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in construction

flo u r c a ke
Co n c re t e Co m p o s it io n


is a mixture of

Ce m e n t + Ag g re g a te + Wa t e r
Ratio 1 : 2 : 3
1 : 2 : 4
1 : 3 : 5

+ Ad m ix tu re s
Co n c re t e Co m p o s it io n


§ is a manufactured material and serves as a binder in the concrete mix

§ raw materials are found from quarry or mines
§ cement is made up of a mixture of :
- calcium , silicone, aluminum , iron and small amounts of other
§ the mixture (in right proportion) is heated up to 1260GC/2300GF until
this mixture fuses together
§ the mixture is then cooled off quickly and grinded into power (cement)
Co n c re t e Co m p o s it io n


§ general term referring to any inert materials : sand , gravel , rocks

that are being added to the cement paste to make concrete
§ aggregate makes up 60% to 80% of concrete volume
§ aggregate properties are important to the strength , weight and fire
resistance of hardened concrete
§ must be hard, dimensionally stable and free of clay , silt or organic
matter that can prevent the particles to properly bind together
§ reduces drying shrinkage
Co n c re t e Co m p o s it io n


§ water use in concrete mix must be free of organic material, clay and
salts (water must be clean enough for drinking)
§ water turns the mix into ‘paste’ – setting and binding the aggregate
particles together
§ water is needed to chemically react with the cement (hydration) and too
provide workability with the concrete. The amount of water in the mix in
pounds compared with the amount of cement is called the water/cement
ratio. The lower the w/c ratio, the stronger the concrete. (higher strength,
less permeability)
Co n c re t e Co m p o s it io n

§ added to concrete mix to alter the properties of the hardened mix
§ Function:
To speed of/ retard setting & hardening.
To improve workability of fresh concrete.
To reduce segregation of aggregate.
To improve durability of hardened concrete.
To impart colour.
§ Types:
§ Accelerator: - Speed up setting.
- For concreting at low temperature or for
urgent repair.
§ Retarder: - Slow down the rate of hydration.
§ Air-entraining agents: - Forming agents entrap millions of
stable & closely spaced air bubbles.
P ro d u c t io n P ro c e s s

§ A process of measuring the quantities of materials in their
correct proportions before mixing.
§ May be by volume or by weight.
P ro d u c t io n P ro c e s s

- Is to coat the surfaces of all aggregates w/ cement paste
& blend into a uniform mass.
- May be by hand-mixing or machine mixing.
P ro d u c t io n P ro c e s s

§ Should be transported in such a way there is no segregation.
§ Under no circumstances should water be added to concrete
during its passage from mixer to formwork.
P h y s ic a l P ro p e rt ie s

§ Physical Properties Concrete

§ Plasticity
- capable of being moulded into and shape and form
- variety of surface finish and texture
§ Good fire resistance
§ Durability
- Ability of concrete to withstand surrounding condition
w/out deterioration.

- Dependent on:
§Water-cement ratio
§Cement content
§Degree of compaction
P h y s ic a l P ro p e rt ie s

§ Physical Properties of Hardened Concrete

§ Strength
- Strong in compression but weak in tension.
- Compressive strength is a measure of the ability of
concrete to resist crushing (concrete quality).
- Steel reinforcements made up of steel bars, strands
or wires may be added to improve the strength of
concrete under tension, to tie horizontal and vertical
elements and also to reinforce openings , minimize
shrinkage cracking

Steel Reinforcements
Cu rin g Co n c re t e

§ Setting & hardening:

- Hydration (chemical reaction) occurs when mixed w/ water.
- Hydration of cement paste gives cement its bonding
- Is a process of stiffening ~ gradually changes from semi-fluid
to rigid state w/ rapid gain in strength.
- It continues onto another stage called hardening.
§ Concrete sets in a matter of hours & takes up to a month to
achieve the max. strength.
§ The action of mixing water w/ cement activates a chemical
reaction w/ causes the concrete to harden.
Cu rin g Co n c re t e


§ it is a process to give concrete what it needs to gain strength
properly. Concrete strength depends on the growth of crystals
within the matrix of the concrete.
§ These crystals grow from a reaction between Portland cement
and water—a reaction known as hydration. If there isn't enough
water, the crystals can't grow and the concrete doesn't develop
the strength it should.
§ If there is enough water, the crystals grow out like tiny rock-hard
fingers wrapping around the sand and gravel in the mix and
intertwining with one another.
§ Air temperature during curing
- should not be less that 10 GC
Hydrated Cement Paste
Depending on the time of hydration and the
Portland cement composition, several crystalline
pictures can be observed in hydrated cement
paste. A typical one contains C-S-H, calcium
hydroxide and ettringite as shown in this picture Crazing ( Appearance of fine cracks )
(photo courtesy of Mr. Jim Margeson, NRC- When not cured properly, the surface of the
IRC). concrete will be subjected to crazing. When
used, these surfaces will have low strength that
can result in a dusting surface that has little
resistance to abrasion.
Colored slabs can be wet cured without resulting in a
mottled surface with special wicking curing blankets, like
this HydraCure wet curing cover.
PNA Construction Technologies.

Water is being sprinkled to prevent lost of moisture

from the surface of curing concrete.
Curing agent—or cure & seal—can be applied with a
sprayer or a roller.
L.M. Scofield Co.
Co n c re t e Ap p lic a t io n

§ Concrete Blocks
i. Solid concrete blocks
§ Solid block > 75% of total volume of
the block calculated from overall
ii. Hollow concrete blocks
§ One/ more large holes or cavities
passing through the block.
§ Solid material between 50 – 75% of
total volume of the block calculated
from overall dimensions.
Co n c re t e Ap p lic a t io n
Co n c re t e Ap p lic a t io n

§ In-situ Concrete
§ Concrete being mixed & set at the site itself.
Co n c re t e Ap p lic a t io n

§ Reinforce Concrete
§ Steels rods, wire or mesh
transforms concrete into
structural material.
§ It is moulded into place by
form work ~ made of timber,
metal or other materials.
Co n c re t e Ap p lic a t io n
Co n c re t e Ap p lic a t io n

§ Pre-cast Concrete
§ Made w/ concrete cast in a reusable mould/ form & cured in a
controlled environment.
§ Laid in bedding in a mortar mix.
§ Used external paving but thinner varieties can be used
indoors, provided the base or sub-floor can bear the weight.
§ Used external walling.
Co n c re t e Ap p lic a t io n
Co n c re t e Ap p lic a t io n
Co n c re t e Ap p lic a t io n
Co n c re t e Ap p lic a t io n
Co n c re t e Ap p lic a t io n
Co n c re t e Ap p lic a t io n
Co n c re t e Ap p lic a t io n
Th e En d

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