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Practice A
2.1 For use with the lesson Use Properties of Exponents

Evaluate the power.

1. 32 2. 53 3. 25 4. 44

5. 90 6. 221 7. 722 8. 1026

Evaluate the expression. Tell which properties of exponents you used.

9. 42 p 43 10. (23)4(23) 11. (52)3
12. (70)5 13. 20 p 225 14. }4
5 2 (25)6
15. (103)3 16. } 1 2
6 17. }

18. }3 19. }
20. }1 2
1 25
Lesson 2.1

8 922

Write the number in scientific notation.

21. 527,000 22. 0.0000526

23. 0.0023 24. 5,983,000,000,000

25. 17,600,000,000,000,000 26. 0.0000007

Write the answer in scientific notation.

Copyright Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

27. (3.2 3 104)(1.5 3 105) 28. (5.7 3 1026)(6.2 3 108)

29. (2.8 3 103)2 30. (4.3 3 102)2

8.4 3 1010 3.6 3 1025
31. }8

32. }

1.4 3 10 4.8 3 1027

Simplify the expression. Tell which properties of exponents you used.

33. b4 p b2 34. x 23 p x 5

35. (s7)2 36. (5y)2

z9 m2
37. }5 38. }6
z m

39. 1} 40. 1}
x 3 n 22
32 42

41. Earth Science The total volume of water on Earth is about 326,000,000 cubic
miles. Write this number in scientific notation.
42. National Debt On August 1, 2005, the national debt of the United States was
about $7,870,000,000,000. The population of the United States at that time was
about 297,000,000. If the national debt was divided evenly among everyone in
the country, how much would each person owe? Write your answer in
scientific notation.

Algebra 2
2-6 Chapter Resource Book
Answers for Chapter 2 Polynomials and Polynomial Functions
Lesson 2.1 Use Properties of 17. 23125 18. } 19. 6561 20. 32
Exponents 21. 5.27 3 105 22. 5.26 3 1025 23. 2.3 3 1023
Teaching Guide 24. 5.983 3 1012 25. 1.76 3 1016
1. 22: 3 2. 81; 9; 729; 729 3. 25; 125; 3125; 26. 7.0 3 1027 27. 4.8 3 109 28. 3.534 3 103

3125 4. It is equivalent to the base raised to the 29. 7.84 3 106 30. 1.849 3 105 31. 6.0 3 102
sum of the two exponents. 5. A way to write
32. 7.5 3 101 3340. Check properties.
numbers using powers of 10 having the form
c 3 10n where 1 c < 10 and n is an integer; 33. b6 34. x 2 35. s14 36. 25y 2 37. z 4
6.4 3 107; 3.4 3 1024 1 x3 16
4 39. }
38. }
40. } 2 41. 3.26 3 108
m n
Investigating Algebra Activity 4
42. about 2.65 3 10 dollars
1. a. (6 p 6 p 6 p 6)(6 p 6 p 6 p 6 p 6 p 6 p 6); 611
b. (3 p 3 p 3 p 3)(3 p 3 p 3 p 3)(3 p 3 p 3 p 3); 312 Practice Level B
5p5p5p5p5p5p5p5 1 8. Check properties. 1. 256 2. 2343

c. }} 5 5 p 5 p 5 p 5; 54

5p5p5p5 1 1 1 1 8
3. } 4. }
625 5. } 6. } 7. }
4 4 4 4 4 4p4p4p4p4 4 5 16,384 256 262,144
d. }p }
p }
p }
p }
5 }}
7 p 7 p 7 p ; }

7 7 7 7 7 7 p 7 75 125
8. } 9. 1.342 3 1012 10. 3.38 3 1025
2. See answers to Exercise 1. 3. For the product 64
of powers property, the exponents in the 11. 1.054 3 1022 12. 4.698 3 106
Simplified form column are the sum of the 13. 2.025 3 109 14. 1.369 3 1029
exponents in the Exponential expression column. 15. 3.73248 3 1027 16. 6.6 3 101
For the power of a power property, the exponents
17. 3.5 3 10215 1829. Check properties.
in the Simplified form column are the product
of the exponents in the Exponential expression 18. x 4 19. y 11 20. 531,441s18
column. For the quotient of powers property, the 1 y 16m7 1
21. }

} 24. }

14 4
exponents in the Simplified form column are the w 10
z 3
n 3
49c d
Copyright Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

difference of the exponents in the Exponential h9 1 3 4b14

25. } 1226. } 2 27. 4q r 28. } 5
expression column. For the power of a quotient 125g y 7a
property, the exponent in the Exponential 4f 3 4 4
expression column is applied to the numerator 5 30. S 5 }
29. } 9 x 2 31. V 5 }
3 x 4
and denominator to give the expression in the 32
Simplified form column. 4. Sample answer: 32. V 5 } 3 x 6 33. about 1.03 3 1011
The product of powers property means that if you
34. about 6.1 3 101
are multiplying like bases, the exponents will be
added. The power of a power property means Practice Level C
that if you are raising a power to a power, the 1 8. Check properties. 1. 25 2. 2187
exponents will be multiplied. The quotient of a 64 512
power property means that if you are dividing like 3. 1024 4. 256 5. } 6. 729 7. }

bases, the exponents will be subtracted. The power 1
of a quotient property means that if you are 8. }
9. 2.139 3 105 10. 9.72 3 1026

raising a quotient to a power, you will raise both 11. 1.6 3 105 12. 2.0 3 1023 13. 1.0 3 1026
the numerator and denominator to that power.
14. 2.5 3 101 1522. Check properties. 15. x 6
Practice Level A 2m7 45c13 9 27r 6
1 16. 2}

18. 1 19.

1. 9 2. 125 3. 32 4. 256 5. 1 6. } n6 d5 x 14y 2 q 3s 3
2 1
1 1 21. } 22. b 18 23. Sample answer: a 4b 4c 5
49 8. }
7. } 1,000,000
920. Check properties. z12
24. Sample answer: 6x 3y 4z 25. Sample answer:
9. 1024 10. 2243 11. 15,625 12. 1 2
1 25 16m 6n17 26. about 1.665 3 1025 27. a. }3 b. }
32 14. 27 15. 1,000,000,000 16. }
13. } 36

Algebra 2
Chapter Resource Book A19

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