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Angelas Ashes (First Journal Entry)

1. Dependence on public assistance is a sign of weakness.- Disagree

2. Older siblings should always care for younger siblings.- Disagree
3. Being a religious person is an indication of one's goodness.- Disagree
4. America is a land of opportunity for all.- Disagree
5. Fathers should be responsible for providing for families.- Disagree
6. Blood ties among families are usually strong enough to overcome betrayals.- Agree
7. If you can't count on your family, you can't count on anyone.-Agree
8. Success in life often has as much to do with luck as it has to do with ability or choice.- Disagree
9. It is okay to break laws, such as stealing, in dire circumstances.- Disagree
10. As long as no one is harmed, breaking a law is fine.- Disagree
11. Education is the most important element of success.- Disagree
12. Alcoholism is a disease that has no cure.- Disagree
13. Dire poverty cannot be overcome.- Disagree
14. Children learn right and wrong from their parents.- Disagree
15. The influence of friends can be stronger than any other influence.- Agree

7. If you cant count on your family, you cant count on anyone.

Unlike friends and colleagues, family is indispensable and one of the most important influence
on a persons life. I believe this to be true through my own personal experiences. During my time of
hardships, my family were the only people that were willing sacrifice their time and resources in
order to help me through it. Without their help during that period of time, my life would have
turned out for the worst. Family is first and no matter the circumstances, I will stick to that belief.

11. Education is the most important element of success.

I believe education is not completely necessary in order to succeed. In todays society, we see
the impact of the school on our youth. As we obtain higher education, we lose our sense of
originality and we try to morph ourselves into everyone else rather than be our own person. We
learn about dissecting frogs and how to find x but not all of us are able to use that knowledge to
pursue our career. We all inhibit different passions and we tailor ourselves to learn what helps us
the most, the general education overload is not necessary. Education is a key to success in life but
school is not an education for most.

15. The influence of friends can be stronger than any other influence.

Other than our family, we spend a generous amount of time around our friends and peers.
Generally, teens tend to experiment with new things and behaving differently much of which is
influenced by their friends actions. People will always feel the need to fit in with their group and
they adapt to their peers in order to be accepted. It is also natural for people to inhibit the habits of
the people they spend the most time. Lastly, friends provide a different kind of company than
parental warmth and support. It provides a more relatable and compatible environment for easy

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