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MATH 410.


Spring 2014 MWF 3-3:50pm

Dr. Daniel Green
Office: Burke 003D
Office Hours: MWF 11am-12, 3-4pm TR 10:30am-12, 2-4pm and by appointment.
Phone: 939-5392

Real Analysis is also sometimes called Advanced Calculus. If you liked calculus, youll probably enjoy
Real Analysis. In this course, well take a more sophisticated look at calculus; well find out how and
why it works in addition to just mastering its application. Well also investigate some interesting and
unusual properties of real numbers and the structure of the real number system.

1. The student will develop a deeper understanding of many central concepts of calculus. Obj. (1.5.10)
2. The student will learn a variety of proof methods and be able to use these methods, as part of a
logical argument, to prove mathematical statements in Real Analysis. Obj. (1.1, 1.2, 1.5.9)
3. The student will improve their reasoning skills and think abstractly. Obj. (1.2)
4. The student will learn how to think on a level where they can teach themselves to a certain degree.
Obj. (1.1, 1.2)

REQUIRED MATERIALS: Analysis: With an Introduction to Proof, 3rd Ed. by Steven R. Lay

1. There will be homework assigned for each section. It will be collected and graded regularly.
2. Daily attendance is expected, even before breaks.
3. There will be three one hour exams
4. There will be a comprehensive final exam.


1. Attendance Policy: : I take attendance using a sign-in sheet. You are only allowed to sign in for one
day at a time. When you do need to miss class under educational leniency, make a note on the
attendance sheet. If you need to leave class early for a legitimate reason please let me know in
advance. Attendance comprises 25 points of your grade and is based on the percentage of classes
2. Homework Policy: There is a Chinese saying: "I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I
understand.' This saying should describe your mind-set in every mathematics course and emphasizes
the essential nature of homework. Homework will be assigned daily and we will set due dates
appropriately. Each problem will be worth 5 points and there will be a 10% flat late penalty. Late
homework will not be accepted after the corresponding material has been tested. Your homework
grade will be 1.5 times the percentage of homework points achieved. In addition, I insist that you
make a serious independent attempt at your homework before seeking assistance. If youre having
trouble with a problem, chances are there is an example in the book that will help. Look there first
before you ask for help. You paid good money (and lots of it) for this book, don't be afraid to use it!
If after attempting your homework alone you are stumped, then you may collaborate with other
students, consult me, or consult other texts. COPYING IS NOT PERMITTED, THE FINAL
WRITE UP MUST BE YOUR OWN! If I suspect excessive assistance you may be asked to
explain your work to me. Also, you need to acknowledge your sources. I may also ask you to read
an example from the text from time to time. You'll want to do this reading with pencil & paper in
hand to fill in any details the author may have omitted.
3. Makeup policy: If you miss a test (or homework assignment) for a legitimate reason (educational
leniency, illness, death in the family), you may schedule a make. Please try to schedule a test in
advance when you know of an absence in advance
4. Academic Integrity Policy:
Cheating on an exam: First offence 0% on exam, second offence, F in course.
Copying on HW or project: 0% on assignment, F in course for multiple offences.

GRADEING: Course grades will be based on the following :

Three exams (weight lowest half as much) 300 points

Homework 150 points
Attendance 25 points
Comprehensive Final Exam 150 points
Total 625 points

A percentage will then be determined based on a total possible 625 points. I will use the traditional
percentage cutoffs in determining your final letter grade.


Chapter 2. Sets and Functions

Section 5. Basic Set Operations
Section 6. Relations
Section 7. Functions
Section 8. Cardinality

Chapter 3. The Real Numbers

Section 10. Natural Numbers and Induction
Section 11. Ordered Fields
Section 12. The Completeness Axiom
Section 13. Topology of the Reals
Section 14. Compact Sets
Section 15. Metric Spaces

Chapter 4. Sequences
Section 16. Convergence
Section 17. Limit Theorems
Section 18. Monotone Sequences and Cauchy Sequences
Section 19. Subsequences

Chapter 5. Limits and Continuity

Section 20. Limits of Functions
Section 21. Continuous Functions
Section 22. Properties of Continuous Functions
Section 23. Uniform Continuity
Section 24. Continuity in Metric Spaces
Chapter 6. Differentiation
Section 25. Limits of Functions
Section 26. Continuous Functions
Section 27. Properties of Continuous Functions
Section 28. Uniform Continuity

Chapter 7. Integration
2 Section 29. The Riemann Integral
Section 30. Properties of the Riemann Integral
Section 31. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

Chapter 9. Sequences and Series of Functions

Section 20. Pointwise and Uniform Convergence
Section 21. Applications of Uniform Convergence
Section 22. Uniform Convergence of Power Series

Kosmala, Withold A. J. (1995). Introductory Mathematical Analysis, Dubuque: Wm. C. Brown.
Gaughan, Edward D.. (1993). Introduction to Analysis, 4th Ed. Pacific Grove: Brooks Cole.

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