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OS Installation via NetInstall is very similar to the NetInstall installation of

RouterBoards, but it is simpler! For your Flash card, you will need some form of
reader. I commonly use Compact Flash cards, and use a simple USB Flash reader. If
you are using a DOM module or Hard Disk, you will need to install this like any
other device inside your PC. Of course, you will need your PCs BIOS to recognize
it. If you can start by formatting it via windows then this will ensure that it is
working prior to using the NetInstall Utility. Remember though, if you format an
already licensed drive with anything BUT NetInstall, you WILL LOSE YOUR
Once you have the disk ready to go, start your NetInstall Utility. Just like with
RouterBoard products, you will need the NPK file that goes with the system you
are installing. Chances are this will be an x86 system, so you will need the x86
version of RouterOS NPK. You can download this along with the NetInstall Utility
right from Mikrotiks webpage.

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