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Question: The sampling rate, (how many samples per second are stored) for a CD is...?

1. 48.4 kHz

2. 22,050 Hz

3. 44.1 kHz

4. 48 kHz

Correct Answer
CDs reproduce 44,100 samples per second. Which has a maximum frequency reproduction of
22,050 Hz, or just a hair past the upper limit of human hearing. In this way CDs can theoretically
reproduce any frequency in the human hearing range.

Question: Compact discs, (according to the original CD specifications) hold how many minutes of music?

1. 74 mins

2. 56 mins

3. 60 mins

4. 90 mins

Correct Answer
According to many stories surrounding the origin of the compact disc, 74 minutes was settled on
because it would comfortably contain all of Beethoven's 9th symphony on one disc. Although
some stories reference a specific Sony higher-up who claimed this as his favorite piece of music,
stories differ. All that's known for sure is that Sony insisted on this and won out over Phillips'
original 60 minute proposal.

Question: Where is the headquarters of Microsoft located?

1. Santa Clara, California

2. Tucson, Arizona

3. Richmond, Virginia

4. Redmond, Washington

Correct Answer

Question: In what year was the "@" chosen for its use in e-mail addresses?

1. 1976

2. 1972

3. 1980

4. 1984

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Question: '.JPG' extension refers usually to what kind of file?

1. System file

2. Animation/movie file

3. MS Encarta document

4. Image file

Question: '.TXT' extension refers usually to what kind of file?

1. Text File

2. Image file

3. Audio file

4. Adobe Acrobat file

Question: Who built the world's first binary digit computer: Z1...?

1. Konrad Zuse

2. Ken Thompson

3. Alan Turing

4. George Bool

Question: Who developed Yahoo?

1. Dennis Ritchie & Ken Thompson

2. David Filo & Jerry Yang

3. Vint Cerf & Robert Kahn

4. Steve Case & Jeff Bezos

Question: 'CD' computer abbreviation usually means ?

1. Command Description

2. Change Data

3. Copy Density

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4. Compact Dis

Question: What do we call a network whose elements may be separated by some distance? It usually
involves two or more small networks and dedicated high-speed telephone lines.

1. URL (Universal Resource Locator)

2. LAN (Local Area Network)

3. WAN (Wide Area Network)

4. World Wide Web

Question: What do we call a collection of two or more computers that are located within a limited
distance of each other and that are connected to each other directly or indirectly?

1. Inernet

2. Interanet

3. Local Area Network

4. Wide Area Network

Question: The window which shows icons for things like the mouse, sound, and display is...?

1. My Computer

2. Explorer

3. Control Panel

4. Taskbar

Question: Experts say the healthiest way to view a computer monitor is by...

1. Placing it 18 to 30 inches away from your eyes

2. Viewing from a darkened room

3. Adjusting the screen for maximum contrast

4. Using special glasses that filter out UV rays

Question: A JPG is...

1. A Jumper Programmed Graphic

2. A format for an image file

3. A type of hard disk

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4. A unit of measure for memory

Question: Your computer has gradually slowed down. What's the most likely cause?

1. Overheating

2. Your processor chip is just getting old

3. Adware/spyware is infecting your PC

4. You dropped a sandwich in your computer

Question: The main computer that stores the files that can be sent to computers that are networked
together is...

1. Clip art

2. Mother board

3. Peripheral

4. File server

Question: Which of these is not a computer?

1. Aptiva

2. Macintosh

3. Acorn

4. Paseo

Question: Which of the following is not a programming language?

1. Basic

2. Java

3. Turing

4. C#

Question: RAM stands for...

1. Random Access Memory

2. Really Annoying Machine

3. Read A Manual

4. Real Absolute Memory

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Question: How many bits is a byte?

1. 4

2. 8

3. 16

4. 32

Question: Which Intel chip was the first to support a 32-bit bus architecture?

1. 486SI

2. Pentium

3. 286

4. 386DX

Correct Answer
The 386 chip was the first to offer a possible 32- or 64-bit access to data. OS-2 2.x or higher and
Windows 95 required at least a 386 CPU while Windows NT 4.x required at least a 486 CPU to run.

Question: Which of the following operating systems is produced by IBM?

1. OS-2

2. Windows

3. DOS


Correct Answer
IBM also created it's own version of DOS called PC-DOS.

Question: Which of the following word processors came first?

1. WordPerfect

2. Lotus Notes

3. MS Word

4. WordStar

Correct Answer
Before the invention of word processing and spreadsheet software, personal computers had little
value in the mainstream business world. WordStar was used before the days of function keys and
the mouse. It, instead, used a set of Ctrl and Alt key combinations to navigate and edit text

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Question: A computer virus that actively attacks an anti-virus program or programs in an effort to prevent
detection is...

1. Worm

2. Retrovirus

3. Trojan

4. Ghost virus

Question: In 1983, which person was the first to offer a definition of the term 'computer virus'?

1. McAfee

2. Smith

3. Cohen

4. Norton

Correct Answer
1983 Fred Cohen, while working on his dissertation, formally defines a computer virus as 'a
computer program that can affect other computer programs by modifying them in such a way as
to include a (possibly evolved)copy of itself.'

Question: What is VCM?

1. Virtual Connection Manager

2. Virtual Channel Memory

3. Voice Controlled Modem

4. Voice Communications Module

Correct Answer
VCM was designed by NEC Corp. It is supposed to be faster than normal SDRAM, and it is, but it
never caught on.

Question: What is a NIC?

1. Netware Intranet Controller

2. No Internet Connection

3. Network Interface Card

4. Network Interference Control

Question: What is a MAC?

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1. A Computer made by Apple

2. Memory Address Corruption

3. Mediocre Apple Computer

4. Media Access Control

Correct Answer
MAC is short for Media Access Control address, an address unique to every piece of network

Question: What does SSL stand for?

1. Secure Socket Layer

2. System Socket Layer

3. Superuser System Login

4. Secure System Login

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