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BXEU 090/BXEU 091

BXEU 120/BXEU 121

BXEU 180/BXEU 181
BXEU 240/BXEU 241



Componente i funcii
Unitate interioar Telecomand
1 6
8. Afisaj funcii suplimentare
Admisie Filtru purificare aer 7 Mod de operare QUIET SLEEP
(interior) 3


5 9. buton funcie QUIET
Grilaj admisie 8
10. buton funcie NCLZIRE
18 11. buton funcie RCIRE:
12. buton funcie AUTO
Evacuare 13. buton VITEZ VENTILATOR
19 14. buton funcie TIMER
20 15. buton funcie HEALTH
Lamel vertical 16. buton BLOCARE
(ajustare flux de Comutator de 12 Utilizat pentru blocarea butoanelor i
aer stnga i urgen 21 afiajului LCD
dreapta) 13 17. buton funcie LIGHT
Lamel orizontal.
(ajustare flux de aer sus i jos. Nu i 22 Controleaz aprinderea i oprirea panoului
14 afiajului LED a unitii interioare.
15 19. buton DEUMIDIFICARE
24 20. buton TEMPERATUR
V rugm pe baza ofertei de achiziionare a produsului actual, imaginea de 16 21. buton funcie OSCILARE
mai sus este doar de referin.
17 25 22. buton OR
Funcie: SleepPoziia fluxului de
aerPoziia fluxului de aer 2
Panou afiaj 1. Afiarea modului
Furnizare aer Limitat A-B

1 2 3 4 5 Mod de operare
Funcie: Setarea i anularea temporizatorului i a
altor funcii suplimentare. III
2. Afiaj trimitere semnal 25. buton RESETARE
3. Afiaj OSCILARE n momentul n care telecomanda nu funcioneaz
4. Afiaj VITEZ VENTILATOR normal, utilizai un obiect cu vrf ascuit pentru a
Afiaj apsa acest buton pentru a reseta telecomanda.
1 Gol recepionare semnal 4 Afiaj funcie TIMER ON\OFF,
afiaj funcie TIMER ON-OFF,
2 afiaj funcie SLEEP

3 ambiental
Reinei revenirea energiei electrice:
n momentul recepionrii semnalului apsai pe butonul funciei sleep de zece ori n timp de
telecomenzii, afiajul cu setarea temperaturii, cinci secunde i introducei funcia dup ce auzii patru
i n timpul de odihn temperatura camerei sunete. Apsai pe butonul funciei sleep de zece ori n
este afiat aceasta fiind doar de referin. timp de cinci secunde pentru a prsi aceast funcie dup
ce auzii dou sunete.
Funcia Health nu este disponibil n unele produse.

ncrcarea bateriei
Unitate exterioar 1 Scoatei capacul bateriei;
2 Introducei bateriile dup cum este ilustrat.
2 baterii R-03, cheie de resetare (cilindru);
3 Asigurai-v c ncrcarea este
conform semnelor " + "/"-";

4 Introducei bateria, apoi punei capacul din nou.

4 Distana dintre capul de transmitere a semnalului i receptorului trebuie s
7m fr niciun obstacol.
n momentul n care lmpile fluorescente cu pornire electronic sau telefonul
fr fir sunt instalate n camer, receptorul este apt pentru a fi deranjat din
recepionarea semnalelor, iar distana la unitatea interioar trebuie s fie mai
EVACUARE CONECTAREA TUBULA RII Afiaj complet sau afiaj neclar n timpul funcionrii indic c bateriile
au fost utilizate complet. V rugm ncrcai bateriile.
Dac telecomanda nu poate funciona normal, v rugm s scoatei bateriile i
ADMISIE 4 FURTUN DE EVACUARE s reluai procesul cteva minute mai trziu.
V rugm pe baza ofertei de achiziionare a produsului actual, imaginea de
mai sus este doar de referin.

n cazul n care aparatul nu va fi folosit pentru o perioad ndelungat de timp,
scoatei bateriile Dac exist vreo afiare dup scoaterea acestora, apsai butonul
de resetare.

Operaii de baz Funcionarea de urgen i operarea test
Funcionare de urgen:
Utilizai aceast funcie n momentul cnd telecomanda este defect sau
pierdut, i prin aceast funcie, aparatul de aerul condiionat poate funciona
Telecomand 1 automat pentru o perioada de timp.
n momentul cnd comutatorul pentru funcionarea de urgen este apsat,
sunetul "Pi" este auzit doar o singur dat, ce nseamn pornirea acestei
2 n momentul cnd comutatorul este rotit pentru prima dat i funcionarea de
3 urgen pornete, aparatul va funciona automat n urmtoarele moduri:
2 Temperatura Temperatur Mod Vitez Mod de
camerei dorit Timer ventilator operare
o o
Peste 23 C 26 C Nu AUTO RCIRE
o o

Este imposibil s schimbai setarea temperaturii, i a vitezei ventilatorului, de

asemenea, nu este posibil funcionarea n modul timer sau modul
1. Aparatul pornete. deumidificare.
Apsai butonul PORNIT/OPRIT de pe telecomand,
aparatul pornete. Operare de testare:
Comutatorul operare de testare este asemenea comutatorului
2. Selectai modului de funcionare de urgen.
Utilizai acest comutator n faza de testare a aparatului n
buton funcie RCIRE: Mod rcire momentul cnd temperatura camerei este sub 16C, nu utilizai
buton funcie NCLZIRE: Mod funcie nclzire f i l i Pi Pi
buton DEUMIDIFICARE: Mod deumidificare Continuai s apsai comutatorul pentru mai
mult de 5 secunde. Dup ce auzii sunetul "Pi"
3.Selectai setarea de temperatur de dou ori, eliberai comutatorul, funcia de
Apsai BUTONUL temp+/temp- rcire pornete avnd o vitez a fluxului de aer
TEMP+ De fiecare dat cnd butonul este apsat, setarea de "Hi".
temperatur crete cu 1C, dac nu este meninut
apsat, acesta va crete rapid Sub acest mod de funcionare, motorul ventilatorului
TEMP- De fiecare dat cnd butonul este apsat, setarea de unitii interioare va funciona la o vitez ridicat.
temperatur scade cu 1C, dac nu este meninut
apsat, acesta va scade rapid. Selectai o
temperatur dorit
Reglarea direciei fluxului de aer
4. Selectarea vitezei ventilatorului 1 .Lamel vertical Telecomand
Apsai butonul VENTILARE. Pentru fiecare apsare, RCIRE/OTWMOnWItHisfeteiite):
viteza ventilatorului se schimb dup cum urmeaz: Poz.1
Afiaj Poz.3
LO MED HI AUTO Poz.4 (Oscilare automat)

Poz. 5
Aparatul de aer condiionat funcioneaz la vitez
ventilatorului afiat. n momentul cnd modul VENTILARE
este setat la AUTO, aerul condiionat ajusteaz automat 2.Apsai butonul, se schimb dup cum urmeaz: Poz.4
viteza ventilatorului conform temperaturii camerei.
Apsai butonul din nou. Lamela vertical se va opri n
Mod de
operare Telecomand
Reine poziia prezent, funcia de oscilare va fi anulat.
n acest mod de funcionare automat, aparatul de aer condiionat
va selecta automat funcionarea modului RCIRE sau
3.Apsai butonul pentru a alege Poz 2 i Poz. 3.
AUTO NCLZIRE conform temperaturii camerei. n momentul cnd
modul VENTILARE este setat la AUTO, aerul condi ionat
ajusteaz automat viteza ventilatorului conform temperaturii
4.Reglrile fluxului de aer ctre stnga i dreapta(manual) Micai
camerei. lamela vertical prin intermediul unui buton de pe aparatul de aer
RCIRE condiionat pentru a ajusta direcia ctre stnga i dreapta fcnd
n modul DEUMIDIFICARE, atunci cnd temperatura camerei
referire la Fig.
DEUMIDI scade sub temperatura setat de +2C, aparatul va funciona
FICARE intermitent la o vitez SCZUT indiferent de setarea modului
n momentul cnd ajustai lamela manual, nchidei aparatul.
n modul NCLZIRE, aerul cald va fi suflat dup o perioad scurt Cnd umiditatea este ridicat, apa condensat poate aprea reglate
de timp datorit funciei de prevenire. n momentul cnd modul
NCLZIRE VENTILARE este setat la AUTO, aparatul de aerul condi ionat n partea stng sau la evacuarea aerului dac fantele verticale
ajusteaz automat viteza ventilatorului conform temperaturii
sunt drepte.
n modul de funcionare VENTILARE, aparatul nu va funciona n
modul RCIRE sau NCLZIRE, dar va funciona numai n modul
Este sftuitor s nu meninei lamela orizontal ntr-o poziie
VENTILARE, setarea AUTO nefiind disponibil n modul descendent pentru o durata mare de timp n modul RCIRE sau
VENTILARE. i setarea de temperatur este dezactivat. n modul
VENTILARE, funcionarea modului sleep nu este disponibil DEUMIDIFACARE, datorit acestui lucru apa condensat poate
n momentul cnd repornii aparatul dup oprirea din telecomand,
telecomanda va memora automat poziia anterioar de oscilare.
Funcionarea modului sleep
4. n modul VENTILARE
Nu are funcia SLEEP.
Apsai butonul pentru a introduce opiuni suplimentare,
n momentul n care 5.Setai schimbarea vitezei fluxului de aer n momentul cnd
dormii. Dac viteza fluxului de aer este ridicat sau la mijloc
succede tre , acesta va clipi. i apoi apsai nainte de setarea pentru funcia sleep, setai pentru scderea
pentru a intra n funcia sleep. vitezei fluxului de aer dup funcia odihn. Dac este un flux de
aer slab, nu-l schimbai
n momentul n care funcia TIMER este setat, funcia sleep nu
poate fi setat. Dup ce funcia sleep este setat, dac utilizatorul
reseteaz funcia TIMER, funcia sleep se va anula, aparatul va fi
in starea de cronometrare.

Funcionarea modului POWER/QUIET

(1) Funcionarea modului POWER

Mod de operare n momentul cnd dorii o nclzire sau rcire rapid, putei
1. n modul RCIRE. DEUMIDIFICARE utiliza aceasta funcie. Apsai butonul pentru a
1 or dup ce funcia modulului SLEEP pornete, temperatura va introduce opiuni suplimentare, atunci cnd afiajul se succede
crete cu 1C dect setarea de temperatur.Dup o alt or,
pentru acesta va clipi, i apoi apsai butonul
temperatura crete cu nc 1C. Aparatul va funciona timp de 6
pentru a intra n functia de putere. n momentul cnd anulai
ore i apoi se oprete. Temperatura este mai crescut dect
aceast funcie, v rugm s introducei opiunile suplimentare
setarea temperaturii pentru ca temperatura camerei s nu fie prea
nc o dat i apoi s anulai funcia de putere
cobort pentru somnul dvs.

funcia SLEEP pornete funcia SLEEP se oprete

(2) Funcionarea modului QUIET
Putei utiliza aceasta funcie n momentul n care v odihnii sau citii.
Aprox.6 ore
Apsai butonul meniului QUIET, telecomanda va afia i apoi
realizeaz funcia modulului. Apsai din nou butonul funciei QUIET,
1 hr Crete 1C aceasta funcie va fi anulat.

Crete 1C
1 hr Reinei:
n timpul funcionrii modului POWER, aflat n modul rapid
Aparatul se oprete
Setare temperatur NCLZIRE sau RCIRE, camera va prezenta o distribuie a
n modul RCIRE, DEUMIDIFICARE temperaturii neomogen. Funcionarea modului QUIET pe termen
lung va cauza efectul de a nu fi prea rece sau prea cald.
2. n modul NCLZIRE
1 or dup ce funcia modului SLEEP pornete, temperatura va fi
mai cobort cu 2C dect setarea temperaturii. Dup o alt or
temperatura va scdea cu nc 2C.Dup 3 ore, temperatura va
crete cu 1C. Aparatul va funciona timp de 3 ore, i apoi se
oprete. Temperatura este mai cobort dect setarea
temperaturii, iar temperatura camerei nu va fi prea ridicat pentru
somnul dvs.

Setare temperatur Aparatul se oprete

1 hr Scade 2C

1 hr
Scade 2C

3 ore

3 ore Crete 1C

funcia SLEEP funcia SLEEP se

pornete oprete
n modul NCLZIRE

3. n modul AUTO
Aceast unitate funcioneaz n modul SLEEP corespunztor
adaptat modului de funcionare selectat automat.
Funcionarea funciei Timer On/Off On-Off Toate produsele sunt conforme cu urmtoarele prevederi
1.Dup pornirea aparatului, selectai modul de funcionare dorit. europene:
2.Apsai butonul TIMER pentru a schimba modul TIMER. De - Directiva privind voltajul redus 73/23/EEC
fiecare dat cnd butonul este ap - Directiva privind voltajul redus 2006/95/EC
dup cum urmeaz: Telecomand: - Directiva privind compatibilitatea electromagnetic 89/336/EEC
- Directiva privind compatibilitatea electromagnetic 2004/108/EC
0.5h 0.5h 0.5h 0.5h Produsele respect cerinele directivei 2002/95/EEC a
PORNIT-OPRIT Parlamentului European i a Consiliului de restricia n utilizare a
anumitor substane periculoase la echipamentele electrice i
Apoi selectai modul TIMER dorit (TIMER PORNIT sau TIMER electronice (Directiva UE RoHS)
n conformitate cu directiva 2002/96/CE a Parlamentului European,
3.Apsai butonul / pentru a seta ceasul. informm cele ce urmeaz consumatorii cu privire la cerinele care
Apsai butonul de fiecare dat, setarea ceasului n primele 12 se impun la eliminarea produselor electrice i electronice.
ore crete cu 0.5 ore de fiecare dat, dup 12 ore aceasta crete cu CERINTE DE ELIMINARE:
1 or de fiecare dat. Aparatul de aer condiionat este marcat cu acest
Apsai butonul de fiecare dat, setarea ceasului n primele 12 simbol. Acesta nseamn c produsele electrice i
ore scade cu 0.5 ore de fiecare dat, dup 12 ore aceasta scade cu electronice nu trebuie amestecate cu deeuri
1 or de fiecare dat. III menajere nesortate Nu ncercai s dezasamblai
singur sistemul: dezasamblarea sistemului de aer
Poate fi ajustat n limitele celor 24 de ore. condiionat, tratarea refrigerantului, a uleiului i ale
4.Confirmai setarea ceasului altor componente trebuie efectuat de ctre un instalator calificat n
Dup ajustarea ceasului, apsai butonul i confirmai timpul conformitate cu legislaia local i naional. Aparatele de aer
prin intermediului butonului PORNIT sau OPRIT, acesta nu va mai condiionat trebuie tratate la o fabrica specializat pentru reutilizare,
clipi. reciclare i recuperare. Prin asigurarea eliminrii acestui produs
5.Anulai setarea ceasului corect, vei preveni poteniale consecine negative asupra mediului
Apsai butonul ceasului de cte ori este necesar pn cnd nconjurtor i strii generale de sntate. Pentru mai multe
informaii, v rugm contactai instalatorul sau autoritatea local.
Bateria trebuie scoas din telecomand i eliminat separat
Sfaturi: conform legislaiei locale i naionale n vigoare.
Dup nlocuirea bateriilor sau producerea unei pene de curent,
setarea ceasului ar trebui fi resetat.
Conform setrii ceasului fiecare secvena de TIMER ON sau TIMER
au Stop-Start poate fi atins. REFERITOARE LA AGENTUL
Funcionarea fluxului de aer REFRIGERENT UTILIZAT
1.Apsai pentru pornire
Setarea condiiilor de lucru confortabile. Conin gaze de ser fluoroniate aprobate de ctre
Protocolul Kyoto. A
2.Setarea funcionarii fluxului de aer
R410A 1= kg
Apsai butonul pentru a introduce opiuni suplimentare.
2 2= kg
Apsai acest C
buton continuu, locaia grilajului se va succede ntre urmtoarele trei
locaii, pentru alegerea locaiei de oscilare care avei nevoie, i apoi 1+2= kg

apsai butonul pentru confirmare. F E

Flux de aer Flux de aer

ascendent descendent Poziia
Acest produs conine gaze de ser fluorinate aprobate de ctre
Protocolul Kyoto. Nu le eliberai n atmosfera. Tip refrigerent:R410A
3.Pentru a anula funcia fluxului de aer Valoare GWP* 1975
GWP = potenial de nclzire global
Apsai butonul pentru a introduce opiuni suplimentare. V rugm completai cu cerneala neradiabil,
Apsai butonul continuu, fantele se vor succeda ntre urmtoarele 1 cantitatea de refrigerent din fabrica a produsului
trei locaii din nou, i apoi apsai butonul pentru anulare. 2 cantitatea de refrigerent adugat suplimentar n teren i
Atenie: Nu dirijai manual lamelele. n caz contrar, fanta va 1 +2 cantitatea total de refrigerant
funciona incorect. Dac fanta nu funcioneaz corect, oprii pe eticheta de ncrcare a refrigerentului furnizat mpreun cu
aparatul timp de un minut i apoi pornii-l din nou, reglnd aceasta produsul.
prin intermediul telecomenzii. Eticheta completat trebuie pstrat n vecintatea portului de
ncrcare a produsului (ex. pe interiorul capacului supapei de
Reinei: nchidere).
1.Dup setarea funciei fluxului de aer, poziia fantei este fix. A Acest produs conine gaze de ser fluorinate aprobate de ctre
2.Pentru cldur. este mai bine s selectai modul Protocolul Kyoto.
3.Pentru rcire, este mai bine s selectai modul B cantitatea de refrigerent din fabric a produsului: a se vedea
4.n modul de rcire i deumidificare, utiliznd un aparat de aer eticheta tehnic
pentru o perioad lung de timp sub umiditate ridicat a aerului, apa C cantitatea de refrigerent adugat n teren
condensat poate aprea pe fant. D cantitatea totala de refrigerent
E unitatea exterioar
F cilindrul refrigerantului i distribuitor pentru ncrcare

Montarea aparatului n interior
Unelte necesare pentru montaj Sursa de alimentare
urubelni Cheie dinamomentric
Clete (17mm,22mm,26mm) nainte de a introduce n priz, verificai tensiunea
Bomfaier Dispozitiv de tiat evi Tensiunea de alimentare este corespunztoare etichetei tehnice
Bormain cu carotier Dispozitiv de lrgit evi Montai un circuit derivat exclusiv
Cheie de piulie (17,19 i 26mm) Cuit Priza trebuie s fie amplasat la distan unde cablul de alimentare
Detector de gaze sau soluie ap Rulet poate fi ajuns. Nu prelungii cablul prin tierea acestuia.
i spun Alezor

Selectarea locului pentru montaj Piese auxiliare

Locul, robust necauzator de vibraii, unde corpul poate fi
suportat suficient. Telecomand (1) Furtun evacuare (1)
Locul, neafectat de cldur sau aburul degajat n vecintate,
unde admisia i evacuarea produsului nu este ntrerupt. Baterie uscat R-03 (2) Capac plastic (4)
Locul, pentru a se drena uor, unde conductele pot fi
conectate la unitatea exterioar.
Plac de montaj (1) Filtru purificator de aer(Optional) (1)
Poziionai, unde aerul rece poate fi rspndit complet ntr-o
Poziionai, lng o priz, avnd destul spaiu
Poziionai unde o distan mai mare de 1m de la televizoare,
radiouri, aparaturi fr fir i lmpi fluorescente poate fi lsat.
Selectarea conductelor
n cazul poziionrii telecomenzii pe perete, poziionai aceasta
unde unitatea interioar poate primi semnale n momentul Conduct de ap
PENTRU 07K 09K 12K
cnd lmpile fluorescente din camera sunt aprinse. Conduct de gaz
Conduct de ap
Conduct de gaz
Conduct de ap
Conduct de gaz

Pozarea montajului unitilor interioare

Modelele adopta refrigerant HFC de tip R410A

Atenia trebuie s fie prezent

n momentul ridicrii furtunului
mai mult de 15 cm de evacuare

Aranjamentul direciilor

Spate stnga
mai mult de Stnga Spate
10cm dreapta


mai mult de 10crr

Distana dintre unitatea interioar i pardoseal trebuie s fie mai mare de 2m.
V rugm pe baza ofertei de achiziionare a produsului actual, imaginea de mai sus este doar de referin.

Montarea aparatului n interior
[ Stnga Conducte spate stnga ]
1 Ajustarea plcii de montaj i poziionarea gurii din perete n cazul conductelor de pe partea stnga, tiai cu un clete, capacul pentru
conductele de pe partea stng.
n cazul conductelor spate stnga, ndoii conductele conform direciei acestora
n momentul cnd placa de montaj este prima fixat pentru a marca gaura pentru conductele spate stnga care sunt marcate pe
materialele de termoizolaie.
1. Introduceti furtunul de evacuare n interiorul semnului materialelor
1. Efectuai, bazndu-v pe stlpii nvecinai sau buiandrugi, o echilibrare bun a plcii termoizolante ale unitilor interioare.
pentru a fi fixat in perete, apoi strnge el. 2. Introduceti cablul electric interior/exterior din spatele unitilor de interior, i
2. Asigurai-v nc o dat nivelul plcii, prin ag tragei-l prin partea frontal, apoi conectai-l.
central a plcii, apoi strnge el anexat.. 3. Acoperii faa garniturii de lrgire cu ulei refrigerent i conectai conductele.
3. Gsii locaia gurii de perete A utiliznd o rulet Acoperii conexiunea cu materiale termoizolante, i asigurai fixarea cu banda
Cablu electric interior/exterior

B= 70mm Material Conducte

Placa care suporta
Capac pentru conductele conductele
de pe partea dreapt
Capac pentru
Capac pentru conducte. conductele de pe
partea stng

Fixai-l cu band adeziv

B= 70mm Cablul electric interior/exterior mpreun cu furtunul de evacuare trebuie s fie

legate de ctre conductele de refrigerare cu band de protecie.
[ Alt direcie a conductelor ]

te, capacul conductelor conform direciei

conductei i ndoii conducta conform poziiei gurii de perete. n momentul
ndoirii, asigurai-v c nu crpai conductele.
Conectai n prealabil cablul electric interior/exterior, i apoi tragei cablul ctre
termoizolaia componentei conectate.
B= 70mm
Fixarea corpului unitii interioare

A=145mm Agtai corpul unitii peste crestturi superioare ale plcii de

montaj. Micai corpul dintr-o parte n alta pentru a verifica
fixarea n siguran.
Pentru a fixa corpul pe placa de montaj, inei corpul
n momentul cnd placa de montaj este fixat de bara alturat nclinat de partea inferioar i plasai-l perpendicular.

Fixai de buiandrug o bar de montaj, care este separat vndut, i apoi strngei placa plac de montaj
pe bara de montaj fixat
Revenii la articolul anterior," n momentul cnd placa de montaj este fixat prima ",
pentru poziia gurii de perete.
Descrcarea corpului unitii interioare

n momentul cnd descrcai unitatea interioar, v rugm s v utilizai

2 Crearea unei guri n perete i fixarea unui capac al golului minile pentru a ridica corpului pentru a lsa agrafele, apoi ridicai din partea
conductei. inferioar a corpului numai puin i ridicai unitatea nclinat pn cnd
aceasta prsete placa de montaj.

Creai o gaur avnd un diametru de 70 mm, avnd un caracter descendent ctre

exteriorul peretelui.
Montai capacul de acoperire a gurii pentru conducte i sigilai aceasta cu chit dup
Gaur de perete

agraf plac de montaj


4 Conectarea cablului electric interior/exterior

Partea interioar Partea exterioar
Grosimea peretelui

(Seciunea gurii peretelui) G Gol pentru conducte

Scoaterea proteciei pentru fire
3 Montarea unitii interioare

Eliminai capacul terminal de la colul jos dreapta al unitii

Pozarea conductelor interioare, apoi scoate

[ Conducte spate ]
Pozai conductele si furtunul de evacuare, apoi strngei-le cu banda adeziv

Corect Incorect
n momentul conectrii cablului dup montarea unitii

1. Introducei dinspre exteriorul camerei, cablul n partea stng a gurii de nclinare Avarierea lrgirii Crpare parial Prea n
perete, unde conducte se afl deja. exterior
2. Tragei cablul prin partea frontal i cablul crend o bucla.

7 Pe evacuare
V rugm s montai furtunul de evacuare nct s aib o panta descendent. V
n momentul conectrii cablului nainte de montarea unitii rugm s nu efectuai dreanarea cum este descris mai jos.

Introducei cablul din partea din spate a unit i cablul spre partea
frontal. Mai puin
Slbii i complet captul cablului n blocul terminalului, apoi de 5cm
strngei uruburile.
Tragei uor de cablu pentru a v asigura c Spaiul cu
corespunztor. Devine greu la Captul este Se Exist un miros
mijloc imersat n ap. onduleaz. pmntul este
Dup conectarea cablului, nu uitai s strngei cablul conectat cu acoperirea pentru prea mic. urt

Unitate interioar
V rugm s turnai ap n tava de evacuare a unit confirmai
drenarea ctre partea exterioar.
n cazul n care furtunul de evacuare ataat este n camera, v rugm s aplicai
izolaie termic pe acesta pentru a nu ceda.

8 Pe evacuare
Pentru unitatea
Indicarea Descrierea problemelor
Reinei: codului
n momentul conectrii cablului, confirmai cu grij numrul terminalului unitilor E1 Defeciune senzor
cablarea este incorect, funcionarea corespunztoare Conexiune defect conector;
temperatur camer Termistor defect;
nu poate fi efectuat
E2 Defeciune senzor PCB defect
BXEU 090/BXEU 091 schimbare cldur
BXEU 120/BXEU 121
Model Date EEPROM greite;
BXEU 180/BXEU 181 E4 Eroare interioar
BXEU 240/BXEU 241 EEPROM greit;
PCB defect
Conectarea 2
cablurilor E7 Defeciune de Unitate interioar
- unitate
comunicare ntre exterioar eroare transmisie
1. Dac cablul de alimentare este deteriorat, acesta trebuie nlocuit de ctre productor unitile semnal datorit erorii de cablare;
sau de ctre agentul de service sau o persoan calificat similar. Tipul cablului de PCB defect
conectare este H05RN-F sau H07RN-F.
2. Dac sigurana de pe placa PC este ars, v rugm s o schimbai cu
siguran de tipul T.3.15A/250VAC (Interior).
Oprire funcionare datorit
3. Metoda de cablare ar trebui s fie conform standardului local de cablare. scurtcircuitului cablului n interior
4. Dup fie ajuns cu uurin. E14 Defeciune motor motorului ventilatorului;
5. Un ntreruptor ar trebui fi ncorporat n cablarea fix. ntreruptorul ar trebui s fie un ventilator interior Oprire funcionare datorit
ntreruptor cu poli complei, iar distana dintre cele dou borne nu trebuie s fie mai deteriorrii cablurilor motorului
mic de 3mm. ventilatorului; Eroare de detectare
datorit unitii PCB deteriorate;
5 Montarea sursei de alimentare
Sursa de alimentare trebuie s fie utilizat doar pentru aparatul de aer condiionat.
n cazul montrii unui aparat de aer condiionat ntr-un loc umed, v rugm s montai un 9 Verifica ionarea
ntreruptor cu mpmntare.
Pentru montajul n alte locuri, utilizai un ntreruptor pe ct posibil. V rugm s explicai clienilor notri cum s
foloseasc aparatul utiliznd manualul de utilizare
6 T rile de lrgire ale conductelor
Tierea conductei este efectuat de ctre dispozitivul de t Verificai elementele pentru funcionare
operaiunea de bavurare trebuie efectuat Dup introducerea piuliei de racord,
operaiunea de lrgire este efectuat V rugm s plasai semne de verificare n csue
Scpri de gaz de la conectarea conductei?
Unealt de lrgire
pentru R410A Unealt de lrgire convenional Izolarea termic a conectrii conductei?
Piuli de blocare (tip rigid) Sunt cablurile de conectare ale unit
Piuli de blocare Piulia fluture (tip imperial)
n blocul terminal?
A 0~0.5mm 1.0~1.5mm 1.5~2.0mm Conectarea dintre unitatea interioar este ferm efectuat?
Drenajul este efectuat n siguran?
mpmntarea este conectat n siguran?
I.Tiai conducta 2.Debavurai Unitatea interioar este fixat n siguran?
Matriare unelte lrgire Este voltajul suportat de ctre cod?
Exista vreun zgomot?
Lampa lumineaz normal?
Sunt operaiunile de r lzire (n momentul pompei de cldur)
efectuate normal?
4.Lrgii conducta Este normal funcionarea regulatorului de temperatur a camerei?
3.Introducei piulia de racord

Pentru o utilizare uoar a aerului condiionat

Setarea adecvat a Nu bloca Telecomand Corp interior

temperaturii camerei evacuarea de aer

Stergei aparatul de aer condiionat prin

Pentru pete dificile, utilizai un detergent
Nu utilizai ap. Stergei telecomanda cu un neutru diluat cu ap. nmuiai materialul textil
material textil uscat. Nu utilizai detergent de n ap nainte de i
ferestre sau material textil chimic. complet detergentul.

Pentru curare nu utilizai urmtoarele produse

nchidei u Utilizai temporizatorul eficient
n timpul funcionrii

Benzina, benzenul, diluantul sau Apa cald peste 40C(104 F) poate

dezinfectant pot avaria stratul de lac al cauza decolorare sau deformare.

n timpul operaiei de rcire

prevenii ptrunderea razelor Curarea filtrului de aer
solare directe cu o perdea
sau stor. 1 Deschidei fanta de evacuare prin ridicarea acesteia.

2 Scoatei filtrul.
Apsai uor pe lamela central a filtrului pn cnd se
deblocheaz de opritor, i scoatei filtrul descendent
Dac aparatul nu este folosit 3 Cur
Utilizai gurile de aer eficient lai filtrul cu
pentru o perioad lung de ap. Dup sp .
timp, oprii alimentarea. 4
a fel inct indicaia
" s fie orientat spre fa. Asigurai-v c filtrul
este fixat complet n spatele opritorului. Dac filtrele
O dat la dou
NCHIS cauza defecte.

nlocuirea filtrului de purificare a aerului

1. Deschidei grilajul de admisie 4.Ataai filtrul de aer standard

Susinei grilajul de admisie prin (Montaj necesar)
utilizarea unui dispozitiv mic numit
suport-grilaj care este localizat n partea
dreapt a unitii interioare.
2.Detaai filtrul de aer standard Partea de culoare alb a filtrului fotocatalitic de purificare a aerului este orientat
spre afar, iar partea de culoare neagr este orientat spre unitate. Partea de
Micai uor ascendent butonul pentru a
culoare verde a mediul de ucidere a bacteriilor din interiorul filtrului de purificare a
aerului este orientat spre afar, iar partea alb este orientat spre interior.

5.nchidei grilajul de admisie

nchidei grilajul cu ncredere

Decuplai vechiul filtru de purificare a aerului Filtrul fotocatalitic de purificare a aerului va fi solarizat ntr-un timp fix. ntr-o
familie normal, acesta va fi solarizat la fiecare 6 luni.

Mediul de ucidere a bateriilor din interiorul filtrului de purificare a aerului va fi

nlocuire. Dar atunci cnd le utilizai,
trebuie s eliminai praful frecvent prin utilizarea unui aspirator sau fluturarea
acestora uor, dac nu, performana va fi afectat.
V rugm s meninei mediul de ucidere a bacteriilor din interiorul filtrului de
3.Cuplai filtrul de purificare a aerului purificare a aerului n condi
timp lung n momentul opririi acestuia, sau abilitatea produsului de sterilizare
Plasai produsele cu filtre de purificare a aerului va fi redus.

V rugm s sunai magazinul de vnzri/service pentru montaj.
Nu ncercai s instalai aparatul de aer condiionat de unul singur deoarece lucrrile
neadecvat pot cauza oc electric, incendiu, scpri de ap.

n momentul unor anormalitai cum este gsirea Utilizai o surs Verificai instalarea n
unei componente arse, oprii imediat aparatul i de putere siguran a drenajului.
contactai magazinul de vnzri. alternativ cu un
circuit electric.

1 .Nu utilizai cablu de alimentare prelungit sau conectat la mijloc.
Conectai complet cablul de Utilizai tensiunea adecvat
2.Nu montai aparatul n locul unde exist posibilitatea scprilor de
alimentare la priz. gaze inflamabile pe lng aparat.
3. Nu permitei expunerea aparatului la vapori sau aburi de ulei.


Nu utilizai cablul de Asigurai-v s nu deteriorai cablul Nu introduce
alimentare strns. de alimentare. evacuarea de aer

Nu pornii sau oprii funcionarea Nu directionai fluxul de aer direct spre Nu ncercai s reparai sau Conectarea mpmntrii
oameni, n special copiilor sau btrnilor. s reconstruii aparatul de
prin deconectarea cablului de
alimentare unul singur.


Nu utilizai aparatul pentru pstrarea mncrii, Inspirai aer proaspt ocazional n special Nu atingei comutatorul cu minile
lucrrilor de art, echipamentelor precise, cnd aparatele pe gaz funcioneaz n acelai ude
reproducere sau cultivare. moment.


Nu montai aparatul lng un emineu sau Verificai buna condiie a stand-ului Nu turnai ap n aparat pentru
alte aparate de cldur. de montaj curare.


Nu plasai animale sau plante n Nu plasai obiecte sau urcai pe Nu plasai vaze de flori sau recipiente
calea fluxului de aer aparat de ap pe partea superioar a


Depanare Precauii
nainte de de apelarea la service, verificai mai nti
urmtoarele. Nu blocai sau acoperii fanta de ventilaie a aparatului de aer
condiionat. Nu punei degetele sau alte lucruri n
admisie/evacuare i n fanta aflat n micare.
Fenomen Cauza sau puncte de verificare Nu permitei copiilor s se joace cu aparatul de aer condiionat. n
niciun caz nu trebuie permis copiilor s stea pe unitatea
Sistemul nu n momentul cnd produsul este oprit, acesta nu exterioar.
repornete imediat va reporni imediat dect dup 3 minute pentru a
proteja sistemul. Specificaii
n momentul n care cablul electric este
Circuitul refrigerentului este ermetic.
protecie va opera timp de 3 minute pentru a
proteja aparatul de aer condiionat. Aparatul este adaptabil n urmtoarele situaii
1 .Gam de temperatur ambiental aplicabil:
Se aude zgomot n timpul funcionrii aparatului sau la oprire, este
posibil s auzii un zgomot ca fiind un bolborosit. n Maxim:D.B/W.B 32C/23C
primele 2-3 minute dup pornirea aparatului, Interior Minim:D.B/W.B 21C/15C
Normal Rcire
zgomotul este mai puternic (Acest zgomot este
Performan Exterior Maxim:D.B/W.B 46C/26C
creat de ctre refrigerent care curge prin sistem)
Inspecie Minim: D.B 18C
n timpul funcionrii aparatului, un zgomot de
crpare poate fi auzit. Acest zgomot este
generat de ctre dilatare sau contracia Maxim:D.B 27C
datorit schimbrilor de temperatur. Interior Minim: D.B 15C
Dac auzii un zgomot puternic de la fluxul de
aer n momentul funcionrii aparatului, este Incalzire Maxim:D.B/W.B 24C/18C
posibil ca filtrul de aer s fie prea murdar. Exterior
Minim:D.B/W.B -7C/-8C

Exterior Maxim:D.B/W.B 24C/18C

(INVERTOR) Minim:D.B -15C

Acest lucru este datorat faptului c

Se simt sistemul pune n circulaie mirosurile din 2. Dac cablul de alimentare este deteriorat, acesta trebuie nlocuit de ctre
mirosuri. camer cum ar fi mirosul de mobilier, productor sau de ctre agentul de service sau o persoana calificat
vopsea, igri. similar.
Ceat sau aburi ies din
3. Daca sigurana din unitatea interioar de pe placa PC este ars, v
aparat. n timpul funcionrii modului RCIRE sau
rugm s o schimbai cu tipul T 3.15A/ 250V. Dac sigurana unitii
DEUMIDIFICARE, unitatea interioar ar
putea sufla ceat. Acest lucru este datorat exterioare este ars, schimbai-o utiliznd T25A/250V
rcirii rapide a aerului din interior 4. Metoda de cablare ar trebui s fie conform cu standardul local de cablare.

5. Dup fie ajuns cu uurin.

n modul n modul DEUMIDIFICARE, cnd temperatura
DEUMIDIFICARE, camerei scade sub setarea temperaturii de 6. Bateria rezidual trebuie s fie depozitat n siguran.
viteza ventilatorului nu +2 C,produsul va funciona intermitent la o vitez
poate fi schimbat. SCZUT indiferent de setarea 7. Produsul nu este intenionat utilizrii de ctre copii tineri sau persoane
VENTILATORULUI. infirme fr supraveghere

8. Copii tineri ar trebui supravegheai pentru a se asigura ca acetia nu se

Este cablul de alimentare introdus?
A survenit o pan de curent?
joac cu produsul.
Sigurana este ars?
9. V rugm s , care vine n contact cu
cablul de alimentare.
Verificri Este filtrul de aer murdar? n mod normal, acesta ar
Rcire slab trebui fi curat la fiecare 15 zile. 10. Priza de alimentare i cablul conectat trebuie s aib atestare local.
Este temperatura setat corect? 11.Pentru a proteja produsele, v rugm s nchidei mai nti A/C, i apoi
Exist ui sau ferestre nc deschise? dup 30 de secunde mai trziu s ntrerupei alimentarea.
Sunt raze solare directe care ptrund prin
fereastr n timpul operaiei de rcire?(Utilizai
Sunt prea multe surse de caldur sau prea multe
persoane n timpul operaiei de rcire?

Parts and Functions
Indoor Unit Remote controller
1 6 8. Additional functions display
2 Operation mode QUIET SLEEP electrical HEALTH TURBO
Inlet Air Purifying Filter 7

(inside) 3
Remote controller

9. QUIET button
10. HEAT button
Inlet grille 5 8
11. COOL button
12. AUTO button
10 13. FAN SPEED button
Outlet 14. TIMER button
15. HEALTH button
Vertical blade 16. LOCK button
(adjust left and
Emergency 12 Used to lock buttons and LCD display
right air fl ow)
Switch 21
17. LIGHT button
Horizontal flap Control the lightening and extinguishing
(adjust up and down air flow Display board 22 of the indoor LED display board.
Don't adjust it manually) 14
23 18. POWER ON/OFF button
15 19. DRY button
Please be subject to the actual produce purchased the 16 20. TEMP button
above picture is just from your reference 17 25 21. SWING button
22. HOUR button
Display board 1. Mode display Function: Sleeping---- Healthy
1 2 3 4 5 Operation mode AUTO COOL DRY FAN HEAT airflow position1--- Healthy airflow
Remote controller
position 2 --- Power --- Air sending
2. Signal sending display --- A-B yard
3. SWING display
4. FAN SPEED display 24.CANCEL/CONFIRM button
Display Function: Setting and cancel to the
1 Signal receiver hole 4 TIMER ON\OFF display circulated timer and other additional functions.
2 ON/OFF display TIMER ON-OFF display LO MED HI AUTO
SLEEP display 25. RESET button
3 Ambient temp.display Note to the power failure resume: 5. LOCK display When the remote controller appears
When receiving the remote press the sleep button ten times in five seconds 6. TIMER OFF display abnormal, use a sharp pointed
control signal, display the set and enter function after hearing four sounds.And TIMER ON display article to press this button to reset
temperature and in the rest press the sleep button ten times within five
seconds and leave this function after hearing 7. TEMP display the remote.
time the room temperature is two sounds.
displayed and this room Healthy function is not available for some units.
temperature is only for reference. 5 COOL\HEAT\Dry\AUTO display
Loading of the battery
Outdoor Unit 1 Remove the battery cover;
2 Load the batteries as illustrated.
2 R-03 batteries, resetting key
Be sure that the loading
is in line with the" + "/"-";
4 Load the battery,then put on the cover again.
4 The distance between the signal transmission head and the rece-
iver hole should be within 7m without any obstacle as well.
When electronic-started type fluorescent lamp or change- over
type fluorescent lamp or wireless telephone is installed in the
room, the receiver is apt to be disturbed in receiving the signals,
OUTLET CONNECTING PIPING AND ELECTRICAL WIRING so the distance to the indoor unit should be shorter.
4 DRAIN HOSE Full display or unclear display during operation indicates the
batteries have been used up. Please change batteries.
Please be subject to the actual produce purchased the If the remote controller can't run normally during operation, please
remove the batteries and reload several minutes later.
above picture is just from your reference
Remove the batteries in case won't be in use for a long period. If
there is any display after taking-out, just press reset key.

Base Operation Emergency operation and test operation
Emergency Operation:
Use this operation only when the remote controller is defective
or lost, and with function of emergency running, air conditoner
Remote controller 1 can run automatically for a while.
When the emergency operation switch is pressed, the " Pi "
sound is heard once, which means the start of this operation.
2 When power switch is turning on for the first time and
emergency operation starts, the unit will run automatically in
3 the following modes: Pi
Room Designated Timer Fan Operation
temperature temperature mode speed mode
o o
Above 23 C 26 C No AUTO COOL
o o
Below 23 C 23 C No AUTO HEAT

It is impossible to change the settings of temp. and fan speed,It

is also not possible to operate in timer or dry mode.
1. Unit start
Press ON/OFF on the remote controller, unit starts. Test operation:
Test ope ration switch is the same as emergency switch.
2. Select operation mode
Use this switch in the test operation when the room
COOL button:Cooling mode o
temperature is below 16 C, do not use it in the
HEAT button: Heating mode normal operation. Pi Pi
DRY button: Dehumidify mode Continue to press the test operation
3.Select temp.setting switch for more than 5 seconds . After
you hear the "Pi" sound twice, release
Press / button
your finger from the switch: the cooling
Every time the button is pressed, temp.setting operation starts with the air flow speed "Hi".
increase 1oC,if kept depressed, it will increase
Under this operation mode,the fan motor of indoor
unit will run in high speed.
Every time the button is pressed, temp.setting
decrease 1oC,if kept depressed, it will Air Flow Direction Adjustment
decrease rapidly
Select a desired temperature. 1.Vertical flap Remote controller
4.Fan speed selection Pos.1
Press FAN button. For each press, fan speed HEAT(Initial state):
changes as follows: Pos.2
Remote controller:
Display Pos.3
Pos.4 (Autoswing)
Pos.5 (no)
Air conditioner is running under displayed fan speed.
When FAN is set to AUTO, the air conditioner
automatically adjusts the fan speed according to room 2.Press button. changes as follows: Pos.4
temperature. Press button again ,vertical flap will stop over

Operation Remote present position,the swing function will be cancelled

Mode Note
Under the mode of auto operation, air conditioner will
automatically select Cool or Heat operation according to
3.Press button to choose the Pos.2 and Pos.3.
AUTO room temperature. When FAN is set to AUTO the air
conditioner automatically adjusts the fan speed according 4.Left and right air flow adjustment(manual)
to room temperature.
Move the vertical blade by a knob on airconditioner
COOL to adjust left and right direction referring to Fig.
In DRY mode , when room temperature becomes lower
DRY than temp.setting+2 o C, unit will run intermittently at LOW
speed regardless of FAN setting.
When adjusting the flap by hand,turn off the unit.
In HEAT mode, warm air will blow out after a short
When humidity is high,condensate water might occur
HEAT period of the time due to cold-draft prevention function. adjusted to left or at air outlet if all vertical louvers are right.
When FAN is set to AUTO, the air conditioner automatically
adjusts the fan speed according to room temperature. It is advisable not to keep horizontal flap at downward
In FAN operation mode , the unit will not operate in COOL or position for a long time in COOLor DRY mode ,
HEAT mode but only in FAN mode, AUTO is not available in
FAN FAN mode. And temp. setting is disabled. In FAN mode, otherwise, condensate water might occur.
sleep operation is not available.
When restart after remote turning off, the remote controller
12 controller will automatically memorize the previous set swing position.
Sleep Operation
4. In FAN mode
Press button to enter additional options, when It has no SLEEP function.
cycle display to , will flash. And then press 5.Set the wind speed change when sleeping
If the wind speed is high or middle before setting for the
enter to sleep function.
sleep, set for lowing the wind speed after sleeping.
If it is low wind, no change.
When TIMER function is set, the sleeping function cant be
set up .After the sleeping function is set up , if user resets
TIMER function, the sleeping function will be cancelled; the
machine will be in the state of timing-on.

(1) POWER Operation
Operation Mode
When you need rapid heating or cooling, you can use this function.
1. In COOL,DRY mode
1 hours after SLEEP mode starts,temp.will become 1 C O
Press button to enter additional options, when cycle
higher than temp.setting.After another 1 hours,temp.rises display to , will flashand then press ,enter to
by 1OC futher.The unit will run for further 6 hours then stops
power function. When cancel the function, please enter
Temp. is higher than temp.setting so that room temperature
wont be too low for your sleep. additional options again and to cancel power function.

SLEEP operation starts SLEEP operation stops (2) QUIET Operation

Approx.6hrs You can use this function when silence is needed for rest or reading.
Press QUIET button, the remote controller will show ,
1 hr Rises 1OC
and then achieve to the quiet function. Press again this
Rises 1OC QUIET button , the quiet function will be cancelled.
1 hr

Temp.setting Unit stop

In COOL, DRY mode
During POWER operation, in rapid HEAT or COOL mode ,
2. In HEAT mode the room will show inhomogeneous temperature distribution.
1 hours after SLEEP mode starts,temp will become 2OC Long period QUIET operation will cause effect of not too
lower than temp.setting.After another 1 hours,temp
cool or not too warm.
decrease by 2 OC futher.After more another 3 hours,temp.
rises by 1OC futher.The unit will run for further 3 hours then lower than temp. setting so that room
temperature wont be too high for your sleep.

Temp.setting Unit stop

1 hr Decreases 2OC

1 hr
Decreases 2OC

3 hrs
3 hrs Rises 1OC

operation starts operation stops
In HEAT mode
3. In AUTO mode
The unit operaters in corresponding sleep mode
adapted to the automatically selected operation mode.

Timer On/Off On-Off Operation All the products are in conformity with the following
1.After unit starts, select your desired operation mode. European provision:
2.Press TIMER button to change TIMER mode. Every - Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC
time the button is pressed, display changes as follows: - Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC
Remote controller: -Electomagnetic CompatibilitY 89/336/EEC
BLANK -Electomagnetic CompatibilitY 2004/108/EC
0.5h 0.5h 0.5h 0.5h ROHS
TIMER ON TIMER OFF TIMER ON-OFF TIMER OFF-ON The products are fulfilled with the requirements in the
Then select your desired TIMER mode (TIMER ON or directive 2002/95/EEC of the European parliament and of
TIMER OFF or TIMER ON-OFF). " "or " "will flash. council on the Restriction of the use of Certain Hazardous
Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EU
3.Press / button to set time. RoHS Directive)
Press the button for each time, setting time in the first WEEE
12 hours increased by 0.5 hour every time, after 12 In accordance with the directive 2002/96/CE of the European
hours,increased by 1 hour every time.
parliament, herewith we inform the consumer about the dis-
Press the button for each time, settiing time in the first posal requirements of the electrical and electronic products.
12 hours decreased by 0.5 hour every time, after 12 DISPOSAL REQUIREMENTS:
hours,decreased by 1 hour every time. Your air conditioning product is marked with this
It can be adjusted within 24 hours.
4.Confirm timer setting symbol.This means that electrical and electronic
products shall not be mixed with unsorted
After adjust the time,press button and confirm the household waste. Do not try to dismantle the
time ON or OFF button will not flash any more. system yourself : the dismantling of the air
5.Cancel timer setting conditioning system,treatment of the refrigerant, of oil and of
Press the timer button by times until the time display other part must be done by a qualified installer in accordance
with relevant local and national legislation. Air conditioners
Hints: must be treated at a specialized treatment facility for reuse,
After replacing batteries or a power failure happens, time recycling and recovery. By ensuring this product is disposed
setting should be reset. of correctly, you will help to prevent potential negative cons-
According to the Time setting sequence of TIMER ON or equences for the environment and humen health. Please
TIMER OFF, either Start-Stop or Stop-Start can be achieved. contact the installer or local authority for more information.
Healthy airflow Operation Battery must be removed from the remote controller and dis-
posed of separately in accordance with relevant local and
1.Press to starting nationl legislation.
Setting the comfort work conditions.
2.The setting of healthy airflow function
Press button to enter additional options,Press this RDING THE REFRIGERANT USED
button continuously, the louvers location will cycle between
Contains fluorinated greenhouse gases
in the following three locations, to choose the swing location covered by the Kyoto Protocol A
what you needed,and then press button to confirm. R410A 1= kg
Healthy Healthy
airflow airflow
Present 2 2= kg
position C
upwarder downwarder 1
3.The cancel of the healthy airflow function 1+2= kg

Press button to enter additional options,Press this F E

button continuously, the louvers location will cycle between This product contains fluorinated greenhouse gases covered by
in the following three locations again,and then press the Kyoto Protocol. Do not vent into the atmosphere.
button to cancel. Refrigerant type:R410A
GWP* value:1975
Notice: Do not direct the flap by hand. Otherwise, the GWP=global warming potential
grille will run incorrectly. If the grille is not run correctly, stop Please fill in with indelible ink,
for a minute and then start, adjusting by remote WKHDGGLWLRQDOUHIULJHUDQWDPRXQWFKDUJHGLQWKHILHOG and
Note: on the refrigerant charge label supplied with the product.
The filled out label must be adhered in the proximity of the product
1.After setting the healthy airflow function, the position charging port (e.g. onto the inside of the stop value cover).
grill is fixed. A contains fluorinated greenhouse gases covered by the Kyoto
2.In heating, it is better to select the mode. Protocol
3.In cooling, it is better to select the mode. B factory refrigerant charge of the product: see unit name plate
4.In cooling and dry, using the air conditioner for a long C additional refrigerant amount charged in the field
time under the high air humidity, condensate water may D total refrigerant charge
occur at the grille . E outdoor unit
F refrigerant cylinder and manifold for charging
Indoor Unit Installaion
Necessary Tools for Installation Power Source
Driver Torque wrench Before inserting power into receptacle, check the voltage without
Nipper (17mm,22mm,26mm)
Hacksaw Pipe cutter
The power supply is the same as the corresponding nameplate.
Hole core drill Flaring tool
Spanner(17,19 and 26mm) Knife Install an exclusive branch circuit of the power.
Gas leakage detector or Measuring tape A receptacle shall be set up in a distance where the power cable
soap-and-water solution Reamer can be reached.Do not extend the cable by cutting it.

Selection of Installation Place Accessory Parts

Remote controller (1) Drain hose (1)

Place, robust not causing vibration, where the body can be
supported sufciently. Plastic cap (4)
Place, not affected by heat or steam generated in the vicinity, R-03 dry battery (2)
4X25 Screw (4)
where inlet and outlet of the unit are not disturbed.
Place, possible to drain easily, where piping can be conne- Mounting plate (1) Air purifying filter(Optional) (1)
cted with the outdoor unit.
Place, where cold air can be spread in a room entirely.
Place, nearby a power receptacle, with enough space around.
Selection of Pipe
Place where the distance of more than lm from televisions,
radios, wireless apparatuses and uorescent lamps can be FOR 07K 09K 12K
In the case of xing the remote controller on a wall, place FOR 18K
where the indoor unit can receive signals when the uore-
scent lamps in the room are lightened. FOR 24K

Drawing for the installation of indoor units

The models adopt HFC free refrigerant R410A

Attention must be paid to

the rising up of drain hose
more than 15 cm

Arrangement of piping

Rear left
more than Left Rear
10cm right


more than 10cm

The distance between the indoor unit and the oor should be more than 2m.
Please be subject to the actual product purchased,the above picture is just for your reference.

Indoor Unit Installation
[ LeftLeft-rear piping ]
1 Fitting of the Mounting Plate and Positioning of the wall Hole In case of left side piping, cut away, with a nipper, the lid for left
When the mounting plate is rst xed In case of left-rear piping, bend the pipes according to the piping
direction to the mark of hole for left-rear piping which is marked on
heat insulation materials.
1. Carry out, based on the neighboring pillars or lintels, a proper leveling 1. Insert the drain hose into the dent of heat insulation materials of
for the plate to be xed against the wall, then temporarily fasten the plate indoor unit.
2. Insert the indoor/outdoor electric cable from backside of indoor
with one steel nail.
unit, and pull it out on the front side, then connect them.
2. Make sure once more the proper level of the plate, by hanging a thread 3. Coat the aring seal face with refrigerant oil and connect pipes.
with a weight from the central top of the plate, then fasten securely the Cover the connection part with heat insulation materials closely,
plate with the attachment steel nail. and make sure xing with adhesive tape
3. Find the wall hole location A using a measuring tape
Indoor/outdoor electric cable

Heat insulation
material Piping
B= 70mm Lid for right Pipe supporting
piping plate
Lid for left piping Drain hose
Lid for under piping pipe

Fix with adhesive tape


Indoor/outdoor electric cable and drain hose must be bound with
efrigerant piping by protecting tape.
[ Other direction piping ]
B= 70mm Cut away, with a nipper, the lid for piping according to the piping
direction and then bend the pipe according to theposition of wall
hole. When bending, be careful not to crash pipes.
Connect beforehand the indoor/outdoor electric cable, and then

pull out the connected to the heat insulation of connecting part
B= 70mm
Fixing the indoor unit body

Hang surely the unit body onto the upper


A=145mm notches of the mounting plate. Move the body

from side to side to verify its secure xing.
In order to x the body onto the mounting
When the mounting plate is xed side bar and lintel plate,hold up the body aslant from the
underside and then put it down perpendicularly. mounting plate
Fix to side bar and lintel a mounting bar, Which is separately sold, and
then fasten the plate to the xed mounting bar. Unloading of indoor unit body
Refer to the previous article, When the mounting plate is rst xed ,
for the position of wall hole. When you unload the indoor unit,please use your hand to arise
the body to leave agraffe,then lift the bottom of the body outward
2 Making a Hole on the Wall and Fitting the Piping Hole Cover slightly and lift the unit aslant until it leaves the mounting plate.

Make a hole of 70 mm in diameter, slightly descending to outside the wall

Install piping hole cover and seal it off with putty after installation
Wall hole


agraffe mounting plate

Indoor side Outdoor side
Thickness of wall
Connecting the indoor/outdoor Electric Cable
(Section of wall hole) G Piping hole pipe

3 Installation of the Indoor Unit Removing the wiring cover

Drawing of pipe Remove terminal cover at right bottom corner of

indoor unit, then take off wiring cover by removing
its screws.
[ Rear piping ]
Draw pipes and the drain hose, then fasten them with the adhesive tape

Correct Incorrect
When connecting the cable after installing the indoor unit

1. Insert from outside the room cable into left side of the wall
Lean Damage of are Crack Partial Too outside
hole, in which the pipe has already existed.
2. Pull out the cable on the front side, and connect the cable
making a loop. 7 On Drainage

Please install the drain hose so as to be downward slope without fail.

When connecting the cable before installing the indoor unit
Please dont do the drainage as shown below.
Insert the cable from the back side of the unit, then pull it out on the front side.
Loosen the screws and insert the cable ends fully into terminal block, then
tighten the screws. Less than
Pull the cable slightly to make sure the cables have been properly inserted and 5cm
After the cable connection, never fail to fasten the connected cable with the It becomes The end is imm- It waves. The gap with the There is the bad
wiring cover. high midway. ersed in water. ground is too small. smell from a ditch
Indoor unit
Please pour water in the drain pan of the indoor unit, and conrm that
drainage is carried out surely to outdoor.
In case that the attached drain hose is in a room, please apply heat
insulation to it without fail.

To Outdoor unit 8 On Drainage

When connecting the cable, conrm the terminal number of indoor and C ode
T rouble description A nalyze and diagnose
outdoor units carefully. If wiring is not correct, proper operation can not indication
be carried out and will cause defect.
E1 Room temperature F aulty connec tor c onnection;
sensor failure F aulty therm istor;
BXEU 090/BXEU 091
H eat-exc hange F aulty P C B ;
BXEU 120/BXEU 121 E2
BXEU 180/BXEU 181 sensor failure
BXEU 240/BXEU 241 F aulty E E P R O M data;
Indoor E E P R O M
E4 F aulty E E P R O M ;
Connecting wiring error
F aulty P C B ;
1. If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer or its C om m unic ation Indoor unit- outdoor unit s igna l
service agent or a similar qualied person. The type of connecting wire is fault betw een trans m is s ion error due to w iring
H05RN-F or H07RN-F. indoor and outdoor error;
2. If the fuse on PC board is broken please change it with the type of units F aulty P C B ;
T.3.15A/250VAC (Indoor).
3. The wiring method should be in line with the local wiring standard. O peration halt due to breaking
4. After installation, the power plug should be easily reached. of w ire inside the fan m otor;
5. A breaker should be incorporated into xed wiring. The breaker should be Indoor fan m otor O peration halt due to breaking
E 14
all-pole switch and the distance between its two contacts should be not less m alfunction of the fan m otor lead w ires;
than 3mm. D etec tion error due to faulty
indoor unit P C B ;
5 Power Source Installation
The power source must be exclusively used for air conditioner.
In the case of installing an air conditioner in a moist place, please install
9 Check for Installation and Test Run
an earth leakage breaker.
For installation in other places, use a circuit breaker as far as possible. Please kindly explain to our customers how to
operate through the instruction manual.
6 Cutting and Flaring Work of Piping
Check Items for Test Run
Pipe cutting is carried out with a pipe cutter and burs must be removed.
After inserting the are nut, aring work is carried out. Put check mark in boxes
Gas leak from pipe connecting?
Flare tool for R410A Conventional are tool
Heat insulation of pipe connecting?
Clutch-type clutch-type(Rigid-type) Wing-nut type (Imperial-type) Are the connecting wirings of indoor and outdoor rmly
A 0~0.5mm 1.0~1.5mm 1.5~2.0mm inserted to the terminal block?
Is the connecting wiring of indoor and outdoor rmly xed?
1.Cut pipe 2.Remove burs
Flare tooling die Is drainage securely carried out?
Is the earth line securely connected?
Is the indoor unit securely xed?
Is power source voltage abided by the code?
4.Flare pipe Is there any noise?
3.Insert the are nut Is the lamp normally lighting?
Are cooling and heating (when in heat pump) performed normally?
Is the operation of room temperature regulator normal?

For Smart Use of The Air Conditioner
Setting of proper room Do not block the air inlet Remote Controller Indoor Body
temperature or outlet

Proper wipe the air conditioner by using a

soft and dry cloth.For serious stains,
use a neutral detergent diluted with
Do not usewater,wipe the controller water.Wring the water out of the
with a dry cloth.Do not use glass cloth before wiping,then wipe off the
cleaner or chemical cloth. detergent completely.

Do not use the following for cleaning

Close doors and windows Use the timer effectively
during operation

Gasoline,benzine, thinner or cleanser Hot water over 40 O C(104O F) may

may damage the coating of the unit. cause discoloring or deformation.
During cooling operation Air Filter cleaning
prevent the penetration
of direct sunlight with Open the inlet grille by pulling it upward.
curtain or blind
Remove the filter.
Push up the filter's center tab slightly until it is
released from the stopper, and remove the filter downward.
Clean the filter.
If the unit is not to be used Use the louvers effectively Use a vacuum cleaner to remove dust, or wash the filter with
for a long time, turn off the water.After washing, dry the filter completely in the shade.
power supply main switch. Attach the filter.
Attach the filter correctly so that the "FRONT" indication
is facing to the front.Make sure that the filter is
completely fixed behind the stopper.If the right Once every
and left filters are not attached correctly, that two weeks
OFF may cause defects.
Close the inlet grille.

Replacement of Air Purifying Filter

1.Open the lnlet Grille 4.Attach the standard air filter

Prop up the inlet grille by using a (Necessary installation)
small device named grille-support
which located in the right side of
the indoor unit. ATTENTION:
The white side of the photocatalyst air purifying filter
2.Detach the standard air filter face outside,and the black side face the unit The green
side of the bacteria-killing medium air purifying filter face
Slide the knob slightly upward to
outside,and the white side face the unit.
release the filter, then withdraw it.
5.Close the Inlet Grille
Close the Grille surely

Detach old Air Purifying Filter The photocatalyst air purifying filter will be solarized in fixed
time. In normal family, it will be solarized every 6 months.

The bacteria-killing medium air purifying filter will be used

for a long time,no need for replacement. But in the period
of using them ,you should remove the dust frequently by
3.Attach Air Purifying Filter using vacuum cleaner or flaping them lightly,otherwise ,
its performance will be affected.
Put air purifying filter appliances into the
right and left filter frames. Please keep the bacteria-killing medium air purifying filter in
the cool and dry conditions avoid long time directly sunshine
when you stop using it,or its ability of sterilization will be

Please call Sales/Service Shop for the Installation.
Do not attempt to install the air conditioner by yourself because improper works
may cause electric shock, fire, water leakage.

When abnormality such as burnt-small found, Use an exclusive Check proper
immediately stop the operation button and power source installation of the
contact sales shop. with a circuit drainage securely


Connect power supply cord Use the proper voltage 1.Do not use power supply cord extended
to the outlet completely or connected in halfway
2.Do not install in the place where there is any
possibility of inflammable gas leakage around the unit.
3.Do not get the unit exposed
STRICT STRICT to vapor or oil steam.
Do not use power supply Take care not to damage Do not insert objects into the air
cord in a bundle. the power supply cord. inlet or outlet.


Do not start or stop the Do not channel the air flow directly Do not try to repair or Connect the earth
operation by disconnecting at people, especially at infants or reconstruct by yourself.
the aged. cable.
the power supply cord
and so on.


Do not use for the purpose of storage of Take fresh air occasionally especially Do not operate the switch with
food, art work, precise equipment, when gas appliance is running at the wet hand.
breeding, or cultivation. same time.

Do not install the unit near a fireplace Check good condition of the Do not pour water onto the unit
or other heating apparatus. installation stand for cleaning


Do not place animals or plants in Do not place any objects on or Do not place flower vase or water
the direct path of the air flow climb on the unit. containers on the top of the unit.


Trouble shooting Cautions
Before asking for service, check the following
Do not obstruct or cover the ventilation grille of the air
first. conditoner.Do not put fingers or any other things into the
inlet/outlet and swing louver.

Phenomenon Cause or check points Do not allow children to play with the air conditioner.In no
case should children be allowed to sit on the outdoor unit.
The system When unit is stopped, it won't restart
does not restart immediately until 3 minutes have Specifications
immediately. elapsed to protect the system.
When the electric plug is pulled out The refrigerating circuit is leak-proof.
and reinserted, the protection circuit
will work for 3 minutes to protect the The machine is adaptive in following situation
air conditioner. 1.Applicable ambient temperature range:
During unit operation or at stop,
a swishing or gurgling noise may Maximum:D.B/W.B 32oC/23oC
Noise is heard be heard.At first 2-3 minutes after Indoor Minimum:D.B/W.B 21oC/15oC
unit start, this noise is more noticeable. Cooling
(This noise is generated by Maximum:D.B/W.B 46oC/26oC
refrigerant flowing in the system.)
Outdoor Minimum: D.B 18oC
During unit operation, a cracking Maximum:D.B 27oC
noise may be heard.This noise is Indoor Minimum: D.B 15oC
generated by the casing expanding
Normal or shrinking because of Heating
Maximum:D.B/W.B 24oC/18oC
Performance temperature changes. Outdoor
Minimum:D.B/W.B - 7 oC/-8oC
inspection Should there be a big noise from o o
air flow in unit operation, air Outdoor Maximum:D.B/W.B 24 C/18 C
filter may be too dirty. (INVERTER) Minimum:D.B -15oC
This is because the system
Smells are circulates smells from the interior 2. If the power supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the
generated. air such as the smell of furniture, manufacturer or its service agent or a similar qualified person.
paint, cigarettes.
3.If the fuse of indoor unit on PC board is broken,please change
Mist or steam are
blown out. During COOL or DRY operation, it with the type of T. 3.15A/ 250V. If the fuse of outdoor unit is
indoor unit may blow out mist. broken,change it with the type of T.25A/250V
This is due to the sudden cooling
of indoor air. 4. The wiring method should be in line with the local wiring standard.

5. After installation, the power plug should be easily reached.

In DRY mode, when room temperature
In dry mode, fan becomes lower than temp. 6. The waste battery should be disposed properly.
speed cant be setting+2 oC,unit will run 7. The appliance is not intended for use by young children or infirm
changed. intermittently at LOW speed persons without supervision.
regardless of FAN setting.
Is power plug inserted? 8. Young children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play
Is there a power failure? with the appliance.
Is fuse blownout? 9. Please employ the proper power plug, which fit into the power supply
Is the air filter dirty? cord.
Normally it should be cleaned
Poor cooling every 15 days. 10. The power plug and connecting cable must have acquired the local
check Are there any obstacles before attestation.
inlet and outlet?
Is temperature set correctly? 11.In order to protect the units,please turn off the A/C first, and at least
Are there some doors or 30 seconds later, cutting off the power.
windows left open?
Is there any direct sunlight
through the window during the
cooling operation?(Use curtain)
Are there too much heat sources
or too many people in the room
during cooling operation?


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