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A Research Paper (Please indicate Proposal if it is not yet conducted)

Presented to the
Faculty of Senior High School Department
Southern Luzon Technological College Foundation Inc. Legazpi City

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements

in Practical Research 2

Name of Researcher

S.Y. 2017 2018

September 2017
(Please disregard this if you havent conducted your study yet.)

Name of Institution: Southern Luzon Tech. College Foundation Inc.

Address: Ramon Santos, Pearanda St, Legazpi City, Albay

Title of Research: Indicate your Title in Bold Letter but should not
be all upper case

Author: Indicate the name of the researchers

Academic Strand/Track: Indicate your track/strand

Date of Completion: Indicate the month and year of research completion

In this section you need to provide the abstract of your study. A brief summary of
approximately 250 300 words outlining the background, objectives of the study, the
methodology used, key results and conclusions. It should be in italics.
(Please disregard this part if you havent taken your oral presentation yet.)

This research paper entitled The Title of your Research Paper, prepared and submitted
by ____________, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the subject course Practical
Research 2 has been examined and is recommended for acceptance and approval for oral

Research Adviser


Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with a grade of ____________.








Background of the Study
Statement of the Problem
Objectives of the Study
Theoretical / Conceptual Framework
Significance of the Study
Scope and Delimitation
Definition of Terms


Research Design
Population and Sampling
Respondents of the Study
Research Instrument
Data Gathering Procedure
Analysis of Data



Findings and Discussions
Conclusion and Recommendations


Background of the Study

This chapter is your introduction and does not need to have a heading but you can

identify it as your background of the study. It should be double-spaced and makes use of Times

New Roman font style with twelve (12) font size. Please make use of the Chicago/Turobian Style

if you need to acknowledge certain sources. You can use intext citation and also the footnote

citation. The first paragraph introduces or defines your area of study. You can cite statistic to give

attention to your readers.

The body of your background of study answers the question why are you conducting such

kind of research and what are its implications. You need to set the tone of the paper by clearly

stating what are the gaps of the previous studies and why is there a need to conduct that type of

study. You need to link you research to recent developments as well as identify whether certain

issues relevant to your field of investigation had been addressed in any form.

The conclusion simply summarizes and answer the question why is it imperative to

conduct such study.

An example of background of study is shown below:

Cockroaches are common pests in the tropics. They have been known to cause allergic

reactions to most people and chew holes on clothes. According to Bato Balani (2000), the real

danger of cockroach lies in the ability to transmit lethal diseases and organisms such as

staphylococcus and caliform bacteria.

They have been known to contaminate food, at the same time infect with bacteria they

carry. The bacteria they spread in food can cause food poisoning.
Series of studies have been conducted in order to assess the level of bacterial

transmission of cockroaches. Alongside with those studies are experimental researchers in order

to mitigate their widespread contamination. Numerous products have been out in the market to

help households deflate the number of these pests. However, there had been no known effective

product to suppress their growth.

The need to conduct an experimental research to assess and evaluate the effectivity of

these products is necessary. Thus, we have conducted a study concerning (just follow the

format dakol pa ako gigibuhun na template )


This is a specific preposition which is presented for testing through research. This

is a statement of what we believe to be a factual. In correlational study, this is a

prediction about the relationship between variables. Hypothesis is a declarative statement

stating expected relationships between the phenomena to which concepts refer. You need

to identify what type of hypothesis are you after, is it null or alternative? You can also

have directional and non-directional hypothesis. An example of which is The higher

(lower, greater, stronger, longer, slower) the ____________, the higher (lower, greater,

longer, slower, etc) has ___________. .

You can also use the if-then statement. Example is If there are modernized

facilities in a hotel, then customer demand is high


This section of your chapter 1 talks about the problems that you desire to study. The

general problem is in a declarative form. An example is as follows: This study aims to determine

the Effects of E.O.26 to the Level of Income of the Sari-Sari Store Vendors in Legazpi City.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions or you can say, It attempts to

answer the following questions:

1. Identify first your question. It can be five questions depending on what you desire to

2. It should be logically arrange.
3. It should be measurable and should be in an interrogative form.

Example of research questions are as follows:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

a. Sex
b. Age
c. Gender
d. Year level
e. Income
2. What is the perceived level of performance in Math of the respondents?
3. What are the results of the needs assessments based on diagnostic tests?
4. Based on the results of the diagnostics, what innovative program may be proposed?


This section talks about the objectives of your study and should be in declarative form.

This is in consonance with your investigative problem. If you have four questions then you

should also have four objectives. For the purpose of this proposal please limit it to five questions.

This type of framework is like a recipe or a blueprint. It provides an outline of the plan on

how to conduct the research. Present the concepts of your study with a model showing

relationships between variables of the study. It should be presented in a flow chart, map or

diagram. In this framework, you should know the variables that influence it. Example, your study

is all about childhood development outcomes, you might study home life, school and community

which would be influenced by different variables. For school, your variables might be peers,

teachers and learning disabilities. The more detailed you are with your diagram, the more

thorough your conceptual framework is. In case that you will not be able to formulate a

conceptual framework, it is fine, as long as you have a narrative of your conceptual framework.

Below the conceptual model, please provide a brief discussion or a narrative about your

conceptual framework. Take note that you can make use of other researchers conceptual

framework as long as it is related to your title and it shows the relationship of the variables you

are studying. You can also make some modifications with the conceptual framework presented.

You can use your statement of the problem as a guide in creation of your conceptual framework.

Make sure also that you acknowledge whatever resources you might have used.

An example of the conceptual framework is as follows:

This studys conceptual framework was based on the ideas posited by Haynes (2001),

Miskel (2008) and Gorton (2007).

According to Haynes (2001), school climate is the sum total of, and the dynamic

interactions among the psychological, academic and physical dimensions of the schools

Litwin and Stringer (1968) defined school climate as a set of measurable properties of

the work environment, based on the collective perceptions of the people who live and work in the

environment and demonstrated to influence their behaviour. Meanwhile, Gordon (2007)

posited that perceptions provide an important gauge for measuring school climate.

Others claim that climate can provide a competitive edge by coordinating and motivating

people throughout an organization, either by promoting innovations, encouraging high

standards of quality and service or providing for efficiency and cost advantages. Particularly,

the following are required to describe and assess the climate of a school: 1) the development of a

clear concept of key factors that determine climate, 2)the creation of some method of collecting

data that would describe these factors; and 3) a procedure by which the data may be analysed or

School Climate Innovativeness Organization Climate

Dimensions Dimensions

Resources Leadership and

Management Style
Motivation Job Satisfaction

In this study, three dimensions were considered to assess Organizational

Exploration school climate innovativeness,
namely: Resources, Personal Motivation and Exploration. On the other hand, indicators used in
LET Performance
determining the respondents schools were Leadership Management Style, Job Satisfaction,

Organizational Commitment and the Let Performance of Graduates.

This section talks about the theory that best supports your study. You can employ

theoretical model if necessary. Please follow the template that I provided for this framework. The

sample template is as follows:

The theory that I will use is ___________ (name of theory). It was developed by

____________ (identify the origin, source, or developer of the theory), and it was used to study

____________ (identify the topics where one finds the theory being applied.) This theory

indicates that ____________ (identify the propositions of the hypotheses in the theory). As

applied to my study, this theory holds that I would expect my independent variable/s

____________ (state the independent variable) to influence or explain the dependent variable/s

____________ (state the dependent variable) because ____________ (provide a rationale based

on the logic of the theory).



Please refer to the following example:

The study is anchored on the theory of Holland (1997) which states that in order to make

an informed career decision, many factors have to be taken into account, such as the individuals

unique characteristics, values, interests, skills, and personality. Career satisfaction contributes

significantly to the general happiness, stability and well being of adults. In order to experience

career satisfaction, an individual has to first make a fitting or appropriate career choice.
Individuals will select, and be more content in a work environment that corresponds to their

type, attributes, decision making style, and career maturity.

Watson and Stead (1999) supported the theory of Holland who pronounced that a clear

understanding of the characteristics of the individual who is making the career choice involving

the investigation of the characteristics of the chosen work environment that requires careful

consideration of the characteristics in order to ensure the best possible goodness of fit or match.

In short, the better, the more likely the individual is to adjust to, and thrive, in the chosen field of


Figure 1 shows the conceptual framework of the study. The students have to choose what

career they want to pursue after taking their Junior High School with respect to academic track,

technical/vocational, sports track, arts and design tracks. However parental intervention in

students career choices is considered as a factor that may affect the future career of children.

Career Choice
-Academic Track
-technical/Vocational Track
-Sports Track
-Arts and Design Track



This section states as to who will be benefited in your study. The first part provides an

introduction on why there is a need to conduct the study and how is it beneficial in to society as a


The last section should list the beneficiaries of your study. An example will be as follows:
Please see the sample below:

Choosing an appropriate language teaching methodology for a group of learners is a

responsibility of language educators. With teachers explicit and implicit knowledge of language

acquisition and language learning processes, they can select theoretically sound and more

effective pedagogy appropriate for their learners. However, implementing a chosen methodology

necessitates understanding it principles, as well as its strengths and weaknesses. Thus, this study

is highly regarded to contribute to the appropriate approaches that teachers should provide to

enhance effectively their language teaching approach.

This study specifically regards the following which will highly be benefited:

Teachers. This includes the private and public institution. Language teachers will become more

aware of Task-based language (please continue nalang po, no need to underline if it is

already in bold letters and it should be followed by a period. You can also choose a narrative

format in presenting the beneficiaries of your study. )


This section discusses the parameters of the research in paragraph form. It answers the

basic questions:

1. What topic of investigation and the variable to be included

2. Where venue or setting of the research

3. When timeframe by which study is conducted

4. Why general objectives of the research

5. Who subject of the study, population and sampling

6. How methodology of the research which may include the research design, methodology

and research instrument

An outline for Scope and Delimitation is as follows:

The main purpose of this study is to __________ (identify what is the aim or objective of

your study). The study considers the ____________ (you can put your considerations like the

anonymity of your respondents and their personal information).

The researchers limits (if proposal have it in past tense if you already conducted the

study) the study to ____________ (please cite the number of your sample if it is 20 male and

50 female or just all 50 males) ____________ (indicate your respondents if they are

students, employees, from what school, school year, or maybe a company). Each of the

respondents is to be given a questionnaire to be filled out(indicate your instrumentation and

how are you going to administer it). The students are to be selected from different sections to

avoid bias and get objective perceptions (provide rationality of your data collection

procedure or instrument administration).


This section sets clarification of the terms used in this study. Make sure that the definition

is clear, precise and effective. Please provide the conceptual and operational definition. You are

advised not to invent a definition for any term which has already a clear definition of its own. An

example will be a legal definition, you need not to create an operationalize definition; rather just
use the legal definition. For your benefit, Im gonna set the two types of Operational Definitions

Experimental and Measured. The former describes how a term is manipulated. Example,

chocolate cake can be described based on the recipe on how to make it. The latter describes how

a referent of a term is measured. Example, chocolate cake will consist of the description of the

flavour, texture appearance and other properties of the cake. (My bad, we were not able to

discuss this since once again I am not after cognitive, I am after application and your prior

knowledge). An example will be as follows:

Illegal Immigration

Conceptual Def: (def. based on dictionary or books) migration of people across national

borders in a way that violates the immigration laws of the destined


Operational Def: (This is the definition based on your study.) in this paper, the term

denotes non-residents who enter a country without an acceptable

passport or visa



This section talks about all of your related sources may it be primary,

secondary or tertiary. Primary includes: Letters, correspondents, diaries, memoirs,

autobiographies, official research topics, patents and designs and empirical

research studies. Secondary sources includes: Academic journals (other than

empirical research, articles or reports), conference proceedings, books

(mimeographs or chapters of books), and documentaries. Tertiary sources includes:

encyclopaedias, dictionaries, atlases, handbooks.

The format should be double-spaced. The first part goes for your Introduction. This includes the

concise definition of a topic under consideration (this maybe descriptive or argumentative

thesis), as well as the scope of the related literature being investigated. (Example: If the topic

under consideration is womens wartime diaries, the scope of the review may be limited to

published or unpublished works, works in English, works from a particular location, time period,

or conflict, etc.) The introduction should also note intentional exclusions. (Example: This

review will not explore the diaries of adolescent girls.) Another purpose of the introduction is

to state the general findings of the review (what do most of the sources conclude), and comment

on the availability of sources in the subject area. Please use the Chicago/Turobian format in

citing references. You can have in-text citation and footnote citation.

Second part goes for the main body of the literature review. There are many ways to

organize the evaluation of the sources. Chronological and thematic approaches are each useful

examples. Each work should be critically summarized and evaluated for its premise,

methodology, and conclusion. It is as important to address inconsistencies, omissions, and errors,

as it is to identify accuracy, depth, and relevance. Use logical connections and transitions to

connect sources.

The last part is the conclusion. It summarizes the key findings of the review in general

terms. Notable commonalities between works, whether favourable or not, may be included here.
This section is the reviewers opportunity to justify a research proposal. Therefore, the idea

should be clearly re-stated and supported according to the findings of the review.



This chapter describes how the study was undertaken. It discusses the main topics to be covered

in this chapter namely the research design, the number of participants, the instrument used, the

procedure in gathering data, and the analysis of the data gathered. This section simply explains

the data collection (who, what, when, where and how) with justification.

In this section you need to identify the type of research design to be employed. You need

to provide the focus or the study. An example of research design is a survey design, descriptive

evaluative, descriptive comparative, historical, experimental and the like. For you reference you

can use your book to check the different types of research design. You should describe the

research design in your study. Specify the variables as well as the levels and measurement of

these variables. Explain whether your research study uses a within-groups or between-groups

design. An example in presenting the research design is as follows:

The researcher focuses their research study on the work scholars rendering service at the

selected offices of HCDC, guidance, internet laboratory and library. The descriptive method was

used and the students having their duty during summer 2006 were selected as the respondents.

This was to determine the perceived effectiveness of the student assistants in rendering service at

the aforementioned offices of HCDC.


This section will talk about your population, sample, and sampling technique used. It will

simply describe the participants in your study, including who they are, how many they are, and

how they are selected. The need to provide rationale on the type of sampling technique employed

is necessary. An example of this section is as follows:

The study focuses particularly on Student Assistants. A sample of 37 student assistants of

HCDC is selected using Simplified Random Sampling Technique. A sample frame was provided

listing the name of the students. With the help of fishbowl technique, a draw lots was

administered primarily by the researcher. We have decided to choose the aforementioned

respondents for the reason that they are the group who are frequently given immediate tasks to

handle, as requirements in the departmental area which the researchers thought could give

reliable answers to their research findings. The researchers oriented the respondents as to their

role in this research and were given ample time to answer the questionnaire. This is done to

ensure the reliability of the data to be gathered. There are 37 Student Assistants as the total

number of respondents.

You can include the Slovins formulat for identifying your sample size in the event of lack

of knowledge about the behaviour of the population:

n = N/(1+Ne2)

N population size and e error balance

Example: Find the sample size required for a population size N = 1000 if an error of e
= .05 is tolerated.
Answer: Here, n= (1000)/[1+(1000)(.05)(.05)
n = 286


An important part of your research study is the instrument in gathering the

data because the quality of research output depends to a large extent on the quality

of research instruments used. You can choose the type of instrument based on the
questions or objectives. We have 1) research completed instrument and 2)subject

completed instruments. You need to identify what is the type of instrument that you

are going to use

Researcher completed instrument Subject completed instrument

Rating Scales Questionnaires
Interview schedules/guides Self-checklist
Tally Sheets Attitude Scales
Flowcharts Personality inventories
Performance Checklist Achievement/aptitude tests
Time-and-motion logs Projective devices
Observation Forms Sociometric devices
This part is the collection of the used books, articles, magazines, journals and
other sources of your study either primary or secondary. For the purpose of
uniformity, we will be using MLA Style. Please see attached document.

1. Obtained informed consent from participants

Informed consent must be given to participants before they will be
subjected for the research. You can send letter for their prior notice
and you may translate the said letter for their convenience if they are
of a native speaker.

2. There should be no pressure on individuals to participate

Rewards for participation should not be provided. If there could be
incentives, you can make use of tokens.

3. Respect individual anonymity

Autonomy means the freedom to decide what to do. Even when
someone has signed a consent form, they must be made aware that
they are free to withdraw from the study anytime without giving any
reason. They can also request for the removal of the data they

4. Avoid causing harm

The duty of the researcher is not to cause harm. The researcher must
make sure that the principle of voluntary participation is observed in
situations where there is interaction with subjects.

5. Maintaining anonymity an confidentiality

Making data anonymous means removing contributors name.

6. Take particular care in research with vulnerable groups.

Think about vulnerability in its widest sense. Care is needed in
younger children, and with people with disability.

PLAGIARISM serious violation of the contract between the reader and the writer
(Roig, 2002). This is the use of someones words or ideas, and passing them off as
your own without fully acknowledging your resource

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