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Hemorrhagic Transformation in Acute Ischemic Stroke

The MAST-E Study

Assia Jaillard, MD; Catherine Cornu, MD; Anne Durieux, MD; Thierry Moulin, MD;
Florent Boutitie, PhD; Kennedy R. Lees, MD; Marc Hommel, MD; on behalf of the MAST-E Group

Background and PurposeHemorrhagic transformation (HT) is the most critical complication of thrombolytics in clinical
trials in acute stroke. The aim of this study was to determine the rates and the predictors of HT in the Multicenter Acute
Stroke TrialEurope (MAST-E) study.
MethodsWe performed a post hoc analysis of MAST-E data designed to assess the safety and efficacy of streptokinase
administered intravenously within 6 hours of stroke onset. HT included all intracerebral hemorrhages and symptomatic
hemorrhages (SHT) associated with clinical worsening. The predictors of HT and SHT were determined using
multivariate modeling.
ResultsAmong the 310 patients included, 159 patients had HT and 37 SHT (97 and 33 in the streptokinase group and
62 and 4 in the placebo group, respectively). Patients with SHT had significantly more atrial fibrillation, diabetes
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mellitus, no heparin use, streptokinase treatment, and early CT signs. In the multivariate analysis, HT was predicted by
early CT signs and streptokinase treatment. SHT was predicted by diabetes mellitus, early CT signs, streptokinase
treatment, and the interaction between streptokinase treatment and decreased level of consciousness. Among the
streptokinase-treated patients, the same predictors remained.
ConclusionsThe relative risks of HT after streptokinase were in the same range in MAST-E as in other streptokinase and
tPA trials. Early CT signs were strong predictors of both HT and SHT, stressing that these patients are at high risk of
bleeding. In our study, the predictors of HT and SHT were similar to those of tPA trials in acute stroke. (Stroke.
Key Words: cerebral hemorrhage n clinical trials n streptokinase n stroke, acute

U ntil recently, the incidence of intracranial bleeding after

acute ischemic stroke was not well known. It could vary
between 18% and 71%,1,2 4 according to whether the infor-
MI. Because the major risk carried by a thrombolytic agent,
either in stroke or MI, is cerebral bleeding, to delineate the
profile of patients having a high risk of bleeding and to
mation was from autopsy or CT scan studies. Hemorrhagic identify predictors of HT remains a major issue. We per-
transformation (HT), either in control groups or after formed a post hoc analysis of the Multicenter Acute Stroke
thrombolytic treatment, has been assessed in recent large TrialEurope (MAST-E) data to study the occurrence and the
clinical trials in acute stroke, with systematic admission and predictors of cerebral HT in both the streptokinase and
control CT scan assessment. HT includes symptomatic hem- placebo groups.
orrhages (SHT) that are associated with clinical worsening
and those that are asymptomatic.59 The risk of bleeding is Subjects and Methods
present for both streptokinase and tPA, because cerebral HT MAST-E was a multicenter, double-blind, controlled clinical trial
designed to assess the safety and the efficacy of streptokinase in
accounts for a major cause of early hazard in acute-stroke acute cerebral ischemia. The design and the results of the study have
patients, ranging from 26 to 154 extra deaths for each 1000 been reported elsewhere.7,13 Briefly, patients were eligible if they
patients treated in the recent studies.5,6,8 10 Predictors of HT presented with clinical signs attributed to ischemia in the middle
have been evidenced in 2 tPA clinical trials11,12 but have not cerebral artery (MCA) territory. Either 1 500 000 U of streptokinase
or placebo were administered intravenously after a CT scan within a
yet been reported in a streptokinase trial. Streptokinase is maximum of 6 hours after the onset of symptoms. Patients with signs
widely used in the treatment of myocardial infarction (MI), of hemorrhagic stroke on prerandomization CT were excluded.
and cerebral infarction is one of the major complications after Efficacy was evaluated on a binary criterion combining mortality and

Received February 16, 1999; accepted March 30, 1999.

From the Department of Clinical and Biological Neurosciences, Stroke Unit, INSERM U 438, University Hospital, Grenoble, France (A.J., M.H.);
Service de Pharmacologie, Clinique EA 643, Claude Bernard University, Lyon, France (C.C., F.B.); Service de Neurologie, University Hospital,
Clermont-Ferrand, France (A.D.); Service de Neurologie, University Hospital, Besancon, France (T.M.); and the Acute Stroke Unit, University
Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, Western Infirmary, Glasgow, UK (K.R.L.).
Correspondence to Assia Jaillard, Service de NeurologieUnite dUrgences Cerebrovasculaires, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Grenoble, BP
217-38043 Grenoble Cedex, France. E-mail
1999 American Heart Association, Inc.
Stroke is available at

Jaillard et al Hemorrhagic Transformation 1327

severe disability at 6 months. Safety was evaluated on the mortality

at 10 days, and symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhage and clinically
silent intracerebral hemorrhage were assessed by control CT on day
5, or earlier in the event of clinical deterioration. These events were
validated and adjudicated by the Critical Events Reviewing Com-
mittee, which was blinded to the treatment assignment. All CT scans
were reviewed independently by 3 trained neurologists who were
unaware of patient treatment assignment. CT scan imaging was
scored with the use of a standard questionnaire, including previous
lesions of stroke, cerebral atrophy, leukoaraiosis, and early signs of
stroke.14 CT findings considered to be early CT scan signs of brain
ischemia included loss of the density contrast of the lentiform
nucleus,15 loss of the density contrast of the insular ribbon,16 and
hemispheric sulcus effacement, either alone or in association with a
hyperdense MCA sign.17
Cerebral HT, assessed either on CT scans by the Neuroradiologic
Reviewing Committee or by autopsy, was considered to be both the
symptomatic and asymptomatic cerebral HT. SHT were defined as
clinical deterioration temporally related to HT documented by CT
scan or autopsy, as adjudicated independently by the Critical Events
Reviewing Committee.
Demographic characteristics, medical history, vascular risk fac-
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tors, baseline clinical characteristics and neurological state

(MAST-E score, the items and the sum) were collected. Adminis-
tration of anticoagulants or antiplatelets agents during hospitalization
was allowed to give the placebo group patients access to the best
treatment available in the investigators opinion. Use of heparin or
antiplatelets agents during hospitalization was recorded.

Statistical Analysis
We analyzed HT and SHT using the x 2 test, Student t test, or the
Fishers exact test, as appropriate. Subgroup analyses were per-
formed according to the following variables: age; sex; body weight;
atrial fibrillation; history of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, previous
stroke, or transient ischemic attack of the brain; systolic blood
pressure and diastolic blood pressure; MAST-E score18; hand, arm,
and leg paresias; level of consciousness at admission; side of the
ischemia; cerebral atrophy; early CT signs of lentiform nucleus
attenuation, insular ribbon contrast attenuation, hemispheric sulcus
effacement, and hyperdense MCA; streptokinase treatment alloca-
tion; antithrombotic-associated treatment (heparin, antiplatelet
agents); and delay from stroke onset to treatment.
A logistic forward stepwise regression model was used to define
predictors of HT after adjustment for the effect of confounding
variables.19 We chose to include in the initial model all variables
associated with hemorrhage in univariate analysis with a value of
P,0.2. We also included all variables reported to be related to
cerebral hemorrhages in other studies: age, sex, weight, hyperten-
sion, previous stroke or transient ischemic attack, atrial fibrillation,
systolic and diastolic blood pressures, and severity at admis-
sion.12,20,21 Because of the small number of patients, logistic regres-
sion was performed on symptomatic cerebral hemorrhages both in Figure 1. A, Seventy-nine-year-old patient with 4 hours 30 min-
the total population and in the streptokinase group, which included utes of new left dense hemiparesis. Early CT signs are observed
most SHT. We tested the interactions among the selected variables in the right MCA. Note lentiform nucleus contrast attenuation
and refit the model. We chose a value of P50.05 as a level of insular zone contrast attenuation and hemispheric sulcus atten-
statistical significance and did not correct for multiple comparisons. uation. B, The CT scan 5 days later showed hypodensity in the
We assessed the sensivity, specificity, positive and negative predic- deep and superficial territories of the right MCA with HT.
tive values, and efficiency of each mutivariate model for HT
and SHT. second CT scan was performed (1 in each group), poor
quality of the CT scan (3 in the streptokinase group and 8 in
Results the placebo group), or the second CT scan being performed
Among the 310 patients included (156 in the streptokinase .10 days after stroke (1 in the streptokinase group and 3 in
group and 154 in the placebo group), 157 patients had an HT, the placebo group). Among the 16 patients who died without
96 (61%) in the streptokinase group and 61 (31%) in the CT scan control, 3 had autopsy. Thus, the analysis included
placebo group. The mean delay of CT from the onset of 280 patients for HT and 310 for SHT.
stroke was 150 minutes (first and third quartiles, 123 and 223
minutes). Control CT scan data were missing for 33 patients, Hemorrhagic Transformation
because of either early death (12 patients in the streptokinase Comparisons of baseline characteristics, treatments received,
group and 4 in the placebo group), discharge before the and CT scan signs between patients with and without HT are
1328 Stroke July 1999

TABLE 1. Clinical Characteristics and Treatments of Patients With HT

Characteristic HT (n5157) No HT (n5123) P SHT (n537) No SHT (n5273) P
Clinical status at admission
Male, % 92 (57.9) 71 (56.3) 0.79 22 (59.5) 153 (56.0) 0.69
Mean age (range), y 69.1 (22 to 92) 69.9 (32 to 94) 0.63 70.6 (38 to 92) 69.1 (22 to 94) 0.50
Weight (SD), kg 71.2 (12.8) 70.8 (13.0) 0.38 71.4 (12.9) 72.9 (12.5) 0.54
Mean systolic blood pressure (SD), mm Hg 152.7 (23.1) 153.4 (22.2) 0.80 156.9 (23.1) 153.2 (22.8) 0.34
Mean diastolic blood pressure (SD), mm Hg 84.5 (13.2) 85.9 (12.3) 0.36 84.6 (14.8) 85.1 (12.8) 0.83
Atrial fibrillation, % 54 (34.0) 32 (25.4) 0.12 16 (43.2) 75 (27.5) 0.05
Right brain ischemia, % 76 (47.8) 51 (40.5) 0.22 19 (51.4) 122 (44.7) 0.45
Mean MAST clinical score (SD) 24.1 (11.4) 25.8 (12.5) 0.22 23.2 (11.7) 25.2 (11.9) 0.34
MAST score ,20, % 52 (32.7) 61 (48.4) 0.45 16 (43.2) 77 (28.2) 0.06
Decreased level of consciousness, % 84 (52.9) 60 (47.0) 0.64 23 (66.2) 135 (49.5) 0.10
Delay from stroke to treatment (SD), min 269 (57.6) 267.9 (63.4) 0.87 254.1 (62.0) 269.9 (60.0) 0.13
Medical history
History of hypertension, % 76 (47.8) 61 (48.4) 0.92 21 (56.8) 127 (46.5) 0.24
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History of diabetes mellitus, % 20 (12.6) 10 (7.9) 0.20 9 (24.3) 24 (8.8) 0.004

Previous stroke, % 9 (5.7) 13 (10.3) 0.14 3 (8.1) 19 (7.0) 0.79
Previous transient ischemic attack, % 13 (8.2) 19 (15.1) 0.07 2 (5.4) 32 (11.7) 0.25
Streptokinase treatment 97 (61.0) 46 (36.5) ,0.001 33 (89.2) 123 (45.1) ,0.001
Heparin use within 10 d 111 (69.8) 91 (72.2) 0.66 15 (40.5) 201 (73.6) ,0.001
Antiplatelet agents use within 10 d 42 (26.4) 36 (26.8) 0.69 6 (16.2) 81 (29.8) 0.09

reported in Tables 1 and 2. Streptokinase treatment and early the baseline characteristics, treatments, and baseline CT scan
CT scan signs (Figure 1) differed significantly between the 2 signs in patients with and without SHT, are reported in Tables 1
groups and remained significantly linked with HT in the and 2. SHT was significantly more frequent in patients with
multivariate stepwise logistic regression (Table 3). Age, body atrial fibrillation, diabetes mellitus, no heparin use, streptokinase
weight, atrial fibrillation, systolic and diastolic blood pres- treatment, and early CT scan signs (hemispheric sulcus attenu-
sures, the delay from stroke onset to treatment, and heparin ation and insular zone contrast attenuation; Figure 2). The
and antiplatelet agent use were not kept in the multivariate multivariate model included streptokinase treatment, diabetes
model. The specificity of the model was 44.9% (95% CI, 39% mellitus, hemispheric sulcus attenuation, and the interaction
to 51%), the sensitivity 80% (95% CI, 75% to 85%), the between a decreased level of consciousness and streptokinase
positive predictive value 66% (95% CI, 60% to 72%), the treatment (ie, the patients who had a decreased level of con-
negative predictive value 63% (95% CI, 57% to 69%), and sciousness and were treated with streptokinase). Within the
the global efficiency 65% (95% CI, 59% to 71%). When we streptokinase group, diabetes mellitus, hemispheric sulcus atten-
selected the streptokinase group, early CT signs remained the uation, and decreased level of consciousness were kept in the
sole predictors of HT (Table 3). final model (Table 4). The predictive model for SHT had 19%
sensitivity (95% CI, 15% to 24%), 99% specificity (95% CI,
Symptomatic Hemorrhages 98% to 100%), 78% positive predictive value (95% CI, 73% to
Among the 157 patients with HT, 37 had SHT (33 in the 83%), 89% negative predictive value (95% CI, 85% to 93%),
streptokinase group and 4 in the placebo group). Comparisons of and 89% efficiency (95% CI, 85% to 93%).

TABLE 2. Baseline CT Scan Characteristics of Patients With HT and SHT

Baseline CT Scan Characteristics HT No HT P SHT No SHT P
Delay from stroke onset to CT (SE), min 151.3 (15.4) 155.9 (15.8) 0.84 120.7 (39.5) 154.6 (11.1) 0.3

Early CT scan signs, n (%) 114 (73.5) 59 (50.0) ,0.001 28 (75.7) 153 (61.0) 0.04
Hemispheric sulcus effacement 89 (57.4) 46 (39.0) 0.003 25 (67.6) 117 (46.6) 0.02
Lentiform nucleus contrast attenuation 88 (56.8) 41 (34.7) ,0.001 22 (59.5) 114 (45.4) 0.11
Insular zone contrast attenuation 86 (55.5) 42 (35.6) 0.001 23 (62.2) 113 (45.0) 0.05
Dense middle cerebral artery 39 (25.2) 28 (23.7) 0.78 9 (24.3) 60 (23.9) 0.95

Leukoaraiosis, n (%) 18 (11.5) 17 (14.3) 0.49 6 (16.2) 35 (13.8) 0.69

Previous stroke, n (%) 38 (24.2) 31 (26.1) 0.73 7 (18.9) 66 (26.0) 0.35
Jaillard et al Hemorrhagic Transformation 1329

TABLE 3. Results of Logistic Regression Model for HT

Total Population Population
(n5273) (n5135)

Variable OR (95% CI) P OR (95% CI) P

Streptokinase treatment 2.6 (1.64.4) 0.001 zzz zzz
Early CT signs 2.6 (1.54.4) 0.002 3.0 (1.46.5) 0.004

treated with tPA for acute ischemic stroke reported rates of

HT from 10% to 30%. Recent controlled clinical trials in
acute ischemic stroke reported rates of total HT over the first
5 days from 3.2% to 37% in the placebo group and from
10.6% to 44% in the thrombolyzed group (Table 5).
The rate of SHT has not been reported for all studies. After
thrombolysis for MI, 5 of 27 patients (19%) suffering from an
ischemic stroke developed SHT.28 In recent series of patients
treated with t-PA for acute ischemic stroke, SHT occurred in
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3.6% of 85 consecutive patients,27 9.6% of 104 patients,30 5%

of 100 patients32 and 7% of 30 patients.31 In controlled
clinical trials of thrombolysis for acute stroke, SHT ranged
from 0.6% to 7% in the placebo group and from 6.4% to 20%
in the thrombolyzed group (Table 5). In our study, the rates of
total HT and SHT were 43.7% and 2.6%, respectively, in the
placebo group compared with 67.8% and 21.2% in the
streptokinase group. The rates in the placebo group are within
the range of published rates of HT and SHT. In the streptoki-
nase group the rates of HT and SHT are higher than those in
the treatment groups of other acute stroke trials (Table 5).
However, the rates of HT and SHT differed significantly from
one study to another. Such heterogeneity between trials in the
incidence of HT and SHT may result in part from sample
fluctuations. In each trial, the proportion of HT and SHT is
small, and thus populations of HT, and particularly SHT, are
small. By chance, sample fluctuations may result in major
differences in HT and SHT rates. Potential biases in the HT
rate estimation also need to be addressed. First, a selection
bias related to the baseline characteristics of the patients, such
as geographic or ethnic factors, severity, mechanism (cardiac
embolism versus in situ thrombosis), topography of stroke
(ICA versus MCA), delay to inclusion, and time period over
which the HT were evaluated could have selected groups of
patients with very different bleeding risks. Second, biases in
the care given to patients could have occurred; for example,
Figure 2. A, Eighty-nine-year-old patient with 2 hours 20 min-
utes of new left dense hemiparesis and drowsiness. Early CT
associated treatments were different between studies. Third,
signs are observed in the right MCA. Note lentiform nucleus classification biases such as the assessment of HT and SHT
contrast attenuation insular zone contrast attenuation and hemi- may have occurred, because there is no shared criteria for the
spheric sulcus attenuation. B, The CT scan 1 day later showed assessment and classification of HT on CT. This is particu-
symptomatic HT in the total territory of the right MCA with mid-
line shift and contralateral ventricular mass effect. larly true for petechial HT.33 The classification of hemor-
rhages as symptomatic or not may also be controversial,
because neurological deterioration may or may not be due to
Discussion HT. Using crude rates rather than relative risks to compare
Incidence of HT and SHT the incidence of HT and SHT between these trials may be
The rate of spontaneous HT ranged from 38% to 71% in misleading. After thrombolysis, the relative risks are ranged
autopsy studies13 and from 13% to 43% in the recent CT from 1.165 to 3.110 for HT and from 2.75 to 10.010 for SHT
studies.14,2227 In controlled clinical trials28,29 of thrombolysis (Table 5). No significant difference between streptokinase
for acute MI, rates of 14 and 30% of HT have been reported and tPA in hemorrhagic risk can be evidenced. In controlled
in patients with ischemic stroke. Recent series30 32 of patients thrombolytic trials for acute MI, an excessive number of
1330 Stroke July 1999

TABLE 4. Results of Multivariate Analyses in the Total Population and

Restricted to Streptokinase-Treated Patients
Total Population Population
(n5288) (n5139)

Variable OR (95% CI) P OR (95% CI) P

Hemispheric sulcus attenuation 2.6 (1.25.7) 0.02 3.1 (1.37.4) 0.01
Diabetes mellitus 3.0 (1.17.9) 0.03 3.7 (1.310.6) 0.01
Decreased level of consciousness zzz 0.19 2.7 (1.16.4) 0.03
Streptokinase treatment 5.9 (1.918.7) 0.004 zzz zzz
Consciousness-streptokinase interaction 2.6 (1.16.2) 0.03 zzz zzz

hemorrhagic strokes has been reported for tPA.34 Therefore, diabetes mellitus, early CT signs, streptokinase treatment and
only a direct comparison of streptokinase and tPA in an acute the interaction between streptokinase treatment and a de-
ischemic stroke trial could permit to assess the difference in creased level of consciousness. When we ran the model of
risk of bleeding between the 2 drugs. SHT among the streptokinase-treated patients, the same
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predictors remained. This suggests that streptokinase in-

Predictors of HT and SHT creases the risk of SHT among patients who would have
In controlled thrombolysis trials for MI, risk factors for HT presented with asymptomatic hemorrhage had the treatment
have been reported to be low body weight,29,35 elderly been the placebo. This is consistent with data from ECASS I
age, 20,21,29,35 hypertension at admission, 20,29,35 and
and ECASS II, in which tPA treatment was associated with an
thrombolytic treatment assignment.29,35 Data for acute ische-
increased risk of parenchymal hemorrhage but not of hemor-
mic stroke are available from trials and from clinical and
rhagic infarction.11 However, SHT has not been assessed in
autopsy series. In acute ischemic stroke trials, body weight
and hypertension have not been evidenced as risk factors, but
advanced age and tPA treatment were associated with in- The presence of early CT signs predicted both HT and SHT
creased risk of parenchymal hemorrhage in ECASS11 and of in the multivariate analysis, which is in agreement with other
both SHT and total HT in the NINDS.12 Other risk factors for thrombolytic studies.11,12,31,32 In MAST-E, early CT signs
SHT in acute stroke thrombolytic studies include a cardio- were present in 63% of the patients, the same order of
embolic mechanism of stroke,11,28,31 prior MI,32 stroke sever- magnitude as the Australian Streptokinase Trial (57.7%) but
ity,12 size of infarct,22 and early CT signs.12,31 In autopsy higher than in MAST-I (4.7%), ECASS (31%),11 and the
studies1,3 and recent clinical series without thrombolysis, HT NINDS study (5%).12 Early CT signs are reported from 31%
was associated with severity, cardioembolic mechanism of to 92% in series focused on early CT signs among patients
the stroke27 and early CT signs.26 with MCA ischemia, according to the delay from onset to CT
In our study, HT was predicted by both early CT signs and scan (4 to 8 hours).14 16,36 39 These discrepancies may be
streptokinase treatment, whereas SHT was predicted by related to the patient selection and to CT sign measurement

TABLE 5. Incidence and Risk of Cerebral HT According to Thrombolytic Therapy in Recent Controlled
Clinical Trials
Total HTs SHTs

Enrolled Thrombolytic Thrombolytic

Trial Patients Treatment Placebo RR (95% CI) Treatment Placebo RR (95% CI)
MAST-E* 310 96 (67.6) 61 (43.3) 1.6 (1.22.0) 33 (21.2) 4 (2.6) 8.1 (3.022.0)
MAST-I 622 81 (26.0) 38 (12.3) 2.9 (1.94.3) 25 (8.0) 4 (1.3) 6.2 (2.217.6)
ASK 340 56 (32.0) 28 (13.2) 1.9 (1.32.8) 23 (16.0) 5 (3.0) 5.3 (1.915)
NINDS 624 33 (10.6) 11 (3.2) 3.1 (1.66.0) 20 (6.4) 2 (0.6) 10.0 (2.442.2)
ECASS I\ 620 134 (44.0) 113 (37.0) 1.16 (0.951.4) 62 (20) 20 (7) 2.7 (136.2)
ECASS II 800 197 (48.4) 155 (40.2) 1.2 (1.041.4) 36 (8.9) 13 (3.4) 2.6 (1.44.8)
Values are number (percent).
*Data were available for 142 patients in the streptokinase group and 141 in the placebo group for HT and for 156 patients in the
streptokinase group and 154 in the placebo group for SHT.
Data were available for 311 patients in the streptokinase group and 309 in the placebo group.
Data were available for 174 patients in the streptokinase group and 166 in the placebo group.
Data were available for 311 patients in the tPA group and 312 in the placebo group.
\Data were available for 307 patients in the tPA group and 302 in the placebo group. Parenchymal hemorrhage data are reported
instead of SHT, which were not available.
Data were available for 407 patients in the tPA group and 386 in the placebo group.
Jaillard et al Hemorrhagic Transformation 1331

biases. There were differences in the severity of stroke, in the findings from ECASS I and ECASS II, in which patients
delay from stroke onset to CT scan, in the criteria used for treated between 3 and 6 hours after stroke did not have a
early CT signs assessment, and also in the quality of CT higher risk of parenchymal hemorrhage than those treated
scans. Actually, the absence of shared definition of early CT within the first 3 hours,11 and by the NINDS study,12 in which
signs and the subtle brain appearance changes they charac- patients treated between 90 and 180 minutes did not have a
terize may be important contributors to the discrepancies higher risk of SHT than those treated within 90 minutes of
between the rates reported. This is supported by the low onset.
intraobserver and interobserver concordance14,40 for early CT To explore the dose effect in HT occurrence, because a
sign assessment. Although important metrological and teach- fixed dose of streptokinase was used, we studied the relation-
ing efforts could be done to reach a high level of reliability,41 ship between HT and body weight. We found no relationship,
this emphasizes that a treatment based on such subtle signs but in a recent study fibrinolytic blood parameters were
might be very difficult to introduce into routine practice. strongly correlated with the body mass index.47 These con-
We found an association between stroke severity (MAST flicting results suggest that the dose issue should be addressed
score of ,20, or low level of consciousness) and SHT in further.
univariate analyses, although it did not reach a level of
significance. In the multivariate model, decreased level of Conclusion
consciousness was a predictor of SHT only in patients We report the post hoc analysis of a controlled clinical trial
assigned to streptokinase. Stroke severity has been demon- using streptokinase in acute ischemic stroke (MAST-E). In
Downloaded from by guest on August 9, 2017

strated to be a predictor for SHT in NINDS12 and for HI in both the streptokinase and placebo groups, higher absolute
ECASS.11 This confirms that patients with such conditions rates of HT and SHT than in other studies were found, but the
should not receive thrombolytic treatment. relative risks of streptokinase were in the same range as in
Our data indicate that diabetes mellitus is associated with other streptokinase and tPA trials. Only a direct comparison
SHT. Hyperglycemia at baseline was associated with an of streptokinase and tPA in acute ischemic stroke would
increased risk of SHT in the NINDS trial,10 and history of allow assessment of the differential effects of the 2 drugs. In
diabetes mellitus was associated with parenchymal hematoma addition, the issue of the dose of streptokinase should be
in a stroke series.26 Both hyperglycemia and diabetes were addressed before planning other trials with streptokinase in
predictors of HT and SHT in tPA-treated patients.42 However, acute stroke.
although diabetes mellitus is a well-known risk factor for Through use of logistic regression analysis, early CT signs
ischemic stroke, whether it is a risk factor for hemorrhage has were identified as a strong predictor of both HT and SHT,
yet to be determined.2 stressing that this group of patients has a peculiarly high risk
Our univariate analysis showed a possible association of bleeding. The precise role of diabetes mellitus in the
between atrial fibrillation and both HT (P50.12) and SHT occurrence of SHT must be assessed. Our results indicate that
(P50.05). A relation between cardioembolic strokes and HT a decreased level of consciousness was a predictor of SHT in
has been reported in autopsy studies1,3 in thrombolysis streptokinase-treated patients. This is consistent with the
series,31 in ECASS,11 and in trials in MI.28 The high rate of lower rate of SHT in studies that excluded patients with coma
cardioembolic stroke in the MAST-E population (30%) may or stupor.5,9,10
have promoted a high rate of HT.
The high crude rates of HT and SHT in our streptokinase Acknowledgment
group could be attributed to the heavy use of heparin or This study was sponsored financially with a grant from the French
aspirin as associated treatment within the first 48 hours. Ministry of Health (PHRC 1993).
However, both heparin and aspirin were associated with a low
incidence of SHT (Table 3). Moreover, heparin administra- References
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It has been suggested30 that a long delay from stroke onset 6. Multicentre Acute Stroke Trial-Italy (MAST-I) Group. Randomised con-
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Hemorrhagic Transformation in Acute Ischemic Stroke: The MAST-E Study
Assia Jaillard, Catherine Cornu, Anne Durieux, Thierry Moulin, Florent Boutitie, Kennedy R.
Lees and Marc Hommel
on behalf of the MAST-E Group
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Stroke. 1999;30:1326-1332
doi: 10.1161/01.STR.30.7.1326
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