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Retrograde Planets

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According to Hindu Astronomy, Planets in the course of their journey in the zodiac said to be obstructed by certain invisible
forces called mondochcha, seeghrochcha, and parthaas a result of which they become stationary for a while, get backward
movement and again after some time they regain their natural course. This phenomenon of going backward is called

It has been observed that a retrograde (vakri) planet gives the results as if it was placed in the previous house to its actual
natal position. This is applicable at the fullest in the planets period where it become active. to give results.

Retrogression will make the planet more virile to produce its natural results, Retrograde planets become intensified . If the
planets is otherwise auspiciously placed, in exaltation, Mooltrikona, own Rashi.

It is true that the energy of the planet at a natural level will represent at a more intensified form than is otherwise in general.
This is seen as difference in behaviour patterns in leaders or celebrities.

In Vedic Astrology, Retrogression is considered as a phenomenon that contributes to the cancellation of debility of a planet.
On the other hand, it also take away from the exaltation of a Planet. Thus retrgression should not be taken at face value and
need to be judged on various other factors affecting it.

Retrograde planets are empowered and their effects are more powerfully felt than when they are in direct. There are some
position where the retrograde planet disturbs significantly. If the retrograde planet aspects the 2nd house or 7th house or if
the retrograde planet is placed in these houses.

While judging the planet and its effect always calculate the placement and aspect of the planet assuming that the retrograde
planet is placed in the previous house. For instance, If the retrograde Jupiter is placed in the 8th house assume that the
Jupiter is placed in the 7th house and calculate it effect on the 7th house as well as its aspect on the 1st house, 11th house
and 3rd house.

It is important to observe the position of the planet in the malefic junctional regions in the chart and planets placed in these
areas or transiting in these zones, during adverse Mahadasha, Antardasha or Pratyantardasha could lead to adverse
incidents such as accident, injury or some other distress. The malefic Junctional regions are between Pisces- Aries, Cancer-
Leo and Scorpio- Sagittarius. The area of one degree on either side is taken as the area of malefic content. Both
retrogression and location of planet in the malefic junctional regions in the chart are seen to be involved in medical
complications in nativities.

In judging charts, priority should be given to the Lagna for judging both transits and natal propensities. Chandra Kundli or
the Moon Rashi chart is seen to judge the psychological mapping of the individual's character. However, it has another,
equally important function. This is not to say that Chandra Lagna will not be used to glean crucial transit information to
supplement findings as deciphered from Lagna. Indeed, Chandra Kundali is a sumptuous chart in itself and since Chandra is
the Karaka of the Mother Goddess, the Divinity in Creation, all flow and all manifest things can be seen from the condition of
the Moon in the chart and from the independent Chandra Kundli.

Results of Retrograqde Planets

Retrograde Venus
reconsideration before expressing affection
relates awkwardly to others
doubts the affection of others
obsessed in relationships
let down by the commitment of others

Retrograde Mars
reconsiders before expressing anger
difficult to handle competitive situations
tends to repress

Retrograde Jupiter
doubts about their credibility
feels superior in some way inside
abundance is felt inside
looks inside for query related to religious questions

Retrograde Saturn
feels inferiority complex.
hides fears

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