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Panchangas in ancient Indian lexicons

Compiled by Dr.A.S.Nene


Introduction: The Sanskrit word Panchanga means five (Panch)

limbs/components (Anga). Man since ancient times started counting with
the help of his five fingers and also remembering by beding these five
fingers. Many things are grouped into fives. There are many such groups
which are easy to remember. Few such Panchangas as described briefly;

1.Almanac : Panchangas mean "five attributes" of the day. They are:

Tithi - Ending Moment (EM) of elongation of the Moon, the lunar day,
the angular relationship between Sun and Moon (Apparent Moon minus
Apparent Sun). One Tithi equals 12 degree difference between Moon
and Sun.
Nakshatra - EM of asterism of the day, that is, the stellar mansion in
which Moon is located for an observer at the center of the Earth. One
Nakshatra equals 13 degrees: 20 minutes. There are 27 Nakshatra in
360 degrees.
Yoga - EM of the angular relationship between Sun and Moon(
Apparent Moon plus Apparent Sun). One Yoga equals 13 degrees: 20
minutes. There are 27 Yogas in 360 degrees.
Karana - EM of half of a Tithi. One Karaa equals 6 degree difference
between Moon and Sun.
Var day of week- the seven weekdays.

2. Botany: Panchangas or Five components of a plant or trees are ;

Root,Stem, Flower, Frouit and Seed. Knowledge of properties of these parts

is essensial for study of Botany or Ayurveda.

3. Salts-PanchlavaNs are the five types of salts

1. Saindhava Lavana: This salt is variously known as rock salt,

2. Samudra Lavana: This is sea salt.

Panchanga in Indian lexicons- Prof.A.S.Nene

3. Sauvarchala Lavana: Often known by its Hindi name, kala namak,
this is also called black salt and sochal salt. It has a slightly
sulphurous taste and smell.
4. Romaka Lavana: Also known as Sambar salt, it is harvested from
salt flats on the shores of Sambhar Lake in Rajasthan.
5. Audbhida Lavana: This is earthern salt, prepared from salty,
alkaline soil.According to Ayurveda each salt has its own medicinal

4. Cow products Panchgauvya Milk,curd, Ghee, cow unine and cow dung
are called Panchagauvya are taken orally on particular day in a religious
ceremony (Shravanee).

5. Soils Panch mrud These are five types of soils i.e. fertile soil,antihill
soil,red ochure (Geru),Chalk and saline soil . These were used making
crucible or idol.

6. Physical Elements Panchamahabhootas Earth,Water,Fire,Wind,and

space (Pruthwee, Aap,Vayu, Agnee and Askash). These elements were
worshiped as gods or goddess in Vedic period and there are Vedic hymns to
praise these elements. These elements control the world ecology and man
made distrubances in these lead to pollution.

7-Senses Jnendriyas or Panchendriyas-The five senses of perception

are, Eye, Ear, Nose, Mouth, and Skin . Child right from the birth starts
identifying things with the help of these sense.Birds and animals
communicate with these senses. Particular sense of few animals/birds/plants
is far more powerful than that in human i.e. smelling power of dogs,eye
sight of birds, hearing of ultrasound by owls, touch me not palant (lajjalu)

8- Organs of action- The five karmendriyas or organs of action are:

Vk(speech), Pi(hands), Pda(feet), Pyu(excretory organ) and Upastha (

organ of reproduction).

These have been called karmendriyas because they are the indriyas or
organs responsible for karma or action. Every human being is endowed with
eleven indriyas or sense-organs. These organs are five jnendriyas, five
karmendriyas and a mind.
Panchanga in Indian lexicons- Prof.A.S.Nene
9-Rivers Punch aab Punjab(Land of five rivers) is naned after five rivers
flowing through the state of Punjab. These are Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Sutlej,
and Beas (or Vyas).

10. Panchaloha :The Panchaloha alloy consists of gold, silver, lead, copper
and iron. Silpashastras prescribe the composition of the alloy to be chosen
for casting sacred icons. The percentage of metals used is 4 portions of
silver, 1 portion of gold, 8 portions of lead, 8 portions of copper and a small
quantity of iron, though this percentage might vary from region to region
and considered to be a highly auspicious composition and is still used for
icons cast for worship.

11. Gems Pancharatna- According to Indian metallurgy, these are five

types of metal or precious stones, i.e. i) gold, ii) diamond, iii) emerald ,iv)
ruby and pearl.

12. Acids- Panchamla- These are five acidic fruits, i.e. Badar (jujube),
Dadim (pomegranate),Tintidi (tamarind), Chullak (lemon) and
Amlavetus(country sorrel).

13. Liquefiers Panchadravak- These are organic material which help in

melting of metals. These are i) Gunj (Abrus precatorius, ii) TankaN (Borax),
iii)Madhu (Honey),iv) Ghrut (Clarified butter) and Gud (molasses)

14. Panch Vayus -Five Vayus: The yoga tradition describes five movements
or functions of prana known as the vayus (literally winds).Our life force,
prana, divides itself into five vayus, each governing different functions and
aspects of being.

Vayu Area of Body Function

Prana Chest, head Governs intake, inspiration,
propulsion, forward momentum

Apana Pelvis Governs elimination, downward and

outward movement
Samana Navel Governs assimilation, discernment,
inner absorption, consolidation
Udana Throat Governs growth, speech, expression,
ascension, upward movement

Panchanga in Indian lexicons- Prof.A.S.Nene

Vyana Whole body Governs circulation on all levels,
expansiveness, pervasiveness


The Concise Encyclopedia of Hinduism, Swami Harshananda, Ram

Krishna Math, Bangalore.
RasarNav,(2001) (Alchemy book), ed. by Indradev Tripathi ,
Chaukhaba publications, Varanasi.
Nadkarni,K.M. Indian Materia Medica, Dhootapapeshwar Prakashan
Ltd. Panvel, Popular Book Depot, Mumbai 7


Panchanga in Indian lexicons- Prof.A.S.Nene


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