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Birla tnsttateof Technology & Science, Work-tnagrated Learning Programmes Di rst Semester 2012-2013 ‘Compecheasve Examination (EC3 Regular) Couse No ss 20518 Couse Tile DATABASE DESIGN & APPLICATIONS Nature of am: Open Book Weihage si NoofPages 2 Duration 3 Hous Na of Questions = Date of Exan osriia012 (FN) Not 1. Please ftow al te sons Candidate genom he over page fhe ans bk 2 Allprs ef question shouldbe raver cneeively Each sae shoul start mo Bch 3s 5._Ausmpts mae any shoud ated cle ath going four ane QO Constructa B+ tee with given specifications. The order of the tree p=3 and pu 2 ‘The tree should be such that all the keys inthe subtre pointed by a pointer whieh is preceding the key must be equal to or less than the key vl, and ll the keys in the subtree pointed by a pointer which is succeeding the key must be greater than the key. Insert the following keys in same order- 53, 28, 86, 67, 40, 46, 75,35, 101, 80, 125, 2 88 Stow how the tree wil expand after each insertion, and also show the inl te, Q.1~5 Now delete keys- 40, 53,75, 12 inthe same order and show the stats ofthe tree ater pepe seit Gi tetas oetuypeme se ‘Siuden(sd,sname,sbronch) Company(cid, name, location) Intervlew(ld, gid interviewdate) Pracement(sid cid, salary) Now, write both SQL Query statement and Relational Algebraic expression foreach ofthe following data retrieval requiements (Gi Get the stadeut id and the stadem mame for those students who have been Interviewed by a least three. companies (id) Get the company id and company name for those companies who have conducted interviews and no selected any student for placement afer interviews 6) aL Lis our basic iterenes bere a XML DTD and XML Schema “ Q4,, Lookat the following schedule forthe concurrent transactions TI, T2 and 3. The data 7 itemsare AB and C Schedule : e(AY; eC) tC), AY; ABV WiC AY, wlB); iB) Ds MAO, Here. r(A) ~ means that the transaction-T1 reads data item A wx(B) ~ means that he tansaction- T2 writes data tem B For the above schedules draw the precedence graph and find if ii con ict serializable Giveyour easoning. (5) ‘SSZGSIS (EE Regular) First Semester 13-2018 Page Tf SS 26818 (EC Regular) First Semester 2012-2013. Page. Qj Consider the wniveisal telat RA, B, CD, E, Fy Oy Hy IJ) and the set of Functonal 7” dependencies: F= | ABC; ADE; 8 F; F9GH; D> U} (0) What isthe key of 8? (i Decompose R into 2NF and then to 3 NF or Consider the following Log records forthe transactions-T1, 12, 13,4, and TS. (1, star; (71, A, 30, 40; (1, commit (72, stan (73, star (12, B, $00, $0); (13, D, 20, "10}; (13, commit); (checkpoint; (T4, stan}; [T4,P, 12, 817}; (12, C, 10, 660}; [T4 (15, star); (15, $, 220, 400}; system Crash For the above sequence of log records inserted inthe same order, suggest the recovery ‘actions on system crash for each of the transaction, The recovery strsegy used is immediate modification technique (4 in @ database, records of a relation by name EMPLOYEE are stored in a fle with following emp (key field) values: 26, 42, 19,30, 21, 54, 65, 103, 64, 70, 48, 16, 8. Now, load the records (in same order) into expandable hashes based on extendible hashing. Disk bck size is $12 bytes and record size is 240 bytes, Unspanned records organization is used. Show the strcture of the directory at each step, andthe local and global depths Use the hash function hK)=K med 10, 6) QS. Consider thre relations RA, B,C), S{G,D, B) and TYE, F) IR has $00 tuple, S has 1000 ‘wples, and T has 900 tuples, compute the size offin numberof tuples and columns) result ‘of R°S*T (the operation **” is for natural join). Also give an efficent way of computing Join with indexes. 6) <5. In Reational model we have consis e+ Domain consraints, PK, Unique Key and FR: Assan flowing two tbe. Bookbi te, pub, cos 17 ids PK and pub is FK_poining to Publisher table's PK. ‘Publisher(pubtd, pubname, category, location) "1 pubid isthe PK, and pubname is unique. Now if we ty INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE operations on these tables, what constraints that need to be taken'eare for each operation on each of these tables? Give your reasoning, 1 ‘SS ZOSTS (ECS Regular) rage Taye

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