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Lesson Focus Learning Area / Strand Year Level Implementati on Date

Medieval Times Establishing Humanities/ Medieval Europe 8 1/2/17

your own research questions Duration
70 minutes
Curriculum Framework: Curriculum links (Strands/Content Descriptors):
Australian Curriculum - key features of the medieval world (feudalism, trade routes, voyages of
discovery, contact and conflict) (ACOKFH009)
- Identify a range of questions about the past to inform a historical inquiry
Prior knowledge of learners
In previous lessons students have developed a basic understanding of aspects present within medieval times. The have
specifically focused on the importance of knights within society.
Lesson objective/s
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
Enhance your knowledge of current medias based on medieval times and establish clear and concise research
Evidence of learning
Students are to complete the selected tasks as a class then in groups. Once complete the educator will ask numerous questions
to identify what the students have learnt throughout the lesson and allow for the students to reflect upon what they now know.
Classroom Management Strategies:
Speak only when students are quiet and ready, address behaviour management issues quickly and wisely. By organising
students in to groups prior to the lesson aims to minimise distractions and prepares them before the lesson b egins.
White board, white board markers, classroom handouts, internet, You Tube, Computer, OHP
Differentiation considerations:
By forming student groups before class the educator has the ability to place students of a lower learning pace with students
who are fast learners. This provides the opportunity for students to effectively work together by assisting each other with
their learning.
Lesson Introduction Before beginning the lesson, the educator should ensure that they have enough resources for
Introducing the topic all students in the class.
Engagement of the When the educator arrives at the classroom before the students they will choose to write the
learners lesson objectives and numerous instructions on the board.
When the students arrive at the classroom for todays lesson they should be instructed to line
up quietly before the educator allows them to enter the classroom.
Once this element of the lesson is completed the teacher should instruct the students to enter
the classroom quietly and sit ready for the beginning of the lesson.
The educator will introduce the lesson goal to the students and instruct them to copy these
goals into their work booklets.
Lesson Body When the lesson begins, deliver a copy of the student handout activity to all students present.
Delivering the content Once complete instruct the students to then draw their attention to the video demonstrated on
through specific the whiteboard.
Begin handing out classroom activity to all students before beginning to discuss the
activities that students will be required to complete during this lesson.

Activity 1 Demonstrate the first selected activity and video to the students . Instruct the students to complete the
provided activity sheet throughout the video. Visual display is 18 minutes long.

Once this video has been complete students are required to answer three questions located
at the bottom of their work sheet. Give students five minutes to do so. Select students at
random to discuss their answer.

To continue this lesson students will conduct a third activity based on establishing quality
research questions.

Activity 2 Educator will choose to demonstrate the created relevant power point
presentation based on the necessary information students require before developing their own
research questions. Allow students to collect student laptops .

Reinforce Safe and Responsible use of ICT

Students to outline the safe and responsible ways to use student laptops
Reinforce school and classroom expectations
Keep kids on task
Be proactive
Know the technology and how it works

Lesson Conclusion Finalise the lesson by discussing: Do you know have a better understanding of how to
Concluding activities construct your own research questions?
Summarising the Who now has a greater understanding of all aspects demonstrated within the first
lesson film?
Instruct students to quietly pack up and stand behind their chairs ready for the bell to go.
Instruct students to leave the classroom in a quiet and responsible manner.
Educator should clean all writing from the white board before leaving.
Evaluation / Reflection
As a pre-service teacher I believe that this lesson built upon my professional practice and assisted with gaining necessary
skills in order to establish an extensive variety of classroom and behaviour management strategies. Throughout the lesson I
was able to assist students when required and discuss their ideas. Ultimately, this specific lesson successfully achieved the
learning goal by broadening the students knowledge of medieval European times. Following the lesson, I learnt the need to
provide students with a greater explanation of set tasks and explain how to complete them, what the task requires them to do
and why they are required to do it. This specific lesson presented to the year 8 History class was structured in a way that
followed the requirements for the relevant curriculum. If I was to complete this specific lesson again I would aim to ensure
that I address a variety of techniques to ensure that I am able to provide students with the necessary information in order to
successfully complete set tasks.

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