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Certified Professional Programme

Builder Essentials User Guide

Module 5/3: Creating My Page

My Page Creation
The next page to be created within this application is My Page. This will be configured so that the data displayed on it will be
relevant to the User logged into the platform and viewing the Page. This Page will display a list of cases and an associated
chart that will only display details of cases assigned to the User.

Step 1: Edit the Top Tab

Navigate to the Build Tab and click on the Interfaces Sub Tab.

Click on the Default Interface name to edit its list of Top Tabs:

The Edit Interface will display. Navigate to the Top Tabs section where any Top Tabs created in the Interface will be displayed.
Click the edit option for the My Page Top Tab.

Step 2: Create the Viewport

Create a new Viewport titled My Page by clicking the Add new option. Set it as the default.

Once created, Save and Edit this Viewport:

Step 3: Create the Sub Tab

Create a Sub Tab titled My Page by clicking the Add New option.

Note: As only one Sub Tab is being created within this Viewport, it is best practice to leave the Show on Nav option as Disabled.
Doing so will prevent the duplication of the Sub Tab name below the Top Tab name (as
they are the same).

Once created, Edit this Sub Tab:

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Step 4: Create the Page
Edit the My Page Sub Tab and add a new Page titled My Page.

As with some of the Pages created previously, in this example a single Page is being created. Therefore, best practice is to
ensure the Visible option is left to its default setting of Disabled to prevent the Page name being displayed below the Sub Tab name
(as they are both the same).

Once the new Page has been Saved, click Edit.

IMPORTANT: This Page will be configured to display details that are related to a specific User and the cases assigned to
them. Therefore, it is essential that the Page is set up with a Base Object selected against it. This must be done BEFORE
any Widgets are added to the Page. Once Widgets are added to the Page and the Page is saved, the Base Object of the Page
cannot be amended unless all Widgets are removed. In this example we are looking to show details related to a specific User
therefore the User Object is selected as the Base Object. In addition to this, the User to Display field should be amended so
that Only for Logged in User is selected, this will ensure the platform knows the data to be displayed on the Page is that for
the person logged into the platform at the time.

Once the Base Object has been selected, click Save and navigate to the Layout tab to begin creating the Page;

The first Widget to add to the Page is a Quick Chart that will be configured to detail cases by their current status assigned to
the person viewing the Page. To begin, ensure the Page Object User is selected from the drop-down menu on the right of
the screen followed by the TSG Helpdesk call Object from the menu below it. A Quick Chart Widget can then be added to
the Page.

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Once added, the chart can be configured by clicking the pencil icon.

In order to display the number of cases by their current stage in the process, the chart should be configured with these options:

Title: My cases by stage

Type: Bar chart
Observed data: Records
Grouped Field: Current activity
Function: Count total

The next Widget to add to the Page will display a list of cases (in a similar fashion to the list created on the Queues Page
earlier in the guide). Add a widget space below the chart. As with the chart Widget above, ensure the Page Object User is
selected from the drop-down menu on the right of the screen followed by the TSG Helpdesk call Object from the menu below
it. A List Widget can then be added to the Page.

Once the Widget is on the Page, the Fields to be displayed in the list can be added to it.

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As with the list in the Queues Page, configure the Case reference number displayed in the list to act as a link to view the case
in the View Case Page.

Click on the Case Reference Number field and within the setting tab configure the Link to Specific page as listed below;
Interface: TSG Helpdesk Interface
TopTab: Queues
Viewport: View Case
Subtab: View Case
Page: View Case

Once complete Save the Page.

The Page will now only display details related to cases that have been assigned to the user logged into the platform.

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