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May 5th 2017

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the
views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project number:


DESIGN Disabled Employability Signaling



AFID Fundao afid Diferena


APROXIMAR Cooperativa de Solidariedade Social, CRL

Asociatia Profesionala Neguvernamentala de Asistenta Sociala ASSOC

EaSI European Association for Social Innovation

Hand in Hand Foundation (Kzenfogva Alaptvny)


Anna Matveeva

Aurlien Dierckens
Project number:


INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................... 4
I COUNTRY PROFILE ................................................................................................................................ 6
1. Social Support System........................................................................................................................ 9
2. Protection of people with disabilities .............................................................................................. 11
II - FIELD RESEARCH.................................................................................................................................. 19
1. Promising practices selection process .......................................................................................... 19
a) Data collection methodology...................................................................................................... 19
b) Rational for Promising practices selection process.................................................................... 20
III RESULTS............................................................................................................................................. 22
CASE STUDY 1 ...................................................................................................................................... 22
CASE STUDY 2 ...................................................................................................................................... 27
CASE STUDY 3 ...................................................................................................................................... 33
CASE STUDY 4 ...................................................................................................................................... 40
CASE STUDY 5 ...................................................................................................................................... 47
BIBLIOGRAPHY ......................................................................................................................................... 56
AFEJI and ANDICAT Team Contact .......................................................................................................... 57
Project number:


AFEJI is lead partner of this 3-years project (2016-19) Disabled Employability Signalling (DESIGN),
created by 7 organisations from France (AFEJI, ANDICAT), Portugal (Fundao AFID Diferena,
APROXIMAR), Romania (ASSOC, EaSI) and Hungary (Hand in Hand Foundation).

DESIGN stands for finding the most suitable person for a job, breaking discrimination cycles and
society prejudice barriers persons with disability face. It aims at delivering high job placement
counselling services, both to disabled persons and those employers with suitable job places. It is
focused on creating a learning network platform to support Social Services Providers, specialised in
disabled persons job placement, increase the job profiling of disabled persons, better management of
job placement services, stronger networking and effectiveness in employers engagement and most of
all higher rate of disabled person employability.

DESIGN wants to develop the right set of training courses to empower the services dealing with
disabled person's employability. To achieve this, there is a need to train those people with
responsibilities to engage with employers, but also to fine-tune the evaluation, counselling and
guidance provided to the disabled person who want to apply for a job. In terms of fine-tuning partners
plan to further develop cognitive abilities tests and mediation processes.

The project foresees the development of a set of Intellectual Outputs like:

O1) Evidence review on disabled persons job placement services

O2) Job Profile Assessment tool and manual

O3) Job Placement Services Learning programme manual

O4) Communication toolkit and

O5) Job Placement Services model

The aim of Evidence Review on Disabled Persons Job Placement Services (O1) is to synthetize good
examples from each partner organisations country. In order to deepen our understanding of the
situation of the disabled people in the labour market, we will examine some main similarities and
differences existing across the countries partners to the project. The goal of this report is not to
provide an in depth analysis of the situation in France, but to gain a better overview of the social care
Project number:

and health system and reality in which the various stakeholders live and operate. The paper will
attempt to outline key challenges that need to be overcome, in order to create a more social and
inclusive Europe for all. As a result, the lead partners will create a final report which contains not only
the good examples but also some policies recommendations to decision makers.
Project number:


France is the largest country in the EU (633 187 km2), stretching from the North Sea to the
France is EU member since the 1st January 1958, member of the Eurozone since 1st January 1999, and
Schengen Area member since 26 March 1995. The Commissioner nominated by France to the
European Commission is Pierre Moscovici, who is responsible for Economic and Financial Affairs,
Taxation and Customs. There are 74 members of the European Parliament from France.
Breakdown of Frances finances with the EU in 2015:
Total EU spending in France is 14.468 billion
Total French contribution to the EU budget 19.013 billion
France is a semi presidential system. The most important sectors of Frances economy in 2015 are
public administration, defense, education, human health and social work activities (23.0 %), wholesale
and retail trade, transport, accommodation and food services (17.7 %) and industry (14.1 %).
French peoples "thirst for knowledge manifests itself in a high degree of qualification and good
productivity. Frances hourly and annual productivity rates per worker beat the European average by

Table 1 Top 5 Societal Challenges in France

Top 5 Societal Challenges

The poverty rate increased by 0,2 point in 2015. It concerns up to 14,3% of the
population, after 14,1% in 2014. Thus, more than a person on seven lives with
less than 60% of median income (which is around 1 000 euros). For the French
national institute of statistics and economic studies (Insee), the rate of 2015
is due mainly to increase in number of unemployed persons living under the
1. Poverty and social exclusion poverty line, which is in its turn resulted from the increase in number of
people being unemployed for a long or very long time.

The increase in the inequality of living standards started in 2014 continues in

2015. According to the French national institute of statistics and economic
studies, tax and social measures undertaken in 2015 allowed nevertheless to

1 and
Project number:

attenuate them (notably, targeted reduction in income taxes, adjustment of

family allowances according to resources, increase in some benefits for those
with low incomes such as the revaluation of 2 % of the active solidarity

The death toll lowers slightly (-1 %) in comparison to 2015. Despite the small
decrease observed in 2016, the death toll remains substantial due to the fact
that many generations of baby boom reach the ages of high mortality.

In 2016, the life expectancy at birth has been increasing steadily again. It goes
up to 85,4 years for a woman (85 in 2015) and to 79,3 years for a man (78,9 in
2. Aging population 2015). By January 1st, 2017, 19,2% population is aged of 65 or older which is 3
points more than in 1997.3

France is the European country where there are the most of the centenarians:
21 000 in 2016. Since 1975, the number of centenarians increases steadily by
7% a year. However, it remains modest as they represent only 0,03%

The unemployment rate of young people from 18 to 25 years old was

multiplied by 3,5 in 40 years, to reach the level of 24% in 2016. 17 % 15-29
years old are NEETs (neither in employment, nor in education or in training).
35% 15-29 years old are on a precarious contract (fixed term, temporary one,
in training). The French situation, in comparison to other European countries,
is characterized by the excessive youth unemployment (the youth
unemployment rate is above the European average).

3. Youth unemployment However, the position of the young people on the labour market varies
significantly depending on their individual situation. The young people form
the heterogeneous population. The young people with lower qualification
represent the unemployment rate three times higher than those having a
higher education.

The speciality of a diploma or even its access arrangements (via school versus
via training) counts more and more in the quality of integration in
employment. The report reveals the absence of the mastery of basic skills (oral

Project number:

understanding, writing, reading, calculation) for 10% young people and

geographical obstacles to find a job (capacity in terms of mobility, digital
literacy, health conditions, lower living standards including the absence of
accommodation or of social insurance). Finally, some young people combine
difficulties (young people of immigrant background, living in sensitive urban
or rural areas, etc.).5

5 years ago, the number of French young people who left school without
having got a professional diploma or certificate of secondary education was
estimated to 140 000 per year. Moreover, 620 000 young people from 18 to
24 years old left the system without certificate of the second cycle of
secondary school, having no education at all. For these young people, such
situation is source of major social and economic difficulties. To reverse this
trend, France fixed following objectives:
4. Education: Early leavers
By 2017 to divide by two the number of young people leaving the
from education and training
education system without any qualification. It is a question of giving a
possibility of education, training or civic service to every early school leaver.

To reach a goal of not exceeding 10% 18-24 years old school leavers as a
part of "Europe 2020 Strategy".

After the first decline in 2015, the number of young people who leave the
initial education system without any certificate annually drops below 100 000
this year ( 98 000 according to Deep Survey, November, 2016).6

By June 30th, 2016, the power level of the electricity generating installed base
from renewable source reaches 44,8 gigawatts. Photovoltaic solar and wind
energies enable growth of renewable electricity. The power united by both
installed bases attains more than 17 gigawatts in continental France. Hydraulic
5. Renewable energy network remains stable. Hydroelectricity, first type of renewable energies,
represents 57% generation with 25,5 gigawatts. The type of electrical
bioenergies in its turn generates 1,8 gigawatt. Covering only 1,38% French
electrical consumption, it increased nevertheless by 10% during last twelve

Project number:

1. Social Support System

a) The current system

Table 2 Overview of the Social Support System in France - Continental (Bismarckian) model

Total Population 66 990 8268

General scheme for employees At the end of 2014, 15,8 million persons, living being in France
how many people pay social security or abroad, are tenured of an old-age pension of direct right of at
contributions? least a French regime of basic retirement or supplementary.9
how many are receiving old age pensions Profitable DEBOE of the AAH represents 22 % (109.392 persons)
Disability Pension?
of all the DEBOE.
Scheme for independent Workers If you have micro-entreprise, or auto-entrepreneur business
how many independent workers pay social tax status you will pay social security contributions as a
security contributions? percentage of your turnover, whose rates will vary by type of
business - around 13% to 25%.
If you operate on the basis of the rgime reel (real regim)
then you pay social security contributions after deduction of
your actual eligible costs, at a level of around 45% of net profits.
There are various exemptions that operate for the self-
employed, notably in relation to those starting a business in a
development area, or out of unemployment.
There are also concessions for low profits. 10
Special professional schemes (civil servants, In 2015 the autonomous organization on old-age insurance for
lawyers, financial sector) licensed liberal professionals (doctors, lawyers, engineers etc.)
professional workers groups with covered 642.920 contributors, 270.022 retired people and
schemes that are not covered by the 46.980 surviving spouses, excluding self-employed persons11.
other schemes The professions liberals will obtain health cover from the RSI,
but many will continue to pay into a separate pension fund

Detailed review of social security contributions for the self-employed on Social Security Contributions for
Business Owners
security/ and Micro-Entrepreneur Tax Regimes
Project number:

administered through an umbrella body called the Caisse

Nationale d'Assurance Vieillesse des Professions Librales
(CIPAV). The name of the actual fund will depend on the
professional activity12.
Voluntary schemes There are various grounds on which relief from French Social
people that are exempt but with Security Contributions is available. The forms of relief are as
voluntary schemes which can apply to follows13:
have the right: e.g. trainers, i. Savings Schemes
housekeepers, etc.
ii. Unemployed
If you are unemployed in France, and you decide to start a
business, you are exempt from most social security charges for
up to two years.
To benefit from this concession you do not need to be in receipt
of unemployment benefit, provided you have been registered
with the unemployment agency Ple emploi for at least six
months out of the last eighteen months.
iii. Development Area
If you establish the business in a development area (and there
are many different types in both rural and urban areas) you may
be entitled to some relief from social security contributions.
iv. Illness
If you are unable temporarily for reasons of illness, or other
justifiable reason, to operate the business, the social
contributions continue to be payable, excepting those for
retirement pension, where relief from payment is available.
v. Dividends
vi. Elderly
If you are aged at least 65 years of age, then you are eligible for
relief from the payment of sickness benefit, when contributions
will be based on your actual income, not on a minimum. If you
have low income, neither will you pay CSG/CRDS or
complementary pension contributions.
vii. Free Health Cover
If your total income is below certain thresholds, then you can

Project number:

receive free health cover through the CMU Proctection

Complmentaire (CMUC).
viii. Financial Difficulties
Other The artistic professions (painter, sculptor etc) are in contact with
La Maison Des Artistes, whilst authors need to make contact
with AGESSA14.

2. Protection of people with disabilities

b) Intervention under national level legislation

The 2005 Disability Act (Loi numro 2005-102 du 11 fvrier 2005 pour l'galit des droits et des
chances, la participation et la citoyennet des personnes handicapes), the 1987 Disability
Employment Act (Loi numero 87-517 du 10 juillet 1987 en faveur de l'emploi des travailleurs
handicaps) and the French Labour Law (Code du Travail) are the three main legislations regarding
open labour employment in France.15

The 2005 Disability Act (Loi numero 2005-102 du 11 fvrier 2005 pour l'galit des droits et des
chances, la participation et la citoyennet des personnes handicapes) and the Government Decree
on Sheltered Work (Dcret n2006-1752 du 23 dcembre 2006 relatif au contrat de soutien et d'aide
par le travail et aux ressources des travailleurs des tablissements ou services d'aide par le travail) are
the two main legislations regarding sheltered employment in France.

Core Legislation (core country legislation providing equitable treatment for people with

Country Legislation
(E.g. national constitution, pieces Brief description of the aims Core articles
with legal obligations, etc.)
It was modified by the following laws
Guides E.S.A.T.s activities
and acts, with the core articles

Project number:

Code de laction described below

sociale et des familles
(Social Action and
Family Law)16

In short, this law guarantees the rights

of disabled beneficiaries and place
them in the core of the system, it
introduces different essential tools:
The Establishment plan
Welcome Booklet
Stay contract, in other words a
contract on support and guide
Law n 2002-2 of
through work in E.S.A.T.
January 2nd 2002
The Regulations on Functioning
rnovant l'action
Modernizes social and medico- The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
sociale et mdico-
social work of the sheltered persons
sociale (Restoring
The Council of Social Life
social and medico-
The qualified people not working for
social action)17
a concerned establishment are
allowed to accompany the
beneficiaries in difficulties in the
frame of their stay and working
Regular assessment of the quality of
services provided by establishments
(internal and external evaluations).
Law n 2005-102 du 11 On rights and equality of chances, The essential advances of the law are
fvrier 2005 pour participation and citizenship of summed up as following:
l'galit des droits et disabled persons. The Law provides The right to compensation and to
des chances, la an extensive definition of the financing of the life project
participation et la handicap: In the sense of the Schooling and inclusion in ordinary
citoyennet des present law, handicap is any environment
personnes limitation of activity or restriction of The employment of disabled

Project number:

handicapes (For participation in life in society workers and nondiscrimination at

Equal Rights and suffered by a person in his work
Opportunities, environment due to a substantial, The notion of accessibility
Participation and lasting or definitive impairment of Creation of the Departmental Home
Citizenship of Persons one or several physical, sensory, for Disabled Persons

with Disabilities )18 mental, cognitive or psychical

functions, to combined deficiencies
or to a disabling health disorder.
The summary guide published in
April, 2006 by the Ministry delegated
to Social security, to Elderly, to
Disabled Persons and to Family
details the main elements of the law.
It specifies for instance:
The ways ESAT workers are
Gives details on legal provisions in
Reminds the implementation of the
force since January 1st, 2007 related
35-hour workweek.
to ESATs and their sheltered workers
Different granted leaves and
The Circular 2008-259 with disabilities. The Decrees N.
absences and their consequence to
of 1 August 2008, 2006-703 and N. 2006-1752 of June
the maintaining of remuneration
related to the 16th and December 23rd, 2006, the
The obligations of vocational
Inclusion through Order of December 28th, 2006 as
training and the assistance in
Work Establishments well as the Decree N. 2007-874 of
membership process to join OPCA
and their beneficiaries May 14th, 2007 and two Orders of
(accredited fund collecting and
May 14th and July 6th, 2007 had
distributing agency)
taken the provisions pursuant to law
Assistance in making contributions
N. 2005-102 (the 2005 Disability Act)
to a social insurance scheme

The Government It reinforces the ESAT obligations in

Decree on Sheltered Related to vocational training, to the terms of vocational training of the
Work n 2009-565 of recognition procedure of the workers. It emphasizes further the
May 20th 2009 knowledge and skills as well as to the need to recognize their knowledge

Project number:

validation of acquired experience of and skills.

the disabled workers accompanied

National Agency on It resulted from the will of public In its deliberations, ANESM issued 44
Evaluation and Quality authorities to support medico-social recommendations of good practices,
of Establishments and establishments in implementing one of which is specifically related to
Medico-social Services internal and external evaluations, set ESAT, in April 2013, Adjustment of
(A.N.E.S.M.) up pursuant to the law of 2 January accompaniment to the expectations
recommendations19 2002. and needs of ESAT workers with

c) Employment overview

Employability support modalities

The French sheltered sector is made of specific centres known as Etablissement ou Service d'Aide par
le travail (E.S.A.T.) or Inclusion through Work. Sheltered positions are open to people based on an
estimation of their working capacity in a given profession (from 5% to 35% compared to an able
worker). Many such centres also operate as subcontractors to other companies in the non sheltered

Sheltered workers do not have a work contract, and they cannot be made redundant. Instead, they
sign a support contract which is renewed every year. This contract includes support measures such as
Braille literacy courses or orientation and mobility courses.

Other forms of supported employment are mainly found in the public sector, where particular
positions may only be opened to disabled job applicants.

The following rights are guaranteed to those who qualify as disabled workers:

Assistance and guidance from CDAPH in order to find a position in the sheltered sector

Access to professional training and rehabilitation workshops

Assistance and guidance from Ple Emploi (National Job Centre) and Cap Emploi (specific
recruitment organisation)

Project number:

Funding and practical help provided by the Association de gestion du fonds pour l'insertion
professionnelle des personnes handicapes (A.G.E.F.I.P.H.), or Fund for the professional inclusion of
disabled people) and Fund for the Integration of Handicapped People into the Civil Service

All the provisions otherwise guaranteed by French legislation including the 6% disability employment

Workers with disabilities are entitled to adjustments and arrangements in their working hours and
shifts. They also receive priority access to further training and continuing education as part of their
current position. In case of redundancy, the notice period concerning a disabled worker is double that
which is otherwise used in the company. At last, disabled workers are entitled to early retirement from
the age of 55 on the basis of 30 working years with a disabled worker status.20

Under the current legislation, private companies and public offices with a work force of more than 20
employees must hire 6 % of disabled workers. Employers are provided with 3 options to meet this

hiring disabled workers as employees (direct hire)

subcontracting workers from the sheltered sector (indirect hire)

paying a contribution fee to AGEFIPH, an organisation dedicated to furthering professional inclusion

in the private sector.

The disabled person who is willing to create his or her own job can submit a funding application to
AGEFIPH. At this stage, the Counsellors at the National Job Centre provide guidance to help define and
plan the business project. In addition to working with a Counsellor, workshops are available on
accounting, methods or how to target a market. Disabled people receive priority access to these
workshops. All this contributes to build the person's project and the AGEFIPH application.

A successful AGEFIPH application means the disabled person is entitled to receive up to 10.675 Euros
in funding, providing he or she invests at least 1.525 Euros. AGEFIPH also pays for part of a course in
management if the person is willing to undertake such training. Expert Counsellors at AGEFIPH will
support each step in the development of the project until completion.

All disabled people can receive vocational or rehabilitation training, regardless of whether their
disability occurred from birth or later on in their lives. Most of the training courses for the blind and

Project number:

partially sighted take place in specialised centres managed by organisations. Training costs are covered
by the National Health Insurance (Assurance Maladie) while undergoing training participants receive
a monthly allowance through public funding. This wage equals that previously earned by the person
before he/she became disabled. If the person has never worked before, the allowance amounts to 650

Overview of Occupational distribution of people with disabilities

Table 4 Overview of Occupational distribution of people with disabilities in France

58% of disabled workers, 54% of job seekers beneficiaries

from the obligation of being hired
42% of disabled workers, 46% of job seekers beneficiaries
from the obligation of being hired

50% of disabled workers are 50 and more years old, 47% of

45 or over job seekers beneficiaries from the obligation of being hired
are 50 and more years old (24% for the overall population)
50% of disabled workers are less than 50 years old, 53% of
below 45 job seekers beneficiaries from the obligation of being hired
are less than 50 years old

working in the open

81% work in the open labour market as ordinary workers in
labour market (ordinary
In 201522 :
LABOUR MARKET 8% work in ESAT (Inclusion through Work Establishment),
DISTRIBUTION 7% work in a private company through assistance to
working in the sheltered
employment of disabled persons,
2% are assigned to a specific job position in the public
2% work in a disabled-friendly company.

Project number:

Comparative analysis of Labour Force national situation

Table 5 Comparative analysis of Labour Force national situation in France

Disability No disability
(%) (%)
employment rate 36% of people with 65% for overall population Which represents in total
disabilities 927.000 people with
temporary 40% on fixed-term 8,6% - proportion of fixed- 29% of disabled people are
employment rate contracts23 term contracts and on open-ended contracts.
seasonal contracts (public 76,4% proportion of open-
and private) among people ended contracts among
aged 15 years and more in people aged 15 years and
201424. 2,1% - proportion more in 201426.
of temporary jobs among
people aged 15 years and
more in 201425
unemployment rate 18% of disabled people, 10% for overall population 487.000 disabled job
8,4% of overall job seekers from 15 to 65 years old seekers accompanied by
the French national
employment agency (A,B,C
categories who are in
obligation to prove their
job-seeking activities).
Unemployment rate is
around 2 times higher
than that of overall
population (18% vs. 10%).
work full-time 81,1% (people aged 15
years and more in 2014)27

Project number:

work part-time 26 to 30% of disabled 18,7% 29 In 2016

employed people
working as skilled 43% Manual workers in 201430
manual workers
working as non-manual 33% Non-manual workers in
workers 201431
other occupation 17% Other occupations in
sector which employs 4,2% Public administration,
more education, human health
and social activities33
of 927.000 disabled
workers are in a private
people with 7% Business executives,
supervisory managers and professors
responsibilities in institutions of higher
education in 201434

ANED (The Academic Network of European Disability experts ) Country report on Social Protection and Article 28
33 Note : effectifs
bnficiaires au prorata du temps de travail et de la dure de prsence en quivalent-temps plein / effectifs
salaris totaux (calculs selon l'article L.1111-2 du code du travail).
Project number:


1. Promising practices selection process

a) Data collection methodology

Criteria to choose the organisations to send the template; how we sent the template; how
many responses; geographic areas of responses; etc.

Considering the French National context about Work Assistance Services Establishment, the
templates were addressed by email to local organizations only. Two umbrella organizations
UDAPEI and ANDICAT promoted the questionnaires and ensured a preselection of practices
based on local context (to ensure diversities) and the potential of development of the
practices (availability, interest, practices adapted to the European project, exchanges with
European partners, etc.).

Feeling in the questionnaires were mainly realized on the field with the DESIGN manager
considering the most important aspect was to present the DESIGN project and the
methodology, and develop a managing team for the activities to be implemented. The team
built on this basis gives a local interesting basis to implement all the European activities of the
DESIGN project.

Despite, the objective of the collection of Promising practices is to federate the local actors
implementing activities for people with disability in order to implement and develop DESIGN

Challenges to data collection and selection process limitations

To ask the managing directors of establishments to spend time on data collection, to explain
the European project and to ensure concrete on the field for managing directors, their team
and the target group: people with disabilities.
Project number:

The objective is on the contrary to give a good image of our Erasmus + project, to federate the
actors and to try to adapt each European activity to very concrete reality on the field. This is a
huge challenge that made by its own the selection process.

Considering the challenges for data collection, we decided to collect data with people ready to
get involved in the project and not to mobilize partner organizations, other managing
directors, considering the work on the field is already very challenging. Despite, managing
directors are already asked to fill in a huge number of questionnaires by local, national,
European authorities. The project manager made benchmarking with targeting contacts in
order to ensure direct contact and to collect already made evaluation and pairs reviews. The
selection criteria are mainly the fruit of the existing National and local Networks in which we
gave an European dimension thanks to the Rational for Promising practices selection process,
and in particular the validation workshop and common DESIGN evaluation criteria for
promising good practices.

b) Rational for Promising practices selection process

Regarding the 10 good practices (e.g. review of current literature)

Considering, the National Association of ESAT (Work Assistance Services Establishment)

Directors and Managers assembles about a thousand members who manage 1,400
establishments and services, the 5 Promising Practices were selected based on the experience
and Andicat network. Indeed, Andicat board is represented in the DESING local steering
committee. We added the deputy managing director of UDAPEI which is the biggest services
provider to people with disability in order to open the selection to their projects. On this basis,
the representatives organization proposed practices based on the numerous projects run and
the experience and availability of supervisors.

The methodology proposed aim at being proactive in the constant updating of projects and
means, and to propose a testing of projects based on the representatives organization.

Regarding the 5 good practices (e.g. workshop validation)

The workshop validation took place in Lille on May 24th 2017.

The five practices were presented and evaluated by the peer.
Project number:

The selection of the practices was made on the basis of the questionnaire completed, a
PowerPoint presentation of each practice, and an evaluation grid completed by each

The validation workshop was also the opportunity to organize exchanges of ideas and practices
between supervisors of ESAT and local associations.

The workshop was also evaluated by all participants.

Project number:





Name of the practice holder

(full legal name of the organisation)

102 chausse Brunehaut, ENGLEFONTAINE


(full address)
Organisation email and website
Contact person

(name, position, email, phone number)

Non-profit Association under the French 1901 law

Type of Organisation


The Work Assistance Services Establishment (Etablissement et

Scope of work (max 100
Service dAide par le Travail ESAT) is a medico-social

Adults between the ages 18 & 60 who demonstrate one or more

Target group
disabilities: mental, psychological, physical or sensory
60 placements
Number of employees
Project number:

We provide work placement and medico-socio-educational

Other relevant information


Area of good example

1. job profiling

2. job placement service X

3. employer engagement

Title or key words of the good practice

Knowledge, coaching, confidence

Needs identification process and programme scope/purpose

The disabled workers of our establishment can follow a progressive path leading them to employment in
accordance to their professional profile, capacity and development. Their work is more or less supervised
or accomplished independantly according to their potential: 1. In a team with permanent supervision. 2.
Independantly within the establishments walls, with professional supervisers ready to guide if needed.
3. In autonomy in an external company (subcontracting) with a regular monitoring.
The passage from one stage to another is made following the individual plan. Depending on a person, the
practitionners can favour and prepare for this evolution. In this case, the situation of the worker with
disabilities is discussed within an inclusion committee. The committee suggests first to define the needs
in order to propose the relevant activities to implement, whether they are preparative workshops,
monitoring and counselling at the work placement, internship/apprenticeship, recognition of knowledge
and experience, or training. The final goal is to prepare a person to gain more independance and to be
Project number:

integrated in the ordinary working environment.

The assessment grid and evaluation of internship are decisive tools.
While technical competences are assessed by the workshop monitors, it is more difficult to evaluate
appropriate behaviour. The data collection to evaluate behaviour remains complex and required the
definition of criteria and a mobilisation of the expertise from different professionals (practitionner,
psychologist, workshop monitor).

Target Group

People with disabilities in a stage of passage to the ordinary environment. From 5 to 10 persons per year.


Content: Evaluation of the capacity to appropriate behavior in the ordinary environment in order
to offer specific support.

Methodology: Multidisciplinary analysis of capacities to work in the ordinary environment. Interaction

of practitioners different points of view on 3 topics related to behaviour:

Topic 1: Social skills

- Appearance / clothing, hygiene

- Self-confidence

- Respect for others

- Maturity

Topic 2: Communication adapted to the environment

- Speech and expression, adapted vocabulary,

- Exchanges, understanding, discussion

- Respect for opinions of others

- Self-control

Topic 3: Adaptation to the work placement

- Diligence, punctuality

- Motivation, personal commitment

Project number:

- Capacity to work independently

- Compliance with instructions and rules

- Tolerance for comments and objections

The evaluation grid allows to propose relevant activities:

- Psycho-educational workshops: Myself and others and "self-affirmation"

- Supervised traineeship (with individual coaching)

- Autonomous internship

- Workshops on well-being / self-esteem / hygiene / self-presentation


11 persons passed successfully to the ordinary working environment (Job contracts).

Location /geographical coverage

Strategy used within the Work Assistance Services Establishment of Quercitain.


From 5 to 7 committee meetings per year.


Partner enterprises / companies for apprenticeships.

Invited trainers for the workshops on self-esteem or well-being.


Our work helps prepare disabled people to live in a new environment, which may be quite disturbing. It
reveals as well their weak points to discuss in person in order to facilitate their development. Finally, the
most positive aspect is the belief in ones own capacities to make it through the ordinary environment
Project number:

and the feeling of being ready to do it.


Process to adapt the module in a way that it adjusts to the needs of the workers with disabilities and to
the expected results of this new experimentation.
This experimentation goes on with the involvement of new coming disabled workers due to the positive
results in the context of constant will to boost cooperation with the partner enterprises/companies in
the ordinary environment of work.
In concrete terms, the module evolves on the more behaviourist theoretical bases, on "coping
strategies". The future modules have the potential to be set up if the overall results prove to be positive.


The fact to gain confidence and learn labour codes sometimes is not enough. Some workers are not
willing to step out of the comfort zone provided by our Work Assistance Services Establishment (ESAT).
The development of capacities to work in the ordinary environment is not an end in itself; some people
just do not see any interest in it and do not look for this recognition. They feel good within the ESATs
walls unwilling to leave them. Given practice has this fact as a limit. Nevertheless, it will be enriched and
adapted by exchanges with other ESAT in the frame of the inter-institutional committee for the
integration of workers with disabilities of the Avesnes district.


Professional integration is a major goal of our Establishment in accordance with its overall project but as
well with the guidelines of the Regional Health Agency (RHA) and Long-term Contract on Objectives and
Means signed between AFEJI and RHA.



- Team brainstorming - Importance of a beneficiarys
Project number:

- Notion of trust personal environment (out of ESAT)

- Personalized approach and for the evaluation
standardization of tools - Lack of visibility related to results
- Its a global analysis of the situation - Follow-up of environment changes
of an accompanied person per person
- It doesnt apply the creation of a
new service
- The methodology which is well
adaptable to the teams
- Importance is given to
- Autonomy, self-confidence
- It provides better knowledge of
disabled workers in order to propose
support through convenient
- Principle of the change of
environment (apprenticeship,
secondment position or change of a
- Evaluation is based on 3 axes
- Proposed activities



Project number:

ESAT jemmapes Lamartine

Name of the practice holder

(full legal name of the organisation)

220 impasse jacqueline Auriols

59118 wambrechies
(full address)
Organisation email and website

Contact person
Social and counselling service manager
(name, position, email, phone number)
ASRL Association
Type of Organisation


Packaging, laundry service, ironing, dry-cleaning, parks and

Scope of work (max 100
gardens maintenance, catering, printing works, service provision

ESAT (Work Assistance Services Establishment) workers in

Target group
capacity to get gradually integrated in the ordinary environment
In total 166 ESAT workers with insignificant or average learning
Number of employees
disabilities, with or without related disorders and visual

Other relevant information

2 different sites


Area of good example (Please tick in the right box the relevant type of the practice)

1. job profiling
Project number:

2. job placement service

3. employer engagement X

Title or key words of the good practice

Partnership with companies

Needs identification process and programme scope/purpose

How to guide an employer (company) in order to help them facilitate disabled persons integration
whether it comes to social skills or the way of working together.
We do not focus on a workers technical skills (which are already acquired).

Target Group

Our group of 171 people with disabilities works with 6 employers at the moment: bank, IT company,
industrial equipment cleaning agency, laundry from private sector, catering service.


The tasks are following :

- Sorting documents in alphabetical order and using tables in Microsoft Excel

- Putting mobile devices into service (categorizing and packing orders)

- Cleaning equipment coming from butchery industry, some repair services

- Storage and delivering items to clients in the work clothes company

Project number:

- School canteen maintenance


If we take into account 3 last years, 4 persons were integrated on a permanent contract in the ordinary
working environment. The first person after the acquisition of his safe driving aptitude certificate
(CACES), the second for biological parks and gardens maintenance (skilled in this field), the third one in a
canteen of the private school, and the fourth one in the carpentry sector (having got his vocational
qualification by now).

Before being hired they were trainees, performed secondment tasks. A member of the ESAT staff team
was present at every stage. There were regular meetings with the person and the employer mainly to
discuss the issues related to social skills and the doubts that this type of hiring commitment may cause.
Social assistant presented financial simulation to the worker. The explanation to the company of financial
advantages for the recruitment of a worker with disabilities took place. There was a conclusion of the
support agreement valid two years once a worker leaves ESAT. He is given priority to reintegrate ESAT in
a case of failed working experience.

Location /geographical coverage

Local geographical coverage. The geographical distance is a crucial factor for a successful integration in
the ordinary working environment.


Its difficult to estimate duration but in general the process of integration may last two years. The long
term working commitment (subcontracting) should take place letting a worker with disabilities face the
whole reality of the new environment.


There are Local Missions for people younger than 25 years old. Agefiph (the association responsible for
managing the fund to promote employment of the disabled) provides counselling services. The SISEP
(service of social and professional inclusion which we do not dispose in our association) are ready to
Project number:

propose their assistance (especially when it comes to legal context and trainings).


Sometimes we miss going through some steps while helping integrate the ordinary environment. The
background context of a person should be taken into account (mobility, family breakdown, change in
status, facility to take decisions). Companys concerns should be minimized (regular meetings, presence
when needed) and why not create a tool relatively customized for a company (on disabilities in general
but as well on good practices and the need to communicate with the host company staff).


Annual monitoring of persons with disabilities in employment.

Monthly follow-up of those who prepare to get hired (supervision provided by a psychologist, inclusion
assistant, ESAT social service manager).


No cases of return to ESAT among disabled persons hired on a permanent contract.

Ongoing case of failure (after 8 months in a company) because the background context of the worker had
not been taken enough into consideration. The ESAT team paid attention only to the technical skills.

Recognition of the will to pursue very complex skills training as ESAT cannot be considered as a company
and a worker must resign before being able to take part in a training course.

The anxiety of some workers to earn less money in ordinary working environment compared to what
they get in ESAT (loss of AAH, disabled adults allowance).

If a worker stays more than 5-6 years in ESAT, it will be hard for him to leave it (lifestyle habits, comfort,
relationship network).

Quelles procdures sont en place pour surveiller la mise en uvre de la pratique ? quelle frquence est-ce que cela se produit ? Qui est la
personne responsable ? Merci dexpliquer comment le processus de communication se produit (runions de supervision, des documents officiels
l'aide de formulaires, d'autres).

Training contract then a subcontracting while a sheltered worker is still under ESATs responsibility.
Project number:

Support contract when a person is leaving ESAT (involving follow-up commitment, administrative support
when needed).

Innovative aspects
( p. ex. Est-ce que votre pratique est novatrice ? Oui/Non
Si oui : pour quelle demande sociale ? Comment les lments novateurs soutiennent l'intgration des personnes handicapes pour ouvrir le
march du travail ? Dcrire les lments innovants de la pratique)

There is no innovative practice at the moment but we may consider issuing the common guidelines for
employers on how to support people with intellectual disabilities in their companies. Reflection to be
pursued in this sense.

Other relevant information

Workers dispose of competences and ESAT prepares and helps reveal them while highlighting the
recognition of professional experience (RAEP). Nevertheless, we do not pay due attention to the
development of social skills. The guidance of companies on how to support workers and apprehend their
disabilities should be reinforced in order to demystify as well as not to forget the real intellectual
boundaries and certain physical vulnerability of these people.



- Guidelines for employers to be - It is an ongoing practice, but not
created finalized yet
- Good potential - Not too many services or activities
- Keeping in touch with companies on proposed
a regular basis. Networking involving - It is necessary to build a model for
ESAT and companies (ordinary this approach
environment) - One element of a global approach
- Follow-up provided during 2 years - To find a partner which suits the
- Approach different from others to best to an accompanied person
change companies attitude/
complementary to another practices
- Direct partnership
Project number:

- Simulation of a work situation

facilitated by a social service



Name of the practice holder

(full legal name of the organisation)

31 quai de Beauvais Armentires 59280


(full address)
Project number:
Organisation email and website
Pascaline Toulotte
Contact person

(name, position, email, phone number)

Non-profit Association under the 1901 French law

Type of Organisation


The Work Assistance Services Establishment (Etablissement et

Scope of work (max 100
Service dAide par le Travail ESAT) is a medico-social

Adults between the ages 18 & 60 who demonstrate one or more

Target group
disabilities: mental, psychological, physical or sensory
124 placements
Number of employees

We provide work placement and medico-socio-educational

Other relevant information


Area of good example (Please tick in the right box the relevant type of the practice)

1. job profiling

2. job placement service X

3. employer engagement
Project number:

Title or key words of the good practice

Savoir tre en Entreprise (S.E.E.) Social skills for working in a company

Needs identification process and programme scope/purpose

As part of the process leading to employment, workers with disabilities receive traineeship or
subcontracting offers. Nevertheless, very often traineeship or subcontracting position in an ordinary
environment are perceived as being difficult, or even interrupted, for following reasons: frustration,
loneliness, different pace of work, lack of distance, etc.
In view of these observations, working meetings between ESAT professionals allowed to develop
modules on social skills co-animated by a psychologist and an inclusion assistant.
Working together the service of social and professional inclusion and that of medical and social support
presented modules SEE (Savoir tre en Entreprise Social skills for working in a company).

Target Group

Persons doing their traineeship or being subcontracting workers in the companies with ordinary working

Proposal to work together with other people on certain issues identified during their traineeship in a

Formation of groups composed of 8 persons with disabilities on a voluntary basis. The common work was
accomplished in order to favour a group diversity based on professional profiles and the types of


Content: Work on issues which do not reveal from the technical aspect (such as experience or
what is learnt during the workshop).
Project number:

Methodology: Favour the group work in order to make it more dynamic and to generate new ideas.

Module 1 The ordinary company Representations

To raise awareness of the working values, to gather images it represents as well as fears and difficulties
by means of a survey, stories, debriefing, an evaluation table, and photo language.

Module 2 Self-knowledge, emotions

Guidance in the process of self-awareness through body mapping, interactive games.

Module 3 Self-confidence

To pursue the logic of boosting self-confidence, capacity to rebound and recover after a failure.

By means of exchanges, survey, experience sharing.

Module 4 Relationship aspects

Communication codes in a company.

How do I get involved in a communication, how do I interact?

Through role-games.

Module 5 Social Skills

Being in capacity to reason, notice other peoples emotions, conflict management.

By means of simulation activities and a final evaluation.


2016 : 2 persons successfully integrated in the ordinary environment, one of them took part in the SEE

2015: 4 persons integrated, three of them took part in this module.

Location /geographical coverage

The local coverage for this initiative. The project involves the ESAT workers with disabilities who are
doing their apprenticeship or being subcontracting workers in the companies of the Lille Metropolis.

Project number:

On practice :

Main annual module (5 sessions of two hours during two months)

Second module on arrival after a work experience (2 sessions)


Partner companies, about 20 per year.

We are looking for partners matching the professional projects of persons with disabilities.

Strengthening the relations with identified partners who propose different types of placements
(Armentires town hall which offers activities related to infant care, cleaning, logistics).


Our work was related to emotions, self-knowledge and self-awareness, self-esteem and self-confidence.
We focused as well on how to deal with criticism and situations of failure, while insisting on the
importance of a positive attitude and the dialogue.

A psychologist and an inclusion assistant evaluate together with the disabled persons the overall results
during the feedback sessions and debriefing on experience related to the management of the issues
mentioned above. Here we are talking about the evaluation of the qualitative impact with these people
being stakeholders.


Process of module adaptation in a way that it adjusts to the needs of the workers with disabilities and to
the expected results of this new experimentation.
This experimentation goes on with the involvement of new coming disabled workers due to the positive
results in the context of constant will to boost cooperation with the partner enterprises/companies in
the ordinary environment.
In concrete terms, the module evolves on the more behaviourist theoretical bases, on "coping
strategies". The future modules have the potential to be set up if the overall results prove positive.

Project number:

While some people are open to raise awareness and to readjust when it comes to interpersonal
relationships, others refuse to take part in a traineeship despite significant work being accomplished in
terms of individual and group support. Other strategies still to be explored.

We observed positive results and efficiency based on the disabled persons feedbacks: will to interact, to
exchange views, raising spirit of openness, respect for the principles of non-judgement. The workers
even expressed a wish to pursue this group work in order to deepen discussions of issues related to
situations faced in real life and to find solutions.


Multidisciplinary working group which meets 8 times per year decided to propose improvements for
these modules:

- Vision of external constraints different from reality: which is the reason why some demands of
disabled workers for apprenticeship can appear unsuitable, for example, for job market.

- How to integrate their sense of time in a case study: the project which doesnt advance fast
enough for them.

- To work on the relation to frustration.

- To work on the project definition.

- To work on the social codes.



- Group work with beneficiaries - How to evaluate the quality
(dealing with concrete situations)
- Mostly qualitative impact
- Emotions, confidence, work on itself,
- To encourage feedbacks in order to
conflict management, experience
facilitate the emergence of new
Project number:

sharing demands
- Even used within ESAT for its own - Difficulty to prepare logistics
staff (doubly useful) between the stages both upstream
- Role-games where a person is and downstream of apprenticeships
actively involved and/or modules
- Pre-training approach facilitating
inclusion in an ordinary working
- Simulation activities
- Feedback on concrete situations
- Self-assessment
- Training on the inclusion peripheral
matters (not technical ones).
Concrete situation management (ex.
- Well structured
- Adaptation of the training program
based on the behaviorist theoretical
bases depending on the participants
- Approach to offer insight into the
working life in a company
- Flexible and adjustable module
- evaluation
Project number:



Udapei 59
Name of the practice holder
Department Union of the Papillons Blancs Associations of the
(full legal name of the organisation)
194/196 rue Nationale
59000 Lille
(full address)
Organisation email and website
Project number:

Contact person
Deputy Managing Director
(name, position, email, phone number)
+ 33 (0)
Non-profit association
Type of Organisation


Supporting persons with learning disabilities across all areas in

Scope of work (max 100

Persons of all ages with learning difficulties

Target group

Number of employees

Other relevant information


Area of good example (Please tick in the right box the relevant type of the practice)

1. job profiling

2. job placement service

3. employer engagement

Title or key words of the good practice

Situation de Travail et Amnagement Raisonnable S.T.A.R.

Project number:

Needs identification process and programme scope/purpose

Statistics show that persons with disabilities are, in general, excluded from the labour force. In 2015, 18%
were unemployed compared to 10% of the working population.
The Papillons Blancs du Nord associations adopt various measures contributing to social and professional
integration of people with learning difficulties. People requiring support for integrating the ordinary
working environment are easily identified: 2,500 persons at the beginning of the project. The 1% rate of
those leaving ESAT by the end confirms fair enough the difficulties this project may face.
This result led to the idea of testing suitable arrangements as a solution for access to employment .

Target group

The project is focused on those with learning difficulties who wish to become a part of the ordinary
working environment. 91 persons took part in the first experiment.
4 Papillons Blancs du Nord associations took part in the project, putting forward their professionals and
recruiting those specialising in suitable arrangements (EXPAR).
45 companies hired these people (ranging from artisans to large retailers).
Numerous institutions were involved in the project: Agefiph, National Health Agency (ARS), Cap Emploi,
Unemployment Office, ALTHER network, CRCI


The project included 4 stages:

- Selection of the disabled participants: different methods were used: easy to read and understand
displays, public information, intervention of professionals. Volunteers were also involved based upon
their abilities and skills.
- Selection of the companies able to meet the needs of these persons.
- Simulation of a work situation: getting to know a person and a work placement.
The simulation stage served to show if there was a need to implement suitable arrangements to ensure
that the work is accomplished under optimal conditions.
- monitoring
This involved multiple steps
- monitoring the employed person ;
Project number:

-monitoring the person after the simulation stage;

- evaluation and assessment of results
-capitalisation of suitable arrangements for the purpose of model-building.


Support was given to 91 persons as part of the STAR project. 53 took part in a job placement, 43 were
offered suitable arrangements. The fields most affected by the arrangements were
relations/communications, skilled professionals and the environment.
17 people are working in the ordinary working environment due to this first experiment.
About half of the companies are new partner associations.
Additionally, the accomplished work enabled the definition of suitable arrangements, providing a type
and modelling the scenario.

Location /geographical coverage

The partners associated with the project are mostly departmental, regional. However some companies
involved enjoy nationwide coverage.
The simulations of work situations covered 4 sectors within the North department around targeted
towns: Denain, Dunkerque, Hazebrouck, Roubaix/Tourcoing.
Using the defined tools, the project could be extended to a national level.


The first stage took place from November 2014 to April 2016. It contributed to the approach-modelling.
Nonetheless, the experimentation is still ongoing in one of the associations.


In addition to the 4 Papillons Blancs associations which served as experimentation sites, 2 main partners
participated in piloting the action: Agefiph, and AG2R la Mondiale.
Udapei played a piloting role and created a guide of good practices and informative website (portal of
companies and integration professionals).
Project number:


The developed approach enabled to propose a different type of support and to reach a large amount of
people, who, without this concept, could not get or retain a job.
The priority lies with the principle of equality of chances and fairness.
This approach enables the company to go beyond the limiting notion of obligation, prioritising an
opportunity to hire a person perfectly capable of keeping the job offered.
Arrangements can take a single or plural form. They develop with time and capitalise on the potential of
This approach provides those with learning difficulties and who are capable to the control of their
professional careers, while they are provided with suitable support.


Throughout the project, experiments were developed using 2 tools accessible online:
- a guide of good practices to facilitate suitable arrangements (how, why, for whom)
- informative website (company portal/ integration professionals portal with stories/interviews and on-
site videos, tool worksheets and various animations to download)
These different creations ensure the project can be replicated and transferred, available to all those who
would like to benefit from its results. Following the model-building, an observation and monitoring stage
was implemented.


A qualitative and quantitative report of the modelling stage was issued. It focused on all aspects of the
project (profile, type of employment, adaptation, etc.)
4 suitable arrangements categories were identified as well as 3 possible arrangement implementation
stages: preparation (the most frequent), integration and sustainability.


Project piloting was ensured by 3 committees:

- Steering committee, technical committee and operative committee.
Project number:

In order to guarantee transparent communication and to enable everybody to have a clear vision of the
project, a collaborative platform was designed bringing together the following areas: schedule,
documentary space, progress update table.

Innovative aspects

This suitable arrangement approach is completely new to France. It can be compared to initiatives
already implemented mainly in all Nordic countries, Canada and Belgium, which have seen positive
This experiment marks an initial step towards the formalisation and modelling of suitable arrangements
for people with learning difficulties.



- Associative and financial means - It depends on the professional

available culture

- Website - The model built following the

- to place then train approach ongoing project, but uncertainty

exists when it comes to
- Video/ web-documentary
sustainability and arrangements in
- Inclusion rate
- Large-scale experimentation
- Sharing and transfer to ESAT of
- Around fifteen establishments
- Only intellectual deficiency
- A list of activities/ positions subjects
to arrangements
- Limited in time specific grant

- Built model
- Tools
- Arrangements adjusted to the
specific needs
- Environment taken into
Project number:

- Practice is complete, well developed
and documented on a large-scale
- project can be replicated and
- well identified needs
- sharing and pooling, besides it can
be applied to other public
Project number:



Ferme du Pont de Sains ESAT (Work Assistance Services

Name of the practice holder
(full legal name of the organisation)

Pont de Sains 59610 FERON


(full address)
Organisation email and website

Nathalie Gyomlai Director

Contact person
(name, position, email, phone number)
03 27 60 83 98
Association under the French 1901 law
Type of Organisation


Social and medico-social field

Scope of work (max 100

Adults with disabilities

Target group

Number of employees

The Home of the Children Association is composed of 3

Other relevant information
educational poles.
Based at the very heart of Avesnois (Trlon, Fron, Sains of the
North), the Medico-Social Pole for Adults (PMSA) includes 5
establishments offering different kind of services to people with
disabilities contributing to their social, family and professional
Project number:

Adjusted working conditions, medico-social and psycho-
educational support (ESAT)

Individual and shared accommodations (shelter (FH),

residential housing (FL), Home for the Elderly and Seniors

Help in the daily chores and various activities for the

persons living in an ordinary environment (SAVS the Social
Support Service)


Area of good example (Please tick in the right box the relevant type of the practice)

1. job profiling

2. job placement service

3. employer engagement

Title or key words of the good practice

Service de support la formation et linclusion (2SFI) Support Service training and Inclusion

Needs identification process and programme scope/purpose

The priority objective of ESAT Ferme du Pont de Sains is to empower as much as possible the target
group, both in professional and in social sense, in order to facilitate their inclusion.

ESAT gives to these people the possibility of carrying out a professional activity under adjusted working
Project number:

conditions and of benefiting from medico-social and psycho-educational support.

Under the Law of January 2nd, 2002, the user is at the core of the system, being stakeholder of his
professional and social path.

Activities directly for professional purposes

Offer a full-time or part-time job to persons temporary or permanently incapable to exercise an

occupation in an ordinary production sector or in an adapted enterprise
Facilitate integration in a social and professional life through job
Adjust organisation and working conditions to make them accessible and the most similar to the
ordinary working environment
Facilitate access to any training having potential to develop their aptitude for work, or even access to
professional qualification
Develop autonomy through work
Allow those people who demonstrated sufficient capacities, to leave the establishment and to integrate
the ordinary working environment.

Activities aimed at medico-social and educational support

Offer medico-social and educational support by implementing or facilitating access to activities of

knowledge maintenance, of school competence upkeep as well as educational activities of access to
autonomy and of involvement in social life
Offer medico-social and educational support (learning retention etc.) to encourage personal
Organise activities implying hobbies, openness to the outside world, introduction to realities of
everyday life...

Target Group

By December 31, 2016 : 174 persons are supported by ESAT.

Distribution by age and gender:

Project number:

The average age of supported persons is 38 years old

Men: 117 (64%)

Women: 67 (36%)

Distribution by type of disability

During 2016 ESAT supported 184 persons

Main disability:

Moderate mental retardation: 34

Slight mental retardation: 130

Mental disorder: 14

Motor deficiency: 2

Hearing impairments: 2

Visual impairments: 1

Metabolic deficiency: 1


ESAT Ferme du Pont de Sains Support service Training and Inclusion (2SFI) implements training activities
which help define persons employability by means of the RAEP (recognition of professional experience)
and through apprenticeships in the ordinary working environment.

Activities and support sessions are integrated in different workshops. They are adapted to the needs of
the target group.







Project number:






Hours worked to PROVIDE SERVICES 1708










Food safety and appropriate control measures 15




Project number:

The results can be measured by the number of traineeships in ordinary working environment and the
provision of outside contracted services. The existing trainings facilitate the access to these offers.

Report on the service provision agreements 2016 Number of workers concerned: 4

Location /geographical coverage

ESATs coverage is Avesnois territory. The cheese making workshop provides organic Maroilles cheese
distributed all around the French territory (metropolis) and in Belgium. We established the partnership
with organic suppliers.




The Medico-social Pole for Adults is registered on its territory. The quality of accompaniment requires
knowledge of existing tools and active collaboration with the partners. Besides, ESAT should be well
known for being a true key economic actor, not only due to the number of workers it hires but to its
outputs and professionalism.

For example: In September 2015, we signed partnership agreement with a local home support
association and the Social Support Service (SAVS). Development partnerships with the companies of the
region being potential employers of our disabled beneficiaries. The trainings are developed in order to
integrate accompaniment in the constant quality improvement process.

ESAT joined the Diffrents et Comptents network (D&C), makes use of the tool on the Recognition of
professional experience (RAE). The ESAT deputy director is a member of the D&C executive board, a
member of the ANDICAT board (National Association of ESAT Directors and Managers), and also a
member of a hospital supervisory board as a skilled professional (assigned by the National Health Agency
(ARS) in December, 2015).

The ESAT commercial activities require a relevant business approach and an adapted external
communication strategy. With the help of a developer I created 2 websites specific for the leisure centre
Project number:

with possible online reservation and another website for the activities of the farm. At the moment I think
about developing online shop / /


Satisfaction surveys are on the go.

The Register of Satisfaction and Complaints is set up in order to keep formal record of possible problems.

The process of inclusion in ordinary working environment faces difficulties related to the difficult social
and economic context with a significant unemployment rate.


ESAT keeps pace with the evolving dynamic by constantly adapting its services to disabled persons needs
as well as in accordance with the economic opportunities. The strategic choices made ensure poles and
even associations sustainability.


The internal evaluation took place in 2011 and external one in 2014.

The disabled workers were involved in both procedures.

The monitoring committee for constant improvement measures was established as a result of the
internal evaluation. It is composed of practitioners from different units of Medico-Social Pole for Adults
who represent all kinds of fields. This committee is facilitated by a service manager of the Pole
Settlement Center. The executive board which brings together the Pole Director, two deputy directors
(ESAT and Settlement Center) and a facilitator of the DAC committee (Constant improvement measures)
approves the activities of this committee.
This committee sets the objectives of:

following the improvement plan resulted from the internal evaluation

following the recommendations of the external evaluation

organising the assessment of use of the claims and satisfaction register and of the record of adverse
Project number:


initiating improvements of the tools under the law of 2002-2

following the set up indicators related to the establishment and service plans

generating the proposals of improvement in every field

These objectives go beyond the recommendations of both evaluations. The committee, as its name
implies, aims at improving the quality of organizations and of services provided to beneficiaries.

The overall review of internal and external evaluations was issued in 2016 in order to prepare the new
internal assessment which will take place in 2017.


The annual evaluation is carried out with involvement of disabled persons in order to
measure the development of professional and social competences (including relations with
colleagues, punctuality, relations with the customers etc.)

Realization of personalized projects along with annual visits in order to adapt the
accompaniment process to demands / needs of a beneficiary.

The annual discussion sessions with disabled persons are conducted in order to fix achievable
goals and to measure results.

The establishment plan determines monitoring and activity indicators


The project has a specificity to propose multiple significant activities letting supported persons change a
workshop according to their project (12 possible professionalising activities). The occupation fields vary
from groom to cooking job.



Project number:

- Practice in the rural area - To develop more the relation

- Practice refers to professional ones between a workshop monitor and
- Specialized team 2SFI project
- Priority approach
- Depends on the budgetary context
- Adaptation to the local labour
- A model still to be built
- More refined measures needed (to
- Creation of the service adapted to
develop a measuring grid)
the economic environment
- Globalization of accompaniment and
- Function of this service depends on
the local environment
the considerable diversity
- Establishment of partnerships with
local companies
- Project transferrable to every single
Project number:


Academic Network of European Disability experts (ANED)35 (2017, January 23). Country report on Social
Protection and Article 28. Retrived from
Agefiph (2017, January 2). Le tableau de bord Emploi et chmage des personnes handicappes (Bilan
de Jan-Sept. 2016). Retrieved from
Association franaise des aidants (n.d.). Etudes statistiques et rapports. Retrived from
Europa (n.d.). EU member countries in brief: France. Retrieved from
European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities. (n.d.). Social welfare systems
across Europe. Retrieved from
European Blind Union (EBU) (n.d.). France: work and employment. Article 27 of the United Nations
Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities. Retrieved from
French property (n.d.). Social security contributions in France. Retrieved from https://www.french- (n.d.). Le dcrochage scolaire. Retrieved from
Institut national de la statistique et des tudes conomiques (INSEE) (n.d.). Statistiques. Retrieved
OF DISABILITIES STUDIES. Third European meeting of EHESP School of Public Health "Limitations
disability and dependency : how to measure how to train? European developments in public health.
Disabilities health, society" Round table 2 : "Research and training : the future of research in

ANED was established by the European Commission in 2008 to provide scientific support and advice for its
disability policy Unit. In particular, the activities of the Network support the development of the European
Disability Strategy 2010-2020 and practical implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of
Disabled People in the EU.
Project number:

disability.", Nov 2010, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Retrieved from https://halshs.archives-
Vie publique (n.d.). Actualits. Retrieved from

Code de LAction Sociale et des Familles (CASF) :
Loi n2002-2 du 2 janvier 2002 :
Loi n 2005-102 du 11 fvrier 2005 :

Recommandations de lANESM (Agence Nationale de lEvaluation et de la Qualit des Etablissements

et Services Mdico-sociaux) :
Circulaire DGAS du 1er aot 2008 (N DGAS/3B no 2008-259) relative aux tablissements et services
daide par le travail et aux personnes handicapes qui y sont accueillies
Dcret n 2009-565 du 20 mai 2009

AFEJI and ANDICAT Team Contact

Aurlien Dierckens

Nathalie Gyomlai

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