroquinolone eye drops.
Research Australia, some serious complications were encoun-
The University of tered more commonly in the fluoroqui- Material and methods
Melbourne, nolone group, caution should be exercised The medical records of all patients diagnosed
32 Gisborne Street, in using fluoroquinolones in large, deep with bacterial corneal ulcer who were admitted
East Melbourne, ulcers in the elderly. (first admissions only during this period) to
Victoria 3002, Australia (Br J Ophthalmol 2000;84:378384) the Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital
N Gangopadhyay
in Melbourne, between January 1993 and
M Daniell
L Weih December 1997, were selected for retrospec-
H R Taylor The accepted treatment for severe bacterial tive review.
corneal ulcers includes frequent administra- Diagnosed fungal or viral ulcers were not
Correspondence to: tion of fortified topical ocular antibacterial included in this study. The diagnosis of bacte-
Dr Mark Daniell
agents (usually a cephalosporin and an rial corneal ulcer was based on supportive
Accepted for publication aminoglycoside) used together to cover the clinical findings confirmed by microbiology
12 January 2000 maximum spectrum of bacteria. Treatment is (stain and culture).
Fluoroquinolone and fortified antibiotics for treating bacterial corneal ulcers 379

The clinical records of 140 patients with a in the analyses of variance. DiVerences in
history of bacterial ulcer episodes were re- length of hospital stay, duration of intensive
viewed with attention to the nature of the therapy, time to resolution of infiltration, and
organism and its sensitivity, to identify the time to complete healing of epithelial defect
presence of associated ocular and systemic between the two therapy groups was also
conditions, and concurrent factors for ulcer evaluated using KaplanMeier life table analy-
occurrence, use of topical steroid, healing, sis. Multivariable logistic regression analysis
visual outcome, complications, duration of was used to evaluate risk of complications by
intensive therapy, and total hospital stay. These treatment group controlling for confounding
factors and other pertinent features were com- variables. Forward conditional selection was
pared in the two groups of patients (n=138), used to select the final model. In addition to
one treated with fluoroquinolone only and the analysis of the study sample as a whole, the
other with combined fortified therapy. Two treatments and outcomes were compared
patients had been treated with chlorampheni- between the ofloxacin and ciprofloxacin cases
col alone and they are not included in the sta- as a subgroup of monotherapy with fluoroqui-
tistical analysis. nolone.


Data for this study were double entered and PATIENT DEMOGRAPHICS
verified using Paradox (Borland). Statistical A total of 140 patient charts were reviewed
analysis was performed using SPSS, version 8. In with 140 ulcer events. Of the total 140 ulcer
the analyses, both days of hospital stay and of events which were evaluated for protocol, 54
intensive therapy were transformed by the (38.6%) ulcers were treated with fluoroqui-
natural logarithm of days in order to approxi- nolone, 84 (60%) ulcers were treated with for-
mate a normal distribution. To identify poten- tified tobramycin-cefazolin, and two (1.4%)
tial confounding factors and to evaluate patients were treated with chloramphenicol.
univariate associations with duration of hospi- These two patients are described.
tal stay or intensive therapy, 2 tests are used to There were no significant diVerences be-
evaluate diVerences in proportions and un- tween the treatment groups for any of the
paired t tests are used to evaluate diVerences in demographic characteristics except for age of
means between the fluoroquinolone and forti- presentation (Table 1). The patients treated
fied therapy groups. Analysis of variance is with fluoroquinolone were older than those in
used to evaluate diVerences in duration of hos- the fortified group.
pital stay or intensive therapy, controlling for There were no statistically significant diVer-
confounding variables. The natural log of hos- ences between the treatment groups for any of
pital days and intensive therapy days was used the other baseline characteristics including
ulcer size, depth, or location, for presence of
Table 1 Demographic characteristics of 140 patients with bacterial keratitis
vessels, stromal thinning, or hypopyon. In the
Fluoroquinolone Fortified-Combined Total numbers fluoroquinolone group the mean ulcer size was
Factors (n = 54) (38.6%) (n = 84) (60%) (n = 140) (100%) 11 mm2 and in the fortified combined group it
Sex: M/F 32/22 (59.3/40.7) 51/33 (60.7/39.3) 83/55 (59.3/40.7%) was 7.9 mm2 and the mean ulcer size was 9.2
Mean (SD) age (years) 72.2 (20.4) 61.2 (23.7) 65.5 (23.0) mm2. Information on depth of two ulcers was
Ulcer location: missing from the records.
Central 39 (72.2%) 50 (59.5%) 89 (64.5%)
Peripheral 11 (20.4%) 32 (38.1%) 43 (31.2%) No significant diVerences between the two
Limbal 4 (7.4%) 2 (2.4%) 6 (4.3%) treatment groups were found in terms of pres-
Ulcer depth ence of lid pathology, corneal pathology, or
Superficial <% 22 (41.5%) 43 (51.8%) 65 (47.8%)
Deep >% 31 (58.5%) 40 (48.2%) 71 (52.2%) other concurrent eye conditions (Table 2).
Mean ulcer size (mm2) 11.0 7.9 9.2 The presence of other associated eye condi-
Hypopyon 35 (64.8%) 42 (50%) 77 (54%)
Vascularisation 21 (38.9%) 23 (27.4%) 44 (31.4%)
tions with potential to act as predisposing fac-
Stromal thinning 18 (33.3%) 23 (27.4%) 41 (29.3%) tors for the ulcer such as trauma, past surgical
intervention, dry eye, glaucoma, and contact
Table 2 Prestudy pathology and therapy of 140 ulcer events lens wear was evaluated and no significant dif-
ferences in distribution between the two treat-
Pathology Fluoroquinolone Fortified-Combined Total numbers ment groups were found.
Corneal conditions:
HSV stromal keratitis 35 (64.8%) 45 (53.5%) 70 (48.6%)
Trophic cornea 13 (24.0%) 13 (14.0%) 26 (18.2%) Nineteen (14.4%) ulcer cases were associated
Oedema 7 (13.0%) 9 (9.6%) 16 (11.6%) with contact lens use, of which five (9.2%)
Other conditions: were in the fluoroquinolone group and 14
Pterygium 4 (7.4%) 4 (4.8%) 8 (5.6%)
Spheroidal degeneration 7 (13.0%) 11 (11.7%) 18 (13.0%) (16.6%) were in the fortified combined group.
Inflammation 4 (7.4%) 8 (9.5%) 12(8.7%) (Table 2). Fifteen patients used contact lens for
Associated lid conditions: 12 (22.3%) 13 (15.5%) 25 (18.1%) refractive reasons and 13 were soft contact
Lagophthalmos 9 (16.7%) 8 (9.5%) 17 (12.3%)
Other conditions: lenses. Four were bandage contact lenses used
Trauma 7 (13.0%) 18 (13.0%) 25 (18.1%) for corneal conditions and three of these were
Past surgery 26 (48.0%) 27 (32.0%) 53 (38.4%) in the fluoroquinolone group. More patients in
Dry eye 7 (13.0%) 1 (1.4%) 8 (5.8)
Glaucoma 12 (22.2%) 18 (21.4%) 30 (21.7%) the fortified group had a history of contact lens
Viral keratitis +Rx 5 (9.2%) 7 (8.3%) 12 (8.7%) wear but this was not significant. There was no
Antiglaucoma Rx 12 (22.2%) 24 (26.0%) 36 (26.0%)
Contact lens 5 (9.2%) 14 (16.6%) 19 (14.4%)
specific preponderance of particular bacteria
noted in the contact lens related ulcers.
380 Gangopadhyay, Daniell, Weih, et al


Patients in the fluoroquinolone group were Laboratory data in all 140 study ulcers were
more likely to have systemic diseases (rheuma- available. Of 140 Gram stain specimens, 56
toid arthritis, diabetes, hypertension, asthma, (40%) specimens showed organism on Gram
gout, peptic ulcer, ischaemic heart disease stain. Of these, 35 (62.5%) Gram positive
(IHD), or others) compared with those in the cocci, 12 (21.4%) were Gram positive bacilli
fortified group (Table 3). Of 140 ulcer (four of them mixed with Gram positive cocci
episodes, 71 (50.7%) were associated with one and one with Gram negative cocci), eight
or more of those systemic diseases and 37 (14.3%) were Gram negative bacilli, and one
(68.5%) of them were in the fluoroquinolone (1.8%) was Gram negative cocci (mixed with
group. Gram positive bacilli). Five specimens showed
Patients taking fluoroquinolone therapy mixed organisms. There was no diVerence in
yields in Gram stain between the therapy
were more likely to be concurrently using
systemic immunosuppressive drugs than the
Of 140 culture results available for analysis,
patients taking fortified therapy. Seventeen
100 (71.4%) cases were culture positive yield-
(12%) ulcer episodes were associated with ing 120 isolates. Sixteen (16%) were a combi-
concurrent use of topical steroids, six (11%) of nation of two or more isolates; four cultures
which were in the fluoroquinolone group, and were a mix of three isolates (Table 5).
11 (13%) in the fortified group. Seven (5%) Of 16 cases of polyisolates, nine had Staphy-
ulcer episodes were found to be associated with lococcus sp mixed with another organism (three
concurrent systemic steroid use and six of with Streptococcus, three with Corynebacterium,
them were in the fluoroquinolone group. Of two with Proteus, and one with Moraxella), three
these six patients three were also taking were a combination of two diVerent Staphyloco-
antimetabolites for rheumatoid arthritis. ccus sp, and four had Staphylococcus sp mixed
with two other isolates (three with Moraxella
and Corynebacterium and one with Moraxella
and Streptococcus). The distribution of type of
There was a significant imbalance in the distri-
bacterial organisms was similar in each therapy
bution of visual acuity on presentation between
group and no significant diVerence in percent-
the two therapy groups, in the extremes of
age of isolates between therapy groups includ-
visual acuity range (Fishers exact p<0.001)
ing the polybacterial infections was observed.
(Table 4). One of the patients treated with chlorampheni-
Table 3 Pre-existing systemic diseases in 140 ulcer episodes col grew Serratia marcescens in culture and the
other one grew mixed S epidermidis with a
Total (n=71) coagulase negative Staphylococcus sp.
Systemic diseases Fluoroquinolone Fortified-Combined (51.3%)

Diabetes 9 (16.7%) 9 (10.7%) 18 (13.0%)

Hypertension 10 (18.5%) 11 (13.1%) 21 (15.2%) OFLOXACIN V CIPROFLOXACIN THERAPY
Rheumatoid arthritis 6 (11.1%) 4 (4.8%) 10 (7.2%) Fifteen patients in the fluoroquinolone group
Others (asthma, gout,
peptic ulcer, IHD) 12 (22.2%) 10 (11.9%) 22 (15.9%) were treated with ciprofloxacin and 39 were
treated with ofloxacin. No diVerence in demo-
Table 4 Visual acuity on presentation of 140 ulcer episodes
graphic features (mean age, sex, ulcer type,
location and depth, hypopyon, thinning, lid
Visual acuity Fluoroquinolone Fortified-Combined Total pathology, or presence of other eye conditions)
was noted between the ciprofloxacin and
6/5 to 6/9 1 (1.8%) 14 (16.7%) 15 (10.8%)
6/12 to 6/24 7 (13.0%) 20 (23.8%) 27 (19.3%) ofloxacin group. No diVerence was noted for
6/36 to 6/60 6 (11.1%) 8 (9.5%) 14 (10.0%) use of concurrent steroid therapy, immunosup-
3/60 to HM, PL* 37 (68.5%) 28 (33.3%) 67 (47.8%) pression, or use of topical steroid during heal-
NPL 3 (5.6%) 14 (16.7%) 17 (12.1%)
ing between these two therapy groups. Micro-
*Two patients treated with chloramphenicol had vision of 3/36 and HM. biological data in the ciprofloxacin group were
Table 5 Microbiological analysis of 122 isolates of 100 culture positive ulcers
found to have similar characteristics as in the
ofloxacin group. Final visual outcome, types,
Gram positive bacteria Number and frequency of complications encountered
and total duration of intensive therapy and
Staphylococcus epidermidis and coagulase negative 32
Staphylococcus aureus 27 hospital stay between the ciprofloxacin and
Streptococcus pneumoniae 9 ofloxacin groups were without any significant
Other Streptococcus sp 7 diVerences. Only one patient developed a cor-
Bacillus cereus 1
Corynebacterium sp 13 neal precipitate at the ulcer site after treatment
Propionibacterium acnes 6 and this was with ciprofloxacin.
Total No (%)of Gram positive bacteria 95 (79.0% )

Gram negative bacteria Number TREATMENT MODIFICATIONS

The treatment protocol for 16 (11.4%) pa-
Pseudomonas sp 9
Enterobactor cloacae 1 tients out of 140 was modified either because
Escherichia coli 1 of a delay in expected clinical response or con-
Proteus mirabilis 3 cern about antibiotic resistance. Ten (12%)
Haemophilus influenzae 1
Moraxella sp 9 were in the fortified group and six (11%)
Serratia marcescens 1 received fluoroquinolones (Table 6). Only two
Total No (%) of Gram negative bacteria 25 (21.0%)
Total No of isolates 122 (100%)
patients had a confirmed resistant organism to
therapy (cefazolin in each case).
Fluoroquinolone and fortified antibiotics for treating bacterial corneal ulcers 381

Table 6 Reasons for treatment modifications of 16 patients

Patient No Therapy Organism Resistance Reasons Modification Outcome

1 Fluoroquinolone S aureus and Cefazolin (resist Concern about Topical cefazolin, systemic PED conj flap
(S aureus from leg ulcer) to all except sensitivity (CAS) vancomycin, cefrataxone
2 Fluoroquinolone S pneumoniae CAS Topical cefazolin, penicillin, Healing at last exam
systemic penicillin
3 Fluoroquinolone S aureus CAS Topical vancomycin Healed
4 Fluoroquinolone P acnes CAS Topical tobramycin PED SBCL applied
5 Fluoroquinolone S pneumoniae CAS Topical cefazolin Healing at last exam
6 Fluoroquinolone Moraxella Deterioration Topical cefazoloin Healed
Hypopyon developed
7 Fortified S pneumoniae CAS Topical vancomycin, systemic PED tarsorrhaphy
S aureus cefazolin and ciprofloxacin
8 Fortified S haemolyticus CAS Subconjunctival gentamicin, Eventual
systemic ciprofloxacin and enucleation
9 Fortified S sanguis CAS To pical vancomycin Healed
10 Fortified Enterobactor cloacae Cefazolin Resistant organism Topical ciprofloxacin Healed
11 Fortified Moraxella sp Cefazolin Resistant organism Systemic ciprofloxacin and PED conj flap
gentamicin, topical antiviral
12 Fortified P aeruginosa CAS Systemic cefazolin, gentamicin, Healing
and antiviral
13 Fortified P aeruginosa Chloramph enicol Systemic ticarcillin Healed
14 Fortified P aeroginosa Chloramph enicol Systemic ticarcillin PED conj flap
15 Fortified Alpha haemolytic strep, S Deterioration Systemic cefazolin and tobramycin PK
epidermidis, and coag ve
16 Fortified S aureus History of HZO Systemic ciprofloxacin and Healed
topical antiviral

Two patients were treated with topical chlo- COMPLICATIONS

ramphenicol. One woman aged 84 had a Nine (16.7%) of the patients treated with fluo-
corneal ulcer secondary to dry eye and lagoph- roquinolone had serious complications (perfo-
thalmos that was thought to be sterile. She ration or enucleation and evisceration) com-
improved with topical intensive chlorampheni- pared with two (2.4%) in the fortified group
col eye drops and lubricants. The other, a (Fishers exact, p=0.004) (Table 7). Perfora-
woman aged 90, had a pre-existing epithelial tion was noted in five cases, all in the
defect on a scarred cornea which had devel- fluoroquinolone group. Six patients eyes were
oped a secondary infection with Serratia marc- enucleated or eviscerated; four of them were in
escens that responded well. the fluoroquinolone group and two of them
were in the fortified group. Of five ulcers with
perforation, three had to be treated with glue
Topical steroid was used as an adjunct therapy and bandage contact lens to provide tectonic
to facilitate the healing by decreasing inflam- support and two of them were treated with
mation once the infection was clinically con- emergency grafting. In total, four ulcers under-
trolled and appropriate antibiotic therapy was went urgent keratoplasty. The other two were
supported by culture and sensitivity reports. large and deep ulcers in the combined fortified
Usually, topical steroid was started when therapy group.
intensive antibiotic therapy was tapered. No Serious complications were unrelated to the
steroids were used in the two patients treated presence of any systemic disease, steroid medi-
with topical chloramphenicol. Four topical cation, or immune supplementation in either
steroid preparations were used predominantly: univariate or multivariate models. Controlling
Prednefrin forte (prednisolone acetate 1%), for age and visual acuity at admission, the fluo-
Flarex (fluorometholone acetate 0.1%), Pred- roquinolone therapy group had an 8.9-fold
sol (prednisolone sodium phosphate (0.5%), (95% CI 1.5, 51.7) increased risk of serious
or Predsol minims (no preservative). FML complication. Each decrement of visual acuity
(fluorometholone 0.1%) or Maxidex (dexam- on admission was associated with a marginally
ethasone 0.5%) were used infrequently. significant increased risk of serious complica-
Steroid eye drops were used in 88 (62.7%) tion. Controlling for systemic disease and ster-
cases. Of the 36 cases in the fluoroquinolone oid medication in addition to age and visual
group, 24 (66.6%) ulcers received Flarex drops acuity, the fluoroquinolone therapy group
and 12 (33.4%) received other steroid drops. remained at increased risk of serious complica-
In the fortified group, 22 of 52 cases (42.3%) tion. Subanalyses of the patients who were over
received Prednefrin forte drops. Flarex was 60 years of age yielded similar results.
used more in the fluoroquinolone group
Table 7 Multivariate analysis of serious complications controlling for age, systemic disease,
and immunosuppression For the people above the age of 60 years
controlling for age, systemic diseases, and
Fortified Fluoroquinolone p Value immunosuppression (topical and systemic
Enucleated/eviscerated 2 (2.4%) 4 (7.4%) 0.2
steroid or antimetabolites), there was a signifi-
Perforated 0 (0%) 5 (9.3%) 0.9 cant reduction in the duration of intensive
Serious complications 2 (2.4%) 9 (16.7%) 0.02 therapy in the fluoroquinolone group, 4 days,
PED 5 (5.9%) 0 (0%) 0.1
Any complications 7 (8.3%) 9 (16.7%) 0.1
when compared with those treated with
fortified drops, 6 days (p<0.001). Intensive

Table 8 Characteristics of patients with complications

Visual acuity
Complication/ outcome
Case No, age, sex Admission Follow up Organisms Resistance Systemic disease Immunosuppression Prestudy pathology Rx modification (day)

Combined fortified group (9 patients)

1, 76, F PL No organism Diabetic Corneal oedema Enucleation (8)
2, 80, F HM PL Moraxella Rh arthritis, Corneal scar PK (4)
S epidermidis HTN Glaucoma
S pneumoniae
3, 89, M HM S epidermidis HTN Corneal scar, ectropion PED, conj flap (22)
Peptic ulcer Lagophthalmos
4, 94, F 6/60 6/60 S epidermidis Topical steroid Neutropic cornea PED, healed
Herpes zoster (past)
5, 97, M PL PL P aeruginosa HTN/Parkinsons Glaucoma Tarsorrhaphy
Planned, DNA
6, 92, F HM HM S pneumoniae HTN Topical steroid Glaucoma Topical vancomycin Tarsorrhaphy (31)
S aureus Systemic cefazolin, ciprofloxacin
7, 75, F NPL S haemolyticus Glaucoma Subconjunctival gentamicin Enucleation (3)
Systemic ciprofloxacin, penicillin
8, 76, F HM PL Moraxella sp Cefazolin Topical steroid Corneal scar Systemic ciprofloxacin, gentamicin PED, conj flap (26)
presumed HIV keratitis Topical antiviral
9, 85, F 1/36 HM Alpha haemolytic Diabetes Scar (trachoma) Systemic cefazolin PK (3)
streptococci Tobramycin
Staph coag ve
Fluoroquinolone group (9 patients)
10, 78, F HM Moraxella HTN/gout Evisceration (13)
11, 77, M NPL No organism HTN Corneal scar Enucleation (8)
12, 93, M PL P mirabilis Topical steroid Evisceration (8)
S epidermidis,
Staph coag ve
13, 96, F NPL No organism Corneal scar Evisceration (2)
14, 84, M 6/60 6/36 No organism Rh arthritis Systemic steroid Corneal scar Perforation
Glaucoma PK (7)
15, 82, M PL PL P acnes HTN Trauma Perforation
Staph coag ve Glue and SBCL (6)
16, 54, M PL PL Staph Diabetes Topical steroid Vascularised Perforation
Coag ve Corneal scar Glue and BCL (10)
17, 87, M HM HM Corynebacterium HTN Corneal scar Aciclovir Perforation
Moraxella Skin cancer Presume HSV Glue and BCL (2)
Staph coag ve Neurotropic cornea
18, 84, M 6/60 6/18 Corynebacterium HTN Dry eye Aciclovir Perforation
Corneal scar
Neurotropic cornea PK (4)
Presumed HSV
Gangopadhyay, Daniell, Weih, et al
Fluoroquinolone and fortified antibiotics for treating bacterial corneal ulcers 383

therapy was defined as application of drops therapy.1315 OBrien et al 13 found eight of nine
from every hour to every 23 hours. patients with severe ocular side eVects were in
For the people older than 60 years of age the the fortified antibiotic group. The ofloxacin
median hospital stay was longer in the fortified study group noticed five times more toxicity
group, 10 days, compared with 7 days in the encountered with the conventional therapy and
fluoroquinolone group (p=0.01). significantly less objective evidence of toxicity
associated with ofloxacin therapy.15 The most
VISUAL OUTCOME AT LAST FOLLOW UP VISIT frequently reported adverse event with cipro-
Of 140 patients, data on the visual acuity of 77 floxacin treatment was development of tran-
patients (whose ulcers were documented as sient white precipitate in 1342% cases.11
completely healed, was analysed. All patients Unlike ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin has not been
(five in the fluoroquinolone group and 21 in reported to cause corneal precipitate during
the fortified group) whose visual acuity on intensive use.
presentation was 6/18 or better did not show However, there are fewer studies regarding
any change in their visual acuity after healing at any other benefit of fluoroquinolones in the
the last follow up. Of 29 patients in the fortified treatment of bacterial keratitis. In one large
group who had a visual acuity less than 6/18 on study of ciprofloxacin monotherapy for bacte-
presentation, nine (31%) improved to 6/18 rial keratitis, Wilhelmus et al 11 found that the
whereas only one (4.5%) patient out of 22 in mean duration of treatment with ciprofloxacin
the fluoroquinolone group with a visual acuity ointment (18 (SD 10) days) was significantly
less than 6/18 improved to 6/18. Thus, visual shorter than that with conventional therapy
outcome in the patients with already poor (24 (16) days).
vision was worse in the fluoroquinolone group In this study, fewer patients with poor vision
(p=0.02 2 df=5.6) (Table 8). on presentation showed an improvement in
final visual acuity in the fluoroquinolone group
Discussion than in the fortified group. The lack of
Clinical studies have shown that treatment improvement in vision in the fluoroquinolone
outcomes with fluoroquinolone monotherapy group is undoubtedly influenced by the higher
(either ciprofloxacin or ofloxacin) compare rate of adverse outcomes, but is a worrying
favourably with conventional combined trend. Earlier studies by OBrien et al 13 and
therapy of fortified antibiotics.1015 In our study Hyndiuk et al,14 or by the ofloxacin study
we not only found that the response to fluoro- group15 have not addressed the important issue
quinolone was comparable with that of forti- of visual outcome.
fied therapy, but also found a shorter duration The choice of initial therapy for suspected
of intensive therapy (4 days v 6 days), and an microbial keratitis should be governed or
associated shortened hospital stay (7 days v 10 guided by contemporary epidemiological find-
days) in the patients treated with fluoroqui- ings. The microbiological findings in the
nolone drops. The reduced duration of inten- current study are similar with other
sive therapy along with shortened hospital stay studies.11 13 14 However, the ofloxacin study
are good indicators of earlier and better clinical group15 had a higher incidence of Pseudomonas
response in the patients treated with fluoroqui- ulcers, 26.5%, compared with the 6.4% in our
nolone drops. Our study, being retrospective in study. Also there was a greater incidence, 39%,
nature, lacks the detailed documentation of of contact lens wear14 15 compared with 13.5%
objective evidence of toxicity from therapy but of contact lens wear in our study. Our study
one could assume that patients with less toxic- was based on patients who required admission,
ity and an earlier healing had intensive therapy who are presumably the most severe cases.
tapered more quickly and so a shorter hospital This factor may have contributed to some of
stay. There was no other policy change over the diVerences with other studies.
this period in relation to duration of hospitali- We found that all isolates of Streptococcus sp
sation. were sensitive to fluoroquinolone, tobramycin,
Leibowitz, in a multicentre study of patients and cefazolin. In fact, we did not encounter any
with culture positive infectious keratitis, ob- isolate that was resistant to fluoroquinolone.
served 92% success with ciprofloxacin.10 Simi- However, the continued use of an antibiotic
larly, Wilhelmus et al found that clinical raises the issue of emerging resistance.1719 The
success occurred in 93% of the patients treated ofloxacin study group15 had 6.1% resistant
with ciprofloxacin ointment used for a shorter organisms to ofloxacin and OBrien et al 13
mean duration than conventional agents.11 In reported 2% resistant. Recently, Kunimoto et
this prospective study more patients in the al 19 have reported 30.7% (478 out of 1558) of
non-enrolled group treated with conventional corneal isolates in India were resistant to
therapy experienced failure than in the cipro- ciprofloxacin in vitro. It should be noted that
floxacin group. The recent clinical trial by the drug levels attainable in the cornea are much
ofloxacin study group showed no diVerence in higher than those in serum, especially with
treatment success between the two treatments repeated dosing, and so relative resistance of an
with 62.1% of the ofloxacin group and 67.9% organism in vitro may not result in treatment
of the conventional treatment group being failure.
cured within 14 days.15 In our study, a significant unexpected
Some of these studies have shown a signifi- finding was the incidence of serious complica-
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384 Gangopadhyay, Daniell, Weih, et al

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